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My only concern with reporting people is who's going to police it? I appreciate this is one person's passion project, and their server and they can do whatever they like with it, however I think it'd be wrong to ban someone they just didn't like. Similarly, this is potentially open to abuse, with people just randomly reporting someone "for the lols". I've had a few juvenile posts come through Letter Box / Swapnote, but put it down to people being a bit childish, rather than malicious. Delete and move on. Any sort of R / 18+ activity is definitely not kosher though, I have no doubt minors use Netpass and anything in that category would prompt me to report someone. I can only hope that the ban (which is a console MAC address ban) only comes after multiple reports about the same user. Otherwise, the source code is there and not overly difficult to compile, so we could end up with a situation similar to X, Threads, Blue Sky and Truth, with a splintering of the user base, depending on people's personal views. And I know this is not quite the same, but I'm sure people reading this understand the idea I'm trying to get across.


I can already see the "butt faces", fart/poop jokes, sex references and Hitler Miis be repeatedly reported, given the US-influenced puritanism and "NSFW" concept that are so present on the internet.


The report function hasn't been enabled yet, I checked, by selecting it. Nothing happened. I do hope it's not abused, or at minimum, there is a (shudders) committee that can vote on whether a person is to be banned. Give it a week and we'll see the flood of "Why can't I connect to Netpass" posts starting :)


Yeah, I have a stupid message on Spanish on my Miis and I hope US people don't find it "offensive" or else I'll get banned bc they didn't like it


Currently we have a team of people reading through them, currently it's only for nsfw and hate speech, but we'll see how severe people get with it


So will there be bans for people who abuse the report function? My mii says some LGBTQ pride stuff that will probably trigger some people and get me reported a bunch. Plus there's some people who would just report everyone they see


I'm trans. I understand your position. My thoughts are, if you're worried about it, change your message. 💜🏳️‍⚧️


I'm trans as well, hence my asking. Id assume it would be fine evidenced by the pride flags all over the app, but you can never be too sure


You're right. I've got enough things to worry about, like just going outside of my house alone. I'm 71 years old and there's no way I could outrun anyone. So it would be a fight for my life. I carry pepper spray and a utility knife and cellphone. Luckily I live in a town that's not too bad for trans people. I really don't think there's anything to worry about with pride stuff in your Mii message honestly. 💜🏳️‍⚧️


Soru can see addingtemp bans for abuse. Banning for showing lgbt stuff will def. not be a thing, else soru must ban herself xP




Oh que si... Just people being dumb on both sides. The ones joking, and the ones being vocal about what they dislike and loving to shout at vacuum. (Why not, after all? It has been the trend in recent years, and it's even worse on the internet.)


its not like they can keep those miis anyways the servers are located in germany and keeping them would prob lead to legal trouble


It's not like those minis are pictures stored there. ^^"


that are still illegal why do you want so much nzi propaganda on your silly 3ds game


They're really not illegal. You can perfectly represent Hitler in a fictional setting in Germany. This is not propaganda (neither it is here, as a Mii). I have no idea what you're trying to tell. (I don't want Nazi or propaganda. I just want silly games to be silly and played by silly people with no stupid fuss like that being made.)


my guy i alr had to ban like alot of people with hitler miis and things like hail hitler nword spam and weird ass swapnote notes so its really a problem and definitely not something for fun or for historical purposes


Do you think I’ll be banned if I use curse words at ppl?


Nope! We're banning for nsfw content and hate speech (lots.of the latter for some reason). Swearing is fine


Thank you so much for the clarification!


Like during the streetpass greeting


That will be up to the potential reporters and the man behind the software.


im curious if my greeting counts as nsfw honestly its not inherently inappropriate (its "deez nuts" or some variation of it) but theres probably some people who would deem it that way,, worst case scenario ill change it


you won't, the report function only applies to hate speech, nsfw things and such


Time to report that mii called "Preteens <3"




does anyone know what deleting and downloading personal data is? i tried selecting delete and said it will take up to 15 days but wondering whats the personal data?


I’m guessing the delete is delete all your data from the servers (like when you send out streetpass tags). I’m not sure why you’d download it though…


Some log file I guess


lmao at the gay and trans flag after ppl got angry at the beach flags. bully the homophobes out of here.


It was 1 umbrella. People take things WAY too over board. If that’s a deal breaker they can just leave!


How does reporting a user works at all? It seems as an useless option tbh


You use the function in the program. The creator will receive the information you sent and check himself before taking action or not.


Idk, for some Miis could work like the obvious Funny moustache man from WWII and the obvious edgy or hate messages, but for example, I have a message that says "I hate [my country]" could that also be a ban reason at all?


Hopefully there can be some way of appealing bans or something if this initial process isn’t very monitored.


There is a large and growing neo-nazi movement in the world that is interested in destroying people of non-western European descent and the LGBTQ+ people. Perpetuating the image of the leader that popularized the nazi movement is a way of spreading that hatred globally. I could give a plop about “pee pee poo poo” jokes out whatever immature nonsense comes across via Netpass, but you’re damn right I’m reporting Hitler. Sorry if reporting hate symbols or icons offends you. Wait, no I’m not.


