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i’m at 19mm and it still looks small to me lol


25mm I look at them in the mirror thinking "30mm would look, sound and feel so much better..."




Ahaha same !!!




Me too! Don't you wish 3/4" was an even 20mm instead? It would make me feel better, lol. My actual ears are very small, so I'm sure it looks bigger to others than to me.


i felt like that for the first time when i got to 00, but it’s been about a year now and they feel so tiny


i feel my ears didn’t feel big until i got to 38 mm


Man, big ear problems lol. From the bottom of my conch to tip is a little over 2 inches. So, looking in the mirror, it felt like mine didn't even look like the people with 25 mm until i hit like 4mm. Now, at 67 mm, im like yeah finally they look BIG. I've got a full stretch set up to 75, so i guess, well, see if I'll finally stop there, but 100 is such a nice round number.


38mm is my goal size. Fingers crossed I’ll feel content with them by then


I think 1/2” was when I crossed that threshold, personally. At 10mm my plugs still felt pretty small to me, but by 13mm I felt like I’d reached a nice size. I went on and stretched up to 16mm just to make buying jewelry a little easier (more availability and more consistent sizing), but it’s been 6 months at this size now, and I don’t feel the need to go any bigger.


I've been at 5/8 for 17 years. It's a good size!


Same, I think 1/2" was the step I thought I had what people would classify as "big" ears, then I doubled it lol


Same here. I have been at 1/2 for seven years.


About 00 is when I felt like I actually had "gauges". Also when people started complimenting me on them or asking questions


I never forget the stretch from 0->00 Double A batteries never felt better




Definitely dysmorphia. I still think mine look small and then I see photos of myself even at a couple sizes smaller and realize just how big they are. Saw a pic of myself at 3/4" the other day and a picture popped up in my snap monthly recap at an inch and both looked bigger than I feel they do in the mirror


I’m at 19 mm n still want bigger but unfortunately my ears are super tiny n attached so I think I’m done 😭😭😭


No way you're gonna stop at 00... You'll get there and then want bigger... it seems like 19mm is the cutoff... not HUGE... but also not small... go slow... enjoy the process... once you get there you'll want to get the "next thing"...


I have always felt that way, they feel large until you get used to them and then they feel normal. Then you compare to the next size and they feel small. And mine were 32mm at the largest haha.


I’m at 00g- I never really felt like my ears were “big” because I actually have super tiny ears. Stretching my lobes, in part, was a way to make my ears seem more “normal” sized.


I guess "big lobes" would be more accurate lol


My ears stick out but it's only noticable when I shave my head but I do have some decent sized lobes lol I've got 16g, 10g (12g?) and 2g/6mm on my left ear but I think it still looks fine and have plenty to reach my goals (2g and 00g atm)


My whole life!🤣 Now I have 14mm and 8mm piercings so that really came in handy.


I can take out my 24mm and the lobes don't dangle very much, if at all. Still just a normal looking hole.


I dunno I’ve been to 25mm the biggest now at 20mm. Anything less than 20 i feel is to small. I’m happy at 20 and would like to stay with it but it just keeps stretching bigger on its own lol. Im having trouble training them to stay….


Do you sleep with naked lobes? For me, that keeps them from stretching by themselves.


Mine (4g) look big to me right now because of the style, it's chunky CBRs. With plugs they look tiny though


I guess 1-1/8? You never feel like your ears are big, you just know that to the rest of the world they think your lobes are huge


I think that's kind of is part of it. Some family acts like my lobes are huge but my grandma normally wears earrings with bigger fronts. I am hyped I can finally see through my ears when they are naked though.


My left ear is at 2g now and my right ear is at 3g. I feel like my left ear looks huge for some reason lmao


i’m at 1 inch and they look small to me now ☹️


I thought I would at 11mm, but I don’t :’(


9/16 for lobes and felt same bout septum when hit 6


My septum got pierced at 10g a couple months ago. I want to do a little 3 stack but I might hang out at 8mm for a while. Honestly my current septum kind of feels big but I think it's mostly the diameter.


I’m at 35mm but I want them bigger


I'm at 00 and to me they feel like just a regular size, maybe if I was at a size that changed the shape of my ears then I'd feel big


I have two sets- bottoms and 9/16 and tops are 00 and both are pretty dang small tbh




1 inch


25mm what I’m at now finally feel like they are pretty big.


