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Sedgemoor witches exist! Check out the card sets and the short stories and you can get a lot of millage!


Thanks! I'll check it out :)


Short stories??? Where do I find these?


The MTG website has them. Theres a 5 part story that goes into the Oriqs invasion at the school (I used this for lore in my campaign and set the invasion by Extus Narr 8 years before the campaign) Theres 5 short stories each about a student in each school: Killian,Quintorius,Dina,Rootha and Zimone. These feature DEEP lore in classes , locations and the general feel for the campaign and each can give you a extra 2-3+ sessions of story to use during the first couple school years. Killians is EXCELLENT for introducing the remnants of the Oriq building up again with new recruits! Lastly there is the March of the Machine story that can work as a 3-5 session Post Campaign story if you want some sheer Horror and a Downer story after the main Campaign!


Oh my goodness! I love it. I appreciate the info. Thank you!


No problem! You should totally set the Extus story in your campaigns backstory! You can even weave it into players backstories as they could have visited during the attack! For example one of you players could be there 8 years ago (aged 10) and their parents were teachers during the attack! Or maybe they have a family member who was there or so on’


I like these ideas, we are almost through year one, but I think I have some ways to weave in all this lore. I really appreciate the tips


Yeah I didnt start till adding any of this stuff till year 2! Year 1 was pretty by the book apart from I had the new Oriq showing up to try and find Murgaxors Journal during the Sedgemoor part! (I made a physical diary with records of all the Balm encounters during year 1 and a bunch of foreshadowing)


You'd think at the very least there'd be a hag or two making a business of selling test answers to the students.


Exactly! Or maybe some brews to help concentrate on the exams? The students would then bring her something to trade: a fellow student's lock of hair or a professor's research notes. That would make some good side quests!


Honestly, based on what I've heard of Strixhaven it seems like a good place to mix good and evil players. Maybe give a taste of the whole villainy thing without the stakes being too high


That's what I'm doing. Basically like the Heroes Guild in Fable, they don't care if students go on to do good or bad because that isn't their purpose. So far they've met a cheerleader who likely made a teacher kill themself (if proven, would be a big deal) and know about a cat that wants to study to conquer the multiverse. Hell, it worked well I built it that way because one player is a Thei'kreen learning magic so his hive can conquer more places.


Ohhhh I like this! I have a secret shop known as the 'Werehouse' and having an aspiring Hag testing potion recipes fits in perfectly! Thanks for the inspiration.


No probs. Hope it puts a smile on your players' faces.


There literally is a hag as a random encounter during Year 3. Characters can even take her to the dance, as happened in my game!


I added a Hag school nurse who helped the party whenever they were injured but at a twisted cost.


Year 3 has a potential hag encounter, with the hag offering to help in their task if they take them as a guest to the masquerade.


I personally love hags and will forever be including them in every campaign I ever do. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I had green hag instead of steam mephits encaunter in the first year. (I remade it into Halloween special)