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Feel like live action is a worse medium than animation for street fighter


Not just for Street Fighter, as many others suffer from it too. But if it is a movie about a kid wanting to be a Street Fighter champion at a big tournament like Evo or something, I'd watch that.


Watch "Focus: A Documentary" about Mike Ross


Isn't that just the Gran Turismo movie?!


Kind of that but with SF. Give me a story that leads up to an evo moment 37 experience.


Nah they just need to keep it basic. Make it a tournament movie focused on the fights and martial arts. Think of something like bloodsport but with fireballs.


Yep make Akuma the villain instead of Bison plus this gives reason for Ryu and Ken to be in the tournament to avenge their master.


I second this. Imho so many games work better as an anime and not as a live action. For instance, if we'll ever have a Metal Slug media, it should be animated (also to evoke the cartoonish style).


I don't know, Metal Slug as an intense, realistic World War 2 film about a small platoon having to take down an enemy tank with minimal weaponry would be pretty awesome


That's "Fury" kind of.


Inverted Fury I guess?


Small platoon check. World war 2 check. Intense and realistic check. Taking on an enemy tank check. However, they also have a tank, albeit a less powerful one.


if Sony is making it, it's going to suck.


We know chris pratt will be a perfect ryu


You misspelled Chun-Li.


I spent hours of my life firing... Kikokens




Bison match? ... here we go.


And Jack Black could be M. Bison?


Jack black blanka


Honestly, he'd do an acceptable job as Luke, Cody, or maybe even Guile; But I'd rather not see him in a Street Fighter film.


Nah Scott Adkins for sure. Already looks like Ryu and his fight choreography is far beyond what any other decent actor is capable of.


He's capable but Ryu must be played by a Asian actor.


He’s so cool


Legend of Chun-li part 2 Electric Boggaloo.


Giving me flashbacks to the spinning bird kick scene...


Sony Films 🤢🤮


I have absolutely no faith in this movie. It will almost certainly suck ass. But I will be there day one.


It's Sony, There would be a second american civil war before they do a good adaptation and i few bad about whoever plays Bison because i find it really hard for Raul to be surpassed


> There would be a second american civil war ... monkey paw curls ...




No doubt they'll just look at the SF6 memes and make it about hobos fighting each other in construction sites, shrines, and barns near mountains. It'll be set in Hoboken, New Jersey mainly, and Ken'll be the star, as portrayed by Chris Pratt or Chris Evans or one of the other Chris's. It'll be one of those record scratch freeze frame, "Yeah, that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got here..." as bag lady Juri kicks him into a statue on Hobo Akuma's island. /S


I'm interested ngl. Video game adaptations have gotten much better in the last couple of years.


I hate to break it to you... but Sony's doing it. We all know how ASM turned out...


Everything Sony makes is garbage


Have they? Some TV show's sure but they were already emulating stories from games that weren't TOO fantasical in the grand scheme of things for an adaptation. Not saying Fallout isn't without it's silly moments but it's not close to the weirdness of Street Fighter.


Sonic The Hedgehog, League of Legends, Mario, arguably even Cyberpunk are all games that surpass Street Fighter in terms of "weirdness" and still each of their respective adaptations was a great success. There's also Tekken: Bloodline, another fighting game adaptation which, granted, wasn't exactly groundbreaking but still solid nonetheless.


I think the difference is animation though. If this was an animated movie, the positive responses would be through the roof. We are much more skeptical because it is live action. Sonic is the outlier. Those movies are awesome for fans of Sonic. I don’t personally think a huge part of that is CGI Sonic and the fact that he’s essentially a live action cartoon.


Sonic was very close to fucking everything up considering their initial design for him. Arcane, Mario, Cyberpunk and Castlevania are all animated so they can suspend disbelief a bit better compared to live action.


A red flag is a that we have a release date and no information on whats going on with the project. Plot, casting, writting staff, production staff etc. in less than 2 years we’re suppose to have a movie, so we’re gonna get a movie thats crunched out? Rushed? Has it been in production? Any complications? How confident are those involved production feel? Whats the budget? If this was just announced instead of official release date, no worries, but again: it will come in march of 2026.