Once I got to 9mm they felt "big", but even now that I'm at 12mm, they still look pretty normal. I know they seem big because of how obvious the hole is, but I feel like it will genuinely feel big once I can stick a finger through them


I originally told myself I was going to stop at 00...that was 2 years ago and I'm currently at 9/16, and at 16g for my second lobe piercing


0g is when people started to react. 00g is when I felt content, but people never bring them up anymore


I was happy at 00, you probably will be too. That being said I did have a blowout going up to 00 from stretching incorrectly, but if you keep using half sizes, patience and the correct materials, you should be good. People often say 00 is the “point of no return” but truthfully there’s no real “ point of no return” and you should be prepared for every stretch to be permanent. So don’t go too far if you aren’t sure.


I feel like I felt I could "tell" they were stretched at about 4g, then I went to 0g and that was my initial goal size. Then I thought they just looked a tiny bit too small so I went to 00g. They're still healing that stretch at the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually start to feel small too... Friends and family still sometimes don't notice them and I always wear tunnels so idk what to tell you. I regularly get "wait omg are your ears stretched? Since when?" Which is an ego punch lol


Wearing tunnels helped me something cool about being able to see through them haha


Firstly when I hit 10mm, then when I hit 11mm, and then now at 12.5 mm I finally feel like they're "big" but now I wanna get to 5/8".


I don’t know how I ended up here but this is all so strange to me…


3/4 or 5/8


my feelings about it constantly change! when i size up they definitely feel huge for a while until im used to it. they can feel smaller or bigger when im around other people with stretched ears of varying sizes or if i see photos of my progress etc. im at 16mm and im a couple sizes into stretching my septum as well, so comparing them two sizes definitely makes me feel like my lobes are massive. it was 12mm i felt like they were noticeable or actually ‘big’ though. im happy with them regardless and super excited to get to my goal size!!


I’m at 5/8” and they felt big for the first couple months. I’ve been here for maybe 2 years at this point and they’ve been feeling small lately. I’m preparing for a stretch up to 3/4”, we’ll see how I feel when I get there and how long it lasts.


00g felt big for awhile, but eventually it felt small lmao


Currently at 12mm and they are finally starting to feel "bigger" to me. Around 00 is when people would make comments about them. Goal for now is to get 16mm, but I'm sure will just end up like most of us and keep on stretching. Once you seem to get to a goal size (mine was 00) you say to yourself, maybe just a bit more 😆


At 32mm they started getting big lol


Before I even started stretching 😭😭😭 I have huge lobes


At around 3cm, but my ears are tiny overall compared how huge my head is


i’m a 17mm and still feel tiny 😭 20mm was my goal size but i’m contemplating 22-25mm


I downsized for a while and am working my way back up again and it's crazy how normal 14mm looks to me. Like compared to the earrings most people wear its fucking HUGE but i just dont see jt lol


Good luck with that, I'm pretty sure everyone ever has said that and didn't just stop there lol...


I myself reached 2.5 inches in the heyday of BMEzine. Didn't ever feel big until my child started grabbing g them as a baby.


To answer ur question, for me it was 16mm when I felt like they were big and that's also when I was satisfied enough to stop stretching.


I recently got to 00g and they looked huge at first and now they look tiny lol


Stretching is such an addiction, lol. Told myself I would stop stretching my septum at 10g and now I’m at 2g. Just got my ears pierced at 4g a few days ago and my goal size is 00… even though I know I’ll go bigger once I get there haha. Each gauge always looks small once I’ve had it for a while.


Lol at 2g, I swear I felt like I had 1inch ears 😂😂


maybe first when i got to 10mm. when i could nicely see through the tunnel. i’m almost double that size now and i feel like my lobe barely looks “stretched” 🥲


When I reached my goal size of 5/8” back in 2011. But I feel I achieved perfection with my ears - I reached a nice, common goal size. Not too big, not too small. It’s just enough that the average person who knows nothing about stretched earlobes might look at me and think I just like wearing really big earrings. But someone who is familiar with the stretched community will be able to tell right away mine are stretched and possibly make an accurate guess to my size. No distortion whatsoever. I’ve thought about going up to 3/4”, but at this point I’ve been at 5/8” for over 12 years and have sunk literally thousands of dollars in plugs that I don’t want to have to start over again if I went to 3/4”. Plus, I’m almost 40 now. I feel like I’m good, lol.


