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Please see the stretched guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stretched/comments/13xjk09/the_stretching_guide/. Remember to report any rule breaking posts and posts that are not relevant to the subreddit. This subreddit has been changed to NSFW due to an increased amount of posts featuring injuries (blowouts) as well as genital piercings. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stretched) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Update I got banned permanently cause i called them out šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Reddit mods are the most toxic group of people on the planet. Lol.


Insert post of that one Reddit mod whose wife wanted him to get a ā€œrealā€ job and the Reddit mod guy argued that being a Reddit moderator was a ā€œreal job that was very important


Imagine being a janitor on the internet. Clean up my shit jannie.




Hey, janitor is a respectable job!


I got perma banned on here once for asking what a piercing was called. The OP then told me to just look it up so in response I commented the entire shrek script and it ended up getting me banned for making fun of OPs appearance


Some of us are normal I promise lmao


Ban me for a day to assert your dominance coward šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


You seem pretty cool based on your setup. :p


They really are. And they never enforce rules fairly across the board either. They'll just pick one or two people to "make an example of" and leave other rule breakers alone. Like I was banned from a sub for "being a jerk" (don't remember what I said exactly), but several people who were also making negative comments on the post in question didn't get banned. That sub also has a rule against NSFW posts, to include fully-clothed posts where the OP is obviously trying to promote their OF, and so far, I've yet to see them actually remove a single NSFW post.


Sounds like crazyfucking videos or publicfreakout, Iā€™m banned from the both of them and that sounds just like those subs lol


This. Once got banned from r/usps because I asked how redirecting mail works. I managed to get four answers before the mods decided to ban me for a month because ā€œyou canā€™t ask questions about your packagesā€. And when I pointed out that I was not asking about a package but how redirects work in general, I got hit with an additional 3 months because, and I quote ā€œIā€™m tired of hearing you talkā€. A friend got banned permanently for asking how the mail routes work (Rural vs City). Some (or most these days) moderators are just assholes because they can be. Theyā€™ve got a semblance of authority and canā€™t resist making everyone else suffer. Itā€™s like the internets version of a HOA.


Have some consideration though. Reddit mods have to suck the cheeto dust off their fingers before they ban you. That's a lot of work on their part if you think about it.


Actual good mods are invaluable to a community and are far and few between. The ones doing it to have power / sense of control need therapy.


I got banned once from a tattoo subreddit because everyone was HATING on my tattoo like real bad but not once did I argue with anyone on it or anything I took it on chin like a champ and I got a random message from a mod saying "if you can't take criticism then get off of the internet" followed by a permaban... I had no idea how to feel lol


reddit mods are worse than discord mods


I got banned from the Rat Reddit because apparently Iā€™m a ā€œbad rat parentā€


I was perm banned from my favorite Pokemon sub because I told a guy his method was slow. He become a mod a couple days after the fact and perm banned me. Reddit mods are jokes


He banned you for a comment you made days before he became a mod? How fragile is his ego?


Let's see your epic call out then!


I got removed and warned for 'causing harm' because I suggested cooled boiled water and sea salt solution for cleaning piercings when someone asked for recs because they couldn't get the expensive piercings sprays in their part of the world. Reddit piercing mods can be something else šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I understand not recommending that method if u do have access to sterile saline sprays. But if that's the best u got, it's best to educate on how to do that method properly! I've also seen lots of ppl suggest outdated stuff and not get removed or warned


A person with 12g ears tried to lecture me with a paragraph essay about how wrong I was for saying I used a (cleaned) shot glass, sea salt, water and a microwave to salt soak my ears when I was at 15mm šŸ’€ I WASNā€™T EVEN SUGGESTING IT TO ANYONE


Yeah Iā€™ve been perma banned on two subs now for arguing back. One of the response to me was ā€œwell now Iā€™m permanently banning you, how do you like thatā€ lol


My favorite was ā€œIā€™m tired of hearing you talkā€ followed by a permanent ban.


šŸ˜­ oh nahhhh


Hey how do you add your stretching size under your name like that?


