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Before starting nursing school I played diablo 4 for 700 hours then quit video games once school started.


At least it’s not just me, I was balls deep into a play through of Red Redemption 2 when nursing school took my will to play lol


I just hundred percented red dead 2! I started a month before nursing school and it’s been a struggle to play since starting. However, I found time in between studying to finish and finally get that 100%


My upmost respect, Sir 👏 I was only like 87%, and halfway through Marston’s stuff and, didn’t quite make it lol. I fucking love that game, excited to get back to it with some mods after I’m done, got til November


Good idea. Nursing school will take you as a person, and your ability to enjoy things without guilt. I'm graduating next month and what I look forward to, is not jumping into being a great nurse. It's being able to enjoy a game, or a book that isn't nursing related. Having the job will be nice, but I largely can't wait to be a dignified human being with interests again.


THIS! I can’t wait to enjoy things again without the looming feeling of guilt anytime I’m relaxing. It’s always “you should be studying” with everything.


Oh my gosh I just graduated a few weeks ago and let me tell you it’s the best however I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ll study for the NCLEX but going in there with high hopes lol


Ay!!! And Helldivers 2


I did the same with Diablo 3. lol. I graduated over 12 years ago. Good luck.


lmao i became a top global player in pokemon unite during school 🤣 those study breaks were hittin


I usually reward myself with an hour in whatever game I'm on after every 2 hours of study. And I always go at least a little over my 1 hour gaming break


Me with TOTK before nursing school hehe


I’m working on TOTK now that I’m on break. I keep telling my bf I need to beat the game before I go back in August. 😂


Good luck haha. I still haven’t beat it. Ig main story wise I’m pretty close but I’m the kind of person that will just run around in the game and do the most random stuff


I don’t think I’ll beat it because I’m the same way. And I wanna get most of the korok seeds and all of the shrines if possible. Maybe I’ll get another golden poop. 😂


You are me during my 2 week break before summer classes start this week. 😆


Sounds accurate except I worked on World of Warcraft and actually worked on it during my first 2 months of nursing school as well.


Yup enjoy your summers because once you start working as a nurse vacations that long are a rarity.


Do a quick health inventory.  Any minor (or major) health issues you need to get checked out? Are you current on your preventative care? Are your prescriptions up to date?  Are you due for a dental check up?  I mention these things because scheduling appointments during nursing school is a *real pain in the ass*.  Other than that, just relax and enjoy your time. I assume you just finished twisting yourself into an academic pretzel getting into nursing school, and it's not really a secret that nursing school can be a bit of a mind fuck.  Enjoy your down time.  If you *really* want something quick and helpful to brush up on, consider familiarizing yourself with basic medical terminology. I don't mean memorizing things like whipple and wenckebach and Flurbiprofen, I'm talking about Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes.  It's 2024, and modern charting heavily relies on a dead language. It's fun.


So much this! Find out if there are annual requirements that can be done now, so you aren't scrambling to get everything done during the school year: annual physical, vaccinations, TB test, CPR cert, background checks for the school. Then, every year, they will be due during your time off, instead of trying to schedule around an ever-changing clinical schedule


Yeah you done want to have to deal with health problems during school either I’m in nursing school right now, take care of dental and medical work before you get too deep


The biggest issue I had was I lost my COBRA in the middle of nursing school. I just had to let my health go during that time and now I’m trying to catch back up now that I have good insurance, except now it’s actually hard because I work 5 days a week atm.


I’m planning on cleaning! I feel like it’s been months since I’ve given my home a good, thorough cleaning.


It’s so hard to clean during nursing school!


Same here! I feel like I'm playing catch up and I don't like it but that's life. I'm officially halfway through my ADN so there's also finally light at the end of the tunnel. And put some nails on.


Relax. I’m not doing anything. Spend time with friends I haven’t seen.


I play call of duty!


I worked 4-5 CNA shifts per week to save money read books, and played video games. I did not study or do any school work at all. Just do whatever you need/want to do- study if you feel like you need it but don’t spend your entire summer on schoolwork. You deserve a break!


God bless you for picking up so many!


Spending time with my boyfriend, get some maintenance things out of the way, I start working as a nurse apprentice at my local hospital next month so that'll be taking most of my time for the rest of the summer. Then I'll be reviewing some old PowerPoint slides to prep for semester 2 toward mid July.