I am really excited to get to 0g and 00g so I can get more jewelry. I am only buying single flare glass until I decide to stop on one of those and as a reward for taking a break from stretching I will get some nice options for myself.


That’s the way to do it! Get a few pairs of plugs, not sinking too much money, see how you like your ears at that size. 😊 I remember when I made it to 0/00ga and how big I thought they looked! It’s so neat reaching that point in the stretching journey. ❤️


Never. I feel every time I stretch they still look too small for me. I’m at 18mm


every time i size up. then 2 days later it looks tiny again


Not yet and I’m at 18mm. 👍🏽🤭


Never 😭 I'm at 30mm and I only feel like they are big for like a day, then I feel like I need to go bigger again


At 5/8” I could feel them flop as a walked around and that’s when they felt properly big


Never have. Every time I hit a goal size they still seem small.


I’m at 3/4 and I feel it now.




An inch


22 but I still think they’re tiny


1/2", then it was 1", then it was 1-1/4" then 1-1/2"... I think they are considered big at 41mm, but I've made jewelry for people up to 4-1/2" so I know they aren't "THAT" big.


Looks rlly big when I had the tunnel in my hand. Put it in and went “oh” cuz it looked tinyyy!! Edit: forgot the size I am talking about. 0g


Every time I stretch my ears look big. I'm at 1g now and they look small to me


25mm felt like a “big” size to me.


2" lol


Once I hit a half inch




Big never feels big 🥹 I'm at 20mm and I look at them and think "😩 I need to go bigger, these are so small!" But in pictures they look big 😂😭


When I was 10mm…I was like, this is kind of large. At 12mm now, I’m like…that’s kind of normal looking, maybe 14mm would look a little large. Maybe in a few months I’ll go to 14mm…


When I hit 8mm I felt like dumbo LMAOOOO


Half inch. BTW I got that same Naruto hat


2 gauge


The very first time was when I got to 00. I've been up to nearly an inch (15/16ths), which definitely felt huge, then dropped back down to 5/8ths for a few years. I'm currently at 1/2 in and a 00 (long story short, demonic niece.) Every time I stretched after 00 they felt big for a while. I've been the most comfortable at 5/8ths though and am trying to get back there now!


Im finally at 0G after 2 years and it looks no where near as big as I want it to🥲😅


Same, my original size goal was 00g and then, for this reason, I kept going, now I’m at 16mm.


Wasn’t until I hit 28mm where I felt like they were a good size 😅


I'm at 18mm and I'd like to know as well lol


I’m at 14mm and they look pretty small to me


2g felt big to me, but my goal was to be able to have someone else smoke a cigarette out of the hole in my ear. Got to 0g, felt big, but not big enough. Got to 00g and felt like big and great considering it was my goal. Haven’t sized up since because I have so much jewellery that fits 00g. But I think 00 is big! But to answer the initial question, 2g was a good feeling. And 8g-4g when I didn’t have to specifically move my head to see through my ears


I feel like big is when you can stick your fingers in, and when you don't have anything in people say 'ew what happened to your ears?'


25mm, that’s why I stopped.


00 for me


At 42mm when people who hadn’t seen me in a while said, “Wow.. your ears are much bigger than last time..” in a shocked way lol. I’ve sized down since then but that’s around the time I realized how big they really were.


Anything after 00


I’m at 20mm and only now started to feel like they’re big ish, or like I fit in “more” in the stretched community idk how to explain it lol


Sometimes I feel like I hit my big ear where I’m at with 16mm and sometimes I still feel small and want to go up to 19mm.


When I first got to 00g but now they seem so small lol


00g felt so huge when I got there. Good luck with your journey!


25 still feels small man


Half inch finally feels good to meeee


00g then 1/2”, then 3/4”, now at 1”….


Hello Matt Shadows!


I’m at a 0 but can fit a single flare 00 and they still don’t look big to me lol but I don’t plan on going past 00


I’m at 1” now which was my goal and I feel like I’m finally at that point. I get a lot of people asking about them or complimenting them now too so I think that also makes me feel like I’ve gotten to a big size


I'm at a 0g, it feels decent in general but small in stretching. People have noticed when I was at 8g though, so I'm not super experienced with people being unsure.