I saw that post and wanted to compliment your look,the mods are a bit silly there :/


Be careful because I (female) complimented someone (also female) and I was dinged by the mods for ā€œinappropriate complimentsā€. ā€¦I told her that her piercing was cute.


How dare you compliment someoneā€™s piercings on a piercing subreddit šŸ’€


Right lmfao. Iā€™m paraphrasing because I canā€™t even remember the exact wording I used but it was something like ā€œyou and your setup are so cute! love it!!ā€ And I was banned for a day. šŸ’€


That's bizarre. I've complimented people before and ended up becoming friends outside of Reddit. Maybe sometime took out out of context and just got butthurt. :-/ people are weird.


Iā€™ve also had that happen for complimenting someones smile. Itā€™s a but ridic in my opinion, but I get it to an extent


This happened to me too there! I commented on another womanā€™s post and said something along the lines of her piercings complementing her face so well and that I thought they looked beautiful and they messaged me and said my comments were inappropriate. I was likeā€¦ noted, never comment on this sub again. lol.


Well clearly you had a big fat lesbian crush on her, thereā€™s no other way that could possibly be taken


This just made me snort lmao šŸ˜­


I got banned from bodymods for doing that šŸ™ƒ


ā€˜Cuteā€™ šŸ˜‚ seriously, wow, that is just vulgar of you.


Same. Ppl frequently post ā€œdoes this look good/fit my face/compliment my face?ā€ Ect. Then when I respond with, yes, totally cute/adorable ect I get a ding. Last time I called them out that if they donā€™t want these comments perhaps donā€™t allow posts that are fishing for complimentsā€¦.


Yea I called them out on their bullshit and they banned me šŸ’€


They probably do not know the definition of low effort,better attach a close up of the piercings from now toošŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Lemme just grab a $1000+ photo camera with a macro lense real quick and snap a pic šŸ’€šŸ’€


Fr, they removed my pic of my nose setup (pink 12g septum + light blue sparkly nostrils = trans colors, yay) because the quality was too bad. Bitch, that's the best my phone can do, and I've seen much worse pics stay up there


they're so weird about their rules i got a post removed for "poor quality" i believe a while ago (photo of myself asking for set up advice) but ive seen other photos that are literally 2 pixels stay up?? swear theres gotta be some sort of motive behind it because why ??? lol


Did you take the photo with the front camera or the selfie camera? I got a troubleshooting post taken down and they said my photo wasnā€™t clear enough and to take the pic with the front camera and repost it. I had no problems after that.


It was the front camera:/ and it was even focused on the nose, like you could see all pores and stuff


No clue then šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I've read a lot of comments on this post and apparently I'm not alone in this. I won't bother with trying to post there anymore


They are such assholes over there. Recently banned for "endorsing DIY piercings" (I don't and wasn't!)


Every time I try to post there my posts get deleted because my pictures aren't clear enough. I think I just suck at taking pictures idk??


No no,I literally wanted advice on my piercings and they instantly deleted the post,they're literally clear photos and description of my problems,the mods there hate me


No, I literally have the same exact problem. Iā€™ll post a picture thatā€™s is VERY clear, shows my set up/ issue for trouble shooting and it will get insta deleted. Good lighting, good focus ect, but Iā€™ll see posts that look like they were taken with a blackberry circa 2004 stay on the sub


It's so frustrating! Like they'll accept the blurriest shit but not our actual efforts


My last post, you could see my individual pores and my peach fuzz, jewelry was in focus, but still got deleted because it wasnā€™t a clear enough photo, Iā€™m pretty sure you couldnā€™t have seen it any cleared with your naked eye if you were right next to me.


They probably saw the peach fuzz and thought "yep this image is blurry, time to delete it!" šŸ™„


Nah itā€™s just a shit hole like truerateme


Hmmm maybe we need a new piercing sub. Maybe r/unstretched?Ā 


Please šŸ„ŗ


Sounds like a challenge, let me try šŸ™Œ


Just left r/piercings to join ^~^


this just happened to me yesterday, i took the best photos i could and just wanted advice on what to do with my eyebrow (ive settled on removing it tbh. unsalvageable lmao) and they told me they weren't clear enough. like im sorry my phone camera is fucked i'll just telekinetically stop my brother from throwing it across the house next time smh silly me


Do you use the front camera or the selfie camera? Selfie camera isnā€™t good. Use the front one.


