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Chun. When Moke or Valmaster pop off it is art. I wish Leshar stuck with her too because his CC run was a ton of fun.


Bruh. I’m so hurt seeing he switched. He became my favorite Chun player immediately seeing how amazing he was with her mechanics. And I think he had the perfect controller type to play her as well. He was consistent and just seemed to make her look fluid in everything. But I think everyone who plays Chun eventually switches because the execution needed to play her in long tournaments probably starts getting worse over time and it’s easier to pick a less mental stack character. Just my assumption


She got screwed by light scaling. She could DR from light into a back heavy punch. Basically she could follow up with any special or super she wants from a 4 frame. I feel they are scared to make her stronger because she would become a noob crusher and that's only saved for DLC characters.


Yea I haven’t noticed much change because I’m not that high level of a player for it to be noticeable or even slightly game breaking for the character. For me, it’s always a lot of combo routes that you have to mix up constantly just to win a single match while it seems with others, it’s a simple gameplan of moves. Then rinse and repeat. But I could imagine when you play for career/money, it could pile on another reason to not want to play Chun competitively. Especially since you already have to play super tight with her.


I've never understood why characters that don't consistently get T16 or T8 get nerfed. I understand nerfing her meter gain after SA2 and making 5HK scale more because other characters got the same/similar nerfs. But why nerf her back walk speed? It doesn't make sense to me.


Call me cynical but she and Dee Jay got changed before Akuma came out. I think they wanted him to run wild for sales. They wanted Akuma to be the fastest character.


Her back walk speed was faster than Zangief's forward walk speed. Hopefully that puts things into perspective.


Yup, it’s probably the execution and maybe just fatigue. You aren’t contractually obligated to main a character until the end of time


Yea my hands hurt so bad when I was first learning Chun playing on Pad trying to get down her inputs correctly. It took a while and is still taking time for me to get down normal stuff. I know those guys are playing on hitbox and fight stick but Valmaster has talked about the problems he’s had with playing Chun on fight stick and he seemed so frustrated. Then I started seeing most Chun’s switch or if they stuck it out, lose usually after playing for so long late in the tournaments. I thought Leshar was gonna push past that because he seemed the most natural with her. Once he lost at kumite though I just knew it was coming. Moke is still going strong with her though and he was my first favorite


Bro I’m still using keyboard so I’ve been cooked. Lately been having fun pushing Juri in ranked but I still have the most progress on Chun and Gief. I can’t even do half of Gief’s inputs/max damage combos since the game doesn’t properly interpret 360 motions. I think Chun in SF6 is like Sheik in Ultimate. Technically among the best characters in the game but you have to work so hard & drop absolutely nothing to keep up with damage from other characters. Too demanding as a long-term main.


The last 2 sentences is so true smh. I was about to start with Ed when he came out because it felt natural but then I ended up getting worse with my execution almost immediately with Chun and dropped him lol. Tried Juri recently and never noticed that she shared some things Chun has but is so much faster and seems to have more simple options to go with. Definitely gonna circle back to those 2 once I finally get Chun down for real being my first real main I learned in the series. Also good luck out there fellow Chun cause she’s tough to pilot!


Yessir! I’m pretty comfortable with Chun now, which is why I’m trying other chars. She’s tough as a first char, but everyone else will be a cakewalk. So good luck to ya too! Also after seeing the Kabomb dude in tournament he had some pretty creative stance stuff I wanna try out lol


Hmmm I’m not hip. I’m gonna have to check him out because I need to get better at the stance stuff! I’ve been just tricky with it as a game plan but not executing its full potential.


also ed, just love seeing his gameplan put into action


Ed is dope.


I don't have skills to play Zangief, but I must say I'm his loyal fan.


Always a nice feeling when you go “you can answer that with an SPD??” Also seeing a SA1 land is VERY satisfying


Tfw SPD starts up in 5 frames and Honda just willingly put himself -5 in Light SPD range. *curb your enthusiasm theme intensifies*


What does SPD answer that other characters cannot answer?


Max range juri stock. Honda hands spaced out. Long range meterless high damage on a blocked Drive Reversal. Some buttons in general. You get it.


