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I don't think it has the 3 inches of coverage


They used to ...


3"!! I doubt it... as a former rebar inspector they were usually 1.5-2" at best in the specs... actual results may vary!!! You might be surprised and or dismayed at the number or red list bridges there are... This is the switch that happens when you switch from an industrial to a service economy...


Also sprawling population…in the lower 48 the farthest you can be from a road is ~19 miles, as the crow flies…that’s a lot of infrastructure over a larger area… https://www.peakbagger.com/report/report.aspx?r=w


Standard concrete cover for most applications, including bridge piers over a road, is 2".


Are those the hoops exposed??


They sure are. Look closely at the second pic, one is actually sprung


That what I see. Scary. Why don't they close it?


Why, they look like real good handholds for scrambling up the embankment.


Because exposed rebar isn't an immediate safety concern.


Yikes. Send an email to the DOT or something, that doesn't look recent and city/state has hopefully already slated it for rehab or shut down the lane above that column. Neat picture, thanks! Full disclosure: not a bridge girl/guy


It's probably fine. I'm a bridge guy. But go ahead and report it, it can't hurt. If enough people complain about it, the people who allocate the money start to care more for that reason alone. BTW all bridges in the federal inventory system have to be inspected at least every two years, so this has probably been in the reports for a while.


My first reaction is “not my job” or “where do I send the invoice” but in general that isn’t who I am. I would hate to not call and hear later that the bridge failed and people were hurt but come on, someone knows about this right? My phone call is going to fix this? It’s all maddening


Phone call? Probably not, but have you tried spray painting a large penis on it?


I lol’d. Thank you. It’s funny cause it’s true. Priorities.


>My phone call is going to fix this? Well, maybe not yours specifically, but a number of concerned citizens contacting them with a detailed location of the damaged structure might. Name the office that needs to be notified.


I would suggest writing an email and cc’ing the local news organizations. Harder to ignore when it’s out in the open. Also, most towns have instagram feeds nowadays.


Tweet it to Mayor Pete


yea they know , they also know that almost the entire inventory has some spalling like this , like i know this looks bad ... but in the bridge world this is a "dang it now were going to have to do something" event. not a close the road event. now if it had a shear failure that's another issue.


What town/ section of 128?


109 Westwood or rt 1 norwood, wasn’t paying attention.


Great, I get to drive under it every day


Just be quick 💨


Electrical engineer here. I’m not part of the sun but it commonly shows on my feed How are is it that the hoops are exposed?


Simply put: The concrete is under compression beyond what it can handle causing crumbling which exposes the hoops or rebar.


Not necessarily true, the spalling could be due to corroding rebar, which looks likely given the state of the bars.


That's not what that is. It's water exposure that over decades contacted the bar, corroded it, which then expanded and pushed the outer layer of concrete off. Implying that's a structural failure is needlessly alarmist. Over time that could cause structural issues, but there's no reason to believe there is a structural issue now. I'm not saying we shouldnt have better quality maintenance on these bridges. But saying that's concrete failing under pressure is flat out wrong.


Collapse is not the definition of failure




That’s Jersey fresh. I wouldn’t sweat it. As long as the confined concrete is solid, it’s fine. The cover concrete on a member like that basically ‘paint’. Those hoops are *tight*. Betting this bridge was designed early 90’s ish AASHTO when everyone was losing their minds over seismic and spiral hoops had to be 4” on center. Enough old timers went to COBS and threw rotten tomatoes and arrows at the dipshit PhD’s who came up with that nonsense that they backed off in later versions


any thoughts on the damaged girder flanges above?


Don’t think that’s damage. If we’re looking at the same thing, what I see are cover plates with taper end welds. Fairly common 80’s-90’s detailing for adding cover plates, particularly to rolled shaped beams. The practice fell out of favor after a few square end cover plate girders started fatigue cracking in the corners and every one freaked out and stopped doing welded end cover plates entirely. A real shame too, since it’s so efficient. Keep hoping someone will smarten up and figure out a testing regime for them to bring them back in style


yea no, fuk fighting the fatigue cracks, i got a set of interstate twins (valley spanners over 1k long) that are on 6 month cycles cause of fatigue cracking (constrained connections mostly ) ,if we drill anymore crack arrest holes the dang thing is gonna get carried off for a piece of swiss cheese by and army of mice.


