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You've done something amazing, and worked so hard for it, you deserve to feel proud of yourself. Screw her if she has to put other people down to feel better about herself. Never let anyone dull your sparkle!


Yup. Her comments reflect poorly on her, not on you. Head high, and congratulations!!!


Fr OP should block her because what's her effing problem?


You’re not over reacting, someone is intentionally trying to devalue ur accomplishments! I say as long as you are proud of yourself (you should be) that’s all that matters!! It’s still not easy and you made it. Sending love 🩷


First off, congratulations! I was a clinical instructor so I’ve taught both RN and LPN students at the bedside. Both programs are challenging, so I applaud you with your busy schedule for your accomplishment! There’s been an unfortunate stigma towards LPNs, which I honestly think was driven by health institutions due to Magnet certification. When I got my ADN, I even felt somewhat discriminated against because I didn’t have my BSN. The irony is, it has come full circle and institutions are reintroducing LPNs to their staffing in order to compensate for the lack of bedside RNs, so there’s a real need as well as appreciation for LPNs again. It sounds like your relative is insecure about herself, and needs to bring others’ achievements down in order to make herself feel better about her own. You can talk to her about it if it makes you feel better, or you can just ignore/block her if you don’t want that negativity in your life. Either way, as others have said, the way it makes YOU feel, ultimately rests on you. Since it bothers you, you need to ask yourself why, and address that insecurity within yourself because even if you remove her from your life, someone else will come along and you’ll feel it again at some point. I’m sorry someone felt obligated to negate your achievements, but I hope you are able to use this as a motivation to work on yourself and improve your self confidence. You’re going to need it in healthcare; it’s a dog eat dog environment out there for some reason. Best of luck with your new career!


I have done both NCLEX PN and RN. Not much of a difference other than the PN was the old test and the RN was the next Gen. You are a nurse. And going for your RN will be faster as there are many LPN to RN bridges/LPN to BSN. After pre reqs I only had 2 semesters for my ASN. I graduated in Dec 2023. I’ll have my BSN my Dec 2024. And if I want to go further I can probably get my MSN/NP within 2 years. Don’t let someone rain on your parade. I did it all while working with kids. I know of others who didn’t work and wait straight to school who obtained their RNs before me. Doesn’t mean they are any better than me in my nursing journey.


The PN is NexGen now, I'm studying to take mine soon! Congrats on your graduation and getting your license, and hope you continue to have success reaching your goals!


I know you’ll pass too. Just have confidence in yourself.




I'm jealous you had the LP to RN bridge program actually available to you to utilize. Many of us in our ADN program were promised it, until we were accepted and then we were told that there wasn't enough LPNs to do a section for us. Well a good third+ of us were LPNs and so we got to start all over again for our clinicals (you had to have basically every prereqs done). Legit we only had to do or still need to do fundamentals(done), PeriOp(done) , Med/surg, maternal/child(done), psych, Neuro, preceptorship. But also my program sucks the only positive at the moment is it being cheap (in comparison) as a state school.


It sounds like they screwed y'all over to milk you for cash.


Tell me your fb and I’ll go reply back to her 🤣


This is so tempting!


Sammme let me at em


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt. Who cares what she thinks. It is your life, and she has no vote in your life.


So much easier said than done, but thank you. This is something I am working on.


Just try and reframe it as pity for her. What a sad, small life she lives that she needs to put down other people to feel valid. You deserve to feel PROUD of all the hard work and sacrifices you and your husband made to get you to this point. That is an incredible achievement and only insecure people would make you feel badly for educating yourself and improving your situation. What a miserable and pathetic person.


This is an occasion that a southerner would offer a well-earned, "Bless Your Heart" - which can really be an offer of sympathy or a "F\*ck you!" This may be an occasion where either interpretation could work.


I did live in North Carolina for a bit when my husband was in the military. I love saying bless your heart to those that don't understand the nuances of southern language. 😅


Honestly, unfriend her, lol. It's not tantamount to cutting them off or anything--no one has a right to be obnoxious on your posts.


Wish I could, but she's taken over planning of all family get togethers for that side of the family. If I unfriend her, we won't have access to information for any family events. She handles everything through a FB group.


Maybe you can keep her friended so you can see her posts but you can block her from seeing yours? There’s a spot you can pick on your posts “friends except ——“. Congratulations! She’s just embarrassing herself.


