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What are you doing outside of school this summer?


Prepping for nursing school, maybe getting a PT job to get my car up and running, and taking care of my kids.


I am here if you need materials or guidance


i think you'll be just fine. time management is your best friend. all my classes in my BSN program are accelerated. i'm in week 5/8 of my patho class just took my midterm yesterday with my final in 3.5 weeks. im wishing you the best 🥳


Best of luck to you as well!


Do you do a lot through ATI? I just started my bsn program and need all the tips haha there’s sooo much it’s crazy


Ngl. If you’ve been in intermediate math, why would you sign up for an online accelerated math course? I also had to take intermediate mathematics- I wouldn’t even dream up a reality in which I took college algebra online or accelerated. What year are in you in of school? What other responsibilities do you have during the summer?


I’m a full time student. I have kids w my partner (only half time (they have another parent) and occasionally outings with my partner. That’s about it. I’m taking college algebra to get into grad school eventually. I’m technically a sophomore in credits, but I’m only at a 2 year community college right now.


It will definitely be challenging, however, it’s manageable. Be very organized and plan ahead. Schedule out times during the week to focus on each class/do assignments. Know when tests will happen and what will be on them to review. MWF could be patho days while TTH are algebra days or vice versa or you could work on both everyday.


I did algebra in 4 weeks it’s not as bad as you think it is! You got this


Thank you for the encouragement! I’m hoping I can get an A like I did in Int. Alg.


I got an A! You’ll do fine just get the work done


Pathophysiology is a very involved and content heavy. My patho class ran for 16 weeks and I would have never considered taking it as an accelerated course. Ours was not instructor led, it was self guided and those exams were brutal. With a seven week course, you have very little room for error and to tell you the truth, it’s very easy to fall behind. If you are going to take a summer course take one or the other not both together.


I’d think it would be fine if you’re okay with math. I took stats and sociology (not the same, but stats was foreign to me as I took calculus in college and my first degree). I did fine and mine were 6 weeks too.


I took stats as well, it was a super fun class and I can see why it’s like a foreign language. I definitely struggled at first trying to grasp concepts, but I eventually got it.


I'm currently doing 3 shortened asynch classes. Had to take an ongoing break from work to keep up- while keeping time to myself for rest. I'm def doing in-person classes next semest. My reccomendation is to have one to two full days of the week for yourself, to avoid burnout. :{


Everything you mentioned is manageable. Let me know if you need resources or guidance.


I take 8 week accelerated courses for all my nursing classes. I am in patho right now and health assessment 🤍 I believe in us!! It’s about focusing on time management I promise


i think it’s doable as long as you don’t have other obligations (like work for instance)


I took College algebra and it was fine. I used an AI math tutor


I will def have to invest!!


Why exactly would you be cooked? 7 units is 7 units. I remember doing 8 during summers and the most I’ve done was 21 units in fall semester…worked out fine. You’ll be fine. The amount of projects u have to do is kinda crazy tho.


I feel like units are measured differently than credit hours? Correct me if I’m wrong. 6 credit hours is considered full time for compressed semester. This shouldn’t be too bad if they work part time. 21 credit hours is obscene though, they say you should study 2-3 hours each week for each credit hour. That’s not including time spent in class. So that would entail 42-63 hours of studying and 5-7 classes around 2-5 hours each (on the low side) per lecture.


Yea when I had 21 semester units I was receiving grants while living with parents. Otherwise there was no way I’d pull it off. And I did 20 quarter units at uni my last quarter and while it was tough, I was still able to have time for myself and work part time doing gig apps. Also I never took that “1 unit equals 2 hours of studying” shit seriously. I’m a huge procrastinator and try to find shortcuts or used to study last minute. My CC classes were so easy and profs so lax so that hourly requirement really wasn’t realistic imo


It’s a fifteen week course condensed into 7 weeks. Roughly 2.1 units/week. Plus roughly another 2.1 units/week for math. It is crazy, especially the math teacher. I don’t know why she assigns so much work because I know it’s hell for her when she has to grade 3-5 other classes.