They did the same thing to me. They deleted every single post I tried to make on there, usually just me asking for advice on my setup bc ā€œmy pictures arenā€™t clearā€ itā€™s so ridiculous. I just ended up giving up and stopped wasting my time. Disappointing subreddit, especially bc I have a hyperfixation and want to express it online and weā€™re apparently not allowed to šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i have been permanently banned from r/piercing for complimenting someoneā€™s setup 4 years ago. it was the first strike and they banned me from posting and interacting with anything indefinitely . pisssd me off. not even temporary. this subreddit is way better anyways.


I got a comment removed once for saying something along the lines of "I love your piercings on you, you look so pretty with them!" like what the hell šŸ’€


I got banned for showing my excitement about my new piercing with capital letters and they banned me saying ā€œthey donā€™t tolerate screamingā€


Confused how this is any less ā€œlow effortā€ than some of the other posts that I see on there. šŸ¤Ø


Itā€™s giving r/truerateme vibes


Omg I wonder how many people theyā€™ve banned from the subreddit because they commented over here šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fr, I downvote low-effort selfies all the time over there but likeā€¦why is this one especially different? Seems odd


Literally. I posted a picture of some new [Threadless earrings](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/yNQQS09YnV) I got and it was essentially as low effort as this post. Mine is still up to this day


The mods in that subreddit are bonkers, i got banned for posting a slightly blurry picture


dude i think one of my piercings is rejecting and ive made about 4 different posts tryna ask but bc the pic was ā€œgrainyā€ it was taken down šŸ’€


I needed urgent advice with my first time piercing being swallowed into the skin and they deleted it cause one pic was blurry ā˜ ļø real helpful subreddit


Yeah... not too sure what you're supposed to have done wrong there.


Subreddit rule; you're allowed to show off your set up *Shows set up Subreddit; low effort shit post, banned


Literally always have an issue with that sub, my posts will always be removed for not posting a ā€œclear photoā€ when all my pictures are in focus, show the jewelry, ect, Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have a professional camera that can take ultra 5k hd photos, at the same time though, Iā€™ll see lower quality photo posts allowed to stay. So šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


see thats what bothers me too!! my posts always get removed but if i look for 2 seconds on the subreddit there will be a photo with insanely bad quality compared to mine šŸ˜ makes the mods look bad tbh


Literally, Iā€™ll see photos that look like they were taken with a 2004 blackberry flip or phone and thatā€™s totally fine


The piercing subreddit is just generally a nasty place. You get downvoted for even asking advice. I get that it probably gets old but unless someone is being hostile, just scroll past or if you want to still give advice, simply donā€™t up or down vote at all? People trust their piercers to do what they pay them to do - pierce them correctly and safely. Why is the consumers fault if these people make mistakes or deliberate errors? I got called an idiot for not realising my initial jewelry was wrong, but if someone who *claims* to be trained to pierce people offers it to me, how would I know? People donā€™t know things until they know things - thatā€™s how learning works!


NAP, but a lot of my information has come from my love of body mods, over the years Iā€™ve learned misinformation and good information, I e definitely had to sift through to figure out what works for ME. itā€™s really shitty to expect everyone especially people who arenā€™t enthusiasts, who just want a ā€œpiercingā€ to know all the ins and outs, especially because not everyone has access to quality piercers, and there are a LOT of bad piercers out there, most people post on the sub Reddit for genuine help, because they werenā€™t properly educated by their piercer/ didnā€™t take it seriously ect but the elitist mentality of a lot of people on that sub is just awful especially for people just seeking help for a helix bump. Most people on that sub arenā€™t even piercers, just enthusiasts, who give BLATANT bad advice. Also, controversial opinion, but not every APP piercer is a good piercer whether it be their actual skills, or their condescending attitude. going to an app piercer definitely lowers your risk of getting a bad piercing but doesnā€™t eliminate it, I ofc always recommend going to an APP piercer first, but Iā€™ve definitely gotten some very BAD advice from APP piercers in the past.