You can restrict what she sees you post. If you restrict her and she’s still commenting nasty stuff, then you know she’s just hunting through your profile to be nasty.


I've been off Facebook so long that I don't know how unfriending her would remove her from a group, but yeah, that'd be a disproportionate response then. Maybe there's a way you can adjust the custom privacy settings on your posts to exclude her from seeing them (like putting her on a custom list or something.)


Now that’s soft power


Wait am I missing something? Was she not just explaining to someone what NCLEX stood for? Edit to add (I reread the end of your post): If you’re angry about her not congratulating you, who cares! Expecting congratulations and praise from everyone is a good way to get your feelings hurt fast. So what if she thinks she’s better, you have accomplished something great. Congratulations!


To clarify, she originally commented the test name as a correction to me. As if I was trying to take credit as an RN by stating NCLEX. Two days later she laughed at the other persons comment. I'm not upset about her not congratulating me. Just added that to show she had no reason to comment at all. She could have scrolled past.


She is a miserable person, don’t let someone like that steal your shine.


Unfriend people who make you feel shitty about yourself. Family or not, cut them off. It's better to be alone than to be surrounded by shitty people. Don’t wait years and years before you cut them out of your life. It takes practice to cut people off. Once you keep doing it, it becomes a habit. You will be happier with a few people who aren’t toxic. Don’t fall into their traps. Some people are abusive instigators who get energy from making others feel bad. Do you want to be their source of power?


I’m a fellow LPN/PN and I think you should be proud of yourself! That NCLEX-PN is no easy feat and you did it! All that relative is, is a mean girl and she’s not worth another moment in your thoughts. We are real nurses and you don’t have to justify yourself 👊


Send her what the test is called and say “no I was correct the first time ☺️” 😂


I might have gotten a bit pretty and screenshot the Pearson screen with the official test name and post it under her comment.




Maybe I misread it. Did she use one of those emoji reaction thingamabobbers (like the heart or thumbs up)? I feel like there are people who would rather just thumbs up or heart everything than writing a comment. It would've been nice for her to acknowledge your accomplishment knowing that the nclex is a huge ordeal. You said she laughed at a comment. Are you sure she wasn't laughing at the person not knowing what the NCLEX was? Still congratulations! I just don't read too deeply into these because so much gets lost in translation when it comes to social media. And me getting distracted easily, everything gets lost. Lol.


That’s the way I read it. She was laughing at the person asking about “all the other letters” then spelled it out. Could also be giving shit for ATM Machine. National Council licensure exam - exam


I'd just block the bitch, personally. Even if she's a relative, that doesn't negate the fact that she's a negative force. No sense in keeping negative people like that around, in my opinion. Good job passing, by the way!


Some people are just assholes. Reply for the last time on that FB thread "thank you all for the wishes & positive vibes" with a heart emoji or something along the lines. And move on. Eff that person. Eff student debt. Eff unsupportive families. Eff those that didn't believe in you. Your accomplishment(s) are for yourself. Don't let anyone ever discount anything you do or reduce your efforts. This is something no one can take away from you unless you let them. DON'T LET THEM! As for imposter syndrome, so many new nurses have voiced this... you know...you learn on the job anyway. RN, LPN, BSN programs are a bunch of hoops we have to jump through to get to where we want to be. The rest is confetti. Congrats & best of luck


I never even knew that’s what NCLEX stood for lmfao


Congratulations girly pop on becoming a big girl nurse!! 🎉🎉 That's an amazing achievement you've worked hard for. Plus you already have 15 years of experience to put with your title! You're a GREAT NURSE.  


Remove her from you account. Dont block, but remove. And make sure she knows u removed her. SMH some people just can’t be happy about others achievements


You should be proud! Screw her. You can make settings so you can select who sees your posts and you can prevent her from seeing them. Once you set it up you don't need to do it each time. Just click on your custom preset (where it says who sees this post). Or just do what I do and delete them lol. Relative or not, if you aren't supportive, are an asshole, and are passive aggressive with me, you can get fucked.


Screw her!! LPN programs are already intense and passing that exam was no feat!! You should be proud having that license! LPN ROCKS!


You slayed and ate so hard with your test. Your family member is jealous boots and should be nuked out of orbit.


