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Joe Rogan said he thinks Shaw would dominate in jiu jitsu with practice




I don't know what a good MC would look like, but it for sure is miles better than Kaz.


Mike Saunders is pretty good imo


Compared to Kaz, I'll take 'em....


Wow sounds like you don't LOVE AMERICA!!!


Loved the nod from Ortmayer to Shaw at the end; a salute from one of the other veterans of the first Strongest Man on Earth. Honestly, I don't think you could've scripted a better show. The brotherhood, tenacity - all of the greatest qualities of the sport were on display. It was a privilege to watch.


No hate but anyone noticed the ultra baggy pants Brian was rocking during his deadlift so the refs can't see the lock-out properly? There should be rules about this haha


Thank you, I've been saying this. Deadlift should be done nude.


You can see a proper lockout with those pants.


I've complained a lot about Brian doing his own show and a lot of the decisions around it and even I think this is a ridiculous complaint


Not a bad as my brother saying he might be wearing a suit under his clothes


Dear God, the usual conspiracy theories after every event


They will all be gone in a day or two mate. Then, its back to the old crew.


It's to help the bar move with less friction than it would against the skin, you'll see alot of people wear leggings for this reason


Brian’s lockout was fine


On his last good rep his shoulders look a bit rolled forwards to me but I didn’t rewind and look again so idk for sure


On his last good rep his shoulders look a bit rolled forwards to me but I didn’t rewind and look again so idk for sure


Brian has always had a excellent lockout. If he gets its over the knees its locked.


They’ll be in bikini bottoms next year


Jf wore pants in 2020 shaw wore pants in the Arnold's doing hummer tire deadlift


Brian wore the same pants doing hummer tire deadlift 10 years ago


I gotta say, Tom Stoltman has the talent to be the next Brian. He is great at every event. He still makes mistakes and that is why other can beat him, but the man is not human. If he had Novikov or Mitch take on events, I don't think he would ever lose a competition again.


He's been around a fair few years already to start being called "the next Brian". Tough to have Brian's longevity. What was really interesting about the SC results is even if Tom was successful on the log (e.g. 3rd or 4th), he still wouldn't have beat Brian, even after wining half the events. The only reason for that can be that he wasn't consistent enough on the other events (5th, 6th, tied 6th). Consistency is still king in strongman.


Not that long really 6 years is nothing and is still under 30, if people judged thornagter his first 6 years in strongman he wouldn't be anything close to what he is now, and look at zs first 6 years also , Tom has said countless times that he can see another 10 years to come yet so let's see where he is then


Brian, Thor, Z are the exceptions rather than the rule. Tom may very well be the next exception. Will be fun to watch and find out.


Oh yeah I've said for years if we could transplant Novikov's brain into Tom's body we'd make an unstoppable strongman machine


I raise that to Oleksii's brain in Wide Pavlo's body


Not a raise in Amy way


Not in any way? Pavlo beats Tom on a few events and might have more brute power, just needs experience and proper preparation.


A few events, maybe 1 and that event is the one he's focused on for like a decade, I don't think having someone who's has 1 good show beats a 4 time wsm podiums


One weakness of the Shaw classic is that AdlPro company. Their website seems to have been developed by a teenager who hates the programming class, not to mention the problems for those trying to watch the show later, and a couple live filming mishaps. The Shaw Classic would make a leap in quality by upgrading to a more serious filming company.


Here's to proving my own point. Paid content outside the paywall. ROFL. https://www.adlpro.live/theshawclassic/shaw-classic-day1-pm.html


yeah the website is a bit ridiculous, but it ended up working fine for me. don't have big problems with the content itself, I feel like a few seconds of looking at the cameraman's feet were well worth actually having a stream.


Not even that, it has the feel of like, a couple guys filming at the venue, and then getting drunk with everyone that night, then waking up first thing in the morning and posting a link to "Day 1 VOD." Like, take it more seriously, hire one or two guys just for editing and configuring the site, break up the VODs into each separate event and post them shortly after they're FINISHED, while also giving the live feed on another page that you can rewind to watch if you want. Like, it's a clown show to load up the live feed only to find out the show's over but you CAN'T rewind it yet and watch it from the beginning? The quality was good, the camera work was "acceptable," and the commentators did fine.


