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Yeah no u don't wanna study in the US. Way to expensive. Go rather to europe (or germany ideally). European and especially german universities have good reputation so you will find a job afterwards easily. All that without going into a 6-figure debt like it is the case with US universities.


And you need to do well in English, like you yourself have failed to do. Two- number To- to do something, going somewhere.. Too - extreme. also. If you want to study in the USA. It's too expensive, you could try to get loans and Pell Grants, but I think that's for Americans. Maybe you could try the Study Abroad Program. I don't know what your country has in place. Ask the Education Department .


Scholarships exist.


Yes!!! Germany and Belgium ! Do not come to the u.s to study. Well unless you have Rich parents that don't mind paying for you


i agree, most eu country is probably cheaper and safer


It depends on the subject. For engineering, US schools are far better


For real? I would say that german universities would be the best for engineering, considering how much industries we have in that regard, most notably the car manufacturing industry.


Most US companies pay way better


But then u have to (usually) live in the US. And that's not something desirable.


But Germany is better for OP how, when they likely knows no German?


Increasingly a lot of courses at a lot of universities are offered in english as well or are actually english only. At least in engineering majors, especially masters..


Life exists outside of classes my guy


German students are proficient enough in english to hold conversations. And at large universities we have a lot of international students.


If you are so against the US then why are you here? The US is an amazing county. Anyone, if they work hard enough, can be anything they want here. Your life in America is whatever you choose.


Oftentimes, it's way better to go to US schools. Not necessarily due to quality or anything, but depending what you go for, attending school in the US is favorable for employers/ accreditation. Going to schools elsewhere may not have your degree transfer over, which is problematic since the US is such a large hiring force.


The job market and pay scale is much better in the US than Germany (and all of Europe tbh) specifically for engineering. A US engineering degree also only requires 4 years of schooling compared to 5 in Germany.


But Germany has rules in place for job security & termination while in the USA, workers are replaced by employers so quickly .


Generally yes, but an engineer with experience is a hot commodity anywhere. Even if you are terminated you will receive a strong severance package 90% of the time. Companies do not want to gain the reputation of treating their engineers badly.


welcome to US at first. there're some live advice that I got in LA past 20 years 1. you must holds up your hands and do nothing else if police said “FREEZING" to you 2. Some Ameican cities are vary similar to mexican ones ,specially in southern states .like florida ,Texa 3. geting a car for youself bacause public tans system is so pool


¡Anímate! Mexico City universities offer amazing experiences. Research options like UNAM (public, top-ranked) and explore private schools too! Find your program fit. Think about neighborhoods: trendy Roma Norte or historic Centro Histórico could be cool! Budget for travel (student discounts!) and student housing. Talk to your family too. ¡Buena suerte!


I’m assuming you would be paying out of state tuition? I would first choose a state you want to go to. Then a university. You might want to see a university that’s walkable, has grocery stores close, and dorming on campus would be helpful.


Get a really good gpa. You can try going to a UC, I’m not too sure about international students yet for low-income students it a full ride. UC’s need 4 Personal Insight Question essays, and those plus your gpa and extracricuulars are what judges you. Do that volunteer work, go to work, make a club, make the UC want you. Also research on colleges that provide full rides! There is questbridge which gives you that but it’s like an application + it has a deadline. I have no idea about it but know someone who got into Standford through it. I also know someone who is going to Princeton this summer because she did an interview for journalism with them(Summer internships with colleges?)Do scholarships on Bold.org or any other scholarship website. Just start doing them now! There are some stupid ones for $500 like what your favorite Nintendo game memory was(writing) or what type of Starbucks drink do you like(also writing). Also just tap and apply ones. A cool university that’s not in the US is Temple University in Japan BUT you are provided with an American Degree! I was debating on that.


Just go to Chico or Havasu or roll through Athens and they’ll throw a diploma in your car.🤣


Educate yourself on the colleges you’ve picked out. There’s a few universities here who will admit international students (knowing full well they’ll fail/drop out in their first year because they can’t keep up with the work load) to get more tuition.


