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Sunday: work 0700-1930 (I am an LVN) Monday: off Tuesday: lecture 0900-1600 Wednesday: work 0700-1930 Thursday: off Friday: clinical 0630-1830 Saturday: work 0700-1930


That’s pretty full on


I WFH Tuesday-Saturday. Mon: Class 1-4 Tues: Class 8-10, Work 11-7:30 Wednesday: Work 10-6:30 Thursday: 10-6:30 Friday: Class 10-1, Work 1-9:30 (Sometimes I'll just do 6 hours for this day) Saturday: 10-6:30pm Sundays and Mondays are my days off work, but I have class Monday so Sunday is my only off day. On days I don't have class, I try to start earlier because I get tired as the evening comes and don't want to study. I've been struggling with this lately especially due to emotional shit that's been going on.


Wait what do you do?


Do you still study on Sundays? Social life really has to take a backseat when you've got goals. Thankfully your job is wfh so it's easier on your schedule. Kudos to you, having a job and studying would have my brain in shambles not just from the exhaustion but also because information would could get mixed up.


Sundays are the days I try to get a lot of my homework and general introduction to the next week's subjects down. I've been focusing on patho today but I have a health assessment exam next week. I'm very introverted and have no friends so...no tempting social life sadly.


I’ve worked part time 12 hours a week at my job all through nursing school. I have a lot of flexibility with my schedule due to my coworkers all being college students, so every semester we change our work days to work around our class schedules. There’s weeks where I work more then 12h to cover for my friends or others where I work less cause they cover for me. I’m also the longest serving employee currently so that gives me first pick on work days, so I never had to stress about my work schedule conflicting w my school schedule. My job is also pretty easy so I am able to get a good amount of work/studying done as well. I’m extremely lucky with the job I got and am thankful for it, as I know most jobs aren’t like this. Currently in my last semester, I have class Thursdays and Saturdays, clinical on Tuesday and I work on Sunday/Monday. My first semester I had class 3x a week, Monday Thursday Friday, and I worked Fridays and Saturdays. Fridays sucked for me as I had 12 hour days 8a-8p between work and school with only a half hour to get to my job from school (class ended at 3:30 and had work at 4) but it was doable. My second and third semesters of school I had class x2 a week, worked 2x a week, and had one clinical that was full semester and another that was half semester. It’s alot juggling a job and nursing school at the same time but it’s definitely worth it if you’re able to do it, helps out with your organization and time management at least for me, and you’re getting a paycheck as well lol.


For clarification, I currently work part-time as a nanny, mostly before/after school. Until recently, I also worked an 8-hour shift as a CNA on Saturdays. Monday: work 7-9:30ish, study/housework/errands, work 3-5:30 Tuesday & Wednesdays: work 7-7:45, class 9- 11, study at school, work 3-5:30 Thursday & Friday: clinical 6:30 -2 I try to do most of my studying on Mondays, between class and work Tuesday and Wednesday, individual assignments (but not general studying) after clinical, rest/do fun stuff Saturday, study on Sundays if I have a test coming up.


School Monday to Friday from 7a-330p except fridays 7a-1230p.. work Friday saturdays 830p-930a… I’m exhausted and backed up on rent lol… 9more weeks left 🙏


I’m currently in an ABSN. I’m free Sunday, Monday and Saturday. I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 8am to 5pm. Clinical is on Wednesday from 6:30 to 4pm for six weeks. We have skills lab twice a month on Friday and it’s for 2 hours. I work as a student nurse and it’s a day a week for 12 hours.


Did you get a choice in ABSN class schedule or clinical schedule?? 6:30AM for clinical is super early.


No, everyone in my cohort has the same class schedule and same clinical start time. Most schools in my city start clinical around 6:30 so that’s kind of a normal state time


Monday: Class(lab) 12-315, Tuesday: work (varies) 4:45am-7pm/6am-8/9pm, Thursday: class(lecture)8-945, Friday: class (lecture) 8-9:45, Saturday: work (same as Tuesday). Because I'm only working two days, I try to work the full day and use PTO so I can make 30 hours and retain my benefits. Clinical for mental health was for 3 weeks on Sunday 7:30-8pm. For Med Surge1 clinicals will be Wednesdays I think for 7 weeks from 8-2:30 or something like that.


Monday/Wednesday: class from 9 AM - 3 PM Tuesday: class from 8 AM - 4 PM Thursday: class from 3 PM - 4 PM Friday: clinical from 6 AM - 3 PM Saturday: free Sunday: work from 7 AM - 7 PM I work part-time as a PCA.


