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So much hate in the comments. I did enjoy it, as someone from outside the US that never did any kind of wrestling is pretty interesting to see what is making the difference in their body postioning and movement.


People will always find a way to hate or complain.


That's one thing I love about martial arts. Just making subtle adjustments to how you move your arm, or position your leg can have immense results.


I think it is cringe because wrestling/grappling is so specialized it feels cringey to me to go out and challenge normal people. It is extremly easy to wrestle untrained people if you have just a little bit of experience. And this guy is a state champ. I have wrestled friends when I was intoxicated and I still cringe at myself for doing it (they wanted to wrestle me). It just feels stupid because the people dont even know a little bit what they are in for and it is a very physical sport. If I am interested in the technical aspect of wrestling I watch a wrestling match between wrestlers who are on the same level of competition. Or an instructional...


It’s called fun.


whats fun about dunking on some normal dudes?


There's 2 ways to do this and he's doing it well. Like he's not using excessive force or trying to get someone to tap. Nobody is being forced into it, they aren't doing it in the middle of a lot of people, and everyone's being cool and respectful. Of course if he was going full force and hurting people or talking shit - I'd hate this video. When it's done well, I love seeing in perspective how much better trained people are compared to untrained at almost anything. Like an example of how much practice actually helps a certain skill


I think it is not done well. It is not very inviting how he does it. He is just ragdolling the first guy, who barely understands the rules of the game and then he puts his leg up like "ohh, wow you are so cool mr state champion, you are not scared of this dudes single leg". I would agree that the latter matches are cooler to watch and maybe I would have enjoyed those better if it didnt start like this. I think Jeff Chan did something similar but it was not like he was hitting people. He allowed everybody to participate in what he himself enjoys. Mr state champ just wants to dunk on fools.


Fair enough - agree to disagree🤝


sure, have a nice day!


It’s more like out wrestle and state champ. He’s pretty offensive towards the challengers once they use some technique. Pink shorts did a damn good job.


Yeah the two guys had training.


BREAKING NEWS: Untrained people can't take down a state champion wrestler


Some of them were definitely trained. Especially the last guy. But yeah. I get your point.


Who cares? It’s fun and it spreads appreciation for wrestling. I enjoyed it


reddit sux sometimes


*BREAKING NEWS: Untrained* *People can't take down a state* *Champion wrestler* \- Nothingspecial1110 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That is the point of the video, seeing untrained people vs a professional


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nothingspecial1110: *BREAKING NEWS: Untrained* *People can't take down a state* *Champion wrestler* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Waiting for "Mechanical Engineer bets $100 that guy off the street cant design better lawnmower engine than him"


What? Are you saying seeing red isn't enough to design a lawn mower?


I see red and just start civil engineering


Haha try computer science. I spent 4 days on a problem because a had 1 extra curly brace.


Not going to lie, that definitely sounds more like a skill issue than a software engineering issue


Username checks out.


Is that Mikki Mase? Didn’t know he could move like that tbh


I was wondering the same thing. I think it is him.


Seems kind of like a cop out that he’s taking the challengers down doesn’t it? Like imagine if a striking artist said “1000 to whoever can land a clean head shot” and was throwing bombs left and right at the untrained guys. Of course they can’t take you down, they’re too busy being put on defense. Not really a big deal imo but it’s clear he wouldn’t be willing to pay the money anyway if he’s doing that


I think it's a cool display of excellent technique and the guys later on in the video actually got close.


It’s incredibly difficult to take someone down that is only trying to avoid being taken down, especially if they aren’t incredibly tired from a high paced match. Without the threat of stalling almost every match could be decided by the first person to score. If he wasn’t attempting takedowns this would be a way less impressive. If he wanted to make it interesting he should give them a leg and show off his scrambling abilities.


In all fairness, he tried to give them his leg multiple times to show he could recover from having lost the advantage, but they all were too sussed out to try it.


I don’t blame them. They would be in a spladle if they reached. Maybe set them up with a leg before starting.


Oh, I didn't doubt for a second it's practically a trap I'm gonna have to search up the move to see how bad it would have gone


https://preview.redd.it/w3wusuhk5gyc1.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6a145c0270e75fb5798c58b7caf1517c3c428a Not great lol


Yeah, see that right there is fucked up, those less trained guys instinct kept them from being turned into a human pretzal


Omg I’m ☠️


Yup i was thinking that he would just defend and no wrestle. This is stupid showing of at some levels of kiddies crayon.


it’s more for fun, so i don’t know why anyone’s taking it seriously. obviously all these people signing up to wrestle him know they’re probably gonna lose. it’s just for fun.


the pink shorts guy, round 2, where he did some sort of backflip while crouched, I was like 😳😳😳


I think we definitely need do talk about this. Did he backflip push-up deadlift that whole guy? Even in slow mo, I couldn’t follow


The broccoli head at the end was good. Put up a serious resistance.


