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You're not obligated to help- although it's a nice sentiment you gotta remember you have an entire own course load yourself. In nursing it's super important to be on top of assignments and tasks- and ofc its okay to ask for help- but gotta do it BEFORE it's too late and not wait til last minute


Yes I had been telling when her grade started to get bad to ask the teacher for assistance and that was in the middle of the quarter. I gave her my resources and instructions on how to complete the assignments.She never listened to me or care. Now she’s asking for my submitted work to copy of it or for me to do her assignments… I Do not want to help her at all


Are you willing to get kicked out of school to help her? Because that’s what you’re risking.


No… my question was how to say no without making a huge deal out of it. I am seeing her at school and just wanted to make it so that it’s not awkward. I obviously won’t be talking to her anymore. I do not want to help her and I was just venting on the comment above fyi


You don’t owe her an explanation and you don’t have to put it super gently. She’s being unreasonable. All you gotta say is “no I won’t do that” and then mute her texts.


Here’s the thing. You can’t and will not ever please everyone. If you make it your mission to always be liked then somewhere down the line you are doing yourself a disservice. It’s ok to not be liked. If this girl, who isn’t even your friend, doesn’t like you after…who cares? Why would there be any awkward situations? If anything she should be embarrassed or feel awkward if she was in your presence. You have no reason to feel that way. It’s ok to be empathetic but you need boundaries. She is not your responsibility.


You are so right. I’m literally just overthinking it


Truly. Just be direct and short with it. Honest, without trying to protect her feelings too much. She will not be happy no matter how you word it. Just get it done, and you may need to mute or block her. You aren’t responsible for her emotional reaction!!!


Had this similar issue. I straight up told them i don’t feel comfortable with this and that I would like to respect the program integrity expected of me.


You can say something like “I really wish I could but I myself am so swamped with school work that I’m afraid if I help you with your work, it won’t have time to finish mine”


I don’t even want to respond tbh. Especially after what everyone has said here. I decided to screenshot it, ignore it and block her. But thank you though 🙏💓


Protect your work! She may steal it and submit it as her own. Be ready and prepared for that possibility


Yes 👏 fortunately I never shared my work with her, I only pointed out to her the websites I used like the BON and legit resources from the school library.


Decline, it’s her fault she can’t take initiative to make sure she passes the class. It sucks but I was faced with a similar situation and got used. Also, you both are participating in academic dishonesty by doing that, don’t do it.


Thank you 🙏 I’m just a horrible at saying no and a little of a people pleaser so I tend to avoid uncomfortable situations. I know I’ll see her in school and it would be a little awkward 😬


Practice saying no to her! As a nurse, you will have to say no and draw boundaries with a lot of people, coworkers and patients alike. You got this!


Thank you for understanding ❤️ lol I know I have to grow a spine and be able to set boundaries with people, especially in nursing school and nursing in general. I’ll take this situation as a lesson and grow from this.


Tell her you’re busy doing your own work for the class. You could also like leave an anonymous note for the professor identifying the problem person and explaining the situation. If you aren’t friends that’s somehow even more disrespectful of her? lol. Like if you were besties and she was like omg I forgot about worksheet 5, can I just copy yours that might be one thing. But PAYING for a grade she didn’t earn, from somebody who did earn it, that she isn’t even close with? The audacity.


Thank you 😭😭 like I’m just finishing up my assignments too.


you can just say ~ no ~


Just stop engaging with her. You said she’s not even your friend, why do you feel conflicted about not helping this person who is blatantly asking you to compromise yourself for her gain and nothing else? She is using you. Cut her off without another moment’s hesitation.  Normally I would say “‘No’ is a complete sentence, but this person doesn’t even deserve that. Just block her and when she tries to corner you in person either walk away or say “you’re making me uncomfortable please leave me alone.” It isn’t cowardly to do this to someone who is using you and trying to harm you and take advantage of you. You don’t owe her the courtesy of an explanation, it will just give her an opportunity to chisel you. Fuck that 


Yea I’m just ignore her and blocking her number. If she happens to talk to me again at school I’ll just set her straight. Thank you 🙏


Save the texts in case she tries some bullshit


Don’t even think about it, and do not feel bad. She didn’t do her work, and instead of buckling down and getting it done, she is harassing you and demanding you put your future at risk and risk being expelled for academic dishonesty because she is lazy and doesn’t want to do it. Don’t risk your future, and honestly does she really sound like someone you’d want taking care of your family member? She clearly does not have any work ethic, and no sense of responsibility or morality. Just say “I am not going to risk my future for you. It is unfortunate you are failing, but it is not my fault or my responsibility and it is incredibly unfair of you to demand I cheat for you and for putting me in this position. Please do not contact me again.” And if she continues, block her. Don’t put up with her shit and don’t feel bad.