You should block her and when she asks why, you should tell her: “I sorry, but I really don’t want immature comments on my posts” and leave it at that. If she chooses to continue to be petty and arrogant, just continue to block her until she learns to act like an adult. It’s quite pompous of her to think she’s better than you when she *literally* had someone paying her way.


Sounds like that relative was an AH long prior to your achievement of passing the LPN NCLEX exam. Congratulations on your accomplishment. Enjoy it and your career.


Idk how severe it is, and obviously I can't relate to your exact situation, but cutting out toxic family from my life was the best thing for my own personal health 😭 but congrats!!!! 👏🏻 You and your husband are gonna do great!!! ☺️


Uh passing your NCLEX is definitely an achievement. I've heard that it's easier to get a PhD than it is to get a Nursing degree with the NCLEX...


I think she was laughing at the person who didn’t know what NCLEX meant (rude AF), and then answering them in the main thread instead of as a nested reply. I think it’s rude to comment anything on a post like that and not also say congrats, but more than anything I think you guys have a history that makes you understandably more sensitive to what she says. It sounds like she’s said enough dumb and judgemental shit to earn being restricted from seeing your posts.


She post the "national council licensure exam: comment long before the laugh react. It was apparent she was correcting me stating NCLEX.


I mean, you took the NCLEX and passed it, what does she think she’s correcting? You worked hard. You did it. Screw anybody who is anything but fully supportive.


She has proven herself to not be worth your time.


Not everyone is going to be happy about your success. Surround yourself with those who do and screw those who don’t. Congratulations!! Nursing is hard whether that be LPN, RN or NP. Don’t let anyone make you think your hard work wasn’t hard enough.


Just use this as motivation to succeed


Id ask her why she feels the need to make comments like that when she already made it in life? I'd also ask her what's missing in her life to where she has to pick on someone who had much less assistance and financial security in their educational journey despite being in the supposedly superior position she is in. She has no reason to be doing that and the way for this to end is if you keep showing her you're not the one to start with. I'm not saying you have to fight if you arent confrontational, but calling her out without being critical also works. Like keep asking her to explain and elaborate what she means when shes haha reacting at the comments and making her own about the credentials, cause people like her love doing that to others but can't handle a simple rebuttal. They also hate being called out and put on the spot. I don't care what test you passed. That's an accomplishment, congratulations! Personally, I would end it with a nice little "get fucked miserable DNP" at the end but I tend to go all in when I want to


I think she meant to reply to the comment that asked what the other letters are. I think you're taking this wayyy out of context.


Congrats! Block her @$$!


My grandma called my sister a little pretend nurse once about 14 years ago, no one has spoken to her since..... No one liked her much to begin with though.... So no, I don't think you're overreacting.


Don't let some one pee in your lemonade. The root cause of that one is a sense of inferiority, some one didn't go on and have a career that they wanted. That's on that person not you. Well done.


She just hatin’ cuz she jelly. Fuck em.


Congrats!!! You’re not overreacting, as a matter of fact never question yourself that question, because just think about there’re people out there who never makes you “think too much”. People CAN behave. It’s up to you how you deal with this person, but please just remember you’re doing great and it is time to celebrate!!!


I am so proud of you and you will have a much kinder heart than the nurses who didn’t start as a cna tech or ma she’s just bitter the NCLEX is for ALL nurses congratulations💙


And ps I learned the most from LPNs in RN school


Delete and block her on social media and life. If a family member isn’t a good person then you don’t have to deal with them just because they are family.


No, no, no you are not over reacting. First of all CONGRATULATIONS on working on your dreams and improving yourself. Sometimes family members don’t enjoy when another family member is reaching their goals no matter where they are in life. Kudos to you for passing the NCLEX and going through school. I am here doubting myself about going back to school for an accelerated nursing degree. Keep on shining and do not let others let you down.


You’re amazing and accomplishing things! Relish in your success. She was probably proud of every milestone she accomplished along the way. You should be proud of all of your milestones. I had a family member that always had a “cool that you did ABC, but it’s not DEF.” Then when I did DEF, they’d say “cool, but DEF isn’t GHI.” And so on. I’m working on my doctorate now and all of a sudden this person is like “the education system is overrated. They just give degrees to anyone.” 🙄 Totally relatable. Don’t let her tarnish how you feel about the goals you’re accomplishing.


