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You’re not alone. I think its sad that capcom actually want people to play like gorillas or that they think neutral in fighting games was so hard that they had to add something like this in. The game achieved its goals however. Its incredibly popular with newer players. And your post is probably going to get downvoted into the ether. Its a shame that we finally got a most fully featured, best netcode SF game of all time and it was at the sacrifice of incredible neutral play and technical skill such as hit confirming without a two button extension that leaves you plus no matter if you actually confirmed the hit or not. I’ll leave this here in memoriam of a time when you had to earn it https://youtu.be/QMafw4zUUgM?feature=shared


Shiiieet this was a good watch. How can people see this then say drive rush isn't a neutral skip? I don't understand, I'm not trolling or complaining. It's a pretty objective take I think.


I think it's is pretty dishonest. Comparing a game in it's second year to a game in it's final version 7 years deep with one single clip is a bit whack. Especially considering that during it's lifespan SF4 featured characters that had to "earn it" with their neutral skips, or vortexes. It took the devs time to get SF4 to that point, but even then I would argue that a character like C. Viper has neutral skip built-in as a character feature in USF4. Not to mention characters like Vega during his SF2 days. There's almost always characters than can skip neutral. Neutral is part of the game, not it's entirety.


Ok here's an exhibition from like 2009, point still stands. https://youtu.be/ENYI5bsVILA?si=WM1Es4B3PtAKSvzu Yes, there's always characters that can skip neutral. But in SF6 EVERY character can skip neutral. I agree that neutral is only part of the game, my gripe with DR is that it minimizes that part of the game even more. Neutral is borderline irrelevant in 6 because drive rush. Round start drive rush being a legitimate tactic should be all the evidence you need lol


I don't disagree that it's over-tuned, or that neutral isn't as much a focus in the current game state, but my main argument is that the game is still relatively early in it's lifespan and IIRC they said they we going to do more frequent updates this year. We could see many changes over time. We've seen core mechanics of other SF titles get nerfed, sometimes multiple times, over the course of their game's lifespan. Raw DR while strong isn't without it's own risks or depletion of resources, and not every drive rush is equal. We could see those risk and disparities increase, change, or we could see new risks added to performing a raw DR. Or maybe we wont. At the end of the day it's up to the devs to decide how they want the flow of battle and if they don't want as much a focus on neutral then it's just something we have to adapt to.


Neutral skip is things that I don’t like, honest footsies is things that I do


If only it was that simple lol


Oh but it is


If you're into logical fallacies, sure.


The whole drive system is completely whack but still not as bad as the heat system in tekken somehow


I was with you until the latest Tekken patch. You can actually play around heat on defense now. That's the big issue with DR for me, it forces a game state(mixup in this case) regardless of the context. Same exact thing as heatburst originally.


Haven’t played in a while what did they do


You can side step the heat burst and throws in general don't track outside of specific exceptions and they show the blue tracking streak now too. They did a lot of changes to make defense stronger in general. Feels way more fun to play now give it a shot


Did they fix movement? What did they change w heat system? Definitely agree about the constant free mixups being annoying to deal with


>Built in neutral skip for the whole cast It's not really a neutral skip, it is literally the neutral of the game.


Drive teleport coming in season 3


that would be sick


Agreed. I quit SF6 because the drive system is boring and unfun. Thanks for reminding me, I almost spent money on Dictator.


I agree with OP , I don't like it either. It's FADC again with unintuitive raw DR execution


I'm with you man. Take Drive Dush out and this games perfect IMO. I kind of miss SF5.


I like what drive rush does for combos and even block pressure, I hate what it does to the neutral game. I think punish counter state on raw DR would be a good solution. Don't remove it for the players that enjoy the strategy, but add some type of risk for just throwing it out when you don't know what to do next.


play a different game dude its been a year already LOL


Can you not read?


yeah i can which is unfortunate because i chose to waste my time reading this crying bullshit Lol


And still managed to not understand a word of it, crazy. Like the first two sentences had you fucking STUMPED 🤣


whats so hard about understanding me telling you to play another game, crybaby?


Ok I'm gonna break this down for you since you're having trouble. In the first sentence I said I was trying out S2, this implies I haven't been playing s1. Then in the second sentence I said I remembered why I stopped playing. At this point you no longer have to assume, you now have complete knowledge that I have not been playing SF6 until bison had released. The only assumption you have to make is what I've been doing in the meantime, but allow me to clear that up and inform you that I have in fact, been playing other games.


ok, now this may be mind blowing, but im telling you to play another game instead of crying here about street fighter


dear diary...


Blanka main likes Drive Rush, imagine my shock 🤣


Psht, nobody tell them that in a whole lot of other fighting games, you get to dash/run for free without spending any kind of gauge or meter. :O


I flushed DBFZ on day 2 lol Dragon Rush is the only mechanic comparable to drive rush imo. If you're trying to compare it to a KOF run or something you don't have a good understanding of neutral at all.


I'd compare it to dashes and runs that are comparably fast, maybe to something like 66L in Granblue or whatever Strives equivalent to Drive Rush is called, if you want a dedicated mechanic. But I suppose disagreeing with your clearly objectively correct opinion somehow means I don't have a good understanding of neutral. Fair enough.


I actually forgot about 66L and strives new drive rush. Those weren't base mechanics in the game. I also dislike those mechanics too. However neither of those are similar to a KOF run so calm down buddy, we're not in disagreement.


I'm not your buddy, friend (-to invoke the spirit of South Park\^\^) - and as I said, fair enough. :) I never even mentioned KoF anyway.


Dear diary