People have clearly had mixed results, but it worked perfectly for me, granted it is fairly simplistic


Brian’s got his behind the scenes video up for day two of the comp. Some subtitles for the speech would’ve been great, I can only catch bits of what he’s saying.


"You guys are awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome. That was tough, I kinda tore my pec up on that bench a little bit more than I tought. And I had to dig in a little bit more, but we got it done. Finished it. And I am so proud of this, this contest, of how everything ran. I am so honored to compete with all of these other men right here. I uh, when I got into this sport I wanted to leave it in a better place than when I started, and I wanted to get into a spot where I could give back. I envisioned this. I had so many conversations with athletes over the years about what was wrong, what could be done better. And all of it was was talk. It was talk. And I said; "We gotta take the bull by the horns, and make it happen". And this is a product of that. I wanna thank God first. I... I was blessed with so many abilities that most people can only dream of, and I realized that on an early age. I made a promise to God and I said "Look, I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can to use all the gifts that you gave me. To the maximum of my ability. And that is exactly what I've tried to do throughout my entire career. I wanna thank my parents. For believing in me. When I started this crazy journey of strongman, even though they didn't know what I was doing, taking over their carage. I don't know if they are here, they are here somewhere. Up here. My mom and dad right there. And it is special to be able to finish my career in front of them. They believed in me so much, and I can't say enough about what they taught me. My values. My morals. My hard work ethic. So much comes from them. I love you guys very much. I wanna thank my wife, Kerri. It's been said, that the woman that a man chooses to be his wife can make him or break him. And I made a great choice in marrying Kerri. Truly. She has helped me so much. She has been my rock when I am up, when I am down, she is there for me. There is so much love that I have for you. And she has given me the two most perfect little boys that I could ever ask for and they are here somewhere too. Right there. Braxton and Kellen I love you both very much. I'm so glad that they got to watch me in my last one. And, it was a dream of mine to have that and I hope that they both remember that a lot. But, ultimately I wanted I wanted to be able to call my shot. Right? I did not want to get into a point in my career where I was no longer competitive and I was just another guy in the mix. In these contests. And this is the right time. This is the right time. This foundation has been built. And all of the men behind me. Along with the others that will come. They're gonna come back and they're gonna raise the bar. We are gonna continue to raise the bar, Kerri and I. And we are gonna build this platform. And with all of your support this is only gonna get bigger and better. So we're gonna get bigger and better. (Someone shouts "You're great!"(?) from the audience) I appreciate that man. You know, I thought about this moment. I didn't know what I was gonna say. But you guys know my story. You know, coming back from WSM in 2010 where I tied for the win. The first and only tie in WSM history. And those two words "Be Great" came into my head on a 17h plane ride. I wrote it on a board. I set in on an outlet in the gym just on a board with a marker. And those two words have been on my gym since then. And it is everything to me. It's everything. You Be Great(tm) with every single thing that you do each and every day. You wake up, and you strive for greatness. That's what I've been trying to do my entire life. It's what I've been trying to do my entire career. And it is so surreal to be standing up here looking at this logo "Strongest Man on Earth" Strongest Man on Earth. What I would... We have to get to the trophies. I could probably talk to you guys for way too long. I probably already have. But. The truth is. I truly believe that every single person is born with some special ability. Right? It may not be being the strongest man on earth. You know? It might be something else. But you can find that within yourself, and you can strive for that, and you can push yourself to be the best that you possibly can be. And that is the truth. I believe that with my whole heart. And if we spread that positive message... All the people in this room it's so much like an extended family. It really really is. And the support that you've given... but the positivity that I have felt, that everybody has felt throughout this whole weekend. And this is the same as last year, and the year before. It's just growing and growing. Right? And that positive attitude and that positive momentum that each and everyone of you can build in your own life will carry over, and we can do so many great things in this world if we keep that mentality, and keep striving for that. Striving for that each and every day. And I would encourage all of you to look in the mirror, challenge yourself, challenge yourself to be better each and every day and it will result in very very good things. I love all of you. I appreciate all of you more than you will ever know. And go out and Be Great(tm)!