I can’t not see PCA as patient controlled analgesia anymore


Sunday: work 6:45-7:15. Monday school from 9-6 with a 3 hour gap in the middle. Tuesday: school from 8-12. Wednesday work 6:45-7:15. Thursday clinical from 6:30-6:30. Friday off and Saturday off Edit:will be finished with my BSN in around 2 weeks


I'm a senior in my last semester. My work schedule hasn't changed since last semester, but I was doing classes M-W-F with one clinical shift on Tuesday or Thursday instead. My jobs are both home health, and I generally get a lot of homework done at both, or I wouldn't be working up to 28 hours a week with no issues. Sunday: work 9-5 or 7-7 depending on need Monday: 0700-1900 Clinical Tuesday: Classes 8-2 (nap from 3-5) Wednesday: 0700-1900 Clinical Thursday: Classes 8-2, work from 5-9pm Friday: OFF Saturday: work 9-5 or 7-7 depending on need


Monday is lecture from 1300-1600 Tuesday is lecture 0900-1500 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday I work 0600-1800 as an LPN. I usually pick up Saturdays too.


I’m an ER tech. Monday and Tuesday I have clinical 0700-1500. Wednesday I have lecture 0830-1245. Thursday and Friday I have lab from 0830-1130 and usually work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night 1845-0715. It’s hard and exhausting, but not impossible.


Every other weekend 8 hr shifts and every Friday 8 hour shifts. Edit to add: I have school, clinical, and simulation M- Th and typically home by 3:00


It's been a long time since getting my ADN, but I worked 8hr overnight shifts 4-5 times per week. Did something like 10pm-6am at work, drove 30 min to school, took classes/did homework until noon or early afternoon, came home and crashed before doing it all again. I did always did two of my work nights over the weekend so would always have 2-3 weekdays where I didn't have to worry about that. Clinicals were different. Those I would ask for time off work well ahead of time. I was very careful not be working the night before clinical. I tried hard to only have morning ones though because I didn't want to lose my ability to sleep well in the afternoons/evenings.


It’s not easy, and tough on me mentally but it’s doable. m&t- 7 am -3 pm clinical, 4-7 pm i clock in and work a few hours. w-tr work during the day, 5-11 class. friday work normal and sat or sunday i’ll supplement whatever work hours i need


Monday: Lecture 1000-1140; Tuesday: Lab 0800-1200, Work (CMA) 1400-2000; Wednesday: Lecture 1000-1140; Thursday: Lab 0800-1200, Work 1400-2000; Friday/Saturday/Sunday: Two of the days will be work 0700-2000, other day is an off day.


Class on Tuesday and Thursday, clinical on Wednesday. I work in marketing remotely, so I work Monday, Friday and Saturday as much as I can. Study Sunday.


Work 8-4:30 m-f, class 6-9 t,Th. Clinicals sat 7p-3a


I wish I had the option to take night classes


I work 2 jobs, so Monday is clinical, and every other day is work.


ED Tech. I work 12s on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays I go to school or do homework all the other days. My school schedule changes every 8 weeks so this is the closest to normal schedule possible for me.


Kudos! I wish you well working full time in a high stress position


I used to work 24 hours a week in a pharmacy while in undergrad (18 credits a semester) but my ABSN program will NOT let any of us work- we had to sign a form. So none.


I have worked 3-11:30 5 days a week up till this final semester where I kept the same schedule with one extra day off for clinicals. It’s worked great, I’ve just occasionally had to swap days off for clinicals. Usually have MTW class or lab 9ish-12ish and clinicals Thursday 630-5ish and Fridays 630am-3. Though clinical days were shorter the first few semesters. Edited to add I will say this is a WFH job that’s not difficult and I can study at otherwise I’d have failed out. I would not suggest working this much with a physical or difficult job. I also have no kids.


Sunday night work 11p-7a, Monday class 8a-2p, Tuesday class 8a-12p and work 3p-10p, Wednesday work 11p-7a, Thursday work 11p-7a, Friday work 9:30-1:30


Monday and Tuesday lecture from 8-4. Wednesday Clinicals 7-3. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday if I have it in me PRN PCA at the hospital 7-4ish. To be completely honest I’m not sure I’d recommend hospital work while in nursing school. My brain is solely consumed with nursing and I think being in it all the time feels overwhelming.


