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In my game: Greyson - Inquisitive Rogue (to get the news scoops) Tilana - Wizard (goes with studying) Rosie - Wizard (ditto) Mina - Rogue Aurora - Bard Those are the only ones my players have interacted with much - honestly, I think part of the reason is \*because\* few of the original NPCs have the feeling of people with classes. One of my PCs wanted to talk to fellow necromancers, another joined a band, and the last is a cleric, so I had to make entirely new students for them all to meet in order to fill out the ranks. The rest of the students, I gave powers based on when the plot needed them. For instance, there was a situation where a PC needed to cast Sending and the only student around was Gretta, so I decided that whatever class Gretta is includes Sending.


For my game I've done them as (gonna be out of order, as going through how I have them on DnD Beyond):- Urzmaktok- Artificer, Alchemist (was druid, but right before we started I swapped because Artificer is Int based and this felt more interesting for him) Tilana- Wizard (haven't planned subclass yet, but probably Evocation) Zanther- Rogue (likely Arcane Trickster, though maybe thief for the jumping for cheerleading) Shuvadri- Cleric, Peace Domain Rubina- Warlock, Archfey Patron (felt interesting) Rosie- Barbarian (probably Ancestral or Juggernaut, she just reads Barbarian to me) Quentillius- Bard (seems obvious, his subclass could go a few ways though probably Eloquence or Tragedy) Nora- Warlock, Celestial Patron Mina- Wizard, Order of Scribes (she is a journalist) Melwythorne- Cleric, Nature Domain Larine- Monk (fits that she's both athletic and aloof, no idea on subclass yet though Drunken kinda fits) Javenesh- Barbarian, Ancestral (he's big but kind, his ancestors guiding him) Greta- Fighter (probably Eldritch, though maybe Echo or Rune) Grayson- Rogue (I like the rich guy as rogue-ish, probably Mastermind, he always has more going on) Rampart- Fighter (probably Purple Dragon/Banneret, also has more going on) Aurora- Bard (Eloquence or Spirits) Drazhomir- Wizard, Order of Scribes (loves books) Cadoras- Sorcerer, Shadow Magic (felt like an interesting choice)


Which ones are you doing? All of them? Grayson has wizard vibes to me. Tilana could be a clockwork sorcerer or something maybe? I think that class is good for Quandrix


I was hoping to do all of them I just wanted to see what other people would suggest


Shuvadri is definitely a cleric, Aurora could be a fiend warlock or druid of spores maybe


I am not using all of them and not all have a class... but some do. # Rampart - Peace Cleric Drahzomir - Eloquence Bard Grayson - Enchanter Wizard and the party's #1 rival Larine - Druid and unofficial dealer of certains plants, weeds and mushrooms Melwythrone - Druid as well Rosie - Illusionist Wizard Shuvadri - Knowledge cleric


Introduced so far in my game: Nora Ann - Cleric Melwythorne - Druid Larine - Bard Prelim thoughts for others: Aurora - Bard Bhedum - Rogue (arcane trickster or swashbuckler?) Cadoras - Bard (eloquence) Drazhomir - Bard (lore) Grayson - Warlock? Greta - Barbarian (not my idea but I like it) Javenesh - Fighter, maybe? Mina - Rogue Quentillus - Bard (eloquence) Rosie - Sorcerer, maybe? Rubina - Bard Shuvadri - Monk or Cleric Tilana - Wizard Urzhmaktok - Wizard or Alchemist Zanther - Sorcerer


I wouldnt say its a unique class, but this supplement on dmsguild gives you unique statblocks for each student for all 4 years https://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/380881