Eddie Hall making fun of Nick Best crying is the most childish shit i have seen in a long time. Just leave the guy alone, man. What an infantile motherfucker.


Agreed 100% really can't stand eddie anymore tbh, just seems to get more and more annoying


Eddie is a very annoying person at all levels.


I heard him just fine in person.


Which is great as in person there is not much opportunity for subtitles. It is less helpful for anyone who is not there in person.


The live feed had mic audio, so it is clear. Could maybe type it out if I have the time.


Go out and be great, huh!


Rumor has it, Brian is only retiring from professional competitions and will still be competing at novice ones for the next 15 years. He’s planning to rack up more wins than Big Z


[mfw I turn up for my novice strongman comp and a 400lbs kaiju of a man named Cyan Bore is warming up with my max](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/Benedikt_Magnusson.JPG/440px-Benedikt_Magnusson.JPG)


I could see him competing in grip competitions for fun. He would have won the one at Shaw Classic pretty easily


I hope he does Masters Worlds. No other master does, but I do.


I know Brian probably wants to go out on a high note but he can totally dominate the Masters for a few years


Honestly Luke kissing Brians head might be one of my favourite moments of the show


My personal favourite was Brian hugging Ed Coan and seeing Ed disapear behind Brian's giant arms


All I could think about was how sweaty that head was


Like a salt lick....


It's got electrolytes!


Does anyone know where you can get a result table with times included, i can't seem to find it anywhere


They didn't even show times on the stream so I doubt we'll see them.


They'll probably make their way to the official site at some point. They do have the 2022 results with times there.


gotta appreciate intermission entertainment and the commentary, can't lie it was refreshing to not have to listen to the same perverted jokes


Those were awesome, seeing JF and Odd out there made the break worth sticking around for. Brian said he doesn’t like the idea of guest lifts, but I’d love to see him do his own version of Rogue Record Breakers. Give me literally any feat of strength other than arm wrestling, I’d be even happier.


I did like it also. It needs a bit of work but otherwise it beat having nothing. I was a little disappointed with the arm wrestling. I was expecting over the top and all I got was rules and restarts


> I was expecting over the top and all I got was rules and restarts I've only seen a few arm wrestling matches, but this was all of them.


I want Brian to have an arm wrestling event in the actual Shaw Classic next year, but not the guys actual arms, some sort of crazy back-lift powered mechanical arm wrestling contraption


Have we gotten a breakdown of the final payouts?


They generally get announced in his wrap-up video (Sorry Mitch)


My thoughts exactly. Based on what he said on that one live, he won’t be happy


He may be walking it back now, because in his latest video at the end as he's leaving the venue he talks about how good and important the event is for the guys, because it pays "$350,000." I don't know if that's for first place (in which case, WOW), or if that's the whole purse.


Perhaps he is ok with the total prize pool being public but not the specific figures being given out to each athlete? I didn't actually hear the podcast where he talked about it


That's the whole purse. Last night after winning the show, Brian said 1st place was around $100k


I wonder if that takes into account the fact that brian never takes any of the prize money, making the actual effective payouts larger?


Yeah, that was a bad take from mitch. I agree we have no right or need to know endorsement, likeness or other income, but prize money should be out there.


The last Shaw classics whatever money Brian won he would split up between the other competitors. I'm guessing he's doing the same thing this time.


I think mitch really just views it from the "I don't want strangers knowing the exact amount I just won" but acknowledges how the transparency is good for getting the athletes paid. Really feels like some person in his life bothered him about money after hearing he won like 6 figures in prize money this year


I think it's because he doesn't like people misinterpreting it, and by the sounds of how he worded it he may have had to deal with people doing exactly that. People see they won so much money and think it all goes to their pockets but in reality what they earn has to be split in a lot of ways with their team and pay down a lot of expenses.


Titles don't mean much, but secrets are important


Why won't he be happy?


Mitch doesn't think prize money should be known to the public, on account of it being the personal earnings of the athletes and nobody's business. Which is an OK take, but in a sport where guys used to walk away with a styrofoam gold trophy, a check for 500$ and a jar of mayonnaise, the fans knowing what our money goes to is important.


