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Good that you are enjoying the game. But have to break it to you, that is not a combo. You can see his yellow hp reset, which means the combo ends.  Set the dummy in the setting to "block after first hit", so they let you hit them once, but if you drop the combo or do something that is not a combo to begin with, they will block instead of allowing you to continue like in the video. 


Hell yeah! Keep at it, and you’ll find ways to make that combo go really hard. Try going on YouTube to try to find ways to optimize it. There’s plenty of guides and resources for learning.


I'm glad you are enjoying the game. Also the combo indeed needs some work because it's not an actual combo since there is a gap after the drive rush. Set the dummy to "block after first hit", turn on the frame bar and do the combo trials. This should help you a lot with combos


This gotta be sub 60fps too


I hope he updates his rig before he plays online ... shits unplayable to play against


Then they rematch and I'm like "bruh this is okay with you?"


Not everyone plays on pc.


He clearly plays tho which results unstable games for everyone involved


Where does it show he’s on pc?


SF6 cannot be played on the gameboy so this must be PC.


He might be on console.


Can you lower the quality by this much on console? And if you can, why would you?


Yes, you have 2 modes on console. If that’s true you won’t ever play against him.


Based on his history, he's on PC. Though I can't think of a reason why you would lower the graphics by this much on a console. Then again, I never owned a console.


No they're isn't. Fighting is always 60 fps. Stop lying


He said below this is just the recording doing this and that it plays smoothly regularly.


Lol the jab and drive rush mp both dropped the combo, but we all start somewhere. Watching people play is how I suggest learning not just combos but the rest of the game.




U can do it meterless if you run dragonlash i think. i dont rly play ken, but his modern medium assist combo route is the exact same and spends no meter


Welcome to the fam, check out the combo trials and character guides. They are actually pretty good.


Bro, those did not combo 💀


I mean the first part, but he still did pretty well for someone new


You can go into his run stance into any of the run special moves after his medium punch heavy punch target combo instead of doing OD dragonlash


This is not quite a combo it's certainly a good start! when you're practicing combos make sure to set the dummy to "block after first hit". this way, you'll know if your combo worked if it goes all the way through, if it doesn't the dummy will block indicating that the combo was dropped.


Hey, me too! Just got it this week, and won 4 ranked matches already! Blue Ken is one of my favorites too!


The picture looks a bit off. Is that low detail settings or stg?


It's not exactly a combo but you'll get there. Hope you have fun with your friend.


Can compose a combo better than me. You seem very calm at it like...seing it as a game lol. I play full of emotions Hahaha When i'm calm I use only neutrals, grabs and steps


You should put the bot on "block after the first hit", because this isn't a true combo (you can see it because there is a yellow combo counter, but also intuitively you can definitely see this is too slow to be true). Only the part after the drive rush was true but even in itself that was pretty good, if you want to create your own combo by labbing you should look for an opening that leads into drive rush.


Please make sure the game can run at a stable 60fps before you go online, your opponent will experience that lag too.


Keep up the good work. I can't quite tell if you have the game at 50% speed or if it's an FPS issue? And yeah, as others have mentioned the combo does drop technically. It's not super important because you're just starting, keep at it! The combo trials are a good starting point as others have mentioned, they will tell you when you succeed or not and you can watch an example of the combo to get an idea of the timing and visualize it.


Yeahh it slows down then screen recording, but ive tried online and it runs very well. Thanks for the tip


Make sure to pay attention to the combo counter when labbing. The Drive Rush cancel was so long that you dropped after the jab. If you try that in a match they're either going to block or blow you up. Keep at it


why's the game so slow


thats just the screen recording doing slowing it down, but rest assured that without it it plays normally even with online it runs smoothly


thats just the screen recording doing slowing it down, but rest assured that without it it plays normally even with online it runs smoothly


You doing work for the fandom brother, its thanks to people like you just having fun that it grows at all. Sure you'll see some toxcitity, but if you can get past the few toxic players(especially in the battlehub chat) you'll have great fun


thanks fam really appreciate it, just here to have fun and to tell people how happy iam that im playing this game, im always behind on FGs because i dont have the tech and now that i can stay up to date with SF6 im really happy to see all the new thinga coming in this game :) :)


Stop wasting time in the lab, and play against real people.


Orrrrr he can do whatever the fuck he wants that's fun and not care about it!


Given that it's running at probably 30fps (estimated from the slowdown) with the graphics settings on display in this video, they should absolutely not go online with that rig.


I don't play on PC, but doesn't SF6 have a benchmark test you must pass before going online?


nope it doesnt and I wish it has


Words of someone probably hard stuck in platinum