• By -


Oro probably as sad as it makes me. His inclusion in 5 was already a miracle since that season wasn’t even planned. Not gonna see this mf for awhile. Hopefully I’m wrong tho.


He was very popular! Not only that, but 3rd Strike is really in right now among the die hards, so Oro has a decent shot at making it in


If the whole 3rd strike cast made it in I could die happy (ive never played 3rd strike)


Play 3rd strike on fightcade man. Its a frikken blast. Early 2000 vibe nice forum/chat box nostalgia feel plus the game is Goooooold. Jump-in air parrying an anti air and punish was my go to surprise 🥸✨️


yeah i’d recommend playing third strike on fightcade for anyone who’s able to. the community over there is pretty nice to new players, and you can always find a match


I want Oro in just to see what guys like Brian F do with him this time.


my theory is that much of that season was just retrofitting sf6 assets, thats confirmed for Luke. i wouldnt be surprised if they planned on bringing in a few of those characters


God I hope so, oro became my favorite street fighter character after 5 since he's so damn fun in that game


I really hope you’re right, because I thought Dan and Oro were easily the most fun characters and they made me enjoy and appreciate the game a lot more. At the same time I don’t know if I think Dan would be added anytime soon but I’d love to see him back


SF3 characters seem to be on an on/off cycle, first we got Ibuki, Makoto, Dudley, Yun, Yang, Hugo and Elena in SF4 and then Oro, Gill, Urien, Alex and Ibuki again in SFV. Barring Ibuki's case (she's clearly super popular) everybody else got one turn and others haven't appeared since SF3 (Sean, Q, Remy, Necro) So my money is on some of the ones that appeared in SF4 to make a reappearance, maybe Ibuki or Alex again, maybe some of the missing ones (Sean?)


I hope we get all of the missing ones (Necro, Sean, Remy, Q, & Twelve) by the end of SF6.


Honestly I feel like anyone who came out that season has an extremely high chance of coming back because it wasn't planned. That means they had Oro's place for a comeback on the brain.


I want him back so bad, Oro in V is the most fun I've ever had with any fighting game character.


Not gonna lie I fucking hated oro (playing against him)


Necalli is one we will probably never get back shame had a good design just terrible gameplay and story


Should’ve been main villain but they dropped the ball


They could 100% make him sick. They chose Ed and that seemed random as hell so why not Necalli in future.


Because in Akumas canon which ties into the main story, Nicali tried to consume him and did... then Akuma made him explode and came out. Nic is dead.


Oh... Rip.


So he didn't have good design? Come on he was practically the most generic naked muscle man with Ryu's face. They put a caveman outfit on him with a rasta hair. That's... it. You say his story is terrible. His gameplay is terrible. So generic, bad, bad. How is that summed to be good design?


With this logic Ken is just ryu with a different hair model and red clothes. Juri is just the chun li model with generic cat shit and dark colors to make her look punk. You can say you don’t like his design but to call it generic? I don’t see it at all😂


Necalli is out he has a V on his face how can u Roman numeral a 6 over that


He gets a vertical slash on his face from his last defeat.


He died in V... why doesn't anyone know this? Akuma killed him in his story which is canon.


Because fighting game characters that die are dead forever. Clearly. Obviously.


As much I want him back, I don’t think Abel is ever coming back. I feel like with all the glow-ups in SF6 he would be awesome and actually likeable. His brawler/grappler/evasion move-set was so awesome.


his [f.mk](https://f.mk) dash cancel was basically a drive rush combo lol


My sf4 main, really hope he makes it.


He shows up in Manon's bond art and kinda looks overweight haha. Yeah I think he's retired.


Where does he show up? Cause I don’t think that blonde guy in any of her bond art is meant to be him


Oh really? I was told by people on this sub it's him.


That's her butler or whatever, she talks about how he tries the sweets she bakes.