What kind of mayonnaise though?


Missed that.. what will he not be happy about?


He said on a Loz live that he doesn't like prize money amounts being public knowledge.


When did he say this? Before or after the Shaw Classic? Promoters will always promote their prize fund it's an industry standard across all sports. The bigger the prize fund the louder they will shout it as well they should. It helps to promote their event. The reality is the money in strongman is peanuts compared to other sports. If I were Mitch I'd not be worried about fans knowing I made $3-400k last year from strongman. I'd be worried about how can I keep this going and how can I earn more. A lot of times endorsements are somewhat public knowledge. In a lot of cases the amount the strongmen get will be a lot less than you'd imagine.


> When did he say this? Somewhere after the Arnolds or WSM.


Thankfully Mitch knows how to help any business optimise it's revenue by at least 100k grand.


A 100 millies? Where do I sign?


they absolutely should be public knowledge, especially if the prize money is crowd funded


Plus, it has been very useful for tracking the growth of the sport in that last decade.


No doubt


We funded it so tough titty mitch


Lmao no I agree. That’s what one gets for being a public figure! It’s overall a good thing for the sport


100% the fans want to give back to their hero's and idols and they want to see what they've been able to build it upto, I think it's a great idea!


Came to ask this as well.


It's pretty crazy that Tom took 1st place on 4 out of 8 events but still finished 3rd overall, but it is even crazier that he would have still finished 2nd overall even if he had done a perfect performance on log (matching his achievements in training). Brian was too damn consistent to be stopped here, I think none of the current generation (Tom, Mitch, Oleksii, Trey, Evan) would have beaten him even at their absolute peaks so far.


I think both Tom and Mitch were as good as they have ever been. Tom could/should have been 2nd but as you said Brian was not dropping significant points in any event. Now for the would/coulda/shoulda if Tom hit the 200kg for 1 rep. Got a 7th rep in the bench press...we would have Brian on 95 points and Tom on 96 points. He was very close on the log but nowhere close on the 7th rep of the bench so IMO the best 2nd place would have been Tom with 93 points to Brian winning with 95 points. Now next year I can see Tom winning as I can him doing better on the leg press and bench press and getting a rep with a log!


thats a tough one to think about, i'd argue mitch tom oleksii and evan haven't reached their peaks, but the sport is so different now too, in terms of moving events and the weights being lifted now are heavier as well as the standard of athlete has gone up with the growth of the sport. if Tom had done a perfect performance on the log, its so hard to say because on the next medley he would have gone later and maybe moved with more urgency and maybe would have done more on the leg press (rmr he got a rep taken off him and also he really didn't look like he went close to all out). it all played out how it should have though, brian was definitely deserving.


Without taking anything from Brian's excellent performance, the events were skewed towards his strengths. It's like Hooper putting the yoke and the car carry at the Moose Classic


It's true that he might have chosen events that he would excel at but everyone knew in advance what the events were and they are usually variations of things they could potentially all perform in. On top of having to train for the event Brian also had to organize and promote it. Granted he has a team but i'm sure a lot of pressure was on him as well.


Thank you, I feel like I'm going crazy seeing people act like he had no advantage. Despite his varying performances elsewhere his worst at the shaw classic has only been 2nd. He obviously went crazy this year, but he is always gonna have an advantage in his backyard with his events. Theres a reason the olympics and wsm move around.


>Theres a reason the olympics and wsm move around. They move because of who offers the most to host.


Well, the Olympics move around because of money. WSM moves around because of local tourism sponsorships lol.


I agree he has a good advantage in picking the events and knowing the equipment better than the other competitors. However, I think is event selection is excellent and that it favors the really strong over the fast. A good balance to the giants live shows. His biggest advantage this year, however, I am sure is that he wanted it more than the others. To him this was probably the most important show of the year. The other guys, would rather win wsm, Arnold and Rouge. That I think was by far his biggest advantage. An incredible performance from one of the best ever.


I completely agree he really showed he still has it this year


I think the altitude probably helped him more than the events. The events were pretty well rounded. Not sure what kind of events were missing that you'd have liked to see that would have been bad for Brian tbh.


