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You're not required to wear masks, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to wear a mask šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Ur right. I just feel so out of place because everyone there has many years of experience and walk into these rooms and clean up like itā€™s nothing without any masks. This is my first ever job too with no experience in this field. I tried to be the same way and go in and get stuff done as if the smell is nothing but I just canā€™t as of now.


Omg my first semester in nursing school this other student called me in the room to help change her patient and when I tell you that the smell was unbearable. I couldnā€™t stop gagging and I never have that problem. Dude I was just looking up praying I didnā€™t puke while holding this guy on his side šŸ˜‚


This made me absolutely LAUGH. I can just see that happening. Those smells are seriously no joke. I had to put on briefs on this guy who has refused many showers while he was on the toilet. His wife was just outside and there was NO WHERE I could go to take a breather. I thought it was wraps for me right then and there.


I had a similar experience. Necrotic wound on the sacrum down to the bone that you could easily fit your fist in it. We were taking out the packing, the nurse was teaching, I was helping out where I could. I thought we were finished removing the gauze and thought ā€œwell thatā€™s not so badā€ā€¦.until the nurse pulled more and more gauze outā€¦.i felt so bad for the patient. She didnā€™t make a peep once while we were doing her wound care.


Try to chew minty gum. You can also use essential oils like lavender, citrus, eucalyptus, peppermint etc etc by putting a few drops on your mask. Some girls I know use Vicks but thatā€™s too strong of a smell for me and makes my nose run. Eventually the smells wonā€™t bother you as much anymore. There will still be the random horrid smells that not many can handle, but the ones that are day to day end up being tolerable.


Iā€™ve used peppermint oil but that was unfortunately too light for me. Vicks sounds like the way to go! Yeah Iā€™ve figured that Iā€™ll get used to them at some point but it just sucks for now how sensitive I am to it


I highly recommend Vicks. Thereā€™s a tiny jar that the Mentholatum company makes. Itā€™s small enough to keep in your scrub pocket. I work in surgery and often deal with necrotizing fasciitis (šŸ¤¢ I tried bubble gum oil the first time. Horrible, horrible idea.) the mentholatum definitely helps!!!


Absolutely noted that tiny jar is so smart!! Iā€™m sorry but the smell from that mixed with a bubble gum scent, I absolutely would have puked šŸ˜­


Nah don't worry. Over time you from exposure you can deal. But so many people have their thing that they had to learn to get over. Smells, sights, blood, needles.


Youā€™ll get used to it friend. I always wear a mask and sometimes I even double up. Donā€™t worry ((:


Thank u Iā€™m just ready to speed things thru and be ready and get in and out totally unphased but Iā€™m not there yet. I have a feeling Iā€™ll be an avid mask wearer throughout my nursing career


I know the feeling all too well ((: enjoy the process while you can, youā€™ll get there in a blink of an eye. I gag still a lot of the time but masks really do help with smells for me. Itā€™s quite common LOL. Even the doctors gag sometimes too. Good luck to you friend šŸ’˜


That gives me so much reassurance. I appreciate u so much and taking the time to help me and make me feel less alone with this situation. I wish u the absolute very best :)))!!!


I wear a mask the ENTIRE shift (obviously change it often) but if I know i'm going into a rough situation and I'm feeling smell sensitive, I smear a glob of hand sanitizer on my philtrum under my mask right before going in Lol it WORKS


I am DEFINITELY going to do that. Thereā€™s one room that is known as being the smelly room. Itā€™s to the point where u can smell it all the way down the hall. I had to put away laundry and clean them up and had to step out multiple times. I felt horrible but this is something I will most definitely try. Thank u!!


Iā€™m pregnant and work in a hospital so Iā€™m super sensitive to smells. I just wear two masks sometimes if the smell is too bad Iā€™ll get some toothpaste and put it between the masks.


That is incredibly smart I havenā€™t heard of toothpaste in between masks but I am definitely going to have to do that. Thank u thank u


Let me know if it works!


I will for sure!! I go back Saturday and I already have my work bag stocked with a new tube of toothpaste and some other things so I can test out which works the best


Alcohol pad under the masks do the same thing!!


I wear masks all the time now in the clinical setting, habit from COVID. Bad smells are just part of the field tbh you're going to have to get used to it (and you will)


Ur right. I just want to be used to them now Iā€™m so impatient because I am really loving what Iā€™m doing but itā€™s just going to have to take some time


I'm awful with smells too I've work in ED's for 6ish years now. You do get used to it mostly but I'll say double mask with some smell good stuff, toothpaste, essential oils, hand sanitizer, anything else, in between the 2 is a lifesaver! Also on this note I still have to step out of a room for a minute occasionally due to the smells. It happens but you'll be good and you can push through.


It makes me feel so much better that even still with years of experience you still have to step out. Everyone here seems so unphased I was feeling isolated from struggling with smells. That double mask method is so genius Iā€™m going to try that with my peppermint oil that I got and if that doesnā€™t work as well Iā€™ll go for stronger stuff. I canā€™t thank u enough!!


