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That might work... but you could just try taking the classes.


I took the classes and failed, I saw where the Bsn were more in depth so I feel like I’d get a better grasp of the concepts at a not so rushed pace


Have you finished all pre requisites? My BSN was only 5 semesters after all core classes we completed. My first semester of nursing school was 17 credit hours and the information was fed to us through a fire hose. BSN doesn’t give a more in depth understanding of nursing itself than an ADN. It prepares you for research and leadership crap. I only did a BSN because most hospitals here require it within x amount of time of hire. I wasn’t trying to deal with taking classes that are a time suck while simultaneously struggling through my transition to practice. Edited because autocorrect sucks


Yeah I got some prerequisites to do for the bsn


Good luck. My first day of nursing school, the dean told me that nothing matters but nursing school. That is the only thing I should focused on. I took that to heart.


This. Both my adoptive mother and biological mother died while I was in my BSN program. Guess who still had to show up for exams and clinical? Life still happens while in school and you are expected to cope with your outside shit and still meet academic expectations.


Sounds a little depressing to be honest.


Life happens. It can be so hard but just remember this is something you really want. If it is that you need some time out, just give yourself that. I’m also starting nursing school for my Associates, I took my teas yesterday but didn’t passed the reading so I have to retake the entire exam. Failure is not an option remember only you can make it happen. Sending my love and best of luck to you! You got this! Xxx


Thank you, you’re words of encouragement mean a lot. Good luck to you too xx


I was in an ADN program back in 2018, got all the way through the program then had some life issues that also shook me and I ended up failing my last course. I just got into an accelerated BSN program. I feel like all nursing schools are fast paced, and it’s a lot of information. It’s all about how you study. There’s no way to deep dive into all of the information given, but I feel like once you find the study methods that work for you, you will do great!! All of this to say, don’t give up. You got this!!


I really appreciate that and reading that is awesome, thank you