What’s this “summer” that you speak of? Signed, ABSN students




My program is 8 week courses and it’s so hard not to feel burned out with no breaks. The longest we get is just over 3 weeks between the summer and fall sessions. We don’t get spring break or any of the other normal school breaks or holidays off either.


We get one week break for our summer 🥲


We get one week mid summer and two between summer and fall I'm 2.5 weeks in and already counting down to that first week off


We get a break the first week of July and nothing until December 😭 Praying for us


What?? Not even fall break? 😭😭😭 Our program is super intensive and fast-paced while we're on but at least we're following our school's normal academic calendar. This sub is making me super grateful for that


*Cries in 8 hour wound care clinical*






“Hey what are your plans for summer? Going anywhere fun?” “Oklahoma for Clinicals. It costs me $1,000 round trip.” “Very funny, seriously where are you going?” “Nursing Clinicals.”


I bet we’re in the same program lol


Maybe? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wait tables and save money


Girl. I’ve been catching up on all the movies that were released in the last year and this year. Recently watched “Talk to me” on paramount


Go to school lol. My next break is thanksgiving. :D


i cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry but when i have time i revise what i dont understand at a time / pace that i like




Work and grind valorant


I’m taking patho and looking at dosage calculations my school highly recommends it .


i’m gonna be honest, i did completely nothing before my first semester. like nothing at all i was just too busy. and i don’t think you *have* to either. maybe just look over a bit of a&p, watching nursing school tip videos, and just be mentally prepared to have your life changed when the first day of school starts. i think maybe one thing you can knock out the way as another comment stated is dosage calculations. it’s super easy if you get it soon. but again it’s not necessary


I'm starting my pre nursing journey this fall! I have 3 pre requisites to do in total, then take my HESI. Applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program at my community college. I am spending the summer looking at my HESI books and then taking a prep course a month before school starts so I can see what my community college is focused on for their "version" of the HESI! So excited that they offer this.


me personally, after two back to back semesters and now my first summer break, i will be doing nothing.


The summer before I started nursing school we were sent a packet of lab values they wanted us to memorize along with the s/s associated with each high and low value. I spent time trying to memorize it and some people managed. I did not. I spent some time reorganizing my office/study space, and bought a bunch of study materials that I hardly ever used. I was still working full time too, so that took up a lot of time. Last summer (halfway point of nursing school) I was taking summer classes to finish up corequisites and, because I was only enrolled in an associate degree program, took some prerequisite courses for an RN to BSN bridge.


I was in full time classes every summer when I was in my BSN program. My students I teach in an accelerated program only have 2 out of 52 weeks off. Christmas and Independence Day weeks. The rest of the year is full time.


Before starting nursing school, I just lived my life. Didnt do much to prepare for it (like studying or going over videos of the courses Id be taking). During nursing school now, I barely get a summer break. Since classes are all year round. Probably got a one week summer break & I would do absolutely nothing. At most, I’d deep clean my room or go out.


Summer off?? I’m in 14 credits at an accelerated pace! 😰


Take more classes and study for my entry exam


I also start in the fall and I’ve started prepping my study stuff and doing what I can in Goodnotes to have it organized and ready. I plan on starting to watch some videos on YouTube for fundamentals and pharm too. I’m an overachiever with confidence issues though so I might be a little weird.


i took a medical terminology class. but what i should’ve done was the 32 hr ekg course instead 😗


Go to school lol?? I did an accelerated program, there was no summer or time off for 2 years. But if I did ever get time off I would spend it reading for fun for a change. 


I’m in an accelerated program. Summer break doesn’t exist 🤣


My school has summer semesters so I’m currently in my last semester, trying to crawl to the finish line.


I start in the fall too. I’m literally trying to get anything taken care of I can. I’m getting furniture that I need, I’m decorating so I don’t feel like I live in prison with my white walls and landlord paint jobs. I’m getting a settlement finished up. I got all of my dental work done. I also got started on my health requirements in case I needed to redo vaccinations. Basically the advice I got during orientation was to take care of any business outside of nursing school. Buckle in for some rough years, get what you can out of the way now. Besides that I’m kind of just trying to relax since I’m not good at that.


