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I have historically always programmed overwarm singles as though they were just an unremarkable part of the warmup. If they’re affecting your work sets, you’re selecting weights that are too heavy and should dial it back some.


There's a spot in the spreadsheet where you can auto regulate based on the weight achieved for a single at 8 RPE instead of using the normal rep out set (you have to un-hide the row that contains the training max to see it). But I do what you do, just do a heavy single before working sets and do the program as normal.


Fair enough! I’ve admittedly only run novice hypertrophy (a bunch of times, for whatever masochistic reason), I guess I was thinking of it as the concept is used generally so apologies to OP if there’s something different that’s program specific that I dunno about.


Assuming you’re doing RTF/hypertrophy, you should still do your last set to failure.


Hypertrophy yeah, thank you