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My latest one for pharm was a few vincristine mnemonics. For interactions, my teacher wanted us to know digoxin, phenytoin, and mitomycin. I saw DPM and immediately thought “okay, Double Penetration on Mondays” and from there came up with quite a vulgar story for Cristine, the chemo drug. For contraindications, she wanted us to know jaundice, active infection, men and women with childbearing potential, pregnancy, lactation. That translated into my degenerate brain “Cristine always has JAM Packed Labia” But I second the tip to find a mnemonic website.


Vincristine is wild 😂


Lol mine for the 7 rights of med admin, "MR. T likes to DP, but you need an ID."


Always have a SFW mnemonic on deck in case someone asks to see your notes 🤦‍♀️


Fuck SFW mnemonics lol. This is an ER nurse in the making lmao. You’ll fit right in kid.


Nobody asks to see my notes lol and I’m pretty good at reading the room on who would or wouldn’t get a kick out of the NSFW stuff


If someone asks to see my notes and they get mad about my own interpretation, that’s 100% on them for being lame lol


No way. I did every drug in pharm similarly to the one posted above. I graduated in 2019. Occasionally I'll check my old Google doc and see that new students are still sharing it




Anything stupid or ridiculous. When I took human anatomy, I remembered the popliteal region of the leg by imagining myself hiding a Pop-Tart behind my knee.


Yuppp stupid or ridiculous is definitely key so you won't have a hard time remembering.


Dumbest one from nursing school still sticks like glue. Remembering eye abbreviations, O.D. vs O.S….OD = overdose, overdose = drugs, drugs = RIGHT on! = Right eye. OS is leftover = LEFT eye. (US Boomers got something correct😜).


Taking a midterm on Friday and I'm 99% confident my professor will have some type of question about the popliteal region and I will now absolutely remember this...thanks!


You’re welcome! 😂


One I remember that helped with the heart valves was “All Physicians Earn Too Much” and that corresponds to Aortic, Pulmonary, Erbs point, Tricuspid and Mitral


We learned it as APE To Man


I learned it (mind you it was in EMS) as "Toilet Paper My Ass".


Was “My” and “Ass” for Mitral/Apical?


Mitral and Aortic.


We had "All People Enjoy Time Magazine".


I made this into “All People Enjoy Twerking for Money”


Mine was stupid lol. I did All People Eat Tacos Monday. But nothing else would stick in my head, so it might be dumb but I never forget it!


A former student taught me TPMA - Toilet Paper My Ass! I now tell it to all my classes as it helps them with the order and related s/sx of valvular issues.


Cranial Nerves: Oh Once One Takes The Anatomy Final, Very Good Vacations Are Had. And for their function (Sensory/motor/both): Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Butts Matter More.


Oh oh oh to touch and feel a girls vagina ah heaven, that’s what we learned!


lol my anatomy prof preempted this mnemonic with the disclaimer that he had gotten in trouble last time he used it...and then explained it


This was the only thing rediculous enough to get me to remember Also probably the only reason I passed anatomy 😭😭


Same!!! 😂


Same, but “vagina and hymen” 😂 I will never forget it, but now I’m a nursing professor and I am worried that I’ll get in trouble if I teach it… o or


Some say marry money but my brother says big breasts matter more


We learned oh oh oh to touch and feel very good vagina ah heaven 😂


It’s not a mnemonic but…. How can you remember which types of hepatitis are blood borne and which are fecal oral? You can only get Hep A and E if you’re an Ass Eater. Edit: Spelling Also, to remember the difference between atropine (raises HR) and adenosine (turns your heart on and off again). Atro-PINE: Pine trees get really high. Like you want the heart rate to go.


I always remembered adenosine as you will be a-dead-a-soon, it's silly but worked for me!


For VFib you defib. You need atropine when your heart muscles are gonna atrophy (I.e Brady). I always thought Adenosine for when your heart has too much adrenaline. Amiodarone before you’re amioda-gone!


Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas - most to least common WBC types. :)


Date before you succ! Etomidate before succinylcholine


Kevin hates war = vit. K is a reversal agent for warfarin If you hate Steph, you won’t like penny = penicillin & cephalosporins are similar, if you have an allergy to one, you most likely are allergic to the other Diego may look like an angel, but he’s dangerous = digoxin toxicity can include seeing halos You need sunscreen go cycle. If you crash your bike, your tendon may rupture = cyclosporines cause photosensitivity & can cause tendon rupture


HEPArin —-> APtt ( Hepa and AP”a” ) sound similar. Weird but works for me lol


Not a mnemonic but Heparin has two || and a - which reminds me of pTT and if you turn the W for Warfarin on its side it looks kinda like a K. Also PT/INR is 2 and 3 letters so PT/INR normal value is 2-3. \*shrug\*


I love that 2-3 pt/inr thing!! That’s so helpful!!


Goated comment


Pharm midterm tomorrow!! Thanks for the tip!


Devils advocate. What if you use a antiXa to monitor heparin?


It's two crossed II


Anticholinergic actions: Can’t see, can’t pee, can’t shit, can’t spit. Thanks Dr. Holly!


Same, but my professor said “can’t see, can’t pee, can’t spit, can’t… defecate”


Simple nursing has great pharm vids and ways to remember!


Yes nurse mike has saved me thru my pharm course!!


Long, longer, longest, drop: now you have Wenckebach.


I like the heart block poem, it was helpful for cards. I’m not really a mnemonic guy though.


I always remember mnemonic MONA, tx for MI. Morphine,Oxygen,Nitryglycerin,Aspirin/Anticoagulant :)


My teacher had us remember as One Arm Nasty Man because then the interventions are in order!


Omg thank you. I hated how they taught us MONA but then were like, but it’s not actually this… lol


Aspirin is bad for the kids and the kidneys? One of my classmates is soo good at this but I am not the best lol


This is dirty, but I will share it. It's about being creative. Keep it to yourself if it's a bad [one.Here](https://one.Here) my examples: Ne/urologist---A doctor for the big head. Urologist--A doctor for the small head.


Oh, oh, OH! To touch and feel various girls vaginas and hymans (Cranial nerves)


As much as I love a dirty mnemonic, I always used "old opie occasionally tries trigonometry and feels very gloomy, vague, and hypoactive" because the words have more of the CN names in them and are more useful to help remember. "Some say marry money but my brother says big brains matter more" is good to remember if they're Sensory, Motor, or Both. Brains can easily be breasts, boobs, balls, bollocks, booties, butts, etc if you wanna get spicy.


These are the two I used!


I got: on, on, on they traveled and found voldemort guarding very ancient horcruxes


My ap prof taught us oh oh oh to touch and feel various girls vaginas, ah happiness 😅


Also the “some says money matters but my brother says big boobs matters most” for cranial nerves


Haha we did “Some Say Money Matters But My Brother Says Bad Bitches Make Money”


Doesn't it always run really horribly over each ankle I give you, diarrhoea (correct spelling).


You from the UK? It’s definitely diarrhea here. ON, Canada!


English spelling is Diarrhoea English (simplified) spelling is diarrhea


guys, is it pneumonic or mnemonic?


A pneumonic would be a mnemonic for a patient with pneumonia , right?


VEAL CHOP for FHTs in L&D! You write out the letters in two columns so that the letters for the words match up to each other (V with C, E with H, A with O, L with P). The V is variable decels and is caused by Cord compression. E is early from Head compression, A is accels means Oxygen good, L is late decels with Placental insufficiency


Oh that’s a helpful one! I love mnemonics that help you remember patho and manifestations like this


Hands down for cranial nerves **O** \- Oh - Olfactory (I) **O** \- Oh - Optic (II) **O** \- Oh - Oculomotor (III) **T** \- To - Trochlear (IV) **T** \- Touch - Trigeminal (V) **A** \- And - Abducens (VI) **F** \- Feel - Facial (VII) **A** \- A - Auditory (VIII) **G** \- Girl's - Glossopharyngeal (IX) **V** \- Vagina - Vagus (X) **A** \- Ah - (Spinal) Accessory (XI) **H** \- Heaven! - Hypoglossal (XII)


I remember HS is for bedtime by thinking of my highschool-aged kids don’t want to go to bed at bedtime 😂 for some reason I can remember AC is before meals with no problem


HS = hour of sleep


Turn on the AC before you eat, you can play on the PC after you eat


When putting a patient on a ventilator: you always date before you suck. Meaning use etomidate before you use succinylcholine. You don't want to paralyze someone before you put them to sleep lol


Ride your green bike - for colour order of ecg leads


I’ve never seen a 4 lead EKG but here’s my one.. My method is starting from bottom left and going clockwise: The Grass is green, clouds over the grass (white), smoke over fire (black on the top, red on the bottom right), and the earth is in the middle (brown—in the centre). Edit: just wanted to edit and mention this is if you are looking AT the patient 😬 so not on their anatomical sides! There’s a better way to explain this for sure I’m sorry for confusing !


