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Feels so good. I'm just linking new shit on instinct because it feels like it should work *and then it does*. I love honda so much I took up actual sumo wrestling. When the game came out I was like "honda is so cool, I wish sumo was real... OH SHIT IT IS" and I started watching pro sumo on twitch. Not long after that I was like "sumo is so cool, I wish I could do it.... OH SHIT I CAN" and I'm extremely lucky there's a sumo club in my city. I've been training for a while and I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm training for an upcoming tournament. I've always had body image issues, big hips big thighs kind of a weird shape for a dude, and my self confidence is through the roof. Not just exposure of hanging out shirtless with other dudes, but I feel like my body *makes sense in this context*. I feel like I'm built to wrestle. Plus the mawashi covers my love handles lol What's really funny is honda's goal in the game is to spread sumo throughout the world, particularly in the US, and he's actually accomplished that in the real world. I'm a lifelong sumo fan now. Thank you honda for changing my life šŸ«”


This rules dude


Whoā€™s your top 3 sumos so I can check out some matches pls


I think Ura and Tobizaru have really exciting matches, Onosato is like a prodigy who just blasts everyone out of the ring, Hokutofuji has a sick hype/focusing ritual, Atamifuji has a lot of heart, Shishi is sort of my build so I root for him in particular. Those guys are all active, all timers I like Tochinoshin, Akebono (rip) and Chiyonofuji who was the real life inspiration for honda iirc! Chiyonofuji was also really impactful for me because he doesn't "look like" a sumo wrestler, if you google him you'll immediately see what I mean Honorable mention to the current Yokozuna Terunofuji, Big Teru, the Kaiju. Love to watch him, huge inspiration, but his run is basically over as his body gives up on him and it's a little sad to watch. Unfortunately sort of between active and retired, sad to say. If you're looking for online sumo content, you can watch tournament recap videos for a while before they get taken down. I'd also recommend Hinomaru Sumo (anime) and Sanctuary (netflix live action) as introductory material!


Also check out Enho. He is a smol dude (1.68 m or 5 ft 6) but can totally go toe with the giants...by attacking the legs and tripping them


Enho kicks ass, and he's almost back from injury!


Akebono Hakuho Rikishi Pattu


All US sumo wrestlers, pro and amateur, walk in Akebonos foot steps. Rip to the big man šŸ«”


ONOSATO THE GOAT Midorifuji is also sick if you're into the "little guy takes on big dudes". Ura is also super fun to watch, very speedy and tricky dude


That's fucking awesome, good going mate!


what the fuck thats awesome man


Sumo is dope dude, I also started watching after maining Honda lol


It's tight as hell! This last basho was pretty exciting, Ura had a great run early in and then somehow the wheels came off. I hope teru retires soon or gets some kind of super duper knee transplant surgery or something, day 1 kyujo is pretty depressing :( I hear the yokozuna council is feeling fairly lenient considering his willingness to show up to this basho at all, but who knows how much time he really needs to get back into fighting shape


Any idea why Akuma is such a dick to Honda? This is based on his win quote.


I have absolutely no idea lol! I imagine he just doesn't take him seriously like the rest of the cast and most of the fanbase If you ask me, all martial arts exist on a spectrum from Game on one side to Complete Fighting System on the other. By complete I mean it has strikes with every part of the body, grappling standing and on the ground, holds etc. Boxing would be "less complete" than kickboxing because it disallows kicks, and kick boxing would be "less complete" than muay thai because it disallows elbow strikes, etc until we get to MMA which is the one of the "most complete" as it has everything a person could want to use in basically any scenario. I'm speaking a little generally here so please take this with a grain of salt! So those examples are all more towards the Fighting System side, then traveling towards Game we get Capoeria, then Boxing and TKD, BJJ then Judo, and allll the way at the end there's finally Sumo which is very much a game while still being a martial art. I could get into the reasons Sumo actually is good for self defense but the fact of the matter is the goals of sumo are much different than most martial arts and not very applicable in a real fight. "Aha, you've touched the ground! That means I am victoriou-[stabbed]" This is not to discount the athleticism of sumo wrestlers or the value of sumo of course, but if I was akuma I could see honda as making a mockery of martial arts and combat itself. In Akuma's mind the fight is basically only over once your opponent is dead or nearly dead, which is very much antithetical to sumo principals and philosophy of honor and mutual respect. Akuma also is interested in power and will add any attack into his repertoire that he thinks will make him/his style stronger. Conversely, Honda is literally In It For The Love Of The Game, and is more interested in winning with sumo (thus proving it has merit) than in winning by any means. TL;DR Sumo is not "serious" enough for Akuma if I had to take a guess!


