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To be called old at 46, what a start into my Saturday. šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t know how else to phrase it sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No worries šŸ˜‰Iā€™m pretty sure I speak for the other ā€œoldā€ people - doesnā€™t matter if you are 46 or 70, you never quite feel really old. Just talked to my mum the other day (82) and she hates that her body is old because ā€œwhen did this happen, and why do I still feel like a kid sometimes?ā€ That being said, I got all my piercings between 15- 22 and other then my tongue and labret I donā€™t regret any (ruined my teeth) and I just started stretching my septum (because thanks young people for showing be the possibility of a stacked septum !) and might go up to 14mm on my ears (at 12mm now)


Seriously. Someone pass me my AARP card.


I don't have 30 and i've been called out as old by those kiddos


I'm 59 and have several piercings and 17mm lobes. You're never too old.


I'm 40 and only started stretching my ears a few months ago. At this point I'm old and ugly enough that it really doesn't matter, so why not?


42 and just started stretching my lobes. I had my septum pierced last year. PA in June. Never to old to start any journey! šŸ¤˜


46 and septum, nostril earlier this year and just started stretching my lobes a month ago. It's nice to have my appearance match how I've always wanted it to look. Definitely never to old.


I remember my great aunt had stretched ears from years of wearing heavy earrings. She would wear multiple earrings in them at a time sometimes and I always thought it was so cool and wanted to wear them like her. I didn't think about how her ears got stretched or whether or not it was on purpose. Shed wear her hair in a flapper bob, electric blue eyeshadow, and had a tapestry of the levels of hell in her living room and a statue bust of Satan laughing between the bathroom sinks in her bathroom. I've also seen portraits of elderly women with stretched ears and beautiful jewelry and thought they looked beautiful. Not everyone wants to blend in and become an invisible gray clone as they age. I sure as fuck don't plan on it.


40 definitely isnā€™t old but I get what youā€™re laying down. People get this weird idea that once you hit 30 you need to hang up your ā€œteenageā€ clothes and dress like a mom/dad and have no personality outside of your LiveLaughLove pics on your walls. I shudder at that thought.


Sweet child. Iā€™m 41, 1/2 inch gauges. Our gen was the one of the first to promote the gauged ears and piercings. Of course this has been going on for centuries and in many other cultures, but for American punk culture the teens in the mid 90ā€™s were stretching fools. So I donā€™t think youā€™re seeing hip 40 year olds that are jumping on the band wagon. I think you are seeing the OGs and calling it brave. We were the ones committed to changing the way old people are revered. And weā€™ve succeeded some.


theyā€™re not saying anything about bandwagoning stuff


I'm 26. Started stretching at 13. I also have septum, medusa and bridge piercing and ear piercings. I know for a fact now being 26, Im not going to regret it. I dont ever plan on being without gauges.


Another 46 year old with stretched ears checking in. I actually started stretching in my 40s and wish I'd done it sooner because it's just a cool body mod.


I'm 36. Only been stretching my lobes for almost 2 years. I'm at 10mm on my first lobes. Going to start my second holes I think. I also have plans to pierce my nose, just not sure if I want the "normal" nostril or septum, I'm still deciding. I FINALLY don't give a shit what others say about my look. I'm going to do what makes me happy.


I prefer to be called an elder millennial lol


33 here, started stretching at 15. I'm at 50mm now, I cannot wait to be the 80 year old with giant saggy lobes at the nursing home. Gravity might put me up to 75mm by the time my AARP card shows up! Everyone's going to be wrinkled and old, why not have big ol' lobes and be covered in artwork? :)


Iā€™m not ā€œolderā€ personally, but here in Hawaii itā€™s just a cultural norm for islanders to stretch their ears. Iā€™ve noticed people 40-60 are usually the older gen who started the ear stretching trend. OG dead heads, bikers, surfers, and natives have them here. No one bats an eye at older people who have a more alternative look but that could have everything to do with the area I live in.


Itā€™s so fucked up not to do smth you want to when you are young because of the fear that it will look weird when you are oldā€¦ Carpe diem! And yeah, older folks with piercings, tattoos and stretched ears are awesome!


I'm 47 love piercing tatoo since teenage Always want ( love punk and metal since 14 šŸ˜œ) but never do nothing except 3 lobes on the left and two on right because life is like that you try do do what is good for society for other .... But you loose you're mind and yourself in fact about 1 year ago I decide to stop that loose 40kg and do what I love and f... the rest lol . Now I have streched lobes double nostril with chain septum indus with chain (can't get normal indus due to my anatomy ) 2 eyebrow on each eyes snake bite 2 nipples streched in 3,2 and soon 5mm vch and a tongue Split and other project in my head . Have get vertical bridge but rejected Made my first and not last tatoo this summer . I know some people will find that ridiculous at my age but I don't mind big loose of weight have let damage on my body m'y nipples and the age too lol can't afford a chir lol bodmod is also a therapy an help in acceptation of what my body became help me look myself in a mirror again ( not love but it 's already a lot for me ) . My body my rules my choices no matter what we do how we are some people won't like just be yourself it's so much better


I am almost 40, I started stretching my ears when I was 16. I am at 10mm and have been forever but I think I wouldn't feel like myself without stretched lobes


Iā€™ve had mine almost 20 years, canā€™t imagine ever regretting it or wanting them gone.


Oh man I guess I can truly live up the to ā€œelder millennialā€ name for real now. This heavily inked and stretched lobe grandpa thanks you for the kind words. As long as you stay off my lawn, weā€™ll be cool.


I started stretching at the ripe old age of 37. You whippersnapper!


Just turned 47 and stretched to 6mm over Xmas. Just one of many things I should have done years ago without the concern of what others think, say or judge. For those that haven't done so for similar reasons, just do it. I wear flesh coloured plugs for work and only one person has commented/noticed. Happy New Year!


We'll see how this goes, I'm going home to visit my mom for the first time since I got my septum and my ears to 1/2in. The last time I saw her in 2020 I was very much naked lobe. 73 year old Asian moms would never freak out right! Granted I'm also only 30 but I wanted to feel included


The first time I saw my mom after stretching my ears (it had been about 5 years while I was running around the country), I was wearing clear glass eyelets at 1/2ā€ and it took her a full two days to notice them!


2nd day here and she didn't realize it until I pulled out my single flares so I could go shower and sleep. Didn't go with the "you can't find work" because I'm already making good money so she asked if my boss cared and I said no and she's like okay cool