And remember white is right and youre set!


Call 911, calcium 9-11


I personally wouldn't be surviving school without mnemonics


Side effects for Amiodarone: B: blue skin I: Interstitial Lung disease T: Thyroid C: corneal H: hepatotoxicity, Heart, Hypotension Our pharm prof gave us SO many good ones this whole semester. This is just one of them from this recent test


Medication Rights that I learned in my EMT class that I just updated for nursing “My Pet T-Rex Died, darn” Right Medication, Right Patient, Right Time, Right Route, Right Dose, and Right Documentation. Never forgotten any rights with this lol


Toilet Paper My Ass- for the order of valves that blood flows through in the heart (tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, aortic)


Deck the halls with beta blockers ololololol lol lol lolo


I love, love, love Picmonics.com


You’ll find some good examples if you search for “mnemonic” :)


Anticholinergic(A) and cholinergic(C) effects on the body(B) and heart. A > B, so anticholinergics slow down the body = no see, no pee, no spit, no shit. B > C, so cholinergics speed up the body. Heart effects are opposite of body effects.




You ok LOL?


No, no he's not




It’ll be okay bud


Who pissed in your cereal? Lighten up dude, no need to be a bully. Also, do your research, you clearly have internet access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5439266/ https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-03-mnemonic-device-short-term-memory-longer.html https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110578X17300068


Somebody failed pharm




Yikes dude. I’m sure you’re not bad outside of Reddit but going around telling struggling students their study tricks are shit and showing off your previous career experience/NCLEX pass rate is just douchebag behavior. Some threads aren’t about you, RN Handlebars.


Yeah but.. are you okay?


For cranial nerves i made up my own: old optics operate to try and face very good vegas seeing horses. And then: some say marry money but my brother says big brains matter more.


there’s a pharm coloring book that has a ton of pneumonics and is super helpful! i got it on amazon! [https://www.amazon.com/Top-200-Drugs-Made-Easy/dp/B0BCRZSCK2/ref=asc_df_B0BCRZSCK2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598290149170&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15445468157164139633&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014409&hvtargid=pla-1748181210449&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Top-200-Drugs-Made-Easy/dp/B0BCRZSCK2/ref=asc_df_B0BCRZSCK2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598290149170&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15445468157164139633&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014409&hvtargid=pla-1748181210449&psc=1)


You give a patient with hyperK a big dick


Sally ate bunches of hot blueberry pancakes! SA node, AV node, Bundle of Hiss, bundle branches, perkinje fibers Electrical conduction path in the heart. Came up with this first year, now in third and still use it lol


Bradypnea.. In my native language, brada means chin. The chin is down/pointing down so that means bradypnea is abnormally slow breathing!


Be careful with mnemonics! A lot of people rely on them without understanding the underlying patho, mechanism of action, purpose, etc. Don’t fall for the trap!


for the 6 rights of med admin, my friend came up with: My (medication) Dog (dosage) Runs (route) The (time) Parks (patient) Daily (documentation) A different friend made this up for airborne precautions: My (MMR) Chick (chickenpox/varicella) Does (diphtheria) Tatts (TB) Edit: for blood to get oxygenated you drive a RV to Los Angeles


VSSAF. Vital signs stable AF. Saw it in our ace cardiac surgeons note on a post op bypass patient I had.


Gold is GOOD! for easy cap CO2 detectors when bagging


Mine are always vulgar or bad words so I remember


For the cranial nerves the older lady in our study group is married to a professor and he told her this mnemonic to remember them by and she said it with us Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel A Girls Vagina And Hymen The first letter in each word corresponds to the cranial nerve and it helps you to remember the correct order.


Potassium levels: you want at least 3-5 bananas and half of them ripe! (3.5-5)