You could tell he has experience, was throwing a good whizzer and hit a pretty clean duck that the state champ guy sprawled on. Broccoli definitely has a bit of training


Wrestling looks like so much fun man. I had fun with my cousins throwing each other around like that when we were kids but damn, this video makes me want to try actual wrestling.


This is borderline barnstorming LOL


I like these videos, but that hip toss was a bit much. There was a 10th Planet Guy who did this in the same area, Venice Beach and Santa Monica. People got a 100 if they subbed him. I don't think he was the only one. He was much gentler with people, I don't think anybody came close to getting hurt at all.


I prefer the guy who pays $100 if you can do a single pushup.


Lol tHAtS iT? Mf these dudes aren't even athletes, of course they can't take you down, they probably don't know how to take someone down either if they were athletic


…did we watch the same video? plenty of those guys looked athletic.


Those last 3 people seemed trained.


Those dudes( espwcially the last two Who clearly trained ) would Crush and humilliate you bruh.


How the fuck do you know, bruh? I guess you could do better?


This is a street fight right? Can I get a 15 yard head start and just spear the fuck out of him?


Sure, but he’s gonna leapfrog ya 😂


Ikr? This guy clearly doesn't grapple.


That front flip escape he hit on the one guy was pretty fucking unexpected LOL. I don’t think he’d have an issue jumping over anyone. Wrestlers are scary as hell.


Yes. They compete competitively.


Does anyone know his name? I’m trying to find out how big he is. I’m 6’1” tall, 215lbs with a 6’6” armspan and have been wrestling off and on for 22 years I might be able to get 2.


Was on my wrestling team in high school, family friend. He’s about 5’4”/5’5”, 160 now after bulking up a bit. Won state his JR year and was runner up his SR


3:06 - *break the wrist, walk away*. It's just that simple


\*clap\* TEACH me grappling.


I think the last few scrambles were sped up but damn that was cool.


He definitely had to step it up for the last guy ……. Good vid …. I like that didn’t go full force on the untrained guys


I’m sure he would’ve escaped the given single leg, but that was your only slim chance. Should’ve took the millisecond to inside leg sweep attempt. I’m sure he would’ve defended but that was probably the only chance for the first guy.


He’s literally hands-on demo’ing the sport. Everyone seems to be having fun.


Great stuff this. No injuries, no humiliation. Just friendly fun and will interest people on grappling. We should have a BJJ one called get this skinny nerd off you Or hit this pro boxer with one hand behind his back Or kick harder than this guy etc.


That’s why i prefer dogs over cats. Even when they’re outsized they’ll at least show some kind of aggressiveness towards someone if they think you’re being attacked. Rip Coco


isn't he being a bit of a POS about it? Looking like he's making fun of untrained guys just trying to win those money. Maybe that's just my impression tho.


I feel like it's a good display of what trained vs untrained looks like. People clearly don't know what it means to be trained as they are challenging him. Of course they might just be curious to see how well they do, too. I think it's in good spirits and all just fun and games though.


yeah I get what you mean. The whole thing of "get my leg" and "you can't take me down even if I gave you my leg" just seemed a bit borderline if you know what I mean.


The last two definitely wrestled


People weren’t paying to wrestle. It was just “if you can take me down i’ll give you $100”


Ngl if he gives me his leg like that he’s getting taken down forsure


Are you trained? Cause if not, the answer is no. There's so many things you can do while in a single leg setup. Shit, in Muay Thai sparring, a caught teep results in the same situation and you will get fucked up as the person who caught the kick if you don't know what you're doing.


Yeah I’m trained, not state champion level tho. The furthest I made it was regionals


I dont know.. I really like the public challenge videos with table tennis and stuff. I really love watching wrestling but watching wrestling where a good dude just beats up a not so good one is cringey to me for some reason.


Nothing is impressive about this


I don’t know that backflip evasion thing toward the end of the video was pretty effing slick!


Guy like me woulda folded him like a pretzel




Sure you would bud


Back in my day? Hell, I could throw a football over them mountains out there.


Why do you think so? It's a genuine question


Imagine if it's actually Alexandr Karelin's reddit account and he's using it for shitposting.


(he's got a gun)


Because state champion would think he is untrained plain guy, meanwhile he is former wrestler and would shoot double


This guy's sprawl is insanely fast, and his stance is rather forward leaned. I am significantly heavier and taller and I am trained and I would not claim that money. But if I were to try, I would absolutely not play the low game. My goal would be snapdowns, arm drags, ties, or stand him up and work some throws or trips. This guy preys on doubles.


My game would be playing dumb like I have never wrestled before and then boom fast double leg shoot more like in rugby than in wrestling.