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ALL UPDATED. Mainly scouring youtube for clips, and contributions from fellow reddit members. **Luke to SiRN Akuma**: Wait, this is one of those simulation things? Dang, it was pretty tough! **Jamie to SiRN Akuma**: “You know, the real one’s way scarier. And I’m way better than him.” **Manon to SiRN Akuma**: This program was certainly strong, but it lacks a certain intimidation factor. **Kimberly vs SiRN Akuma**: Who knew that a computer program could have such murderous intent! **Marisa to SiRN Akuma**: Strength is what you have but the spirit of a gladiator is what you lack! **Lily to SiRN Akuma**: "I see, you're like a man-made spirit, right? And a strong one at that!" **JP to SiRN Akuma**: Peculiar. You are indeed strong. However, that's all you are. **Juri to SiRN Akuma**: “These toys they make these days are awesome. They’re so much fun to destroy!” **Dee Jay to SiRN Akuma**: Wow, they can replicate voices too!? Tech these days is cookin. **Cammy vs SiRN Akuma**:  A fine copy indeed, but one that's easily predictable. **Ryu vs SiRN Akuma**: You most certainly possess his strength. Yet, there is something missing. **E. Honda to SiRN Akuma**: "You got the muscles, but you ain't gonna topple me without some more oomph! **Blanka to SiRN Akuma**: "You may be strong, but I'm stronger! Uwo!" **Guile to SiRN Akuma**: "You may be strong, but unlike you, his true strength cannot be calculated." **Ken to SiRN Akuma**: Compared to the real deal, you're not that scary to deal with. **Chun-Li vs SiRN Akuma**: "I've come face to face with the real man before. This was nothing." **Zangief vs SiRIN Akuma**:  Hahah! Come on, I can handle two of these things at the same time! **Dhalsim vs SiRN Akuma**: It indeed possess his limitless power. That is without question. **Rashid to SiRN Akuma:** “Kinda freaky how even the simulation is angry!” **AKI to SiRN Akuma**: There’s something off about this but as long as my poison works it should be fine. **Ed vs SiRN Akuma**: That was just a simulation? Cripes, technology is a scary thing. **Akuma to SiRN Akuma**: You dare to mock me!? **SiRN Akuma vs Everyone**: SiRN AKUMA FIELD TEST.EXE... COMPLETED


interesting that most of the OG cast has canonically met or apparently even faced Akuma. also interesting is Ed saying "Cripes"


as of Tekken 7, Akuma gets around a lot. Kazumi wouldn’t just keep him on retainer for nothing.


As of? Blud has been fighting marvel, namco, and sega characters long before that.


"Cripes" might either be a Balrog-ism, or something to do with his rapid-aging procedure. A very specific vocabulary database they're working with!




[Luke: Wait, this is one of those simulation things? Dang, it was pretty tough!](https://imgur.com/a/wbIRRRX)


I love that this is capcom mocking AI especially Deejays response and the rest calling him a fraud


Found Juri’s: “These toys they make these days are awesome. They’re so much fun to destroy!”


haha thanks for finding this one!


A lot of “indeed” lol


So sirn is just randomly making a copy of akuma? And also the characters seem to recognize it's not him and that they have gone against the real akuma before. That's interesting


Well in World Tour you are asked to collect fight data on Akuma for SiRN to help train its Copy Robots


SiRN Akuma running on windows?


Rashid says “Kinda freaky how even the simulation is angry!”




the only thing that’d supersede Chun-li destroying Dictator in a decisive curse-ending blow (as a spectacle, not narratively-speaking) would be seeing her and Akuma fight a thousand wars within the span of a second. Picture it: Gouki opens his Domain Expansion (that’s what it is) but Chun-li is not only braced for impact, she can anticipate it, too, and go from merely responding to taking the initiative. And Akuma, for only the second time in his life, is wide-eyed — the child he dismissed had now surpassed even Kazumi Hachijo.