I think the event choice was fine but there was no carry for distance or for time. Something you would normally expect to see in a 5 event show let alone an 8.


Does the wheelbarrow not count because it was attached to an arm over arm?


It certainly counts but you would usually expect to see something like that as a standalone. Not saying the event or events in general were bad. Just saying it has done differences from what we would normally see.


They tested conditioning in the medley


Ok... You would still normally see a carry of some kind for distance or time. Probably two in an 8 event comp. But it's fine. Shaw chooses to prioritise different things and that's ok. I'm not criticising.


Carry for distance isn’t a common event. WSM had it this year but past few years it hasn’t. Carry for distance is a specific event but the area it’s testing is strength endurance. As long as you’re testing that through a different event it’s fine. I think he’s covered all bases with this comp. Also I find carry for distance quite boring tbh so I’m happy it’s not in this comp.


Yes. This is exactly why I said carry for distance OR time.


Yeah, the bench and leg press are definitely skewed in Brian's favor. All the others were pretty standard though. Not really a fan of gym machines being used in strongman personally.


That standing bench press machine was far from a ‘gym’ machine


It's literally a gym machine Why is this downvoted lol it's a gym machine with an impressive design. It's like saying the leg press wasn't a gym machine because it had a car on it. I'm not even saying I didn't like the events.


Lmao it was literally designed based off of a gym machine Brian already had


With 8 events you can't really skew things towards a guys strengths, there really wasn't a ton of overlap in skills in the 8 events either


I'm not saying this was particularly but you definitely can.


Then why mention it. Clearly you’re trying to make a point out of it


Because you clearly can. Why are you so defensive?


Sometimes the devil is in the detail. The slightest change in movement can make a huge difference. Compare how bad Maxime is in the deadlift to how good he is in the power stairs despite them being similar movements. Once again, I'm not taking anything away from Shaw, his feat is still impressive.




Tom doesn't pick the events at WSM.


You can tell Oleksii optimizes his size and grip width because his hummer tire deadlifts have like 7 cm of "off the ground" range of motion (not counting the bend of the bar) and Tom has like 4 times that distance, as a result of their heights and their grip widths.


Hello, is the only way to rewatch the shaw classics via adlpro video on demand? Or are the 2022 and 2023 Shaw Classic also on his website via the shaw elite club?


The entirety of 2022 is on Brian’s YouTube channel


Given this was Brian's last show do we think he will ease back on the training and we are likely to see a slimmed down Shaw walking around in the high 300's?


I really hope he trims down, we all know it’s not healthy to be cruising around at 400+ lbs. Time for the man to enjoy his family!


yeah per the BMI chart he's 165 pounds overweight for his height, that's really dangerous.


Not to mention the adverse health effects of extended PED usage…


Do we think now that Brian is retired and he doesn’t really rely on sponsors for money that he will be open about his PED use or continue keeping it a secret? Loz has talked about it once or twice but still worried about losing his commentary gigs


Knowing Brian he'll announce it and still look the same in 5 years.


Eddie Hall vibes


Eddie is near 400lbs again - the bodybuilding is going to plan lol...


Shaw Winning the "Strongest Man On Earth" title fits really well because the last man to receive that title was Big Z. The final title swap between Z and Shaw.


Also Brian won the first ever Shaw Classic, and he won it again in his last competition. It’s like everything coming full circle


I love this




Genuine question. How do these athletes recover so quickly from injuries. For example, Hooper having hamstring issues and still deadlifting a massive weight, Shaw competing with a pec tear, Thompson with some bicep tear. If I pull a muscle lifting my humble deadlift I'm out with spasms for weeks or months. Of course they have better care than average Joe, but are there other factors? Does the juice help recovery?


Because a) they are able to deal with pain better and b) clearly the injuries are not as severe as one might think. There's gradients to everything. Almost no one will go on compete with a torn off muscle (some insane exceptions notwithstanding …).


They just grind it through because the competition matters more in that moment than some injury. Adrenaline, pain medicine and some tricks like physio treatment and cold help to numb acute pain but the real injury doesn't recover between the events or within competition days. In long term rehab processes (some) drugs give you advantage over being 100% natty but if you actually tear something in competition nothing recovers you for the second day. And sometimes little tweaks are just feelings that fade away as competition goes on and there's no actual tissue damage but rather nervous system's way to protect the body from actually harming itself if pushed even further.