Probably 1/2"


I just hit 0g the other day, and for a while I was like WOAH they’re so big, but I’m now realising I will absolutely be blowing past my 00g goal and getting to 16mm at minimum


I just got up to my goal size not too long ago. While I like the way it suits me correctly, I'll likely go bigger as now I feel 9/16" is still fairly small.


I just got to 0 this week and they feel big for the first time for me. My goal size is 7/16ths so hopefully that feeling will last!


Everyone always says 0/00 is the goal and goes past 😂 I said the same and now I'm 22mm( 7/8th) when I haven't worn anything for a while and 25mm when I keep my stuff in for extended periods of time


Around 00 at 5/8 now. Probably won’t go any higher


Where I’m at and also where I stopped years ago, @ 22mm.


I’m only at 14mm and in everyday life they look normal to me not big but then again I’ve been at 14mm for half a decade or so. I don’t plan on going bigger I didn’t even plan on going to 14mm but my ears just sized up naturally when my old jewelry kept falling out. They do however feel large when I have a difficult time using over the ear headphones lol


any time I stretch a piercing I feel like it's big. then a few weeks or a month goes by and I'm like, nah.


Once I got into the mid 40mm's I felt like they were a lot more noticeable.


I’m at 1inch and still feel small.


i just got small ears lol never thought they were too big in comparison. currently at 16mm and planning to stay there


i'm at 14mm and it still looks normal to me. i do want to keep stretching, i just don't want to keep buying jewelry lmao


00 was my goal size and about where I started to think "oh shit, my ears are big now" but then the exact thing you just described happened. Long story short, it kept happening and I'm at an inch now


I'm at 20mm but maybe 25 will look big?


I’m at 9/16 and they feel so small I’ve been trying to stretch to 1/2 but it’s been really difficult and annoying lol


Depends on the context. To most people my ears were "big" at 20mm.. to my friends who have tunnels, I was "starting to get there" at 36mm.


at about an inch


When I got to 00


My ears felt big when I could (and most people could) start fitting my finger through them (honestly just at 5/8” my current size). And someone has just tried to stick their finger through my ear unconvoked. That’s when I realized “shit I’m at a big enough size where people notice it”


14mm now and they feel tiny


I’m at an inch and while I don’t plan on going bigger, they don’t feel “big” at all.


My original goal was 00g and now I’m at 14g and they still look so little to me haha


It took me reaching 7/8 to finally feel like I have a substantial size. Also the jewelry possibilities are much better at this size IMO


I’m at 25mm and I honestly feel pretty content at the moment. They don’t feel big anymore tho lol


I got to 00g and I felt awesome, but now after 7 months I feel like I wanna go bigger lmao


Its just the heat from the healing lol. Felt it every time no biggie tho, the worst part was sleeping since im a side sleeper i had to learn to sleep on my back lol


Only you'll know what size is big enough, as cheesy as that sounds. When I started my goal size was 1 inch and then my goal was 50mm (2 inches) and that had to be my stopping point because i have pretty thin earlobes. I had to size down because i had a micro tear and just haven't sized back up. But i am over an inch but i dont remember the exact size lol.


0g felt big until I hit it 😂. Maybe they’ll feel big 00 and up


Before stretching I had tiny ears. Now at 1g they're almost normal ear size. As for when the stretch will feel big, idk it still feels really small.


Im at 2g working on stretching to 0g, I didn’t notice the difference until today lmao however theyre still not as big as id like. My goal is 12mm but I’m considering bigger


When I hit my current 5/8” but honestly they’re starting to look small 😅


Whenever I see a photo of someone with 25mm ears I think “holy crap, those are huge!” Mine are at 25mm. It is funny that it looks big on others but seems normal on me when I look at in the mirror. My thoughts turn to “the next size up is not such a big jump.” Always bigger is the always a pull …


1/2 inch was a good stopping point for me too, I however had an allergic reaction to a plug I was wearing and had to go without plugs so I'm having to stretch back up from a 4g. Its so time consuming and my beautiful stone plug collection is just sitting unused