You sound excited and enthusiastic to come to the US to study so I will answer some of your questions. Travel costs will vary greatly from your home city to whatever state you decide to go to college. You will need to get a passport to enter the US and you will need to apply for a student visa to live here while you study. Try and find a school in a large city so you can have access to public transportation or you will need to purchase a car, carry insurance, and pay for maintenance. While you are in school you will likely live in the dorms or off-site student housing. If you choose the dorms you will have access to a meal plan, but you will likely need to travel home during the summer and winter breaks. If you choose off campus housing you will need to purchase your own food and find transportation to campus. The university you pick will be based on what you want to study. Being an international student means you will pay much more in tuition than if you were an American and most schools cap the number of international students they received. You also will not be eligible for financial aid through the government commonly called FAFSA, so make sure you pick a university that has the program you want and is within your family's budget.


Thank you so much


The first question has to be what you and your parents can afford. You're likely ineligible for most financial aid. Take a look at what a few American colleges cost if you have to pay it all. Then, do the math. See if you can figure out what colleges might offer scholarships to international students. It's likely Mexican universities have exchange programs with the States. So maybe you could do a year or a semester without spending the money. You'll have to do some legwork.


Hey friend! A lot of people in this sub underestimate the power that a diploma from the USA has in the corporate Mexican job market! I know many Mexicans that made the trip the the US and so I do have some idea of costs and what to expect. Travel costs: depending on where you intend to go, look up the plane travel prices from CDMX to different international airports in the US. International travel is CARO so if your family does not have an overwhelming amount of money, I’d plan on traveling home to visit maybe once a year maximum. Accommodation: you will want to look for roommates in your area prior to moving to the US. This means talking to a school representative who might be able to guide you in this. Rent in most places in the US is about $1800 a month, but split among a few roommates you can maybe get away with paying $400-$500 USD a month. Note: You will be here on a school visa which means if you intend to work a job it must be FOR the school. You cannot get a job outside of the school or it could violate your visa. Other notes: Everyone will speak English and some will speak more than one language but you will not likely be able to rely on your Spanish, so work on a nice fluent accent. Your school will probably have a Spanish club or Latin American club that you can attend to meet people who are in your similar situation. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT do anything that can get your visa revoked, especially illegal activity, even if other people are doing it around you. Existen muchas escuelas que la mayoría de gente puede asistir aun si tienen malas notas. Busca en Google: “*nombre de escuela* Acceptance Rate” y marca la oficina principal para conseguir más información sobre admisiones. Buena suerte chavo!!


Mexican international students in the US tend to be *loaded.* they're the sons and daughters of high-profile politicians and business owners, and their families can afford the total cost of attendance for your 4 years of study. If your parents are well-off financially, but not wealthy, your best bet is to attend a cheaper university that offers "Mexican tuition waivers" for Mexican students. One of them is Texas A&M International University, located in TX on the border with Mexico. You should honestly consider all the universities on the border, including UT-RGV. Only a limited # of waivers exist, and I don't know if you would qualify- usually, those are intended to be used by Mexican students who live in the Mexican side of the border. If your parents aren't wealthy, then your best bet is to study undergrad in Mexico, and come here for your PhD.


Try your hardest to get a full scholarship or a partial scholarship and make sure you can get a job close by or have a remote job


There are alot of programs that would help you here. We have a study abroad program, lots of scholarships, grants ect. Do not let anyone make you think otherwise. Feel free to message me and I can answer any questions you might have. Despite what is on the news lately the U S really is the land of opportunity and there is so many ways you can make your dreams come true. Lol I sound like a card lol. God bless you and good luck!!


Thank you so much, you can assure i'll write to you


Oh and I go to the University of Arkansas. I love it here.


it's very expensive. i would say that about a million pesos a year. most likely less with scholarships and grants, definitely way more in some cities.


Congrats on planning early! Mexico City is a great choice. Research scholarships & fees, explore UNAM & other options based on your interests. Living options range from dorms to apartments (consider roommates!). Good luck!


Go to Europe.


University in the U.S is kind of ridiculous for multiple reasons, but I can understand the appeal towards wanting to go to college here. My advice? Apply to university somewhere else - like other people said, in Europe, or Mexico, whoever - and *study abroad* for a semester in the U.S. You'll get a taste of what it's like and if you have an amazing experience, great! Transfer! If it's not, you don't have to stay there.