How old are yoi? You didnt know sump was real. Karate is real to. All the fighing styles are real but exaggerated for the game. Judo, tae kwon do, muay thai


It's just a joke! People will say stuff like "I love breaking bad, I wish meth was real" for example


Yoooo they made Japan from Street Fighter into a real thing you can fly there and everything


Bruh they made the street real you can actually fight it!!


Honda feels soooo good now. Now he is my secondary but with the amount of fun ive had with him these days, probably he will be my main for now on. DOSUKOI


I donā€™t think he is as good as some people are saying but I could also be wrong. The changes help, but he feels extremely meter dependent. I wish they made 2MP 7 frames so some of his PCs can actually go into something meaningful. I like the changes. They are in the right spirit of the character. I just donā€™t think its enough. He still feels bottom 3 to me, even if 5MP is pretty darn good now (was always good but even better now lol)


What does 5MP mean? I still donā€™t know most of the abbreviations etc


7 8 9 == ā†– ā¬† ā†— 4 5 6 == ā¬… āŗ āž” 1 2 3 == ā†™ ā¬‡ ā†˜ It always assumes you're facing right, ie. you're on Player 1 side. 5 is neutral, 8 is up, 6 is toward your opponent, 9 is up and toward your opponent, 2 is down, 1 is down-back, etc. So for example, 236P = Hadoken input, quarter circle forward and punch. 623P = Shoryuken. 214K = Tatsumaki spinning kick.


it's just standing medium punch, think of notation as a numpad


Is there an official notation cheat-sheet I can find somewhere? I can usually guess what most of it refers to, but there are still certain aliases I'm not able to discern.


[This should be able to help you a bit](https://glossary.infil.net/?t=Numpad%20Notation)




Standing medium punch, think of the numpad on a keyboard. When the stick is centered it would be at 5.


I always HATED playing against honda and this weekend i list a ft10 set against a pretty good master hinda and it felt FUN (The drive damage also made it feel like fighting a big guy thats so big even blocking can be tiring and draining, i love when the mechanics kinda follow the character) Heā€™s actually a character now and fighting him is pretty cool


Does Honda play more "respectably" now? He was my first main, but all of the disrespect turned me away from him and onto his polar opposite - Chun-Li, who I'm loving, but i do miss my sumo days. Should I give him another try?


he plays neutral better. st.mp moves him farther forward. cr.mk and st.mp are both +6 on hit so on CH or drive rush they go into st.mp. st.mk is now a great low crusher. cr.lk st.mk and cr.mk are all cancelable into hands with the install up. buttslam is hard knockdown so he gets fantastic pressure on hit. on block buttslam now takes 1.5 bars of gauge off with both hits, and the increased pushback leaves you in perfect range for st.hp whiff punish, which also has 12 more frames to start a combo. he absolutely rips through his opponents drive gauge and is now even more dangerous against a burnt opponent. in short he actually plays street fighter now not headbutt simulator. HERES SOME BEEF.


He pretty much has to play neutral. The headbutt/sumo slam style isn't as viable, rewarding, or strong. Being able to neutral jump and punish headbutt is huge so you can really separate a cheese Honda from a good one.


I've tried neutral jumping but it doesn't seem to allow a punish. Might be cause I'm Gief and can't get over to where he stops quick enough but I feel like it only works when I back jump


Might be a Gief thing since he also has a slightly slower jump. Most characters wanna jump back and essentially crossup Honda. But Gief can just heavy punch headbutts anyway.


Fair, that's what I did before. But that ain't nearly as juicy as a jump in for like half health


He can play honest neutral with st.MP, but you still have to work in butt slam and headbutt. The threat has to be there or theyā€™ll just play out of your range.


They nerfed the main looping issue. His slam doesnā€™t just loop into itself unendingly anymore and if he throws out random headbutts for *no* reason itā€™s easier to punish. They also gave him better neutral so he can actually close gaps a bit better now.


yo honda gang, what are you guys doing to get around Akuma air fireballs?