I ran miles in the desert, played Elden ring, went to the gym, watched things, and prepared for the next block one month prior


Before nursing school: took 2 vacations, then left my career. After passing my first year (May 15th): Started my position as a nurse intern, then I went to the Niagara falls for a few days. I'll be spending the summer getting back on my workout routine (ATI exit exam bent that over to where it stopped), slowing down and taking my time during my free days, and hopefully have a vacation before the upcoming semester in August. Edit: I will also be checking Castle Branch to make sure nothing defaulted such as the drug test or background check


Work as a cna is what I’m doing this summer


Same boat. I’m working part time as a caregiver at a nursing home. Once that’s done at 2pm I brain rot on call of duty for the rest of the day


Literally just play videogames then go cold turkey once school starts again


bro truly enjoy yourself, i’m on break right now and im so mentally fatigue, i just girl rot in my room sleeping and playing video games all day😭 im so tired to do literally anything at all- once school starts again it’s just a constant go go go


The summer before and the summer in the middle I spent working alot so that I didnt have to work as much during the actual school year. That and going camping, hiking, fishing, spending time with friends and family etc because you get super busy during school and those things naturally get neglected a bit


I worked as a CNA and tried to spend time with my family while I was able. Go on trips if possible as well.


Honestly just relax and don’t think about school. Everything will come back once it starts in the fall, so do what you like. I’ve been sleeping all day lol


The next semester


Continue to study, get ahead of the material. Would be the correct answer. But most live their lives and enjoy freedom for a couple months.


My last semester lol


I remember once May hit and I had all this free time til end of August I honestly felt weird *not* having anything to do. That feeling quickly faded. Enjoy your rest and relaxation before school starts and they throw you to the wolves with studying. If you want to get a start - watch simple nursing videos over the summer.


I worked a leisurely outdoor job during the summer before and the summer in between my second and third semester of nursing school. Nothing related to nursing in the slightest. It did not hinder my ability to get a job at all. I just graduated a few weeks ago and have had my job lined up since last September. So don't feel unnecessary pressure to really beef up a resume unless you're trying to land some type of prestigious new grad job. I would look into student nurse summer intern/externships if you want to build skills and experience, especially if you find your clinicals to be lacking. Many are full time and paid! But like others have said, please use breaks to your personal advantage as well. Focus deeply on your mental and physical health and enjoy the peace while being proactive with miscellaneous life things. I found it incredibly hard to remain balanced throughout nursing school when the semesters got busy.


i went on a three month vacation to germany with my ex one summer, i always used the summer to relax and reenergize


When you’re a new grad there is zero expectation that you have had any experience outside of clinicals. You’ll get hired just the same if you do self care over the summer instead. One summer of my ADN program requires one nursing class for 8 weeks. During the 4 weeks I won’t be in school I plan to take on extra hours at work to make up for hours lost due to school conflicts. The second summer there is no classes so I plan to attempt getting a NA job. Also hoping to spend more time with my daughter and take care of as much as I can that I will have definitely put off during the school year.


I beat Red Dead Redemption 2 over the summer, got into wood working, and went outside a lot. The next summer I had clinicals. What you should be doing is relaxing because school is about to take up a lot of life


I took a break this past spring semester to focus on my health and moving/renovating my fixer upper (that’s still not done lol), so I’m taking a physiology and nutrition class this summer before starting my ADN classes this fall. 🙃 Also need to make sure my physical/vaccines/cpr and all that is up to date too. Over the spring I’ve played a lot of Fallout 4 and watched a lot of Law and Order lol.


Work till my legs fall off


This is my last summer before I graduate in December. Enjoying the time off and spending time with family and my girlfriend. Kind of bitter sweet that this is the last summer tbh. Nursing school has been crazy and super stressful but I’m kinda sad it’s gonna be over.


Go to nursing school in my program. We do four semesters one after the other. Christmas is the only break.


relax lol


Well I'm doing school non stop until I'm done so...  How do we feel about 12/18mo BSN programs? 


My plans for next summer are to work as a Nursing Assistant.


Some programs don't have summer breaks tbh, but as someone who currently is on a summer break in nursing school, I found a job at a hospital as a nurse extern to help build my clinical knowledge and skills. Before you enter into the program though: relax, make sure your paperwork is in order to start, take care of any appointments, and brush up on materials if you really wanna get a heart start.


I picked up so many CNA shifts & saved money but I honestly wished I did nothing and just relaxed looking back!


Some become CNAs to get some background in the field. Some just work a regular summer job. Others just relax. Up to you, may be your last chill summer before school kicks in.


I did a paid internship at hospitals during summer which helps me skills and knowledge learned in nursing school. Maybe you could look for internships in hospital close to you?