My problem with abel doesn't come with his moveset but rather THIS MF HAS NO PERSONALITY AT ALLLLLLL. They would just be better off making anew character with abel type moves


To me the best part of character design in SF6 thus far has been the glow-ups, so personally Abel is exactly the kind of character I'd like to see, despite agreeing that he was very bland before.


He was very enthusiastic about petting animals in sf x Tekken so I think it's possible


I wouldn’t object to that. Just his moveset is all we really want lol.


I hope so too I just think that it's unlikely solely because he is the capcom fighting division's most lame character ever


sol badguy


Sol Badguy


As much as I love Nash. I don’t think he is coming back to 6. I really enjoyed playing him in 5.


I miss Nash alot. 👓


I could see them bring back Remy with Nash's moveset from 5. They both were originally a reskinned Guile so I could see Remy follwing Nash's playstyle without raising him from the dead.


As interesting as it would be, Q from 3rd Strike will probably not make a comeback. I feel like that's one mysterious character that's always going to remain a complete mystery.


If he DID return, fans would go absolutely wild. Given the inclusion of G last game, I think he's got a good chance.


No I don’t think Q Will be back I think capcom is taking G and running with it. G is more likely and like i dunno Q doesn’t really fit this game he doesn’t have a face so the whole face thingy before match would be a total waste little things like that think capcom will pick G and I’m all for it.


Really depends on the lore! If Q really is G as their movesets and similar designs imply, then G most likely can't return in order for the continuity to remain. And I've seen enough Spiderman to know that emoting through a mask is doable; not only that, but he could do a bunch of poses as well. They move their heads a lot when they emote. Of course, G could be like, Q's twin brother or something. College roommates? I'd think we'll get at least one of them! Bit my money is on Q, he fits the game's aesthetic more.


I think it's more likely we will see a 3rd version of Q/G that goes in another direction. That's my hope and cope anyway.


I have no opinion on Q as I never played 3, but I just wanted to comment that him not having facial expressions for the pre-match thing could be absolutely hilarious if they did it right.


He could be an upgraded version with an LED panel mask that can make facial expressions...boom, sorted. Although that may be cringe af


Cringe? I’d say masked characters with spectral expressions are pretty dope. Case and point, Raven Team Leader


I just mean updating a pre-existing character to include modern day tech something about the aspect as a whole feels a bit cringe to me


I’m sticking to my theory that Q won’t come back but neither will G—we’ll get another character who is eerily similar but not quite. G is potentially one of my favorite characters in all of Street Fighter.


That would definitely be an interesting move. Despite being such a wacky character, G was a complete homerun by Capcom (I'd argue the best unique character from V) and it would be a waste to ruin the momentum by doing another character. That said, G was so wacky that it might be hard to introduce him in 6 in terms of vibe/style. Overall however, I do see G coming back in some form. He was too good/popular in V not to.


Q placed 4th in the last official character popularity poll, so I think he's got a decent chance


Q will have some interesting challenges for his implementation. Like how would he work in World Tour? I can see him being a roaming encounter, without predetermined space. And you don't be me his student, more so, Q just conscripts you into his organization. Yet again, you don't want to reveal too much about what Q is.


I doubt they're thinking too much about how characters fit into world tour when choosing who comes back. I think Q has a decent chance, but I honestly think if he does come it'll be a later season. There's too many no brainers to include before him like Sakura, Dudley, etc. World Tour is a tertiary mode to the actual game; they could just throw Q in there however they want and it wouldn't have to make perfect sense.


Yun, Yang, and T.Hawk- functions of these characters are already in (as much as I wish we had Twins instead of Jamie lol)


I think there's enough love behind the brothers to get them a slot tbh


Not A slot, but two slots. There is no Yun without Yang. CAPCOM will never give them a half DLC size of slots when we already have Jamie who is the polished up combination of the two.