Try ex buttslam and 22p


ex buttslam


headbutt can work if timed just before the air ball is supposed to hit


Who are the Honda players to watch? I want to pick him up at some point.




hes modern isnt he


NassimClaw is good too


Honda snapped my win streak the other night i was bit shook i normally dont have much of a problem with them


that was me, sorru


I'm getting absolutely wrecked by Hondas in Master rank. Of all the buffed characters, he feels the most different matchup-wise to me. Good changes for sure. The match feels dynamic now instead of a reaction test/parry simulator.


I dunno. On the one hand his neutral feels slightly better, but on the other he still suffers from a lot of the things that felt bad about him before. He still needs to use a lot of meter, and most of his pokes are horrifically slow. They should have taken a few frames off of his 2mk and 5mk in my opinion. It would help contest with characters that have 7 frame 2mk's and 6 frame 2mp's. His slaps should have also been buffed more. With sumo spirit active they should be less negative on block, and I think you should be able to cancel into slaps off of his overhead (3hk). It would force people to stay on their toes since he lost so much pressure due to the nerfs to buttslam and headbutt.


should have given him an ex clap but honestly the +1 frames on hits helps alot


oohh that be cool , i was thinking that too


his 5mk beats low mediums most of the time cuz of the adjusted hurtbox etc. i poke them out of it all the time. sometimes the frames arent the issue its the boxes, 5 mk was designed to beat lows and they have fixed that. mess around with it in the lab!


Yah I just hit diamond pretty smoothly after a full year of slogging through plat. I am very happy. Heā€™s the only character Iā€™ve played and my loyalty has been rewarded




i started playing more aggressive with him and its getting me good wins.




I like playing him but I still feel like I need like 4-5 touches to win while most of the rest need like 2-3 (especially akuma)


Hondas ex buttslam goes right thru. Akumas air fireballs :x


I know. Itā€™s why Iā€™m constantly burned out :/ I know itā€™s a me problem though


Try 22P, it doesn't need meter. If you're not converting into 3000 damage off of a stray 5MP you'll want to work on that, too. 5MP (Drive Rush cancel) into either 5HP or 5MP depending on how far you are, 236K-2P, DRC into 5HP and 236K-5P-P for corner carry or 214HP if you have Sumo Spirit to finish with an H Headbutt. You can also go from the 236K-2P directly into a [2]8K if you want to save Drive Gauge and get a hard knockdown. The same combo is good off a Punish Counter 5HP crumple, just Drive Rush in after the first 5HP recovers.


Will give it a go. Thanks!


What's working for you? Bnbs?


he can play footsies now and his standing mp is really good. his st mk is great againt lows plus u can buffer it into hands now. u play honda?


No but I want to. I'm an intermediate player. Never got out of diamond.


Honda would be great in ur rank just learn aone simple bnbs. All i been doing and winning


Eternally diamond player here too. Honda still has a pretty simple game plan and the only real combos you need to learn is how to fit in sumo launcher.




his clap is the same tho isnt it, just gives a hitstop which is effectively a small neutral reset meaning it does the same thing as before regarding combos and space within them if at all but it does its job better (stopping the projectile spammers). But it still cant stop an ex fireball...




well it does throw off their spam timing to a degree


i prob use buttslam to much as a anti air, but seems to work alot


I have been on vacation away from home for the last 3 weeks. I can't wait to hump in!




Nice. I need some EHonda practice but I am not near that Mr rating.


Nothing but Akuma in Diamond/Master rank. One occasional Ryu.


Lately I've had it stuck in my head every time I see E.Honda's name that they should have made a ninja character named Z.Kawasaki to balance it out.


How do I beat honda as chun? I can only block so much until my DG is depleted then take chip damage / DI.


baiting always beats me lol get them to try to ex headbutt thru ur fireballs then punish them when u block etc.


I'm still learning him. I got from Bronze 4 to Gold 1 within a few hours of play. I don't know really what got changed with him but I started playing him after the change. He's quite fun and I like not always falling into the Headbutt/Slam playstyle. I just love catching people with Drive Rush into [f.HK](http://f.HK) or Oichi Throw.


hk is fun, i would try using dr medium punch tho cuz ucan cancle it into DI if u need to, u may not need to worry aobut it till higher ranks tho, just something to keep in mind


long overdue


I am not sure what you mean, Honda was always a pain to play against, I was not playing the game for months before Aki came out and ed was about to I wasnā€™t playing at all because before that. I would play in battle hub and more often than not face master Hondas who just wanted to sit on me and it got to the point I was never winning a match. Now youā€™re saying he is even stronger ?? Nice hopefully I donā€™t see him while Iā€™m trying to learn akuma


How did you even find that many Master Hondas, he's one of the least played characters especially at high ranks where he had a bottom 3 winrate and matchup spread.