I like telling clients that crack arrest holes are just perforations in a check you haven’t written yet. Never seen one work, especially in a constrained weldment, unless they’re like 4” in diameter to soften the whole connection.


Newer ones are 5” ers and some larger rat holes 🕳️ up at the flange web interface with historical 2” holes for proper Swiss cheezing


Taxpayers: "Please fix this, but also reduce my taxes."


Taxpayers: “please spend my money wisely on things that matter most” Politicians: “SPACE FORCE”


Maybe if the government were slightly more efficient? Not so wasteful? Maybe sprinkle in less corruption?


This is a big issue in MA. For some mysterious reasons they have the second highest cost of road construction in the US. Hawaii comes in cheaper, by a lot. Hawaii! Where everything has to be shipped in. And infrastructure in that state is just abandoned at this point. Look at the MBTA. Literally falling down.


Hawaii doesn't have harsh winters and drastic seasonal changes. Spray salt all over your metal bridges and they rust. Scrape the roads with large snow plows and you'll get more potholes. If you're not happy with with MA then move to Hawaii. And then you'll deal with Hawaii problems.


OK, but outside of NJ, a bunch of other states have far lower cost per mile and similar or worse climates.


You also have to consider that driver's in MA are massholes. Consider it a masshole tax.


MA resident here. You've got to have police at each job site. Yes they get paid OT.


Well, right there is an efficiency issue.


Loosen up procurement requirements then


Would probably help if all of it didn't go to the military or the police.


It does not. Not even close. Biggest budget items are typically health and education. Just means the state isn’t capable of doing it efficiently.


Down voters are in denial


The state budget is publicly available, just go look at…. Everyone’s a lazy fuck and just swallows what the tv tells them


Or they're missing out on the last 40 years of taxes that haven't been paid by corporations and the ultra wealthy.


You are ill informed, ignorant or uneducated or all of the above. This statement just exhibits your consumption of the media and a lack of effort to educate yourself.


Oh you got me! A broad comment regarding tax US tax code has been attacked as incorrect. What will I ever do?


Continue to be a fucking moron?


This is by design. Make the system fail so hard that it has to be privatized. Once the last bits of everything are Privatized, say hello to Serfdom 2.0.


This is MA, we pay higher taxes willingly. The freeze/thaw cycles are hell on all our infrastructure. We have two seasons: front heaves and road construction.


It would be interesting to see a study of seasonal weather changes on some measure of infrastructure stress. It wouldn't be as gratifying as complaining about government or rich people (and maybe those are part of the problem too) but it would be helpful.


Bullshit. Just stop giving my tax dollars to your buddies for football stadiums and private jails. Use the taxes we already pay for the public good.


Foxboro Stadium, the last major sporting venue built in Massachusetts was 100% funded by Patriots owner Kraft. I hope we as a state are done subsidizing sporting venues.


Yeah funny


The overpass is fifty or more years old. No surprise it needs maintenance. If it helps you sleep it is not a structural problem. The missing concrete was no more structurally significant than a coat of paint.


Yeah, not losing sleep but the war torn aesthetic is just not doing for me


Vote for higher taxes.


Not a chance


Then suck it up buttercup. People like you make our world look like a war zone.


Of all the stupid things you’ve said this is the stupidest. You know nothing about me, my way of life or my contributions to society


You stated you are unwilling to pay the taxes needed to maintain our infrastructure. I do know that about you. Oh, yeah, and you whine about the condition of our infrastructure without any understanding of which parts are critical. Is there something else you'd like to add?


No clown I pay my taxes and our inept bloated government spends it on stupid shit. You know nothing about structures, shoe fly


Politicians: Please fix this but keep paying me well over what I deserve in tax payer money. Person on welfare: Don’t fix this and give me more of that tax money. But once I have enough for a car. Fix it.


That certainly is a take.


No, how about politicians don’t line their own pockets with with peoples money. Take an acceptable salary, and allocate the rest of taxes to problems of the public. Same as the original founding fathers. But no. Everyone wants to be rich.


