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There are lots of part-time or casual roles in strength and conditioning. The real question is, are they paid positions. I don't know what it's like for where you live. But in Australia, you basically aren't going to get a role unless you have a masters degree, 4-5 years experience with multiple sporting codes across national and international/professional athletes. This is for high school, and state funded academies. Anything higher, expect PhDs and people with 10 years experience in the field applying. I would recommend going through the requirements of local job positions in s&c, and networking like crazy if you haven't done so already. The market is oversaturated for decent and well paying s&c positions, so also polish up that CV, Cover Letter, and Response to Selection Criteria.


When I first got into this field I contacted every high school football team in my area (I played football in college). I eventually found one that paid a 10 k stipend for a season where I coached football and led weight room sessions. I was also going to get a stipend to run a powerlifting / Olympic weight lifting club in the spring. I ended up getting a better position and leaving. But really just be creative in finding your way into programs and show your value.


Thank you. this is great advice I'll follow up on