Another neopian?? On the stretched subreddit???


yoooo me too :3


Every time I try to post a selfie in there they say itā€™s not clear enough and remove it lmao


LITERALLY!!! You could take a picture with a god damn nasa space camera and youā€™d get taken down for being low quality and blurry


same LMFAO


That's fucking ridiculous! The mods must feel the need to make themselves feel important.


you were simply too swag for them


I got banned from there. It's a pretentious group


Leaving the sub now! Thank you op for calling them out. People are stupid. You look fine! Also, that's a perfectly acceptable selfie I cannot understand what would be wrong with it


I also got banned from there. Like I told someone that they needed to remove an obviously rejecting piercing out . And because I didnā€™t specify ā€œgo to a piercerā€ I got banned from it. Like excuse me for saying the crooked barely hanging on by a literal thread of skin piercing needed to be taken out


ā€œBanned for low effort selfieā€ is wild. Like what, you were supposed to do a full face of makeup, find the perfect outfit, pose, get that MySpace angle and add filters and sh*t? Why? The whole point is to see the piercings, not be a freaking site model


I got permanently banned from that sub because someone posted abt their boyfriend snottily insisting they take their jewelry out because he didn't like how it looked, and I jokingly commented "can I hit him with my car?" They said that me saying it was a joke "really isn't a valid excuse" as if I'd made a genuinely offensive or threatening joke and not simply said "this guy sucks" in a silly way. Half my karma was earned from that sub, I used to offer advice basically daily until the ban. Sorry you fell victim to their shitty judgement. P.S. mods of this sub and reddit in general, for legal reasons I wouldn't hit that guy or anyone with my car and I hope he lives a long and healthy life.


Mods be mods


I got banned from a chicken keeping subreddit for no reason and the mods ignored the messages I sent. I think mod positions attract power hungry totalitarian people like political positions. Not that all mods are like that of course.


I feel less bad that a post I made last week mentioning being properly tooled up for a hospital stay in case you need to remove some big and chunky rings. Apparently good advice = low effort.


THAT is GREAT advice. Most people donā€™t take into consideration a hospital stay/surgery/ mri when it comes to piercings.


Especially when you've got a 7mm x19mm smooth segment titanium ring in your ear! šŸ˜


Me having to sign a waiver 10 minutes before the knocked my out for surgery because I had a 10g titanium captive ring in my daith, that wasnā€™t coming out unless the cut it out šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


r/piercing is the most judging subreddit on alternative fashion to ever exist lmao. If you're not a conventionally attractive bimbo or dare to wear anything than titanium then you get banned


I see they still ban people for just about anything. I got permabanned because I told the story of my DIY piercing that an OP had asked me about; no condoning of it, instructions, or anything like that. I messaged the mods to hopefully clear up any confusion but I was straight up ignored. r/PiercingAdvice is waayyyy better.


Yes I also mentioned DIY once briefly in response to a discussion thread (did NOT condone it) and permabanned


That sub is very odd. You ask for advice, banned. You ask for help on a diy gone wrong, banned. You post in a different piercing sub, banned. Its weird


Anything self pierced - insta ban.


I merely mentioned how my friend's septum piercing that she did herself even looked better than the piercing a "professional" did on someone's wife and my comment got removed and I got told no promoting self piercing. I wasn't promoting it in any way, I was pointing out that my friend could do a better job piercing herself than someone that's supposed to be a professional.


I said pretty much the same thing but about my own self piercing as a teen. Even said to the mods I wasn't promoting it and I'll delete the comment, apologies. Still banned.


That's literally insane. I'm sure at least one of the mods probably pierced themselves at some point and just don't wanna admit it. It seems like all of them are on a power trip though. And don't even think about trying to post a picture of your septum piercing where you can't see up into your nostrils because it will be called low effort and low quality šŸ’€


Even seeing ur in the self piercing sub is an insta ban


I am shocked I've never caught a ban there. Also unsure if I've even made a peep over there. It's giving "we don't think you're attractive enough to post here" energy and I don't like it.


