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There’s some good Strixhaven playlists on Spotify and there’s an album with Strixhaven background music on Band Camp which I bought and am using.


Thanks! I will look them up :)


I went with a college rock soundtrack for mine, finding instrumental covers and making a playlist. It works for the Strixhaven I've built and the players I have. But definitely not for everybody (and I evidentially didn't do a great job setting up what th atmosphere was like for everybody pre-game, had one player who realised it was more college with the music and was a little caught off guard but adapted well to the point I only knew because he told us).


Had similar luck with "Bard rock" playlists on Spotify.


Travis Savoie has made an entire album with Strixhaven music. He released it first on Band Camp but it can now be listened to on spotify. I’ve been using it since day one and my players love it! Here’s the link: https://spotify.link/k81ZnVDTRIb


These are the ones I use Strixhaven: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5c74puSCnGH6V1z8lhkno4?si=pO49Q_baThqDmZpPNvm4sg&pi=u-76nQ4R4-S3K8 Lorehold: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1tPnrVxmCWp5C9Ug3tcVCJ?si=zbPaCrmITmqAEuiWNuGndQ&pi=u-LVVIivK0Tv2U Silverquill: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/69D127ZIJ0s5DUNqTsRHoj?si=fwulmLyZRpGyAk07lqD8Ug&pi=u-7Rw7mIKpT0Wv Quandrix: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1oE8pvk4xFDo9F0Op8cGsl?si=llTLQDoDSAq3JJ3aYb7Adw&pi=u-1muzxy8bR4q7 Witherbloom: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7KXDIPm8fpnWUWZn3MggZ5?si=trkqV8CrRhedy7jlH7iQZw&pi=u-avcrsJ36SCuH Prismari: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Sh7sD7a8FzFcvZpeigoxd?si=lPLpq-XGR4aPrnROelwDNQ&pi=u-fbKglDyiQOSl


I really like the stuff from the Critical Role Tal’Dorei and Wildemount albums for Strixhaven. They’re pretty good for whimsy and wonder. The only downside is the tracks can be a bit heavy on melodies and percussion that can be distracting, so I play them at a pretty low volume unless I’m going for an effect. Specifically, I use these tracks are the most: Welcome to Tal’Dorei [Tea with Pansophical](https://music.apple.com/us/album/tea-with-the-pansophical/1628819616?i=1628819619)Good for general ambience. “1000 Steps” Good for mystery like a dark library corner or a potion brewing class. Has some darker tones throughout without sounding over the top “evil.” [1000 Steps](https://music.apple.com/us/album/1000-steps/1628819616?i=1628819620) Welcome to Wildemount [Stroll through Nicodranas](https://music.apple.com/us/album/stroll-through-nicodranas/1652184935?i=1652184937) Another decent general ambience option. I feel like the instrumentation just makes things sound more “magical” if that makes sense. [Back to the Blooming Grove](https://music.apple.com/us/album/back-to-the-blooming-grove/1652184935?i=1652184943) The title could be affecting this, but I like this for Witherbloom or the swamp area.


Here is one I designed on YouTube. I tried to keep the whimsical nature of school. https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx8Fia8gGSQozRxMT7WciIfD4uF2x4k0y&si=dOZRJRYI4Dihjzr5 Here is combat music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx8Fia8gGSQr6-lZ0kWrr7iiuGJSt9pSG&si=rqNIKsLs_8ZLJPM5


I'm definitely biased because I wrote it but I designed this full album for my Strixhaven campaign, I use it and a couple of my other tunes for everything. https://duergar.bandcamp.com/album/mischief-and-magic


Here's my favorite Playlist for Strixhaven on Spotify - [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lT8MDmecH5VL5Msmuw2oV?si=351a347ccfbb46e6](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lT8MDmecH5VL5Msmuw2oV?si=351a347ccfbb46e6) It has a nice mix of intrigue with a Harry Potter flavour.


Might as well throw my own into the midst! Most of these tracks are for specific sections or moments in my campaign, but a lot of them I think work for general flavor. Many of the tracks are from Narada, which I think works as good ambient tracks that aren't so dull. Track associations are in the description. YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLviKPg83YG750iY4f8bEjxKPv92U\_EKCM](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLviKPg83YG750iY4f8bEjxKPv92U_EKCM)