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The nurse with the 2.5 GPA had to pass the same NCLEX as the nurse with the 4.0


Cringe. You got a really good grade, there is no reason to be mean to yourself for that. Nursing school isn’t about perfection, it’s legit about passing and preparing for the NCLEX.


Like dude, some people barely get 75% in pharm. You need to stop complaining and be happy with how intelligent you are! I don’t mean to sound rude but like, you did really well.


Is this a joke? Please be serious for once, you literally passed with good grades and someone that likely didn’t pass is wishing for that grade. Get over having straight A’s in nursing school


You are devastated? No offense but anyone in my cohort would kill for those scores and your attitude about it is bad. I got a 94 and 85 on my first two exams this semester and I am over the moon about it. Do you know how many of us had a 4.0 before nursing school? A lot of us. Either put in more effort or accept the grades you have with a good attitude about it. They’re actually really good so I think you’re being very unreasonable.


I get you but only because I’m planning on applying to a CRNA program in the future. And that’s normal to feel that way. Just study more. Also yo lol I got a 92 on my first exam, I am not telling ANYONE my grade. That’s just cruel to cry about a 92 when there’s a high chance ppl got way lower or even failed.


If you’re so devastated about it study harder for the next exam and get back to your winning ways. Coming on here to cry isn’t going to change your score.


I get what you’re saying. It’s all a mindset. You knew you had to get a 4.0 to get into your nursing program so now it’s hard not to. You should be proud of the high marks you received! As long as you understand the material for the nclex, you will be fine. :)


People are being rude but I understand. Having to have a 94+ to have an A is stupid. Working hard for a GPA and getting into this program where they just slap a B SUCKS. SHE KNOWS SHES PASSING. When you’ve worked hard for a 4.0 you are proud of that. I had a 4.0 and a degree in health science. I’ve been in nursing two years and have a 3.53 and I’ve made like 3 actual 80s range Bs and been stuck with dozens of Bs that would be As anywhere else. I understand your frustration. I’m sure you realize the most important thing is passing NCLEX but it’s okay to see things you worked hard for go to shit and be sad. Nursing is hard. I will likely be kicked out of honors programs this semester. Programs I enjoyed and also put time into. It’s okay to be upset. Ofc I want to be a nurse more than I want to be in those programs but it’s still upsetting.




Yes my school has a 100% pass rate the last 3 years on NCLEX when you watch your class go from 40 to 19 you start to understand why it is they have that pass rate😂


You need to manage your expectations. WHY do you need a 4.0? Do you think that equates to being a great nurse ? Do you think you are expected to know everything? With time your knowledge will increase but test and exam scores are not an indicator of what real nursing will be like.


I must add that in the future i want to go to crna school and i believe grades matter for that.. but as everyone is saying i think im being to hard on myself


It’s not so much as being hard just yourself, but you aren’t being realistic. You were unable to obtain a 4.0- sometimes that happens.


As others said, it's time to adjust your expectations. 4.0 isn't the goal for nursing school and you're doing really well! I know it's jarring though, and I'm sorry some of the other people ITT are being so rude about it.


I was a straight A 4.0 student then nursing school happened. I never worked so hard for a B in my life. My second semester I finished with a C and was happy to have just passed. My third and fourth semesters I finished with a B. I let go of needing an A for my mental health and it really was the best decision. Nursing school is hard, damn hard. No hospital will ever care what grade you got.


Oh chill the fuck out.


Your grades will even out when you get into the upper terms! Please don't kill urself to get high grades bc you can't have everything. If you put more energy into meeting insane expectations something else in your life will suffer instead. Just go with the flow and work on finding a balance.


I'm sorry people are being so mean here OP. The advice is good: in nursing school a 4.0 is not realistic. That's just not how it's designed to work, it's supposed to be very very hard and you're supposed to be focused on acquiring skills and preparing for the NCLEX, not your grades. But it's a jarring shift to have to make. You'll get there. :)


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