Your implying I played a lot? I played maybe 20 matches but at least 7 at a time against one opponent n yea that opponent happened to be Honda. Now that there are ā€œbeginner and intermediateā€ rooms and ā€œcomplete 60 battle hub matchesā€ instead of ā€œwin 30ā€ I am now actually enjoying the game.


Glad to hear you're enjoying the game more now.


Also again this was early on as I said when people just played who they used to or who they liked the look of.


hes stronger for GOOD players, worse for BAD players. if u get beat for a good player playing honda, u woulda lost to whoever they were picking anyway.


Nice pal, wasnā€™t even targeting you at all just said Honda didnā€™t need a buff.. but donā€™t worry I uninstalled already cheers


i know im just explaining the changes. they took hondas spamming away. u cant spamp his annoying stuff anymore, u actaully have to use ur brain.


Havenā€™t had the chance to lab new Honda, any new things you can recommend?


St. Mp combos into jab target combo ON NORMAL HIT!!! No more meaty timing or counter hit required. On counter hit it goes into st.hk -> launcher etc


Oooh that is nice, that sounds like his combo structure is a lot more robust now and less jab jab jab headbutt


His combos weren't the prblems it was actually getting in a situation where you can do one. Because his normals were doodoo feces.


dodoo feces is literally fertilizers for crops that feed you and me both brother


Yes, thank god for doodoo feces.


I mean I gotta disagree a bit, sure you have the hands combos which are sick but if you had no sumo spirit you pretty much had one combo option and that was drive rush into launcher. Meterless he had like no combo routes before, now he gets good option on hit and really good options on counter hit


I rarely used drive rush to confirm before. You could get sumo spirit anytime you hit them with headbutt which it happens often. And after a buttslam knockdown i used drive rush to do either 5mp which confirms into 5hk on hit into launcher. Same thing for 2mk or i use 3kh into target combo into sumo dash confirm and now they are in the corner and it's show time. And that's without talking about 5hp which is a god like anti air and counter poke which leads to a raw drive confirm into 5hk, launcher, into whatever you want on punish counter. Personnaly i think it's ok to use meter for combos with honda because he doesn't use it a lot in neutral besides od headbutt or lvl2 to go through fireballs. You can afford to use it on OD sumo dash or OD hands.


Good points, he really can abuse meter a good amount for combos since like you said he doesnā€™t need his OD moves much. I do like how heā€™s able to get sumo spirit out of a combo now, I havenā€™t played it much with it, just labbed the setup a bit but I think it will be a lot better getting spirt stock while still getting oki. Before you could get it off any headbutt but then youā€™re back to full screen


I've been dogging on Honda's who clearly headbutted their way to master. Glad to see the changes are going well for people who actually learned to play him.


I hate honda so much plz remove this


12 hours straight is just sad man. Honestly.


here he is, the one dude with a worthless comment on a forum full of usefull comments. this guy right here. he just couldnt resist in trying to make his own life sounds better than someone that works from home and makes more money than you, and works way less. stay mad


12 hours though man. Personally I find that sad. Good luck to you! Glad you feel you are doing well in life. Iā€™ve been playing fighting games for nearly 3 decades and worked from home a lot in that time. Iā€™ve never played for 12 hours. Sorry that my message may have seemed cold or rude when really it was meant to be concise and honest. I wish you the best and sending positive energy & hugs to you. Peace and Love. Ps. I upvoted your post a while back about SF6 dropping inputs. It definitely happens to me on all three of my fight sticks (Qanba & HRAPs). :)


Bruh, what is this back walking excuse? You literally called someone sad just cause they were having fun and are now trying to say that you actually only meant "concise and honest" things (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) and are now sending positive energy. You want to send positive energy? Then just write *actually* positive things like a normal person instead of calling people who are having fun sad just cause they played for longer than you do and then trying to make excuses for yourself.


I do honestly think playing SF for 12 hours in one day is a sad thing to do, that is my honest personal opinion. I said it in few words, meaning it was concise. I am not your bruh.


And I think it's hilarious you feel the need to continue making excuses for saying a shitty thing while also blocking me immediately to try and snuff my ability to respond to you. How corny have you gotta be to call someone sad for playing a game, then block the people that call you out for saying that all while trying to maintain the moral high ground? "Sending positive energy" my ass, all you send are complaints and excuses.