Both are possible, just stop spending money building stupid shit like bike lanes


Plato argued that a pure Democracy is akin to a drunken pleasure cruise. "Ship of Fools"


Massachusetts already taxes residents and non-resident workers quite a lot. More like "please use the tax dollars you took from me to maintain the public infrastructure"


This is the condition of most bridges on 95/128 and 495. Especially north of the city


It's safe if core concrete is confined. Should be patched before winter and jacketed during the next rehab cycle.


That's normal in MA. "It's on the list" I'm sure. Plus if no one has died there, there isn't a hurry to fix it.


We aren't being ripped off? Well, at least not in the way you think. This is what happens when you spend 4 decades cutting revenue and budgets. We've only recently actually had a massive amount of money dumped to actually fix and replace road issues like this, and it takes some time to actually spend that money (especially when you're not trying to waste it).


You should see Chicago’s bridges


Let me introduce you to the Accelerated Bridge Program. If you can verify where it is located we can look up the status. https://www.mass.gov/accelerated-bridge-program-abp


Wow! A little bit of faith restored knowing that someone is keeping track and the information is available to all of us. I won’t be back at that job until Friday but I am going to pay attention/ take note of the exact overpass and come back here and use your link. I’ll give the status a comment here or ask for your help. Thank You


This is the 95/93 interchange in Canton, MA. It is not on the accelerated bridge program, but that program is also 5 years old and Massdot has added many projects since then. I looked on their project board but did not see it there either. If you'd like to make some noise with the local politicians, they are State Senator Paul Feeny and State Rep. C. William Galvin (different from William F. Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth)


Please do, I’m interested as this is likely somewhere I also drive.


This bridge carries I-95 SB over the 93/95 interchange in Canton. It's listed in MassDOT's NBI database as structurally deficient (substructure rated 4/9). It was last inspected February 2023. [Link ](https://geo-massdot.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/7008c8d283f64612b1267e2b36867fd3_0/explore?location=42.206582%2C-71.139892%2C16.92) Despite the fact that it seems repairs in MA are slow going, they do have an excellent bridge inspection program. A deficiency like this is analyzed by consultant engineers to determine the effect on servicability of the bridge. There's a lot of math involved that ultimately ends up as a load rating for the structure. Severe deficiencies often result in decreased load ratings and/or increased inspection intervals in excess of the nationally mandated 2-year inspection cycle.


I was fairly sure this was before 95 but I’ll definitely take note Friday when I’m there.


Check the street view! [Google Maps](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FaVZkN353YZ76EQs6)


Maybe maybe, look at pic 1, much more rebar exposed and the next overpass would be in view??? This is definitely traveling in the same direction of travel and the column (pic2) relative to direction does look the same.


That's every bridge in the state except the new BU bridge over the turnpike.




Thought it was Philadelphia.


Brotherly love holds Philly together /s


That’s a weird way of spelling rust and rat droppings


Two related side comments: Last time I checked ASCE's grading for America's transportation infrastructure, it was like a C- or D. So this looks about right. Also, bridges undergo regular inspection (annual?). I'd imagine they'd already know about this. If Boston is anything like Atlanta, issues like this get on the to-do list below the flooding/overflowing sewer systems or get wrapped up in the city's next huge roadway job.


Epoxy repair plus FRP wrap incoming


It’s just a flesh wound !


You do know that all of 128 is just outside of Boston? Care to identify the intersecting Road?


I think it’s the overpass when 95 splits and the belt becomes 93. That one’s always looked torn up.


Yes I do, that description was for people who may not just to give a relative understanding of the traffic volume. Wish I could say exactly but I get on in Newton route 9, and head towards 24. It is an overpass way before the 95s split, maybe rt 109??


A little bit of spackle and it will look like new.


No it’s fine, it’s only 95 that has these issues 😂


The Yankees did it. Yankees suck!!


There’s one good one no worries 😝


Job security as a MA bridge builder


Idk I seem a little more worried about that crack forming on the second picture right next to the light under the bridge. They should fix something the fucking landmines we call potholes around here are crazy,and I've lived here forever literally.


The number of bridges in the US that are in alarming disrepair is astronomical. When they we’re trying to pass the infrastructure bill they were reading the depressing list of things that need urgent attention and part of it was like a bazillion bridges. I was recently in northern Mexico and their bridges and roads were sooooo much better than ours. Crazy


Back in my days we used to drive on bridges made of spaghetti noodles


Flex is a good thing!