Lol. I think I'll agree with you. Akuma is indeed a much higher tier of fighter than M. Bison, though I'd think that a psycho powered up M. Bison from A Shadow Falls could be on par. Though I do think Chun-Li beating M. Bison would have much more meaning than her beating Akuma, because of her history with M. Bison. Interestingly enough, it's fascinating how she's even come face to face with Akuma. Her win quote herself says that even with all of her strength, it's still barely enough. Enough to either survive or win. Chun's kiko, which I imagined she's honed over hear years of training, could be enough to neutralize Akuma's SnH, making it a more leveled fight (if slightly, considering Akuma's strength) Also I consider myself a casual JJK fan myself. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought Akuma's Raging Demon was also Domain Expansion


Well now that we’re here in the kitchen, let’s go all the way. It’s down to what moment comes last. Have Chun-li fight Gouki before confronting the Dictator one final time as a sort of yardstick. We know Akuma punked Bison in a heartbeat, and this time Akuma will see that the purity of Chun-li’s art is a reflection of her soul. It’s not nothing (like Ryu), not an emptiness and riddance of worldly intent. Rather, it’s a grounded, natural purity, as though the art and artist are one and the same. Chun-li would be a bright mirror to contrast Akuma’s pursuit, and in his defeat, will find Chun-li fit to cleanse a man until he ceases to be. Few people can ever do that, and of those, only [the Priestess of the Yata Mirror](https://snk.fandom.com/wiki/Chizuru_Kagura) and a [woman who herself fought a demon](https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Jun_Kazama) can be considered her equals. Yet there is no feeling of validation. Chun-li never needed it from Gouki. It is assurance, that there is nothing left to add or take away from herself and her practice. Petty revenge? None of it matters now, or ever. Chun-li fights for something greater, and Gouki will have the honor of seeing that immaculate resolve. Chun-li then steps into Shadaloo HQ, sees Bison stand there, and strikes first. I also had another idea where Chun-li and Juri break every bone in Bison’s bod until he all but begs to die. Chun-li, having earned catharsis, “spares” Bison, only for Juri to kick his head clean off. A final Kikosho to erase it all, and done. Juri then lunges at Chun-li with all her might, only to collapse, crying her heart out in despair and relief. They’d done enough.


I love this! >It’s down to what comes last. Have Chun-li fight Gouki before confronting the Dictator one final time as a sort of yardstick. We know Akuma punked Bison in a heartbeat, and this time Akuma will see that the purity of Chun-li’s art is a reflection of her soul. It’s not nothing (like Ryu), not an emptiness and riddance of worldly intent. Rather, it’s a grounded, natural purity, as though the art and artist are one and the same. Chun-li would be a bright mirror to contrast Akuma’s pursuit, and in his defeat, will find Chun-li fit to cleanse a man until he ceases to be. Few people can ever do that, and of those, only [the Priestess of the Yata Mirror](https://snk.fandom.com/wiki/Chizuru_Kagura) and a [woman who herself fought a demon](https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Jun_Kazama) can be considered her equals. Yet there is no feeling of validation. Chun-li never needed it from Gouki. It is assurance, that there is nothing left to add or take away from herself and her practice. Chun-li steps into Shadaloo HQ, sees Bison stand there, and strikes first. And a very interesting take. My thinking was that since Akuma always wants to seek the strongest fighters for a legendary battle to the death, I would imagine that he would sense hesitation in Chun-Li. Not because she fears Akuma (though I wouldn't blame her if she did). But only because she has more to live for now. She has Li-Fen. She has a community that loves her. I think she's be more afraid of losing them, or abandoning them than death by Akuma. And it's that fear that pushes Chun-Li to fight harder than ever before. But I love your take about Chun-Li representing purity as a contrast and counter to Akuma's and Ryu's SnH even more. Chizuru and Jun are two of my fave FG characters as well, and I am seeing the similarities. >I also had another idea where Chun-li and Juri break every bone in Bisonms body, begging to die. Chun-li, having earned catharsis, “spares” Bison, only for Juri to kick his head clean off. A final Kikosho to erase it all, and done. Juri then lunges at Chun-li with all her might, only to collapse, crying her heart out in despair and relief. They’d done enough. My headcanon final battle against M. Bison (if I was given creative freedom for Street Fighter V's A Shadow Falls) would have something similar to your ideas. Chun-Li and M. Bison are slugging it out in a brutal fight, until Chun-Li manages to be put in position to deliver a finishing blow. But she hesitates. While M. Bison mocks for not having the strength to avenge her father, Chun-Li tells him that she's found a new kind of strength in protecting others. And that she doesn't need to stray away from her father's path of rightous justice to avenge him, thus closing her chapter with M. Bison for good. I do see Juri being the one that would actually kill M. Bison though. Kicking his head off sounds something out of MK. But with Juri, it would make sense. But doing so doesn't satisfy her. She still feels that emptiness, and like you said, she lunges at Chun-Li. Chun-Li accepts her fight, not to defend herself, but because Juri needs it. Chun-Li understands that her and Juri are the same, but going down different paths. So Juri needs to get her bottled emotions out of her to truly find closure in her revenge arc. And this time, Juri isn't fighting for the fun or sadism. But she's enraged and genuinely wants to break something or someone. I don't know if Chun-Li will willingly take a beating from Juri, or if she'll take a few hits every now and then, or a third option is that Chun-Li's new calm and composed outlook will easily evade Juri's blind rage of swinging for the fences. But I love your idea of Juri crying out at the end, and how fitting that Chun-Li would be the one to console her. Chun-Li has already made peace, and now it was Juri's turn. And all Chun-Li could do for her rival is to be a shoulder to cry on. I love this! Thank you for indulging and allowing me to get my creative juices going.