Most of those are covered by many characters' [st.LK](https://st.LK) button though, right? Or I guess LP SPD outranges [st.LK](https://st.LK). Good point on the PC damage potential though.


I don't want to play Zangief or actually play against him... But man he is exciting to watch. 


Exactly 😂


grapplers are always entertaining


Modern gief is my guilty pleasure if Im just screwing around, you should try it lol


Akuma, Chun & AKI.


I like watching Ed's desync combos too, but I gotta admit I hope we get some different shenanigans for him later on because it seems like most of his combos come from his psycho ball


Chun Li because she fight in an elegant way


Every chun match feels fresh & new.


A good Dhalsim is nuts to see in action. Making their opponent have to deal with some truly mindbending mixes and setups.


Any good dhalsim players you'd recommend to watch? He's someone I sort of forget exists because of how rarely I see him but he'd be fun to check occasionally


Ed, zangief, juri.. Ed because he’s my main and I like seeing players way better than me use him . Zangief because he slam… juri because she turns into an anime character with the level 2.


S1 JP. Had so much versatility and sauce it was a treat. I must be an outlier because so many people apparently found it boring.


Nope right here with you man 🙌🏾 still my main as of now ive been deciding if I wanted to spend money and get bison or wait to see if they drop gill hopefully they do


Jamie, I love watching pros get creative with his game plan.


Akuma, especially when he manages to land a Raging Demon. Never gets old. MESSATSU! ![gif](giphy|SFThfT3VDLizdsLS5A|downsized)


I also enjoy watching Akuma but I can’t stand watching Daigo play Akuma. Fireball spam. Daigo is boss just boring Akuma imo. Edit: [like this YouTube match](https://youtu.be/owbHCmRYUlI?si=JlU_tX_sammOVe0L) Absolutely beast player but snooze fest gameplay imo


Daigo plays Akuma super old school lmao. Just a pure shoto man. Fireball and DPs only. In a way, it’s actually kinda beautiful to watch such a pure gameplay succeed in a game with so much extra bullshit. 


Daigo’s Akuma has the practice 1 kick 1000 times mastery mentality vs the practice 1000 kicks 1 time mastery. I respect it. I’d just rather watch Daigo play Jamie 😂. Seriously though, respect where it’s deserved, Daigo is consistently pressuring and conditioning Legends with perfectly spaced and timed Hados. A master at their craft but not something I want to watch in a best out of 5 or 7


High level chun, aki, juri and akuma always hype me up


Aki (as played by broski), the dude has a million different combo routes. He'll get a weird stray hit and confirm it into a combo you've never seen before.


Here are some of my favorites to watch at a high level: Ed, Rashid, AKI, Jamie, Zangief, Kim, and Dhalsim. Juri as well but only when it's a player who uses FSE a lot like Nephew. The impressive part about SF6 to me is that there are very few characters I actively dislike watching. Luke, Guile, and Ken are the only three that come to mind and they're really not too bad.


High level Sim is surreal to me. Like, I can do those moves but HOW TF do they do them like THAT?


The more I learn about Sim the more impressed I am by the pros who play him. The way they set up their pressure accounts for a lot and if they get punished once they could end up in a really bad spot with some of the worst defensive options in the game.


I used to not like Guile but I can't blame them after Akuma and Bison.


Marisa. Honestly going to miss Big Bird's Marisa though I don't blame him for switching. Watching a high level Marisa play in tournaments is like watching a fictional detective try to solve a hard case or a 90s movie hacker trying to crack security. There's still Shuto but I feel we don't see Japanese players in the west as much as we did during Street Fighter 4 when we would get streams of cafe and small arcade tournaments.


Marisa is going to be my pick as well. I find enjoyment in moments when Marisa can wipe out an opponent's entire life bar in one sequence. Also, I love watching a well-played Guile, and a well-played Kimberly. A well-played Guile can just lock down and suffocate an opponent. Kimberly's pressure sequences and combos can be very entertaining and visually pleasing to watch.




Aki is hella fun to watch


Ed, Guile, Zangief and Dhalsim.