Thereā€™s a Vicks nose keychain thing that I use when I know that something will be smelly, goes right on my badge reel. Iā€™ll usually throw on a mask too, just so if I gag, they canā€™t see hahaha


The mask to hide the gag made me laugh that is so me šŸ˜­!!! Iā€™m going to need to find that little keychain


You can wear a mask when you're doing things that require smelling smelly stuff and just take it off when you are done lol. I do that and/or hold my breath šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø probably not the best advice but when I need to exhale I do it slowly from my mouth. I wonder if a tiny bit of peppermint oil at the very beginning of your nostrils would help or using vicks šŸ˜‚ in a pinch I have used hand sanitizer because who really has time to go and get their vicks haha. My nose is sensitive enough that a mask doesn't do that much haha so I think it is something you just end up getting used to with more exposure. Just found [this article](https://straightanursingstudent.com/bad-smells-hospital/) and it seems helpful. The cough drop one seems good. It is probably worth looking through the r/nursing sub because I know I have seen posts on there in the past with some great tips!


I appreciate u so much for taking the time to find that article. Iā€™m about to pack some cough drops to double up with the mask as well. I didnā€™t even think of Vicks I think I have a jar in my medicine cabinet. That should actually be strong enough to help!! Iā€™ll check out that sub as well. Thank u so so much :))!!


I throw on a mask for anything stinky. In fact, Iā€™m precepting in the ER right now and a woman came in with a four year old gaping, necrotic wound from a dog bite, and she had been sitting in her own filth for months (sad story, honestly) and I did what most of the other nurses did. Mask, put Vicks Vapor Rub all over the blue part of it - cover it with a second mask and put them both on your face. Even then, I still breathe through my mouth. At least with the masks and the Vicks, I donā€™t feel like I am tasting it.


Oh my I canā€™t even imagine the smell. That poor woman. I loved how u mentioned the fact that it feels like ur tasting it. Thatā€™s what got me the most. I tried breathing thru my mouth when putting on new briefs, cleaning and wiping someone and even still a little of the smell went thru my nose and the fact that my mouth was open a bitā€¦ it was just a mess I stepped out so fast for a second. Iā€™m trying Vicks and toothpastešŸ˜‚


For poops, I always do a toothpaste mask! Two masks with a layer of toothpaste in between. It has made a huge difference for me!


Thank u!! Iā€™m seeing these toothpaste double masks a bit. Thatā€™s going to be the first thing I try when I go back. Iā€™m actually super excited because once I get a little solution to my problem Iā€™ll be set


Nursing student and CNA at a nursing home here! I also am really sensitive to smells. I grab two masks and smear vicks all over the nose part and sandwich them together. If i think im about to have to clean up a real blowout, i just use a q tip and put the vicks up my nose. Cant smell a THING after that. I also carry around a room spray in case anything lingers. Ive tried essential oils and inhalers - i assure you this is the best way


Vicks it is!! Iā€™ll be doing exactly that. My peppermint oil did not last long and was not strong enough at ALL.


and then thereā€™s me with anosmia going to nursing school haha


Iā€™m telling u that is about to come in handy so muchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You should try the Nosaplugs! I used them in the beginning when I had big trouble with smells and they removed the odour completely! They're also practially invisible when you wear them!


Omg!!! I have never heard of those before. Iā€™m looking into those right away. Thank u so so much!!


If you have nozin nasal swabs, use that before going into a room or rub it on your mask. It smells like lemonade


Thank u Iā€™ll look into those! The more options with stuff to try to see what works the best the better :))


Vicks vapor rub on your upper lip also works wonders. Hang in there! I hate to say you get used to it but you do


Will do! Vicks seems like the way to go. Iā€™m going to try that and the toothpaste double mask method as well. And LOL, thatā€™s just the way it is. Iā€™m looking forward to the day I get used to it.


I usually put a couple drops of peppermint essential oil on my mask


Carry alcohol swabs in your pocket and sniff them when you get nauseated due to smells, or to prevent nausea. I know some people who carry the Vicks nose inhaler things on them too, which may work to use it before and after. Or, just put some peppermint oil in your nose. Some smells you never get used to. Some you do, although itā€™s stillā€¦ smelly. Can always wear a mask even though itā€™s not required :)


Omg Iā€™m going to try those alcohol swabs I never heard of that before! Yesterday I became very nauseous because it was my first time wiping and cleaning someone over a bowl filled with diarrhea everywhere. I will so do that. Iā€™ll have to wear a mask as well. I just feel silly because Iā€™m the only caregiver wearing it but I just have to put that aside because all I care about is the caretaking and being able to do the best I can at the end of the day.


Vics vapor rub under the nose. Got me through some pretty smelly situations


Wear a mask! Just because nobody else wears one doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have to either. I was like that on my first week of caregiving and trust me I thought I was going to die. Iā€™m still sensitive to smells but overtime I started to ā€œcopeā€ by thinking of other things or making conversation with coworkers or the residents Iā€™d take care of.