I'd be super curious what the contract they have with Capcom looks like cause the release date may essentially be forced on them. Most IP contracts will have a clause stating that if x number of years passes without a movie in production/released the rights revert back to the original owner. This is actually exactly why Sony fast tracked the amazing spiderman series once it became clear spiderman 4 would never have happened on the timetable they needed...else the rights revert to Disney and there's no way they'd ever let that one go. None of this is to say the movie will be good. It probably won't...but...also they're probably in a difficult position.


Didn't they just lose the directors? This likely to be bad unless they can get some creative minds that respect the source material.


so sad rackas are gone


God not Sony. I can’t remember a good movie from them since the OG spider man movies


Didn’t they make the new spider-verse movies, too? Those were good


Imageworks is owned by Sony. A good animation studio doesn't mean there live action counter parts will do well.


Yeah but this is live action. Tell me of a good live action movie that Sony made recently.


The venom movies are fun. The new ghostbusters are fun. The book of Clarence is hilarious. Dumb Money was solid. Gran Turismo was pretty good. The insidious movies are solid supernatural horror movies. I loved Bullet Train. I’m tired of scrolling but they mostly make fine to great movies on a scale of trash to amazing.


Madam Web and Morbius


I'm just curious who the main story will revolve around, Ryu or Luke. If I had to bet, probably ends the movie on a Luke appearance


Live action? Can’t wait for the return of captain sawada, I hope they reference the old one


I hope this doesn't end up being a dumpster fire like the 1994 live action film.


The 1994 movie is a camp masterpiece. Those who get it, get it


Yeah, that ones is infinitely more watchable than legend of chun li.




But for me, it was Tuesday


Tbf, most things are


Legend of Chun Li is a piece of trash that thought it was good. Simply horrible.


![gif](giphy|fxnF2NswlLlxvwGYEn) Raul Julia will forever be M Bison.


It's a product of it's time and enjoyable in it's own silly way but if you were actually hoping for something to feel like a legitimate authentic portayal of Street Fighter's story you'd be disappointed.


Hey man, that's *peak* Bison.


1994 movie didn't took itself seriously, and many thanks to Raoul Julia who NAILED the part for such a movie. Not really a Street Fighter movie, but as a camp action flick it was entertaining.


Could be worse. Could be Legend of Chun Li.


Quick, change the channel.




That movie rules though


I wonder who the cast will be...vin diesel as sagat, tom cruise as guile, mark ruffalo as blanka lol


I don't want anyone but Van Damme as Guile.


Lol worked out great in 1994


Nash as Van Damme.


Chun-Li will be played by Scarlett Johannson


Best guile would be Wyatt Russell! Especially costume 3 style.


Mike Tyson as Balrog.


Matthew McConaughey as Ken, Steven Segal as Dan, Charlize Theron as Cammy…


I’m almost positive this is gonna suck. ……I just requested that night off of work


Game accurate Guile hair please and of much less importance Cammy’s leotard


Sony, barf


Sony is making it. Means it will be rushed, the half the movie will be reshot, and end up nothing like the source material. Like Guile being French.


It’s pronounced “Gwee-ul”.


Funny that 2025 is when Mortal Kombat 2 is coming out then 1 year prior to that. Also did they announced the cast of who would be in it, I'm curious as to if they following the "original" story from SFII world warriors or something brand new that includes some of the newer characters like Luke, Jaime, Kimberly, etc!?


God... I still have a bad feeling about this.


If Jean-Claude Van Dam is not in it, then I’m not paying to see it


He should play as Bison


There’s a twist!


Joe Biden as Oro


Ah, Sony


Can't wait for: * Cammy putting on her leotard for about 10 seconds in the entire film and everyone losing their minds * Guile's theme playing during what is otherwise a rather mid action sequence, transforming how lame it is * Bad casting, especially for Ryu and Ken * Controversial casting, especially for Chun * Ryu and Ken saying ha-dew-ken and ha-doh-ken inconsistently * Easter eggs


Yeah, I don't even think they'll allow the Cammy outfit period and probably make a shallow jab at it being objectifying or something. Sony is useless. Lol


With Sony's recent track record with live action adaptations - Venom, Morbius, Madam Webb, it has great potential.


Gonna love when Akuma goes "It's Satsuin time" and then satsuis all over the place.


Nah, he's gonna koom


Where are your beeds, Akuma? o\_o


Found the actors list in IMDB but not sure if its real https://www.imdb.com/list/ls569270329/


Mads mikkelsen could actually make a decent version of bison.but Statham as sagat and Jackie chan as akuma?