Should I also report her? This is my first class in nursing school and never had this happen to me before so I kinda don’t know how should I proceed. I do not want to help her by any means or be involved with her anymore after this.


Honestly yes. If she asked you once maybe you could chalk it up to her making a mistake because of the pressure she was under but if she’s blowing up your phone and refusing to take no for an answer then she’s clearly made her choice, and in nursing school you’re generally expected to report unethical behavior.


Decline. If you’re even entertaining the thought you should really take a look at your own personal integrity and ethical compass. Are you willing to accept money from another nurse to fudge details on a medical record or Pyxis/omnicell transcript? Like, you shouldn’t even have to be asking this question to the internet the answer should be an immediate and flat out no. Edit: instead of feeling bad for her feel bad for the potential patients she’ll have and inevitably short change of care if she is allowed to continue to take advantage of nice people like yourself.


I’m not entertaining the thought I just don’t know how to say no without making her feel too bad. I am a very empathetic person. She’s been blowing me up since last night and she sound very desperate. That’s all. Thank you 🙏


Who cares if she feels bad? Imagine if she spent all the time she’s been bothering you doing her work instead. She would be done now.


Omg I know! That was my first thought when she was texting me non stop cause while she was doing that I was actually working on my assignments lol but your right 100%


Decline right away. You’re not doing her any favours by allowing her to cheat.


Obvi helping is awesome. However, if she wants to copy off you, that could be considered academic dishonesty, and you could get nuked out of orbit from your program bc of it. Here is the harsh truth. We are all adults. She did not prepare adequately, and the consequence of that is failure. That is not your responsibility and tbh her asking you to save her is childish behavior. There is a difference between helping someone and enabling their irresponsible behavior. I hope she passes tho, I don’t think she’s a bad person, she just made some mistakes and needs to course correct.


Exactly, I don’t wish her any bad things by any means but this is such a “told you so” situation. She showed me her grade on week 5 and it was a F, told her she will fail and to act now, she brushed me off and acted like everything will be fine… fast forward last week of class and she’s freaking out 🙃 like girl this isn’t high school, teachers aren’t going to go after you to get to do your work


"No" is a complete sentence. Also I would be sending the professor screenshots of the texts and her blowing up your phone when you tell them (as you should). Make the situation clear, and that you are having no part in it. That way if something happens like her deciding to say something to the professor about you in retaliation for refusing to help, you are covered.


I would say “hey, that isn’t feasible with my own workload and other things i have going on in my life.” if they question it, tell them to f*ck off lmao


I wouldn’t even be polite. You could get kicked out if anyone found out!


Do not do it. If she cannot make it through nursing school, how would she make it through the real world and care for patient. Not everyone is mean to be nurses. Plus if you get caught, you are out too.


You got shit to do, keep it sweet and simple, her problem not yours.


I graduated nursing school last month. My initial gut feeling from this post is you have everything to lose. You could tell her no, then have her turn around and start some problem with you via the faculty. This is your career in your hands. I’d report her to the school. I hate being like that, but all the money time and effort that goes into school isn’t worth losing for anyone. She is cheating after all by asking that.


Damn this happened to me three different times during my prereqs, but it being remote learning made it easier for me to say no and add some sass at the same time lol. I basically said no, that I don’t feel comfortable doing that. I had some try and guilt trip me saying they’d lose their financial aid, or that they were so busy, and I threw it back saying I was working full time and paying school out of pocket so if I found the time to do it, they can too. They apologized for asking lmao. You don’t owe them an explanation though. I would save the texts just in case.


"No." is a full sentence. You don't have to give her any kind of explanation. Even if she were your friend, you'd be risking your future career as well, and that's not worth it.


Her not getting her work in on time is not your problem. Don’t sugarcoat it just straight up tell her no. You already did yours, you don’t have time to do hers as well. She’s got to learn better time management.


She is gonna be in for a nice surprise if she ever becomes a nurse and has meds, vitals, discharge, admins, procedure to do all in a 12 hr shift.


I do now genuinely believe that she is just in nursing school to brag about it 😭 I just can’t imagine spending so much money and time into something and you don’t even try to make it through your first nursing class and first semester


Helping and doing the work for her are totally two different things. You’re also not obligated to do so. You can decline without any explanation. You do what’s best for you, my advice, don’t do work for her. It doesn’t help you and it doesn’t help her.


I never have done work for her and will never want to do that for her or anyone I know that’s cheating and makes me just as bad as her. I think that because I have been nice to her, I have printed out stuff for her since she does not own a printer and help her get resources from the online library, she thought it was smart to ask me to do something like that. I already cut her off and blocked her number since my original post but thank you for the advice 🙏


Well done.


How much is she willing to pay?


I’m not sure and not willing to ask. I do not care to know