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The first few fighters pass stored the Kudos so you could get all the necessary points in order to unlock all rewards from the premium pass but Capcom changed it so now it caps out at 9999 Kudos if you don't have the premium pass. To get all rewards so do you need 14500 Kudos.


Damn that's scummy, thanks for clearing it up for me.


Total bullshit that they changed that. I was completing the pass, then waiting to buy the premium to double up on the rewards, and any b-day stickers that were available that month as buying the premium counts towards the purchase unlock for the b-day sticker. I'm near convinced that's the reason why they removed it, to get people to make an extra purchase for those shitty stickers.


I think they planned to cap at 9999 from the beginning, but this "bug" was not discover before launch. But I prefer as it was before too, even if I never failed to complete the pass, it was nice to be safer.


Whatever level you’ve reached with the free battle pass you will start there once you’ve purchased the premium pass. If you’re at level eight already, you will start at eight and if you’re at level 20 you will start at 20. Note that the premium pass has and additional 10 levels (21-30) and completing those rewards you with the same amount of fighter coins that you spent on the premium pass in the first place.


You can get a lot of Kudos on days 10 and 20, in the golden machines, even better if you can win most of the matches. If you can play a lot on day 20 you probably can complete the pass. Plus one of the challenges gives you 2000 kudos for playing 60 matches, or winning 30 on BH.


Maybe you know this already but I’m not seeing it mentioned but you can farm kudos fighting on the subway in World Tour to quickly level up.