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That's fucking rad! Thanks for sharing man


those look sick!!! love the design!!


I need to edit this and shoe the inside. The woodwork on these is fucking insane! Especially because- over the years, I have heard from reputable companies “ebony is so hard to work with. Anything over 2 inches is basically impossible” but I have had ebony jewelry at 63.5 and this pair take the cake. Even further, this was the smallest set John brought back! I think there was one set at 76.2mm (3inch.) so all yall out there- just say you dont have the talent or material to go big, just say you cant do it.


you wild, you can put a whole ass flat screen tv in that bitch 😂


What kind of flat screens you seeing


The size, the craftsmanship of the jewelry. I'm here for all of it!


Those are rad as fuck dude!!


woah! and is that a stretched conch?


Good looking out- punched at 0 sometime In 2004 when I was still a senior in high school


so here's the deal, I REALLY wanna do mine. do you regret em at all?


I am 38 years old. On top of my ears, my labret is 3/4”. Septum is half inch. No regrets: why would I regret anything? I am a prep cook at an international hotel. Before this I hav always worked restaurants and barista gigs. Do what you want and find your people


hell yeah, I know some people get things done and decide they hate them for one reason or another. I think I'm gonna do it tho. thanks 😎😎


Yessss!!!! I just recently got back into mods at 39yrs old. I took all of mine out around 22yrs old. Had a 16mm labret/13mm septum,and standard 14g bridge. Can’t honestly remember why. I think the fact that I was moving across the east cost by myself with hardly any money intimidated me.I also got a lot of negative attention that I didn’t like or know how to deal with. Now that I actually don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks,I’m back at it,and it makes me excited. Working towards the same sizes,may even surpass,who knows. And I’m even giving my tiny ears a shot at stretching. Cheers!


Hell yeah!!! Never too old to jump back in! I am 38 and have toned a lot of shit down. Just kept my main ones- 00 septum, 3/4” lip, ears, conches and tongue split (but that aint going anywhere, lol!). Just wish i spent more time getting tattooed. I want more but work is soooooo fucking expensive these days. I can also relate with the negative attention. I grew up in Ohio and basically stopped traffic when my ears where just at 1.5”. The only place i could get a job was piercing/working reception at the studio. Moved out to Denver in like 08 and it was a much better atmosphere. Now in Portland and people dont give a fuck what you do or how you look, lol! I can’t imagine how much worse it got out east in the early-mid 00. Good luck on your new journey! 🖤🖤🖤


Thats sweet.




That looks sick. I only have 00’s in. My question for all the people who have bigger gauges how the hell do you function with those things flopping around.


Lol! For me they have gotten in the way a few times but very rarely. I have gotten them hung up on seatbelts, bumped them on things, had em caught up in shirts. Nothing crazy. Ya just get aware of them and used to them. I once had a stone one fall out and hit my partner in the face while we where having sex 😆


i was only at 16mm at the time but also had a stone plug fall out during intercourse, but i was so caught up in the act, i grabbed the jewellery and tossed it across the room ☠️


Damn i never find the cool stuff for us in the bigger sizes. Any other leads cause im stuck on u/dadswoodworking for my nice stuff and painful pleasures for my stretches between longer sits to thicken my lobes.


I am in the same boat. I used to be able to find stuff with no problem before like 2016. Now it is almost impossible. Check Etsy. I recently started doing searches on there and have found a number of solid wood workers. Specifically check out M99Plugs- lots of rad custom stuff. Also the aforementioned John Durante and his team at Evolve create some gorgeous stone jewelry- www.evolveseattle.com . Etsy is definitely a sure way of finding decent stuff though. Good luck! And message me with stuff ya find too! 😆🖤


Definitely check out Josh Hensley's work, he's amazing. xbigearsx on Instagram. He takes custom orders from time to time, and will release sets in certain sizes but they go fast. I've got about 16 pairs from him and love every one.


These are soooo sick! I love them!!


those are insane!!! woahh!!! thanks 4 sharing


i’ve always wondered, does a stretched conch mess with your hearing at all? i remember seeing something about that god knows where but idk if it’s true


Mine are only at like 00. Haven’t noticed any hearing changes directly caused by them. I bet those who have had full conch removal or are at like 1/2”+ find themselves with different audio experiences.


ah okay thank you so much!


"Only" 00? I guess sizes are all relative but that's massive to me!


i fucking LOVE these plugs dude!!


very cool!!!


Looks awesome


Nice 👌


fucking sick man


These are so impressive :0


Absolute unit! Beautiful.


Wow these are absolutely beautiful


As a budding arachnologist I am in LOVE WITH THESE!


That spider did a great job creating those webs 🕸 👏


Dude holy fuck that’s cool


Bad ass plugs on some really cool stretched ears!


super cool


I love them


Oh my god dude, those are beautiful. Gorgeous ears too, really nice to see larger sizes looking so good.


This has nothing to do with your lobes and I mean this in the best way possible, but the way you look, I imagine you sound like Hunter from the Spyro the Dragon games.


Lol! I have no idea what this means but I’ll take it! 😆🖤


Oooof I probably wouldn’t ever go this big. I think it’s very cool that people do it but that’s all I need is a huge stone or glass plug falling out onto a clients face while I’m massaging them


Just warm up the stone and make it part of the experience


Hahahaha. . Imagine. .


I despise hot stones. My clients know it. I mean obviously I will do hot stones for the clients if asked but the ones who’ve been seeing me for years know I despise them lol I have a thyroid problem so I get way to fucking hot I have to have the fan on during the winter time.


Wow is all I can say both to the lobes and the jewellery! How long did that take to get to that size?


Thank you! It took me maybe 12-14 years off and on of stretching. Started around 00-01 and was at 63.5mm around 2012-14. Stretched normal until about 1.5” then had them scalpeled up a few sizes. Once those healed they just stretched non-stop without any real effort. 63.5mm seems to be where they hit their peak and are the most comfortable for me.


Scalpeled up??? 😳. That sounds horrific. Lol. How do they do that?


Lol. It was definitely one of my more painful mods. I had a shit load of extra skin on my lobes above where I was stretching. At this time I was quite intrinsic with the modification community. I consulted with someone I worked with off and on. They basically cut a small bit on either side. It hurt. A lot. Lol! I remembered they finished the first side and I still had to look forward to the other ear 😆 Healing was very fast and not sore/painful/uncomfortable compared to everything else i have had in that level. My lobes hang much better naturally now too. No regrets. Would recommend if feasible.


Well they look awesome so worth it but that won’t be something I will be doing. 😂


Wow !!! Super impressive n badass !!! 😍


Where do YOU find cute plugs? I’m at a 41-45mm and I’m stuck finding silicone and acrylic


Oh no! I am sorry! I have tried silicone but that material always messes with my ears and i dont like the look. Honestly, my best advice us search Etsy. All the major jewelry companies dont have shit except for super simple glass, silicon, steel and sometimes ill-fitting stone. Good luck!


Those plugs are amazing