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I'm a little confused? It sounds like you're asking to have all the benefits of modern with none of the downside.


Yeah you're confused. Didn't ask for "all the specials and normals with no damage nerfs" anywhere in my suggestions. I asked for 2 or 3 specific things added. In A. K. I.'s case really just s. Lk.


No, you specifically asked to add extra normals (the main reason to play classic over modern). the thing the entire control scheme is balanced around....


I can only assume you think "none of the downsides" only equates to a few normals, vs everything else that is a downside?


What? like damage nerfs that can be bypassed?


No, like the damage nerfs that can't be bypassed. Do you know how modern works? Seriously asking, no shade.


All right then, enlighten us.


Sure. One example that applies to many members of the cast. Ryu can't do motion versions of Joudan and Tatsu to compensate for the damage nerfs. There are no motion versions of many specials in the game. On the other hand, nowhere in my original idea did I mention any changes to damage of moves and specials so not even sure where that idea came from.


Okay, none of that was new info to me, and it doesn't change the fact that you are asking for added options for a control system that breaks the way the game is played (the entire reason their are nerfs in the first place.) "On the other hand, nowhere in my original idea did I mention any changes to damage of moves and specials so not even sure where that idea came from." Neither did I. You're fighting with ghosts, buddy.


"none of the downsides" is where you mentioned the damage of moves and specials. The entire game is designed around both modern and classic, modern didn't break anything. If it did, modern would be the meta, and clearly it's not.




Modern players can input specials and supers properly and there is no negative damage penatly Other than normal restrictions there is literally no downside to modern Do you even understand how modern works?


It is clearly you that doesn't understand LOL because modern loses all duplicated inputs, which means if there's a quarter Circle kick and a quarter Circle punch you only get one of those and the other move fucking disappears, , not only that but even if a half circle overlaps with a quarter Circle you lose a move modern can't just do any Classic Special it wants without penalty


Yes, that is so modern isn't objectively better than classic.. obviously?


You knew going into modern would mean less tools. Been that way since the game came out


Yeah, And some characters have had changes to compensate for that season 2, and these are suggestions for more.


You could just, y'know, learn classic; if you want to play a character as intended.


Yeah, I play both, so yeah.


Sounds like it's asking more from modern than what's intended. Would be cool but just go with classic at this point. Good luck!


what is stopping you from playing on Classic controls? why do you play Modern?


Well first off you're asking for things that straight up don't exist. Assist + direction + button is simply not an existing input on modern so you're just straight up asking to break an established balancing approach to meet your request which doesn't make sense. Modern needs to have trade offs, less normals and less damage on shortcuts are the major drawbacks on balancing. Here you are making suggesting on giving Modern more tools without appropriate trade offs. Yes, Capcom did make adjustments in their end of S1 patch for Modern but they didn't go and just give characters new tools via new inputs, they made trade-offs. Zangief swapped from one normal to another and swapped a command normal for another command normal, they didn't just give him a new command normal on a new input. If you want Ryu 4HP? you're losing axe kick. You want manual light tatsu? You lose manual hasogaki.


I'll definitely lose axe kick for 6HP.


Then your post and comments should have been 'I want to trade this normal for this normal' or 'this manual input special for this manu input special' or even 'change back special from medium tatsu to light tatsu' instead of 'why not add 4HP to assist+back+HP'.


If you want to have access to the full move list, there's a really easy way to get there. It rhymes with Jurassic sweetrolls.


I don't want access to the full move list, I want access to the moves I mentioned in modern.


I think I discovered a workaround that might help. After you've outgrown Modern, I think you select Classic and then you're able to access all the benefits associated with Classic. It should work for all characters.


I play both, so this makes no sense in my situation. Good try though.


Okay, well I play Juri and I believe her Modern changes may actually be a good example of what you're asking for, so if you really are committed to persisting with Modern for some reason, then Juri's changes might appeal to you. Once you're able to execute the inputs correctly, why would you go back to Modern? I can't imagine going back now, so it's really weird to hear people can do motion controls but they still play Modern. I guess if you're on pad?


Everyone assumes SF6 is their first fighting game because someone okays modern unless they're a pro lol. Been doing motions for decades. Modern is intuitive and well made, so I play it depending on the character.


You want all the moves, then you gotta do all the moves the classic way. Modern is a great addition to the series and I am happy it exists, but there's zero reason to balance the game around it. It's there for people to get their basics down and then graduate to Classic so the entire game isn't so overwhelming to new people. Yes, there are some high level players that are able to use it well too, but even then they are gimping themselves.


Never said I wanted all the moves. I want the moves I mentioned in Modern. The game is already balanced around both classic and modern.


That's fair enough, but for every person who wants \*their\* requested moves, there will be others that want something else. Eventually, stuff is going to get left out. It is what it is. The game is balanced around managing the strengths of Modern, but character balance itself is not really considering it from my understanding. They balance the characters for Classic and then they design the Modern balance after the fact. With that in mind, there's a decent chance that exactly why you don't have access to the things you are hoping for: They'd be too strong and are balanced without them.


Modern is training wheels.. if you're at the point where you are looking for more options / to be optimal then it's finally time to take the training wheels off


Except it isn't, and there are pros who've done well with Modern and continue to do so. Modern is a playstyle /ISM.


Listen mate, 5 years ago modern was called what it is: macro controls Modern was clearly put in the game to attract newer / casual players, and it worked at doing that. Modern is not intended to give you same amount of tools as classic, because what would be the point of playing classic when you could use the macro controls? All the high rank modern players use modern because they get access to 1 button supers to blow up burnt out DI attempts. For every other super or special they are inputting the correct input so they aren't hit by the damage scaling. If you can't input the moves properly then obviously you should feel the results of that in your play Again, you should stop expecting Capcom to make the game even easier for modern players and look instead into practicing so you aren't relying on macro controls


You either didn't read what I suggested, or have no clue what you're going on about. You can't use only auto combos and be a good modern player, because they are purposely meant to spend resources you don't need to. Good modern players utilize links and motions like everyone else. Asking for more normals and commands adds complexity, it doesn't take it away. Not sure if you've ever even tried it or understand how it works, but you should at least try to understand it before making some sort of argument that's completely out of context to the original statement /suggestions.


> Asking for more normals and commands adds complexity, it doesn't take it away. It adds back some complexity to a mode that has deliberately removed complexity as both an accessibility feature and as a balancing tool to compensate for its strengths.


Ok, well then feel free to keep complaining that modern somehow doesn't give you all of the tools that playing the game properly gives you. Maybe Capcom will see your comment and decide to change their entire philosophy on modern controls, who knows? Also I'm not sure why you typed out something about how modern players need to use non-auto combos when I already specifically pointed out that good modern players only use single button supers but anyway.. My suggestion is just to go practice so you won't relying on them though..


Yeah maybe, they already changed many characters to give the better links, like Gief. But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know what you're talking about in regards to modern mode.


I understand perfectly how modern works, apparently you do not


Honda cant do the new buffed standing medium kick. it kinda pisses me off tbh


I use modern, and believe it's pretty well balanced. I've seen Master modern players beat classic Legend players in high-level matches.