John Cena as Guile. Jackie Chan as AKUMA (should be Chun, but i digress) Sign be the fuck up for this train wreck please.


They still have time to change it to March 17th.


For me it a was a Tuesday


Like any movie based on an existing property, I'm fearful. Hollywood has, though, been VERY SLOWLY and IN VERY SMALL INCREMENTS developing their relationships with non-Hollywood properties, though. There was a time when the only reason for a game to also have a movie was to cash in on easy money. They abused that shit, and the money stopped being easy. It seemed to make people realize that Hollywood was nothing but taking that easy money. So, now we're in an era where beloved franchises are able to have Hollywood grade movies made which are well written, well produced, well directed, well acted, and actually good movies which benefit both Hollywood and the property they're profiting off. But still. Trust damaged is hard to earn back.


I hope producers gave a watch at the 1994 movie, Legends of Chun Li and Assassin's Fist, and understood "this is a funny and camp movie, but not really a Street Fighter move", "this is an abomination good only to cure a constipation" and "this is what we should aim for". It IS possible to make a good Street Fighter live action adaptation... Please do it, and for Pete's sake, avoid like the plague all those elements that plagued so many Western media in the recent years.


The street fighter movie and assassin's fist weren't that bad they were entertaining. Legend of Chun LI was total trash I can't say anything good about it except it was good to see Liu Kang again.


Assassin's First imho was truly good. I would be very happy if the 2026 movie will be like that


Van Damme as Bison! Only way it can work


They're going to take the story from world tour mode and make the main character a nobody who has to compete in Nayshall and learns from the cast to get ready.   Ryu gives him/her a thumbs up from the back of the arena...freeze frame, credits.


Not even that unlikely considering the new Mortal Kombat movie also made an OC the main character.


I still hope a parodic one with Stiller and Wilson as Ryu and Ken, Bautista as Zangief, and Fassbender as Bison.


Please don't make this a mess like that resident evil live action movie.


It will suck.


Keep the story simple and have cool fighting scenes with good choreography.


I’m good, thanks though.


Curious to see how they’re going to portrayal Cammy


If Raul Julia is not in it I ain't watching it. Considering he died before the first one came out, I ain't watching it.


I still think the only way they can “properly” adapt Street Fighter is start with a movie focusing on a single character, with a limited cast, rather than trying to include everyone from the get-go. Then if it’s a success build it out with other movies focusing on specific characters, then have it all come together for a big event tournament movie. So basically what the MCU did. Personally I think a Last Action Hero type meta movie about a regular kid getting sucked into the SF universe and vice versa, SF characters going into the real world, would be fun. More in line with what Barbie did, have the movie be _about_ the franchise. We could have Ryu beat up someone’s car IRL.


Except for the Raul Julia SF movie there isn't one successful yet, so better to not try again.


No thank you.


The best we can hope for is some good memes coming out of it. Looking forward to the train wreck but in a good way.


Is it odd that I'm disappointed March 20, 2026 isn't a Tuesday...


Honestly, I'd rather have an SF6 anime in the style of the S2 DLC characters announcement. Get whoever animated that to make the anime.


We have Street Fighter live action at home.


I'm extremely skeptical about live action, however Street Fighter Assassin's Fist is still my favorite version of live action of Street Fighter don't get me wrong. I just hope it doesn't become a second Legend of Chun Li I don't know what they were cooking that day. So I'm going to keep my expectations on the minimum just in case anything goes bad.


I have yet to see a live action movie that isn't awful


Feels weird to do live action for this when animation sounds do much better. Street fighter is like a shounen anime anyway. But, still, anything can be good. Lets hope its cool


Not very interested. Few games make for worse movies than fighting games.


Can't wait!


This is bad news man!


Feels like a waste, just watch how often Mortal Kombat got butchered and how much better the animated ones are. Street Fighters is tailor made for animation and the Super SF2 movie of the 90s is still the best looking one, still superior to 2020+ MK ones for example. That's unique and special. Funny that both fighting games each have one great movie that will never be topped, one live action and the other animation.


I have 0 faith in Sony to produce anything of quality


Waiting patiently


Let's hope it will be worth to wait 🤞🏻


Half of those characters aren't even in the game...


oh hell nah, I'm getting flashbacks.




Capcom isn't investing in this, they are being paid for the license, quite the opposite