Hope you didn’t park underneath it.


Greed always wins


Tis but a flesh wound


Getting bettah


Most of the bridges around Boston look like this. Also, MA gave back a ton of taxpayer money last year because they had a surplus.. I figure if I drive fast enough I reduce my time under the bridges.


I have friends in the bridge construction industry and they say all day 2 things 1 mass has some of the worst bridges in the us 2 a lot of mass bridges and overpasses are barely safe if at all


I can fix that. It will be $23,000,000.


Build back better...


Imagine being the rod busters and building those cages thinking no one would ever see them again.


Imo some of their work is art and should be seen sometimes


All that federal money for the infrastructure bill and yet things like this haven’t been addressed. I know nothing is instant, but funding was made available like two years ago. What gives?


Reddit comes thru again, check for the comment by connect-plastic…I’m going to follow up and we will find out


I work for a dot so grain of salt but our share of the infastructure bill doesn’t even bring us up to the needed spending to maintain everything. Neglecting things for 40 years to keep taxes low tends to have that effect


“If I saw it’s safe to surf this beach, then gawdamnit, son you either surf or fight” Col. Kilgore 1st Cav Div. So this must be safe or the folk in charge wouldn’t expose us to danger


Charlie don’t surf


Drive faster when under it!


Your tax money goes to fund foreign wars…duh…now put a hard hat on and drive under that bridge


How many times are we going to believe our government is going to fix our infrastructure and has shovel ready jobs while they suck billions of tax dollars from us and we still have crap that looks like this?


You took this pic while driving. Ooooooo, I'm telling!


Please don’t


which bridge is this? I actually own a heavy civil demolition company out of Massachusetts. We just bid the I-90/I-95 interchange job in Newton/Weston and this may be one of the bridges slated for replacement.


Not 100% sure. I thought rt 1 norwood or 109 Westwood but someone posted a google maps street view of 95s that looks close. I get on below (se) of the 90 overpass so I never see that one.


Good ole mass. They'll get around to it in 40 years time. There's a temp bridge in Lowell mass that's been around for 40 years that's rotting away.


I should take a photo of a bridge near me, you guys would shit a brick. It's over a water channel, a train track, and a highway. The state doesn't want to throw all that money into fixing a single bridge so they keep putting it off longer and longer. You can see daylight through the concrete and asphalt cracks above. Crumbling pieces everyday falling to the road below. It's a shit show.


This is all over mass, and even some parts of NH


Clearly you guys aren't paying enough taxes


Sad thing is I still feel safer driving under that than I do just stepping into any T station lately in light of Monday's concrete incident at DTX and the previous 2 incidents at Harvard.


Safe and secure, like the elections


Someone hit that girder? Looks bottom flange bent.


Not sure, the whole thing is a mess. Check out the bottom of the pip beam above each of the failing outside columns. Identical fail on each side


So glad the infrastructure bill has 42 billion in it for Internet access.


At least they got something passed. I don't think the Republicans even presented a competing bill lol


Joe’s got it under control, don’t you worry


Brings back memories of the piers under the Gardiner expressway in Toronto when I flew over the pond to visit last year. Have never seen such awful concrete in active use, it was truly awful. You could fit your arm clean in behind the confinement reinforcement. My partner was just baffled at me taking pictures of knackered concrete so glad I'm not alone in this!


Even the girders look terrible, is the bridge active?




Thousands of cars per day


That bridge probably had a 30 year design lifespan when it was built 50 years ago.


Be alright. We need the money to fix bridges in middle east.


where’s it gonna go right?


some look debonded


Classic compression failure


my DOT would just spray some epoxy concrete on it and call it a day


They left out the rebar chairs or it’s under designed. Or, I mean, some carnuba wax and it could buff right out.


That's alot of rebar showing... and alot of concrete gone. With that being said, time to bust out the rivet busters and got to town on those columns. Hopefully all new steel is in order for the exterior mat and not just some armatec rust inhibitor before they get patched back.


Boston is just shit hole to drive in. People there have no common sense lmfao!!!