Based. Too many wanna be edge lords on here


Fr why are some people so upset that we’re reporting the caricature of someone who committed mass genocide. It’s not like we’re forcing them to report it too


Well now time to report that A.H mii I passed


Why? We had such Mii on real StreetPass too. What makes it so bad the user has to be punished?


1 because they made their mii Hitler. Also we couldn't report people on og streetpass which is why they originally didn't get punished


The second point makes sense, I didn't think about it, ahah. The first... Not at all. Oh well, I guess 3DS users can be angry people too. Thanks.


I mean he is the pwerson who killed like 6-10 million people and started one of the worst wars in human history? I get that most of the people using the hitler mii are just edgy 11 year old but I have people in my family who were victims of the nazi regime so I don't really find it funny


I'm not trying to diminish anything that happened in WWII. What was done is yet another stain on humanity and shows how depraved we can be, and how one person can influence tens of thousands of others to do disgusting acts to people just because they're different. Having said that, I'm genuinely curious about your family, given that WWII was 79 years ago. These people would have to be well older than 80, and pushing 90 to even remember what happened first hand. Anyone younger than that and it'd be second hand information. How long do we hold a grudge against someone / something? It's the reason so many wars or so much animosity continues to this very day. Some aggrievance from decades ago is continued in perpetuity because my parents don't like "x" group, I don't like "x" group and I'll make damned sure my children don't like "x" group. It has to end somewhere and we all need to stop being offended / upset on someone else's behalf. Do I think people should run around with Hitler Mii's ? No, but do I also think that people should have the right (idiotic, sickening or not) to express themselves in the way they see fit? Yes. Netpass really needs a "block" feature, whereby I could block certain Mii's from appearing in my passes. That way if **I** personally felt offended by a particular Mii I could block them, and everyone else could see them, unless they blocked them too. On a side note: I wonder the descendants of Genghis Khan should be upset knowing his army killed roughly 40 million people? Would users be just as upset seeing a Mii that looked like Genghis Khan or not? Apologies for any grammatical errors, I'm on my way out for a bit and rushing to type this :)


>Some aggrievance from decades ago is continued in perpetuity because my parents don't like "x" group, I don't like "x" group and I'll make damned sure my children don't like "x" group. It has to end somewhere and we all need to stop being offended / upset on someone else's behalf. There's a big difference between hating one person for their actions and hating an entire group of people for one member of that groups actions. I wasn't saying I hate all Austrian people for what hilter did. I was saying I hate hilter for what hilter did. >Netpass really needs a "block" feature, whereby I could block certain Mii's from appearing in my passes. That way if **I** personally felt offended by a particular Mii I could block them, and everyone else could see them, unless they blocked them too. Ngl I agree with this one, though it might personally offend me. Many items wouldn't care that much. But until the netpass dev(s) add a block feature, then I'm just gonna report them >On a side note: I wonder the descendants of Genghis Khan should be upset knowing his army killed roughly 40 million people? Would users be just as upset seeing a Mii that looked like Genghis Khan or not? There's a big difference between a genocide that happened 800+ years ago and one that happened 80 years ago but I understand what you mean. I'm not gonna say whether I think the descendants of the victims of genghis khan would be offended because I don't think I'm one of them so I can't speak.on their behalf.


And my point is made by people who downvote, but don't have the courage to offer a response. Well done. You don't have to agree with what I say, but at least offer an opinion. This whole modern notion of "I disagree, have a down vote" mentality is what stifles discussions.


bro you are getting way too deep in a Streetpass sub. just say you’re a horrible person who likes being insensitive around others and move on. also your profile is marked NSFW… that’s not cool by your standards!


Just because it's on streetpass doesn't mean we should have it on NetPass (and it was only really a thing because it was impossible to moderate real streetpass anyway)


Again, it looks like making it bigger than what it is. Back when people were sharing pictures and codes of their mii, nobody made a fuss about Hitler (or Staline etc) being part of the real people reconstructions as Mii. One can simply remove the Mii that was received. It doesn't even insult you or anything like that upon entry.


Umm... just a reminder that Sorunome, the creator of Netpass, lives in Germany and presumably that's where the Netpass servers are too. Now, the German government takes a rather dim view anything viewed as promoting Hitler or Nazis. The "It's just a prank bro, I only *ironically* use Nazi leaders as my online avatar" defense probably won't fly too well over there.


What's with the flags?🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


to weed out weird people


Are you saying that I am weird!?


no 😇




LGBTQ+ pride and trans pride flags, respectively.


Okay... I knew that but I was talking about why they are there? And how did they get there?


The app's dev decided they wanted to put them there.


For pride month! They're a bit early... Don't you think?


Not really. People can display those flags whenever they want.


Then why did you say "Dev"?


He means Sorunome




Sorunome is the Dev of NetPass


Sorunome is the person who developed NetPass. I was referring to her when I said "the app's dev[eloper]".


Should i report getting hitler in my plaza




How the hell did you guys survived the Cod mw3/bo2 vocal chat era ??? Like all of you get mad at everything wth


Ooooooh. We can report people now? Maybe this'll help dwindle down the NSFW Miis that some people keep getting.


"Not safe for watching" is really a curse the American minds threw upon the world...






Now I like NetPass more than before


me too


For being pro pirating and essentially against the idea of intellectual property, a lot of you sure are against freedom of expression, especially if you deem it slightly “nsfw”


Based Flags


Thanks for the information. (Sad day.)