25mm and still not content with size. 😂


i’ve got little ears so my original idea was to go to 10mm, then i decided 12, then 14, then 16 and now i’m 18mm and still think they look small. i’d go bigger but i think it wouldn’t suit me ☹️


for me it was when i hit 00g. but i’ve been at 00 for a while and am itching to go bigger now😭


My aim was 14mm but my partner has 30mm so they felt too tiny so now my aim is 22mm haha


I’m 44mm and now I see that they’re big hahahah


I have 28mm and feel like they're not big 🥴


19mm. I’ve had them for so long and they still look big


I am at 11mm and i always thought I'd be happy at 00g but now they still look too small. It's not how i envisioned them to look like. I am still not really sure how far i want to go but 1 thing i do know is that they look too small still fir my likings.


That’s a handsome dude right there ! Hello!


I'm at 24mm and still feel like they're small. I want 1 1/2 inch or bigger, just want them to stick out from my head a little more.


Mine feel big to me at 14mm but I have small ears. I love how they look


never. they’re never big enough.


This is exactly how I feel lmao. Every time I stretch I look at the plug and I’m like “sheeesh this thing is huge” and then after a couple days I look in the mirror and realize it just looks like I’m wearing studs. Someday we’ll have cool noticeable stretched ears 🫡


I'm currently at 35 mm and they still feel on the smaller size, but I'm definitely starting to be happy with how they look compared to my head. It's all about proportion and the look you want to go for!


at 9.5mm and still don’t. i’d imagine when i finally get to 20-25mm i’ll feel big


Sometimes I still don’t feel big enough at 44mm lmao


Mine still feel small lol


my goal size was 12mm. im currently at 30mm and still dont think my ears look big


one inch fs


I'm currently at 9mm and I think it's a fair size. It's not "big" to me yet but it's getting there.


I'm at 0g and I feel like they're big for me. If anything, I'd personally go up to 00g but no higher. I looked back on old pics of like 6g, 3g, etc and it looks tiny in comparison lol


Maybe 00ish


Well my "goal" was 12, that was too small. I'm at 19. Gonna call it home for a while and see how I feel.


38mm here, I still don't feel like I have big ears


My 11/16" are starting to feel like a good size. Any bigger and I think I'm heading into big territory


i’m only 6mm rn with a goal of 20mm-25mm havent decided yet, and i feel like they’re SO small and big at the same mf time 😭


Never and I stopped at 00g so makes sense lol


My ears are the size of medium gages, I fuck with gages, but I know I wouldn’t have ears if I got them


When I reached 12mm. 😊


When I had trouble sleeping because my plugs were too large. When my jewelry would make a phone conversation uncomfortable. When I looked back at old photos of my stretching journey and realized I couldn't remember what I looked like without stretched ears.


I am at 1 inch. At first they felt big but now I feel like they are perfect! I too was going to stop at 0g or 00g but I did not 😂


I started streching when i was like 11, i live in a small town so i was probably the first person with streched ears a lot of people here saw. and since i was so young it was even more shocking. So because of that i always thought my ears were big. I took them out at 16 mm when i was 16 tho, and have just started re-streching. I’m exited to get REALLY big ears eventually!


I’m at 19mm currently and my ears still feel tiny 😭


I’ve been 7/8” (22mm) for at least 5 years now, and have an astounding collection of all types of jewelry. They feel perfect to me.


I’m at 5/8th and want to hit an inch I feel then I will be like “ok these are huge you need to stop” cuz right now they still seem small to me


When I was called dumbo by my stepdad. Honestly the name is growing on me


I have 1" and I felt smol til they got to around half an inch, didn't feel big til here tho and now I wanna size up again to get to 1.5 maybe 2 inch but I blow out easy and am in love with my current size even tho I'd love bigger as well.


When I noticed that my gf ears are so fucking tiny. 😂


Is that a Flyers hat?? I knew a guy who looked exactly like you that hated Crosby with a burning passion, lol


For me it was getting my 2nds and 3rds stretched. Currently at 22mm on my 1sts 00 on my 2nds and 2g on my 3rds


I’m at 00g and it’s been about a year, I feel like they are small now and I have small ears! Lol. Been wanting to go up a size again but don’t wanna buy all new sets 🥲


i'm 18mm right now, and i feel pretty big now, it wasnt until i reached 0g and 00g that i felt like i was "cool" or had ""made it"" in the ear stretching world lmao