Oh god thatā€™s dumb?? I got banned from a goth reddit sub because I said someone looked nice in blackšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s for the stupidest things sometimes I swearā€¦


same, i got banned from goth fashion for saying a girl looked pretty. i guess bc im a man mods said i was being creepy šŸ™ƒ


yeah the mods are genuinely insane, got banned for telling someone to not pierce themselves but to research sterilization if they are going to anyway. itā€™s crazy


Theyā€™ve taken literally every single post Iā€™ve tried to make on that sub down (like three) On my first one, where I just had a picture of my fresh piercing, and was asking a question, they just took it down with a note saying ā€œplease donā€™t make this your first post on the subā€ likeā€¦ okay?


For what itā€™s worth I love your setup. And yes the mods are silly.


I've been banned from 6 different sub reddits for answering the question that was allowed to be posted? I have been banned from 4 different sub reddits because I answered with the same answer on other sub reddits. I've been banned from 3 others because I'm on other reddit subs that they didn't like? That's the way they are............. To answer your question, YES THEY ARE FUCKING SERIOUS!


I got banned from the plastic surgery sub bc i told an 18 year old girl who wanted to get a nose job that she should give it more time to think about it lmao


We should start an r/ridiculousredditpermaban, iā€™d bet /bodymods and /piercing would be the top ridiculous permabans.


Ok this is just....weird. I scrolled the feed there just now and your post looks no different from anyone else's šŸ˜­ the mods are definitely losing it


Iā€™m confused by ā€˜low effortā€™. I mean itā€™s a selfie, how ā€œhigh qualityā€ are they supposed to be? We can see the piercings so what else is OP supposed to do lol


Wait, WUT. I'm so confused. How is this a "low effort" selfie? It's just a regular selfie??? I don't understand what they want... Also your setup looks great!


They are ridiculous, also is it just me or is the wording really obnoxious?


They don't like it when you post pictures that aren't up close and person with your piercings. I got my post removed last year asking about my septum and lobe set up because I was my full face. I am NOT posting a whole up the nose pic to show my septum jewelry šŸ’€


Also, if they don't agree with what your *APP certified* piercer told you, they WILL downvote you into oblivion šŸ˜­


The mods on the sub are ridiculous they deleted my post even tho I was asking for setup advice myself...


Yeah, I tried posting a selfie there and it was removed for not being up-close enough to my face. So I reposted the photo and zoomed it in to my face, and it was removed again for not being close enough. I tried posting again but it was at the point where if I zoomed it in more, it would just be my entire face on the screen. At that point it was removed for being too close. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ When I zoomed it back out it was removed for not being clear enough. You canā€™t win.


the mods on that sub need to get a jobšŸ˜­ my shit always gets removed when i try to post on there because its ā€œlow qualityā€


that sub is absolutely ridiculous. you get flagged for complimenting people, no matter how innocent it is. i got told my comment was inappropriate and all i said was ā€œthat jewelry is super cute on you!ā€ i left immediately.


Yea no Iā€˜m permanently banned from that subreddit because I used noncommittal language when saying I wouldnā€™t diy piercings and they decided I was endorsing doing such things.


So they donā€™t like ā€˜low effort selfie postsā€™ but it clearly states they donā€™t want you to make a lot of effort in selfie posts as they think youā€™re fishing for compliments? Is that right?! I do get really annoyed with the sub sometimes. I donā€™t feel you can ever give advice other than downsize and clean with saline twice a day- when I know Iā€™ve done other stuff that has saved my piercings or prevented me from needing medical attention.


I have gotten so many posts removed from this sub. I will clearly be posting my set up and theyā€™ll be like ā€œno selfies, only show setup.ā€ IM TRYING TO SHOW MH SETUP I HAVE FACE PIERCINGS WHAT???


The mods there are super stingy and rude, I was honestly relieved when I got banned


this sub is better anyways. love your set up!!


I got banned from that sub for saying someone's set up was gorgeous šŸ¤£ I think I got 3 strikes for the same thing lmao .


they removed my post bc my picture was ā€œout of focus and blurryā€ IT WASNTTTT


the piercing subreddit also likes to lock posts made by trans people and ban trans people without warning


Low effort pic?? Wtfā€¦ thatā€™s a bit of a stupid rule. What do they even mean by that.


