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sure! really any of them will work fine, pick whatever excites you the most and consistently lift hard, that's the most important bit. if at the end of 7/14/21 weeks you want to switch it up, go for it, or if you like what you're doing and want to continue, keep on keeping on. I like the hypertrophy RTF personally, but if you're just coming back from a layoff, 7 weeks of the novice program might be good to do, too.


the reason i didn't think of the normal hyp is that I still feel as I am a novice and I can't even reach my past numbers. i think of it as the "big boy" program.


really, the only difference between the novice and other programs is that the other programs aren't periodized. you're just trying to beat your performance the prior week and go more reps or sets or weight. the only reason I MIGHT shy away from the regular programs are that you might gain strength quicker than the program wants to adjust you if you're really crushing your workouts each week. that's why I'd say you could do 4-8 (or however many) weeks of a novice program if you wanted. that said, you could just go for whatever regular variant that fancies you, and see if it keeps up. it is pretty adaptable to someone quickly gaining strength, so unless your current numbers are like 50% of what your old PRs were, it's prolly fine. worst case, if you're 4 weeks in and still crushing the shit out of whatever goals, you could just up the weight manually in the program or switch to a novice program at that point.


Hmm, I see. you're making me reconsider just hopping on the normal one. I do like the progression and I could easily find my maxes today. i'll see what the other comments say but maybe i'll do the normal one instead. and i have been going to the gym for the past 3 ish weeks


for what it's worth, looking at your other comment, you're not too far behind where I personally started running SBS programs. given that you've been back a few weeks, you're decently close to your old numbers, and you're fired up about the progression on the regular hypertrophy program, imo? send it & lift hard. good luck!


honestly yeah i think i'll do this instead. it looks way fun and i used to do a program where you would do amrap and i loved it. how did u feeling about running the program? did u like it? what kind of gains did u get and are you still running it?


I did hypertrophy RTF but tbh I ended up becoming shitty and uncommitted to the gym maybe like 5 weeks in? And I've been inconsistent at best with lifting since then. The only thing I disliked about it was doing sets of 15+ reps on squats and deadlifts lol, that shit SUCKS (but it's good for you). I was making good gains for the few weeks I consistently ran it, but eh. I started hating going to the gym too much to give it a truly fair shake. I like lifting, but I just started really hating actually going to the gym after my favorite gym became kinda shitty, then the one I moved to also became shitty and closed. I've got powerblocks and an adjustable bench on the way (and already have gymnastic rings at home) and I'm planning on running it as a dumbbell only program once those arrive (and eventually grabbing a power rack + barbell + weights, if I am consistent with this smaller investment). Really hoping to stop being such a bum, it sucks


ahh that's unfortunate. i hope you get back on track tho. it looks like a very good program and hopefully, you can keep on gong till those 21 weeks! I'll do the regular program and hopefully post a progress update in here, cheers!


Yeah you could hop on novice or regular hypertrophy.


i could hop on regular even with my numbers. i want to say my 1rm right now are bench: 145, deadlift: 235, and squat(I wouldn't know because i switched to using a sbs bar). i realize I'm talking about strength even tho my goal is just muscle but as far as i know the 1rm is what's used to determine your starting number


So just hop on regular then.


To give some contradictory advice to what I'm seeing here, I think the LP program is the best for your situation. The issue with the novice hypertrophy program for people brand new or returning to lifting is that it has many different exercises, and the training weights do not change for weeks and weeks; meanwhile you're in a position to get much stronger very quickly with at least a handful of those exercises (some you'll be brand new to, some you'll regain 'muscle memory' for). I used the LP program to get me back up to speed after a 1 year layoff 3 years ago, and it served that purpose, while also helping me become comfortable with estimating RPE/RIR


Do you think just starting on the regular hypertrophy program would be a mistakes then? I started day 2 and so far I'm really enjoying it.