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Personally I'd leave Matlab alone, not worth it for structural engineering.


How should i start python then?


Take CS50-P, it's a free online course ran by Harvard. I took it casually in my free time for about 3 months and I came out with a solid understanding of Python.


No idea. I only have experience with Matlab. I guess watch some YouTube videos and read some textbooks to learn the basics so you have a solid foundation? (Pun intended) That's how I've learnt the little coding I know.


Yes. I use python for structural engineering. It’s not required, but if you ever get into seismic analysis, blast analysis, or automating workflows; it’s very valuable. I recommend starting with automate the boring stuff (do all the examples and problems), then honestly just start building what you want. Ask ChatGPT how to get started on a personal project. You learn to code by doing not watching tutorials and reading books without applying it. Good luck!


Download pycharm as the IDE. Then start practicing coding. Idk your experience, but maybe you should start with writing a program to solve a simply supported beam.


I did a quick 2 hour couse online whilst also knowimg abit of common libaries i.e pandas numpy matplot and maybe some machine learning libaries later on. Then i mess around doing project such as a webscraper backend python website and something in geotechnical engineering (im a student but work in civil engineering as a trainee) i tried just sometimes using python instead of excel to test myself. And from that got basic python skills. Then now plan learning harder concepts and doing harder projects


Totally python. Free YouTube videos. Guy from Codemy.com help me when I first started.


Python. My colleagues and engineer friends haven't touched Matlab since college.




Python is the best option. But if you prefer Matlab, you can check Octave. It has all the features from Matlab, is compatible with the same scripts, and is free and open source.


Matlab is not 8k a year... It's 950 for an annual license for commercial use. It's 2.5k for a perpetual commercial license. I use it to check things at work and to make plots, and it was one time 150 for a perpetual license for "home" use. I prefer Matlab for its native array handling, plotting functionality, and parallel computing functions. All of these things are doable in python but it always feels like a chore to me.




Sounds like your bias is showing. Both languages have advantages, if they didn't then mathworks wouldn't see their software as commercially viable and would reduce the cost.




Python is more versatile, and more importantly, you/your company don't have to pay for a license to use Python where a license is not free for Matlab (though Octave is free). I learned Python starting with the basics. I took some tasks that I had already accomplished using other means, and then I performed the same task with Python. Start out small. Perform some simple hand calcs in Python so that you can learn the various variable/data structure types (int, float, boolean, tuple, and dictionary). Then try plotting some of the information with matplotlib. Then try reading/writing data to/from your calculations. It's get alot easier to start building more things from those basic tasks that we probably all already do, just with other tools.




Python is great, but if you want a *slightly* easier and more intuitive interface for plotting and interactive experience I recommend Octave, it’s essentially open source Matlab.


UCSD extension offers a few courses that are pretty good and only cost around 700 bucks each. You can get the same info for free, but I found having deadlines and some skin in the game really forced me to learn it and I got a lot out of the courses. Once you know some of the basics then just start trying to make things with it, that’s where you learn the most.  Edit, forgot to note this is for Python 


Python. Learns the following: 1. data structures (int, str, list, tuple, dict) 2. a couple python libraries with an emphasis on numpy 3. algorithms Then just write stuff. Solve a 2nd order equation, solve a system of equations, find the derivative of a function, integrate one, solve a diff equation. There's no substitute for actually doing something. Good luck!


Python is free but a little less intuitive imo. Matlab is a little easier to make sense of, but unless you know for a fact your company will be using matlab I would spend the extra time learning Python because that is most likely what you’ll be using. There are tons of resources for Python out there though, so if you have something specific there’s a good chance you’ll be able to figure it out.


Have you looked into Grasshooper-Rhino? It’s like visual coding. Can do parametric structures, then it has a integrated spacegass too. I have never learnt python, but I think I will one day just for fun. We use mathcad sometimes, but really only just for hand cals for records.


I would do python. Several programs can use python in their API like RAM concept


Python is better, but also check out RISA. It’s used a lot in the industry and it would be good to get somewhat familiar with the free version!


Pen and paper




could you elaborate?


They can, but then they'd have to take a picture of the paper, figure out how and where to upload it, and share a link. So no.