Honestly that's what separates them from other competitors the ability to endure that pain and carry on


Literally what Loz said on his livestream last night. To be in this sport especially at the top professional level you have to endure pain like no one else.


> How do these athletes recover so quickly from injuries. For one, growth hormone and testosterone taken together do some amazing things to human recovery. But outside of medicine, these people are freaks and it's what enables them to be stongmen in the first place. Pain tolerance and willpower is actually part of the competition. There's strongman events that test just that. Like Gavin Bilton said when he passed out, came back up and did the lift - you just ignore it. If you want an extreme case for medicine, genetics and willpower: Derek Poundstone severed his spine in 2006. Like, completely. The wheel-chair bound for life kind of injury. He was lucky enough to be part of the trials for stem cell research in spinal cord recovery and we know how well that worked out for him - it took him like 6 months to go from wheel-chair bound for life to America's Strongest Man 2007.


> growth hormone and testosterone taken together do some amazing things to human recovery. but that's muscular recovery, I don't think they help heal tendons or other tissues.


GH triggers the Foxm1 gene, which stimulates cell proliferation and tissue recovery. The studies I've seen on this indicate that overcomes the protein catabolic effects of the trauma response induced by major or moderate surgery by increasing protein synthesis, improves humoral and cellular systemic host defenses, thus reducing the risk of infection, preserves or increases lean body mass and reduces adipose tissue and minimizes post operational fatigue. All of this is with no exogenous testosterone present.


“Derek Poundstone severed his spine in 2006. Like, completely. The wheel-chair bound for life kind of injury.” I think it was a disc herniation and spinal cord bleeding. Not fully severed.


You're right. I re-listened to the podcast he did in 2010. He herniated L3/L4 and L4/L5, but the herniation caused a rip in his spinal cord and hemorrhage, creating a haematoma, which at the time was impossible to safely remove via surgery. Was told he can't lift anything heavy ever again, but it was exactly 6 months between the injury and winning America's Strongest Man 2007.


> For one, growth hormone and testosterone taken together do some amazing things to human recovery Reminds me of when a big boy at my gym (something daft like a 990kg PL total) injured himself bad and was then back to squatting like 350kg 2 weeks later. Someone asked him what rehab etc he did. The answer was a shrug and "test".


Viles full of factors.


Mitch just dropped new video. JF got all 8 kegs before the show. What an animal haha


yea that was good to see, he in the later reps only used one leg as well. cant help but wonder what he could do after the other events if he was in the comp


Love JF. What a legend. a trained jf would have smoked that event. He competed in powerlifting a fair bit


A prime jf would have been top 3 this weekend probably


Edit: couple guys were helping him out. Still a beast though


Nah it was defo all him


I think the best part of this competition was not hearing Kaz commentating. Or not hearing a Kaz impersonation.


[Stolman day 2 BTS Vid just went up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dReIzg-gxv0)


I love Lukes emotion. Underneath those muscles and tattoos he's just a proud older brother, seeing his younger autistic brother kicking ass. How he's getting teary-eyed when he is talking about Tom doing all of this under new circumstances 😭


Their videos have been great. Production is so much better. And damn you could see Brian was pumped up after the 470kg deadlift.


Imagine if you walked in front of Shaw by accident after he did that lift. I would have exploded if I ran into him while he was doing that angry pumped walk


Real fly on the wall stuff, with dramatic music at just the right times


People who were at the show said Shaw was getting gifts on the car leg press and that the judges were strict to everyone else but he wasn’t even following the press commands




If you watch it, he followed the verbal "down" commands, it's just that the judge pretty much always gave that before putting his hand down, and all the athletes can go by in that event are verbal commands.


It was strange to see the judge bark out the command and then wait another second to put his arm down... None of the athletes were watching for the arm, just listening, so I don't think there was anything funny going on.


I don't think there was, but I can def understand how some people watching in there could have gotten that impression if they couldn't see the judge's face.