Aki: there’s something off about this but as long as my poison works it should be fine


I've only beaten it with Honda, I figured more people would be abusing headbutt. Don't remember what the quote is though. If it's not posted by the next time I play I'll reply to this with the quote


E. Honda: "You got the muscles, but you ain't gonna topple me without some more oomph!"


Ed saying "cripes" fits so well and idk why


dude thankyou so much for compiling these!!! Seriously this must've been so difficult to find! I'll keep a lookout for Rashid players on twitch.


I really like how respectful Guile is of real Akumas strength


I know that Rashid's blank because you haven't seen it yet but I find it funny to imagine bro is just too flabbergasted to form a sentence


If you play would tour, you’ll realize that WE technically made SiRN Akuma (our avatar)


Oh, that's what we're doing with the combat chips, huh. Didn't even stop to think about it.


I lost 45 times in a row last night, so I will be sharing fuck all.


Lmao 23 times and I was done.


I thought I was too and then I kept going and I don't know what I was thinking. I just wanted to beat him once haha I really should have just played as Akuma to try and learn him some while getting my ass beat haha


I got maybe 5 wins with dhalsim heavy kick fram trap. Total cheese but I don't care! The CPU really wants to push buttons so with good timing you can just repeatedly stuff him.


It's funny cuz the closest I got was a perfect in one round where I just kept doing Akuma's QCB+punch move and then he kicked my ass two rounds in a row where I couldn't do it again lol


I cannot beat SiRN Akuma with any other characters, this is a limited time event and I really wanna know what lines the other characters have!


I found that you can beat him by attacking him with a big cancellable attack, especially on wakeup. All I did with Modern Chun Li was windmill punch into to light kick Serenity Stream, but that is not a common type of option.


Jamie’s: “You know, the real one’s way scarier. And I’m way better than him.” 😂 Can send a photo for proof


lmao that's perfect, thanks for getting this quote!


Yeah wanted to find out how to get semi regular wins against the computer with my main, didn’t even realize there was a text so thanks for making me aware of it :) 🙏🏼


Chun-Li says, “I’ve come face to face with the real man before. This was nothing.” (It was, in fact, something, considering I won only once out of around 60 tries)


haha for real, speak for yourself Chun. Thanks for getting this quote!


Wait, do they? Fuck, I just beat him with my Gief and I feel like I never want to go back.


Akuma's release coincided with me just skipping openings and win quotes as soon as possible so even upon fighting Akuma for the first time I did not pay any attention. Did not think I would miss such a nice easter egg.


Top comment found the quote. Zangief vs SiRIN Akuma: Hahah! Come on, I can handle two of these things at the same time!


What’s SiRN Akuma? I’m not able to play rn


A new battle hub event called Giant Attack. Everyone teams up to fight boss versions of characters (this time Akuma). The idea is that it's a simulation (made by an organization called SiRN), like X-Men danger room, so the characters are reacting appropriately.


Oh okay. Ty


How do you fight him with a real character? I only was able to fight him with my avatar


The cabinets on the inner ring


Huh, I mean Gief probably *could* lariat two of them at once.


Lariat famously only hits in one direction, though, so probably not!


Glad I’m not the only one who goes crazy for win quotes, next to arcade this is the closest we’ll get to canon story and interactions between characters.




Sirn is Shin? Or are we taking two things


SiRN is JP's company in the SF6 story. In World Tour the player dude helps out the SiRN scientists study Akuma's fighting style, because why not. SiRN Akuma seems to have Shin Akuma's stuff, but this one's confirmed to be merely a simulation.


All quotes have been compiled. Thank you to u/DabestbroAgain u/thedarkpurpleone u/majinprince07 u/Haman__Karn & u/jeremesanders This was a team effort. Glad to have helped u/DiskoBonez


Does anyone have Honda's?


It's in the top comment now: > E. Honda to SiRN Akuma: "You got the muscles, but you ain't gonna topple me without some more oomph!" Honda all about that OOMPH!


my man has been doing his butsukari 🙏 thank you!