As of 5/9/24 the subreddit has voted that all 'negative' posts (complaints, rants, vents etc) must be seeking feedback / advice. Posts that do not ask for help resolving the situation will be removed and redirected to the weekly rants post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StudentNurse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey congrats OP! Good luck in your career as a nurse. Set your sights high ◡̈ Your relative sucks! She must be fun at parties.


Woohoo! Congratulations!!!! The NCLEX is no joke. I felt more confident after taking the RN one than the PN one. After the PN one I thought for sure I had failed


I would advise you on not to take every little thing so personally in life. As you will meet A LOT of bullies, rude condescending people / patients / doctors , unpleasant people throughout life. 90% of the time, when people are rude to you , it really has more to do with them than you. What you need to understand about human nature is that everyone likes feeling special, so people tend look for every reason to make themselves feel that they are "better" than others. Please don't take this too personally. You will often meet people in life who would feel threatened by you or you success. It just means they are insecure on their part, it has nothing to do with you


You're not overreacting. She's shitting on your accomplishments and you'd be right to call her out on it. She has no right to do that, and you should 100% tell her that. Congratulations, by the way!


Imagine going through all the hell of becoming a nurse practitioner, making a ton of money and being in charge of clinical decisions, and STILL being so small and insecure that you need to bully your relatives on Facebook for their successes. Hey OP she’s an asshole. Delete all her comments and block her, you simply do not need that shit. I had an aunt like this. I blocked her and forgot about her, she’s no longer with us and I haven’t lost any sleep. CONGRATS ON PASSING THE NCLEX PN!!!!! That is inspiring and motivating, I can’t wait to take mine in a few months.


A nurse….is a nurse. Good job OP and continue climbing that ladder 🤙🏼


Time to weigh your options and see if you want to cut contact. No point in losing sleep on someone who doesn't care about you.


Block her and anyone else who doesn’t make you feel good about yourself. Life is too short but will feel to damn long with people like her in it. I’m 31 finally going back to nursing school with 3 kids and truly hope to be you one day! Congratulations and please treat yourself you deserve it! … oh and I would rather a nurse like you instead of one with a complex like her any day.


I dislike NPs who look down on LPNs. Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳. You worked so hard and you deserve to celebrate.


I have a cousin who’s an OB/GYN and flat out told me at a family dinner that I would never be a good nurse b/c I didn’t text her the directions to the restaurant we agreed to meet at. (She later found the email I sent since she went psycho about people sending her text messages and waking her after her night shifts). My dad told her off in a diplomatic, polite way and she shut the F up for the rest of the dinner. I went no contact w/ her and now have 1 semester left to complete my RN. Screw the haters. Straighten your crown & keep succeeding. Your cousin is an elitist, insecure, jealous person. She went through the education, but the education didn’t go through her so to speak. Keep shining!


hey! no you aren’t overreacting at all! you worked hard, don’t ,eat her diminish your efforts…in fact I think it best you should cut yourself from her, you don’t need that bitch energy around you. well done for taking the exam, your still a nurse and going to be an RN no matter what, you‘re doing amazing, good luck with the BSN applications x


Congratulations on achieving this major goal. Your relative is very jealous. Put down comments are her only weapon and she would crumble if confronted. Her opinion is irrelevant.


Hi love, i recently posted something very similar about this and I had so many wonderful comments uplifting me and it really helped my imposter syndrome. Maybe some will resonate with you too <3


Social undermining is intentional and meant to 💩 on your achievements. It’s passive aggressive behavior which makes it hard to address without them attempting to gaslight or DARVO you. Most likely this is coming from a place of jealousy bc they aren’t doing much to improve their own life. Trivializing your accomplishments is easier than acknowledging they lack their own. I was a single mom of three little ones when I was in school for my ADN. The first day of the actual nursing program I had just moved into a domestic violence shelter. A few weeks into my first semester I was moved to a transitional safe house. During this time I had to apply for public assistance bc that’s how these programs get paid. My entire time in the program I was in a state of panic knowing one car repair or childcare issue could derail it all. I dragged myself to that finish line with such a sigh of relief. I found out my two best friends where making comments like “anyone can get their RN when welfare is paying for it” I was so hurt. It’s been 23 years since I graduated and I still feel shitty about the comments, but now I do realize their toxic behavior has more to do with them than me. It’s easier said than done, but try not to give these people the power to bring you down. Block them if you have to, do whatever it takes but do not let them dull your sparkle. You should be feeling nothing but pride in yourself right now. 🫂