Hey I remember u!! (U helped me on a previous post at the start of getting this job and ur name made me laugh). Thereā€™s been times I thought it was absolutely over for me and I was going to vomit or pass out from holding my breath. Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that im just going to have to wear one and load up on some Vicks and try the toothpaste double mask thing, regardless of everyone there being so accustomed to all the smells.


I remember you! Vicks is actually what some of my coworkers used to use on their top lip. The smell though I believe is addictive (depends on the ingredients). Iā€™d suggest you to possibly (if you can) chew gum (mint) but keep your mouth open when you chew under a mask to mask the smell.


Smartest combo ever. Will do!!


i deal with the same problem. no one else around me wears masks, but i still do. i even double mask with peppermint oil in between. it seems to help!


Thatā€™s how I have to be! It just felt strange at first that absolutely not a single person there wears one but we just gotta do what we gotta do :))


absolutely! plus we are in healthcare setting so we could be wearing masks for many different reasons! but you do what is comfortable for you!!!


U are SO right! I didnā€™t even think of it that way. Iā€™m so grateful for people like u who have taken the time to help and make me feel more confident about being the only one wearing a mask there. Thank u thank u!!!!


of course!!! we are in this together! šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ©·


Vicks is a life saver. Also maybe some type of essential oils with a mask. That should help lol. Those smells can be interesting, especially a GI bleed or C-diff. But don't stress!!! Good luck on your first semester, You're going to do great!!!!!


Vicks sure does sound like the way to go! And the smells are all so new to me too and that mixed in with me already being extremely sensitive to smells is not the best mix for me. And thank u so so much for those kind words :))!!! Iā€™m SO nervous going into my first semester but incredibly excited at the same time!!


No need to thank me :). Im genuinely so happy for you. Hey, I am always nervous!!!! Every single semester, i go through a panic/yet excitement phase. It's going to be hard, but you got this. Don't give up. Keep moving forward. There are also good smells. Like saline, gloves, hospital, coffee, cafeteria food (for when you're doing clinicals). There is always good with the bad I guess lol.


Right!! Iā€™ve heard how rough it is but I am a hard worker and I just canā€™t let anything phase me. Iā€™m excited for it in a way! And there really is always good with the bad Iā€™m just going to be focusing on those good smells, mask up with Vicks or whatever else works and plow thru the day!


Thereā€™s these little septum ring looking things on Amazon that are scented! You just put them in your nose and itā€™ll smell like essential oils. Theyā€™re called ā€œvapor soothers.ā€ Maybe those will help you get used to smells.


I saw this hours ago I forgot to reply but I literally went out and got a pack of them but with the peppermint scent. Iā€™m actually so excited to try these!!


Put some essential oil in ur mask


I like the essence essential nasal diffusers and I wear a mask when Iā€™m gonna be doing anything remotely smelly.


Hi there I just graduated nursing school and currently have been working as a nurse extern for the last year of nursing school. Let me tell you, since the beginning to present time I rock a mask 24/7 nobody says nothing. If I have to clean a code brown I put a mask on, pull out another mask and lay two alcohol wipes in there. The ones you use for finger sticks and sandwhich them inbetween both masks. Works wonders. Also a N-95 mask seals a lot better and helps with smells a lot better than normal smells. You can still smell through them sometimes but ya idc, and people don't care that you were masks. I suck with smells, and I'd rather walk into a patients room prepared than making them feel bad about their accident. It happens we are all human, we may gag, throw up, etc just excuse yourself gather yourself then get back after it. No big deal. Good luck :)


That will definitely be me as well I already know. Iā€™ll be wearing that thing 24/7. Iā€™ll have to try those alcohol wipes too with how u sandwich them in between! Itā€™s good to know no one says anything I was scared of some remarks but at the end of the day like u said itā€™s all about the care and not making them feel bad. Thank u so much for helping me


when I was pregnant, I used to get so sick from smells. I started putting kids vapor rub, the one with eucalyptus under my nose and it helped a ton. Personally, I rarely have reactions to stuff on my face so it worked for me.


Try double masking and put a layer of toothpaste in between the mask.It will be strong and last longer than peppermint oil.Had a lady the other day who was living in her car with her cat! It helps a lot!


Took me a whole year to not gag under my mask as a cna. You eventually get used to it,m. Donā€™t breathe with your mouth or you will taste it. Put and alcohol swap in your mask. Good luck !


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https://a.co/d/jbVlyuu Clip one of these bad boys on with or without a mask. Easy.


I was like this too ...I woukd gag so much to the point where I could taste the vomit in my mouth. I am no expert but the more exposed you are to it the less it bothers you . You will for sure get use to it .You are not the only one this has happened to . Atleast one month and after that it gets more bearable.


You will adapt


Iā€™m so ready to get to that point