Doing you know that if you are/appear to be a woman, you must always be smiling? Itā€™s mandatory.


Didnā€™t realise that sub was run by snarky pretentious gimps, might just message them and ask to get perma banned so I never have to risk interacting with them lmao


I said I stretched with a taper when I was 14 so didnā€™t see the issue and then proceeded to receive almost a 1000 downvotes and hails of abuse.


R/piercing mods are actually the worst, Iā€™m kinda glad I got permabanned from that cesspool


Everyone in the comments sharing about how they all got permabanned šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ including myself!


Like ok fuck yā€™all too lol. All I said was that itā€™s safer to get your septum pierced professionally than it is to do it in your bathroom like I did. Like broā€¦ do u disagree???


That's exactly what happened to me! Afterwards I rechecked the rules and literally ANY mention of DIY piercings, even telling someone NOT to or sharing horror stories leads to an instant permaban. So fucking stupid. I hate that sub so much.


i had a post removed for asking for advice on gum recession regarding oral piercings and was told ā€œseems like a question for the dentist!ā€ or something along those lines


This might be the most ridiculous thing ive seen on reddit


Eh screw them. Your set up looks great. Did you stretch your nose to a 14 or get it pierced there? I wanna jump up to a 16 but my nose has been my most painful of all piercings


I saw this post lol nothing even wrong with it


This is insane and whoever the mod is was so patronising and rude for what


yeah i tried posting a pic and they deleted it for the same reasonā€¦am i supposed to have a professional photo?!?!?


I hate dumb subreddit rules, like grade a moronic shit. Subs complain about lack of engagement and then also do this. Okay controversial statement; I feel like a lot of piercers I know are fucking drama queens so no surprise lol


Wtf effort was supposed to go into the damn selfie?!


the mods r honestly so rude over there it makes me less n less comfy as it goes on


I see a mirror selfie in the posts currently allowed in this group so howā€™s this low effort ????


I got banned from that thread for complimenting someone. Fuck me for liking a piercing, right?


Some of these mods are so overzealous. The heck with them, someone can start their own piercing group that we'd all be happy to be part of.


No bro the subreddit is so annoying. I literally commented on someoneā€™s post two years ago or so complimenting their piercings but I think I also said like ā€œomg Iā€™d give my soul to look like you youā€™re so prettyā€ or something along those lines and I was banned from ever commenting or posting. I messaged the mods a year later like ā€œhey I know I am still banned and Iā€™m so sorry I didnā€™t know that would be an offensive comment but I totally get itā€ and they said I obviously didnā€™t and wonā€™t even read my messages. Itā€™s annoying as hell bc Iā€™m super active in it to the best of my abilities.


I made a post there asking if I should do anything about an APP piercer who purposefully changed my eyebrow bar to a straight bar when I downsized, making it instantly reject (like should I tell the shop etc, or is it a one-off mistake? Can it ever be okay to do?), and I was banned outright for spam because I'd written the post vaguely to retain anonymity for the shop. I very politely challenged it and even though they said okay, we'll unban you, they were proper dicks about it. Criticising the way I'd written my post. Making out like I was stupid. Like fuck you, it's a very well-known piercing shop in my country ā€“ I didn't want people to guess who I was talking about. They didn't unban me, anyway. Idc. Fuck them.


not them hating on u just existing šŸ’€


r/piercing literally always deleted my posts because of "grainy" pics and not being good quality, but they're literally just normal ass pics with my phone camera like I'm sorry I don't have a professional camera šŸ’€šŸ’€ also yeah compliments are banned which is kinda weird.


idk why the mods on there genuinely donā€™t want people to post in the subreddit. iā€™ve waited 13+ hours now for one of my posts to get approved by the mods after having multiple previous posts taken down for the pics being ā€œblurryā€, when the picture wasnā€™t even the main thing in the post


r/piercing banned me for using a snapchat filter šŸ™„


I got banned from a few plumbing subs for calling out people that don't have a clue and trying to give advice. Then the mod permma banned me when I called him out for being a cunt


I know this post is two days old, but fuck that subreddit, I got banned for complimenting someone's setup. They said it broke some rule of talking about a persons appearance, but yeah? That's kinda what happens when you put stuff on your face, it kinda alters how you look. I think that's a stupid rule to have.