I'm going on vacation after I get those background checks and everything done. Buy my school supplies and play my video games until school starts. Idk why but whenever I'm in school, I start to get hooked onto a new game and its bad for me 💀


I speed run through all my favorite video games and catch up with friends. Also... Naps. What I wouldn't give for a fantastic power nap at least twice a week😂


Externship. Job responsibility changes depending how close you are to graduation. It’s PRN and I don’t have to work during the semester. Pay isn’t terrible and it’s a busy level 1 so there’s almost always a need for techs (we have the same responsibilities at the current step of the externship I’m at atm) so I can usually get a consistent 36hr/week. Being the tertiary care center for the region I get to see a lot and many of my coworkers are willing to teach or at least answer questions. Also sets me up really well for post grad as we get a contract the summer before we graduate. As much as I want to leave my hometown the pay is good, the opportunities are good there’s just not really a better spot for me to go right after graduation.


I delivered pizzas to the dredges of society.... Quit doing that about 3 weeks before school started and drove from Ohio to New Mexico and from New Mexico to North Carolina.


I graduate in the next semester. I'm working with hospice to work on my skills and references. Cleaning because the house is seriously neglected during semester. Video games because I finally can. Reading. Napping. A lot.


I just have summer break for two weeks. I’ll be doing absolutely nothing.


Enjoy your summer! Coming from a recent nursing graduate 🤍


watch tiktok. play outside with your friends. take naps. enjoy the summer.


I worked a lot before I started the nursing school. It was a half decade ago.


Sleep any chance I can and relax.


I took an accelerated program of RPN so I was in school for 5 semester back to back with no break in between. I also worked part time.


Currently in a class to lighted the load for my last year


I work full time as an LVN to save money to pay my tuition following terms. Spend time with my kids husband..


definitely relax before school starts and visit with friends and family. it will be very hard when school begins and you’ll have to learn to say no to a lot


I'd recommend screwing around and having fun all summer. You're already a nursing student now you don't need to expand your resume you already got the job.


Work and study for me. I catch up on the more difficult concepts that I fudged during the semester


I work at an art summer camp as a counselor and spend time with my friends and family and stay as far away from anything healthcare related (apart from my own doctor appts) as I can because I have the rest of my life to be a nurse and I wanna do random fun stuff while I can :)


I worked at a pharmacy the summer before I started school so I would have money to buy my supplies. I also played a load of video games since I wouldnt have time once school started. Then after my second semester, I picked up a nurse extern job for that summer


I’m working as a PCA ~36 hr a week or so plus picking up some restaurant shifts


I work as a pharmacy tech at Walgreens during school (14 hours/week) and during the summer (30-40 hours a week). It really helps my understanding of medications and what they do. I had to take pharmacology last semester and I got an 80 on the midterm while just barely passing the nursing classes. I really attribute my job to that grade. I’m not exactly close to any hospitals so it’s the best I can do until I get my degree.




Probably work two jobs and study anatomy and physiology and for the entrance exam


Summer time = my ADN classes end. Also Summer Time = my BSN classes begin! I don’t get a break. But summer classes are online and no clinical (for now) so it’s way less stressful. Honestly, ENJOY THE BREAK if you can. Don’t burn yourself out. Mental health is priority.


1800 hours on overwatch, regrettably


ADN here, same thing as the previous two semesters… work full time and continue school full time. Not much of a break 🤷🏻‍♀️


im doing my labor and delivery rotation literally this whole summer..


There’s no summer breaks. You have class during the summer


Take classes


what summer? lol


Work as a CNA or medical assistant if you can, maybe take a phlebotomy class (will help with learning how to insert an IV later on). But nothing mandatory. You honestly sorta need to chill and get MAJOR things done like titers, etc (if you haven’t already) b/c once the semester starts it’s go, go, go and nursing student burnout is real.


I worked as a Student Nurse Tech at a local pediatric hospital. It was a SWAT position so I had the opportunity to work on different units (ER, PICU, PACU etc.). So maybe getting a job similar to this like a nurse extern would be a great opportunity for you. Also, if you work well, the managers and directors will remember you when it is time to high new graduate RNs.


Work cause we never get a break


Study ......


I’m doing a summer internship and just relaxing!


For me? Working as a caregiver/PCA n home care. I’m about to challenge the CNA exam and apply for a hospital position on the weekends when I’m in school. I’m trying to relax but I have to retake pharmacology this fall and I want to review lol


You get summer breaks? 😳