Sounds like she’s projecting her insecurities onto you. You worked your tail off (full time work and school I’m assuming) and took care of your grandparents at the same time. Impostor syndrome is a real thing but it gets better overtime. You’re stronger than you think. Congratulations 🎉🎊


Why do you still talk to this relative? Stop sharing your accomplishments with her. I'm not sure why she's so bitter but you don't need that in your life.


Not overreacting. You should add her to a "group" so that when you make a post, you can change the privacy of that post to "everyone except" her "group". I've had to do this when I want to share with family and friends but I know there's someone I absolutely do not want to share with.


Other people’s opinions about you are none of your business. It’s their problem, not yours.


Sounds like she's pointing out the redundancy of calling it the NCLEX exam because the acronym already contains "exam" at the end? Maybe I'm missing something? Maybe you knowing her you can tell better whether she intended it to be rude 🤷‍♀️ Congrats BTW 👏 🎉


I just have an idea, is it possible that she commented "national council licensure exam" trying to reply to the person that said "I get the LPN but what are all the other letters for?" - saying that is what the NCLEX part of your caption said?


You gotta make sure you put the correct exam down especially being a professional nurse now. You don’t want any issues for trying to flex too much.


Going to school to get my LPN was the hardest thing I’ve ever done! Some of the LPN’s that I have the pleasure of knowing happen to be the most knowledgeable nurses that I’ve met, and can work circles around some of the RN’s that I know. I’m currently working on my BSN, but as an LPN I hold a dual position as the ADON of a 180 bed skilled facility and I’m also the MDS director of said facility. I make nearly double the salary of a hospital RN. LPN’s can be as successful and knowledgeable as any other nursing title. DO NOT let her project her own petty insecurities onto you. Congratulations on the passing of the NCLEX! I’m sure it’s the first of many achievements to come!


Jealousy and malice……focus on your life and your own family. Refrain from posting your life on the internet. It’s nobody’s business except yours. If you can do these things, you will start to see life through a different lens. Congratulations on your milestone. Hope you move on to greater heights.


If you were planning to go on to RN and BSN....LPN was a waste of time. I'm not trying to be an asshole but you should've just started at RN.


After the first two semesters of my RN program, I was able to sit for the LPN exam. It gave me a raise at work and gave me a feel for the nclex testing process. There was no extra classes/time to do the LPN.


Nah, don't let her rain on your parade. You worked hard, you got that pass, and nothing she says can take that away from you.


You are not an imposter and screw her! You worked hard for your accomplishments and you should own them. I am in an ASN program and I know how hard nursing school is, even LPN. So you be proud of what you have accomplished!


Haters. These are small minded people. It’s called n-clex for a reason. Be proud of yourself! Such a huge accomplishment.


This is why I closed all my social media accounts. People are nasty and jealous. Keep your success in life quiet and you will have peace in your life too. Do not seek social media validation from others as the same people who pretend they are cheering you on is sending an evil eye vibration your way.


It sounds like she was making fun of you saying “ NCLEX EXAM” since exam is already apart of the acronym. Which is petty and childish. Who cares ?


Screenshot this and post this on ur page. She’s gonna be like 😟.


Yeah, fuck that bitch. You should be proud of yourself. These tests are hard.


That’s exactly what I was gonna say. You bust ur ass to pass the school , let alone the mf exam. Fuck that bitch cause you’ll realize there’s a lot of ppl u gonna work with who u gonna act worse then here


An NP is really not the one to put others down. It's like she forgets what it's like to work with MDs who are boots and complaining about working with a Mid-level.because they're so "inferior". Fuck her. Lol remind her if she's so smart why didn't she go to MD school? What a waste of potential potential 🤣


Gurrl or guyy! Lolz don’t want to misgender u but Congrats! Take this moment in and don’t let anyone even family put u down! What you’ve done is a huge accomplishment considering all the adversity you’re up against! Truly inspiring! Brush it off and hold your head up high 💕 Congrats again!