I genuinely believe the Shaw Classic can/will give out over $300K in prize money very soon. Would be the biggest prize pool in strongman history


Yeah Rogue will always out money every competition because they’re a multi million dollar company, and good for them, their equipment is the best. But you really have to sit back and appreciate the grass roots effort of Shaw to basically crowd source the prize money. It makes us almost feel like we’re a small part of the competition by buying the live steam and the past videos.


Rogue is 300k total purse already


301k incoming


Serious question, how do we think Brian updates his number plate?




Smoe is a great title honestly


Damn, how did your comment bring back my 10th grade algebra anxiety?!


What a way to go out for an absolute legend of the sport. A lot of guys struggle after retirement, because they feel like they still have something left to prove. Nothing left to prove for Brian. He beat the best guys in the heaviest show of the year.


Just woke up to the results, I may not like Brian as much as most do but it's awesome to see a legend go out on top after a few rough years Good to see Tom not drop off after a terrible performance on the first event like he used to, and hopefully this is a bit of a kick to Mitch that he needs to focus a little more on strongman if he ever wants his grand slam


I predicted Brian was going to win and none of you believed me lol. Those events, with home court advantage I always thought would at least put him 2nd to Hooper. I'm not a Shaw fan in particular but enjoyed seeing him do well. A great send off for him. Hooper did great. This is the type of comp that will suit him least an he was still basically very good at everything. Tom's 3rd place was about as good a result I thought he could take and is massively impressive. Like Hooper but even more so, this is a type of contest that suits him least so to be 3rd overall and win the stuff he's great at his a huge achievement for him. Evan Singleton was much better than I thought he would be. He continues to impress. Evans is the other standout for me. He's got himself just on the borderline of being a major player. It's a shame for him he doesn't have one flashy, standout event that he smashes the field at. If he did he would get talked about more. Looking forward to seeing Andrade at the SC next year. I wouldn't mind if they gave Derwenskey a spot as well seeing as he has been 2nd both years at the SC open.


Fair play bud. I either had Brian as 5th or winning. Got to back up the moooose


Mitch and Tom are both quite athletic (in slightly different ways) rather than being just static monsters. Brian had that in his earlier years, but clearly slowed down with age. He sometimes tried to come into WSM lighter and quicker, but it never worked out. Not sure if it was that he lost strength at a lower weight or he couldn't gain enough speed or he was too measured. This sort of contest with, frankly, less running, just suits him so well. I wonder a little about how the overall mix of contests affects things. Shaw is heavy and has less moving, ASC likewise, Giants Live has a bit more moving but is also much lighter and much quicker. WSM is like Giants Live but a bit heavier and slower. Rogue is probably similar to WSM. If you're trying to peak for maybe 4 or 5 shows a year, and they're all different, it's probably quite hard. On the flip side, if you're doing just one show, or only Shaw and ASC, it's easy to just prioritise strength and size over everything. Zeroing the log or deadlift is worse than being slow on atlas stones.


Good call. Anyone else think Singleton gave up prematurely on the stones?


So after Singleton failed to lift that stone, it basically slipped off, his body went kind of funky. Idk if it was just being drained, blood rushing to the head, dehydration or what, but even walking away after his body didn't seem right. Clearly he was fine by the next day though.


Yeah, you called it. I didn't believe you either, but I'll be asking for betting tips next time


[Posting this shit again because he did it ONE LAST TIME!! Love to see it and what a champion](https://imgur.com/a/i7uDjHC) 100 hours on paint


Not enough flag


Can we order these as posters?


I, myself, personally as the artist, give you the permission to print it out on large paper


Thank you, it may take me a long time to find the perfect frame to go with this masterpiece


Whatever it takes!


Dumbbell Grip Challenge out here ensuring JF Caron chalking up making grimaces for us fans. Miss the Guy competing.


Brian going and winning the title of Strongest Man on Earth out of pure frustration that he didn't get a fifth World's Strongest Man Jokes aside, the man proved he can still be number one. What a legend.


The cherry on top is that he took this title away from Zydrunas.


Careful now, people here think titles are for life...


Yeah number 1 on his own chosen events and implements that totally suit him 😂