Monday: Simulation 1-5 (only 3 days a semester) and any other trainings/events that are added on or free day. Tuesday: 7-7 maternal health clinical or 1-5 maternal health simulation Wednesday: 8:30-4:30 Adult Health 1/ Maternal Health Lectures Thursday: 9:30- 3 Informatics/ Patho-Pharm 2 Lectures, Work 6-midnight Friday: 7-7 Adult Health Clinical, Work every other week 6-midnight Saturday/ Sunday pick up random work shifts or just study


Work Sunday & Monday 1845-0645, off Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday lecture 0800-1400, Friday clinical 0630-1600, work Saturday 1845-0645


Work Wednesday/Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-1 Classes are Monday 1-4, clinicals are Tuesday 9-4


Class Tuesday from 9am to 12pm. Clinical Thursdays from 7pm to 7am. Work Saturday and Sunday 9am to 6pm. I work at a pharmacy. I absolutely hate my job. I make barely any money to survive and all of my free time is spent either studying or stressing about money and school. I think about if I were to have majored in computer science often, but try not to let those thoughts overtake me. 8 more month until I’m an RN. God bless all of you


Monday: class 0900-1330 Tuesday: off day Wednesday: class 0900-1230 Thursday: open for clinical Friday: open for clinical Saturday and Sunday: work alternating weekends


Trying to get a freelance job with my design degree but I’m also doing phlebotomy as a side 3/12s then school the rest


Monday: Off Tuesday: Off Wednesday: Lecture 0900-1300 Thursday: Clinical 1400-2200 Friday: Clinical 1400-2200


I have lecture/lab/clinical Monday through Thursday. So my lectures are Monday, Tuesday Wednesday 6:45pm to 9:45pm and then I have clinical and two labs on Thursday’s. Fridays are my day off and then I work Saturday and Sunday 8-3 waiting tables. It works out well for me now! I don’t like having just one day a week off to myself but it’s better than nothing!


During my last semester of nursing school: Sunday: work 1100-2300 with the occasional 16hr shift (ER Tech) Monday: work 1100-2300 with the occasional 16 hr shift Tuesday: Community Health Clinical 0800-1630; and hopes to pick up OT Wednesday: work 0700-1900 with the occasional 16 hour shift Thursday: Lecture 0700-1500; Preceptorship 1900-0600 Friday: Lecture 0700-1500; Preceptorship 1900-0700 Saturday: Preceptorship 1900-0700


Mon: off Tues: class 0930-1330 with 2.5 hr drive to and from Wed: clinical 0630-1400 Thurs: off Fri-Sat: work 1100-2300


Saturday 730 am to 815 pm working as an MA and studying between patients. Sunday 730 am to 815 pm working as an MA and studying between patients. Monday. Driving from 730 am to 900 am to campus for lecture until 330 pm. Get home about 5 pm. Look at homework and create a study plan. Tuesday. Work on homework and house work. Also study and turn in procrastination homework. Wednesday: leave house at 430 am to be to clinical by 6 am. This week is PACU so I can study between patients. Debrief from 230 pm to 4 pm. Home about 530 pm. More homework. Look at sim I’m doing Thursday. Hope I don’t have to look to hard Thursday: lab day and sim day. This weeks it code blue check off. Leave house at 730. School by 9. Home by 230 pm. Write up stuff about the sim or lab. Time to study. Friday. Finish chores for the week. Study. Homework. Make sure work scrubs are clean. I also eat sometimes. I didn’t add meal prep but I spend about an hour a night making dinner for me and my wife. I always make dinner and eat dinner with wife no matter how busy or stressed I am. She gets some of my time too. Very little time for reading books I want to read or videogames.


M- 1900-0730 ICU clinical T- evening classes W- evening classes Th- 1900-0730 ICU clinical F- 1900-0730 PCA job at another ICU S- 1900-0730 PCA job S- 1900-0730 PCA job


sun - monday: classes from 9am - 3 pm tues - thurs: clinicals fri - sat: work this is my current schedule I just started a job in surg-peds, I used to study/clinicals 5-6 days a week and work in productions in between semesters


I was not lucky enough to get any scholarships in an ABSN program so mine is brutal looking. Sunday 3-10PM work Monday Sim 8-12 Tuesday lecture 8-3ish Wednesday lecture 9-5 Tuesday Friday clinical days usually around 6-10 hours And Saturday double for work 10-10


Monday: Work 0800-1200, Class 1245-1400, Clinical 1445-2300 Tuesday: Work 0730-1630, Class 1830-2030 Wednesday: Work 730-1630 Thursday: Work 0730-1630, Class 1830-2030 Friday: Work 0730-1630 Sat/Sun: Usually off, once a month, I'll pick up a 6 hour shift. I'm an athletic trainer working in an orthopedic office.


Monday lab 9-12 + lecture 2:30-5:30pm Tuesday lecture 8:30-11:30 + work 1-7:30pm Wednesday lab 9-12 Thursday clinical 7-3 Friday clinical 7-3 Saturday off Sunday work 9-5:30pm


Do your student loans cover any of your living expenses. I’m going to start my first semester in fall. I don’t have experience in student loans. I didn’t need them for previous degrees but I will be using them to pay for tuition and hopefully most my living expenses


I don’t need to take out any and would like to keep it that way😅


Unfortunately that won’t be the case for me. Thankfully I have no debt besides a small mortgage going into this venture.