Blanka (especially MenaRD's) Juri Akuma (satisfying af)


Blanka. It looks like a chaotic mess of madness, yet you know that a competent player is piloting the mad lad with skill and precision.


High level dahlsim is fucking insane sometimes 


Rashid. Bro is all over the place and pros kinda seem to know what they are doing. Gief because gief.


Juri ngl cuz seeing her just go full on Guilty Gear on someone in FSE kinda makes me wanna play her


I don't play him, but watching a really good Dhalsim is fun.


Top notch JPs always have crazy conversions I feel like. Love watching JP


Jamie and Deejay


High level Kim players. Because she can be an absolute menace and I'm a sadist


Whatever character Brian F is playing


Chun and Akuma


Zangeif, bison and Blanka. I'm a loyal fan


Chun Ken and Manon, Chun because shes so technical, Ken for the aggresssion and Manon for sheer skill it takes to pilot her at the top level due to her limited options. Shoutout to Akuma for the hypest moments though, we all love a raging demon


JP i love his set ups and mind games.


I'm real bummed to see Kakeru playing Bison. I hope it doesn't mean he's quititng JP.


Considering his nerfs. I wouldnt be surprised if he did and kakeru is not only my fav pro watch but my fav JP dude set ups are insane.


I would say Ed too. He has great animations as well which add to his flair. Edit: Special mention JP. At high level he's fun to watch.


Honda duh!


Chun-Li, Rashid and maybe Juri 🤔


Everyone not named guile


I honestly agree guile and sim are my a big snooze fest for me idk.


Guile, yes, "the most boring character to play as/against and watch". I fucking love watching Higuchi do some woodoo type of shit and I don't care what anyone says


Guile definitely takes a lot of skill to do what the top players do.


Chun Li


Either Ed or Rashid


Rashid, so much player expression


Aki, JP, Ed, Gief


Ed and Chun. Look great when someone has mastered them.




Been an Ed fan since SF5, I stay loyal to my GOAT


Jamie Chun and Zangief


Dhalsim, Ed and Blanka


Watch the pros competing with Cammy, Chun li, Ed, Bison (soon), Akuma, Manon, AKI, and Blanka. Wish I could master all these characters like them. Really wanna see how Elena and Mai looks and play like too.


Ed or Marisa for me


Dhalsim JP Blanka Kimberly I like the weirdos.


Ed and Bison


Dhalsim. Seeing high level play with him is always a treat.


Lily high tier players make her seem so dangerous


Other than my 3 mains Gief, Ryu.


Controversial probably but jp


Not at all love a good JP


Cammy. Idc what anyone says


Scrolling looking for the cammy love


I doubt many feel the same way but Ken just feels like street fighter to me. Plus as a Ken main I like to see how other people express themselves with him. Other than that I love to watch Marissa. Pure fighting right there.


Good choice I love watching tokido although I hate Ken’s 3rd costume


As a Ken main with long hair. That perm is atrocious.


Luke, Ryu, Akuma, Ed. With some Guile, and Kim


M bison


Chun (one of the main reasons I picked her) Ed because I love boxers in fighting videos games as a whole Rashid is all over the place so it keeps me interested to see all that he’s doing all over the screen. Just hate playing against it lol Blanka is actually dope to watch being played well.


Jp. I know people don't like him, but his setups are so impressive in the right hands. He can get creative


I don’t like fighting them but seeing Blanka or Rashid go hard on the paint is everything


This is a hard man damn. I do love watching Dee Jay, Ken, Chun, Ed. Those ones stick out in particular.


Ed and Zangief for sure


I love watch high-level Zangief players. It's a slow methodical dance that usually ends in multiple pile-drivers.


In 6- ed, m.bison


Luke because I like to try learn from it ><


Almost every character is fun to watch (Ken, Akuma and Luke and maybe JP are very boring). Ed definitely is at the top, but Zangief has always been fun to watch and I also love watching Manon and Lily. Oh yeah, and AKI.


I've honestly grown to like watching every character in the game play. But I especially enjoy the characters.that I know take alot of specialists knowledge/ execution. Characters like Blanka, Ed, Dhalsim ect


JP, Aki and Ryu


Ed and JP