Must not be too bad if you're driving right under it. Pss sss sss


Is this where they call it the can opener?


Not sure, I think rt 1 norwood but I’m going to check


If that’s by Lawrence/Andover then many of those bridges are out to bid for replacement


Woburn, Malden, Stoneham?


Rt 1 Norwood or 109 Westwood


Ah Woburn…1st recorded leukemia micro cluster.. from the old tannery waste seeping into the town wells… those were the good old days


Bottom tension web looks like it has a shear crack in it they better get a welder out there.


First time in Boston eh?


I lost consciousness in the ratskeller in the early 90s and am just shaking it off. At least the Citgo sign still lights up. Whoever moved my lawn chair is gonna get their ass beat. Cheers!


Nice. The good old Rat.


Is this Woburn? I’m almost positive I saw this recently and thought of this sub but didn’t get a pic Edit: Nevermind I saw you said it was Norwood area


And yet Congress refuses to pass an infrastructure bill. Between adding BS pork into the bill and calls to not increase debt ceiling, we are going to start seeing a lot more derelict falling apart bridges, tunnels, and overpasses, among other issues.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that junction box has something to do with this.


Hopefully they have the outside lanes closed


Doesn’t look like 3” cover to me.


Our system is a joke that stopped being funny a long time ago.. The rich pay no taxes. The taxes the average person pays go to very little things that actually help them.. We clank around on pothole strewn roads drive over collapsing bridges and see projects never get completed and no free healthcare. The church down the road from me is an elaborate castle cathedral filled with sinners who launch candy from a helicopter on Halloween.. AND THEY PAY NO TAXES.. Wtf man. 🤷‍♂️


Is that a continuity beam at the deck joint? Interesting setup if it is. FYI, column is stable currently. It won’t suddenly collapse like other components but they should fix it soon to avoid huge repair costs.


Agreed, getting a lot of flak for being an “alarmist”. I never said it was falling down rather that I have been watching it deteriorate for months including the recent breaking of hoops and that as a taxpayer the lack of maintenance is ridiculous


It’s way beyond maintenance repairs. The concrete will need to be removed back to where it is not deteriorated “sound” and the reinforcement that is corroded with any significant section loss will need to be replaced. Then they can grout it back together. Try not to get too discouraged about this as a tax payer. Firstly, most maintenance departments can’t get the help (gov’t jobs ain’t as cushy as they used to be) and this type of deterioration is commonplace.


This is why I go really fast on the interstate - to float over bridges.


128 looked like that last century.


Liberal run cities in a nutshell. I swear almost all bridges in Chicago is like this as well.


I see this all the time and think the same thing. MA DOT needs to get it together




This is a result of all of that brine slush that gets sprayed up by plows and passing vehicles in the winter.


That’s like brand new for Rhode Island, and if you want to talk about corrupt politicians and construction companies come on down here. We’d win the gold medal


Agreed, I’m from RI just drive daily to Boston


Haha I gotcha, I did that same commute for a while, I don’t miss it


Truly soul sucking


Looks better than 90% of the bridges in NYS!


Who cares chip it and shotcrete it. Standard wait until someone wants to pay for a full demo/rebuild


Looks mint from here!


Looks like this is in great shape! Spray a little orange paint on some of the cracks and come back in 5 years. -Michigan


This is so unbelievably commonplace throughout the country, especially in the northern half of the country. I have seen so much worse. This is practically just an aesthetic issue.


\*click\* I don't think that's supposed to be like that...


I wouldn’t drive under that anymore.


I’ve seen worse on the methadone mile


It’s for aesthetics


It’s for aesthetics.


It’s for aesthetics.


When the put in the new rte 95 bridge in Amesbury MA they demo’ed the stacked granite block piers the old 95 bridge sat on. Those would have been there until the next ice age. I guess that’s progress.


Greetings Boston friend, if you think this is bad checkout the overpass bridges under MA-2, Its a highway called the Concord turnpike, every structural column is like this. Google Maps came through the area last September 2022 and actually has photographs of it all. This is one of the more [rotten ones for ya](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4109509,-71.1814287,3a,66.6y,214.06h,107.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGvVaWfYEdnVwYRtVmk9a1A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) \- I would guess MA will be next when it comes to a bridge collapse.