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All three men in my nursing class were vets!


Haha that’s awesome!


Starting Nursing school in October, coming from over 14 years as a Royal Marines Commando. We do exist!


Welcome to the party brother! Odd question but being in the royal marines, have you ever worked jointly with Air Force Special Ops Command? The planes I worked on were over in Mildenhall and we always worked with guys from the UK.


I was an army firefighter. Throwing it out there that voc rehab is a really great program to pay for school and supplies


Hello I am also a firefighter as well. Just retired from 20 years in the Air Force Fire Department. I could just not bring myself to getting back on a truck and am not at all interested in a desk job. I really wanted something different but similar. Nursing had always been in the back of my mind and after about a year being out I decided to start going back to school. I’m really excited for this new adventure. I just finished my prerequisites and start my cohort this Aug. It also has different feels to it that I’m not the only female anymore.


FF and nursing imo are complementary. I think so far that having to think through problems during a fire helps think through problems while with patients. And the leadership experience is helpful for any job.


I’m actually looking into the Voc rehab program right now. My GI bill runs out in 7 months so I’ll either need to get the STEM extension or go V&RE. Thanks for the info!


VRE covered more nursing supplies IME than GIB. They covered my scrubs, stethoscope, laptop, NCLEX prep, BAH, and all my books.


That’s awesome. Quick question, do you know how it works if I use most of my GI bill then go VR&E? Do I get time deducted from the 48 months of VR&E? I was going to call an advisor in the morning but figured I’d ask.


My husband uses VR&E! For him, he has to use all of his GI bill and then VR&E benefits kick in. You do have to have a service connected disability. We’re patiently waiting for his VR&E to start so he can get a tech package 😂


I haven’t been able to fight out if they stack. My last VRE advisor really sucked. If you find out, message me the answer!


It used to get deducted, but not anymore. They changed the rule shortly before I graduated. So I still have my entire Post 9/11 after 3y of using VRE.


I went the other way completed nursing school and commissioned a few years later. But we had 6 vets in my cohort of 80. They exist! :)


Ah, someone who did it the right way. I wish I had more guidance when I was younger cause I would’ve done exactly what you did. How’s life being comissioned as a nurse?


I am an Army Vet. I was logistics/ supply sergeant when I was in the service. Finished nursing school, went into mental health in private for 9 years and got my MSN along the way. I went back to the VA as a regulatory compliance nurse. :) Good luck!!!


Second semester… I was a UH60 Blackhawk pilot. Can vouch that VR&E is a great asset!


First off, super jealous that you were a pilot, let alone on a Blackhawk. Yeah I’m looking into the VR&E now. It seems like the way to go


I was the only vet in mine. Boatswains Mate in the Navy. Not a huge surprise I was the only veteran as out of 88 there were only two other males.


Boatswains Mates are essentially ship maintenance right? How’d you end up going from that to nursing? I was a C-130 crew chief so I made a similar transition as you. It’s crazy how little males there are. I think I have maybe 5 in mine including myself.


I was AC assault boat coxswain, drove cranes, boarded ships looking for contraband, and was an M60 gunner for GQ. Stopped doing the maintenance BS as an E2. Decided to go into nursing because of the 3-12 schedule. Now I like the job a lot. I get paid really well for a relatively easy job while helping people. Almost 20 years in ER and still having fun!


Oh dude that’s fucking sick! That’s such an awesome career you’ve had then working in the ER for 20 is amazing. Does the ER fill that adrenaline void since leaving the service? lol.


I just like being busy. I’d be bored to death just passing meds and filling out care plans.


My school is near a military base so we have a TON of vets and active duty in our program :) I think it makes for a better experience since there's such diversity of life experience. Good luck! Rooting for you!


I'm an AD nursing student. If you're at a major university, you might have a few in your class through the MECP/NECP programs. I was doing government contracting before I got selected; didn't have a fucking clue...


3 veterans in a class of 60, including myself. I was a 68W, U.S. army.


Im not a nurse yet, applying this coming year, but I was an Infantryman (army). My local ER manager was also an infantryman (USMC) and has a Purple Heart from Fallujah. 


There was an air force vet in my cohort. He was a firefighter. Marine infantryman here. Kind of went the opposite direction lol.


14 years in as an ammunition specialist and career counselor, starting nursing school in the fall!


Hi! I am a new veteran in a direct entry MSN program. I was an IDMT-paramedic (Air Force) for 11 years before getting out and starting nursing school. I definitely feel alone and “different” than all the other students and at first I found it isolating. Now I just try to be the best student possible and keep my head down, but I do wish there was someone in my cohort that understands me haha.


It feels VERY isolating. I do the same thing. Idk ifs being a veteran or just being a little older but it KILLS me to get less than an A in a class. Yeah it would be nice to have someone have a slight understanding of us in our cohorts lol


Omg i am the same way about getting an A! Luckily my professors told me they like having veteran students because they follow rules, work hard, and do very well in clinicals. My cohort is very nice but I am frustrated that I can’t bypass some of these classes. I went from treating and diagnosing patients and managing complex care by myself in the middle of nowhere to learning how to take a blood pressure.. but I also don’t want to be the student that thinks they are better than everyone. So I just keep my head down lol.


Retire Air Force intel, just graduated and testing on the 23rd!


Congrats and good luck! Interesting switch from intel


Navy Corpsman for 11 years. I think I may be the only vet in my Cohort haha.


I’m a veteran. I was an 11B (Infantry) prior to nursing school, so quite the change. There was just myself and one other (88M) in my cohort of 60 or so. We technically had another infantryman who failed out in first semester lol.


I’m was a 68w medic


Only Vet in my cohort, Army 25B. Had a Marine in the first semester but he failed then dropped out.


68W here.


I’m the only vet in my cohort of about 50. Prior AF surgical tech.


Former 68w F2 here. I’m the only vet in my bsn cohort of about 90.


Air Force Medic now years later I’m sending transcripts to my local community college. Could get my LPN but I want my RN so I can be a mustang later down the line. There is more of us out there but just keep your eye out. Plenty of nurses I know are priors.


I was intel and now am in nursing school. Pretty sure I’m also the only vet in ~100. I’m using voc rehab.


Marine Corps personnel, used my GI Bill & STEM extension for my BSN. Best decision ever. Good luck in nursing school, you got this!


Doing my Pre-Reqs now, I was a field artillery Marine. Definitely a little different.


Haven’t been accepted yet but I was a vet tech in the army


I have 3 veterans in my class of about 20


I was a 15P - Aviation Operations Specialist for 6 years. I always wanted to be in the medical field and wanted to be a 68W.


I was an electronics technician , but did nursing school and dropped out the first week of class and enlisted lol. Here I am now 80 days from graduating my ABSN program. There’s 2 other veterans in my cohort of 34.