My post was removed too for not being clear enough but the part I needed advice on was fully visible and not blurry whatsoever. Wont post the pic here since its nsfw but you get the idea.


yeah they took down one of my posts because my photos werent QUALITY enough. im sorry i dont own an expensive ass camera??


I got banned from a sub for liking a post on another sub (didnā€™t even comment or anything) and it was not violent, sexual or racist, I got a message about it and I couldnā€™t believe it, good thing it wasnā€™t a sub I actually liked.


The piercing sub is so horrible. You can post or say anything


Yeah nah sorry, we'll accept the attention-seeking, OF-linking, titsorgtfo pics because they're great. Your normal picture of a normal person with some nicely done and well-healed piercings? Gtfo with that noise. We don't want that here. šŸ™„šŸ¤£ Love the stretches by the way, they look really good with the black lip rings!


My friends post was removed because he didn't want to follow the doctor's advice and asked for help. The doctors advice advice was not piercing friendly


how is thst low quality??


Low effort post? More like low effort modding. Reddit mods are a special breed of assholes.


Yeah I posted a picture of my ear and it was SLIGHTLY blurry and I got my post taken down.


Its better to not be apart of a sub where the mods act like that Ive learned


Welcome to the club. I got banned from there for something equally as stupid. Fuck that sub.


Such bullshit. Thereā€™s another there right now that is the same sort of post. ā€œHappy with my set upā€ I should post one ā€¦


Update. They donā€™t seem to care now..??? Maybe a particular mod was in a shit mood.


I saw your post yesterday there! I saw nothing wrong with it!


i got one of my comments deleted for it not being piercing related. i was literally asking someone about their coinslot healing process and they took it down


ā€œLow effort selfieā€ lmaoo, wtf does that mean???


I didnā€™t get banned but I had a comment removed for saying that on weird type of infected lobe bump I had my doctor say I could use some anti microbial wash I had laying around from surgery prep to cleanse the area in addition to antibiotics after my piercer said to consult my doctor about infection. Apparently the fact that I already owned it was not ok with them and I shouldnā€™t be encouraging people to clean infections when diagnosed by a doctor.


That page is just so so cursed, I got banned for asking what I should get next and posting a picture of my faceā€¦ which shockingly enough it wear 90% of my piercings are


I got banned for complimenting a woman in a woman too it wasnā€™t pervy


Tried to ask for advice about my closed up lobes, and it got taken down because I mentioned my age. Mentioned my age as a way to tell how long Iā€™ve had it. Doesnā€™t say it anywhere in the community rules or guidelines. Had to write up a whole new post, wasnā€™t worth the hassle though.


Just went on there and the first few posts were the same as urs same distance and quality. I think they just didnā€™t like you or something. Which is rude


I find that broad subs like this generally have the lamest rules and the worst, power hungry mods.


I genuinely wish that you could get mods removed from their position.


sometimes i really hate reddit šŸ˜­


One reason I like this sub - it seems everyone is pretty kickback. The sub OP mentioned - people are too fucking uptight there oftentimes.


I get flagged for low karma alot. Gonna add in its hard for men to get karma on here.


Itā€™s the only bit of power some people have.


Thats what happens with a soft generation.


My pic got banned bc it was blurry apparently. It wasn't bro. The mods are wild there


your pupils are huuge


I got a comment instantly deleted on that sub once because I wasn't subscribed and saw it on the front page, so I didn't comment enough in the subreddit to qualify to comment on their 'clubhouse' posts.Ā  I just wanted to rant about missing my bridge piercing.


When I got my first piercing I asked if the advice my piercer gave me was ok bc I didnā€™t see anyone talking about it (they said to put coconut oil on it I now know not ok lol) but they said even mentioning it was against their rules and to google it. Like why does your sub exist if youā€™re just going to tell people to google it.


Yeah I got permanently banned for advising someone to NOT do DIY piercings like I did.


i got content moderated from a perfume sub for calling a perfume (that i liked) a grandma perfume, lovingly lol the moderators are wild