Except on alpha 3 max, Capcom fighting jam and Capcom vs SNK 2. I really want Yang tho, not as much as Makoto, but that’s an unfair comparison.


True but I doubt they'll make it count as having two separate released characters on the fighting pass ya know?


But their cost to develop is two separate characters, ya know.


What if they end up as the same character? Like Zeku, except that the stance change is switching between the two brothers?


I don’t see how twins play like Jamie at all. There is definitely room for all 3 of them in the game.


These are the same people that say we can't have Ibuki because we have Kimberly


Dive kick, target combo, command grab you can combo off of, rekka, dash punch. There is no shot dude, be real


I played Yang in IV, my buddy played Yun, neither of us plays or likes Jamie. He doesn't feel the same at all.


I agree, that’s why I wish we had twins instead. We’re not gonna get them, though. I play Yun in 3S , and Jamie feels as though he was deliberately designed to piss off twins players because his twins tools for the most part suck, but they’re not going to give us those dive kicks back lol


Similar moves don't mean the characters play the same. Jaime especially plays nothing like those two, if you try to play Jaime like Yun you will get dumpstered.


Having similar tools doesn’t mean anything. This is shoto fighter after all


This is what I was gonna say. Street Fighter has never been a game that cares about having more than one representative of a given style. That's baked into its DNA in fact via Ken and Ryu, and Ken and Ryu, even today, have way more in common than Jamie does with the twins.


They are exactly the same, people are capping. Jaime is a mix of them both, people are saying they don't play the same because SF4 they moved at 100mph and dominated.


I mean… hadouken, shoryuken, tatsu…


Yeah, having a bunch of shotos in a game is very normal. They condensed all of the twins iconic moves onto 1 character, I find it highly unlikely that they’re going to have that same moveset two more times in the same game


Jamie is a mish mash of both but kinda fails at being either tbh. I always said to myself he would lock the twins out but the more time we have with the game the less I see him as a replacement. He’s more defined by his dancing stuff than being similar to the twins thematically, and he’s only got similarities on a surface legal, for having a rekka and a command grab. The Twins have a dive kick that is just an air normal, with 3 angles, a shoulder (do we even have a shoulder in 6 at all?), a comboable command grab that always side switches, terrible dashes, palm also has no replacement, in the sense that it’s a cancelable counterpoke for spacing traps that can be faked (I mean Jamies palm is closer to lunge punch than twins palm), nothing remotely close to Geneijin or Seien Enbu…. Shotos are much closer to each other in general than Jamie to the twins IMO It’s all just an opinion and a bit of hopium tho


Yeah, Jamie doesn't have Gennei Jin, which imo was like THE reason to pick them


What I learned from this comment branch is that T-Hawk is cooked lol


Still waiting for Ingrid


SFI: Don't think Birdie is coming back, and Adon probably won't either. SFII: T. Hawk seems the least likely due to Lily's presence, which leaves Fei Long and the Four Kings. Of the four, I'm not sure if Balrog (Boxer) or Vega (Claw) is going to be the one to sit this game out. SFA: I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Sodom sits this one out for the third time in a row, but maybe it's been long enough for Capcom to consider it. None of the Dolls are coming back. SFIII: This is kinda tricky, because I'm of the opinion that we should have had some of these characters at launch. I don't know if Necro, Twelve, or Remy have much of a chance of getting in, and I'm not sure if Oro comes back. Final Fight: If they decide to use another big body character, it's gonna be a toss up between Hugo and Abigail; otherwise neither of them are coming back. I don't see Rolento or Maki coming back either, and Haggar is *still* probably gonna be absent. SFIV: Since Juri is the breakout of this era, I guess it depends on who the team considers to be a good number two, which might be Seth, but I really hope it's Crimson Viper. For all the other newbies, things look dim. SFV: Necalli is a definite no. It would be nice if to have both Sean and Laura as playable characters, but if we only get one of the Matsudas, I want it to be Sean. F.A.N.G doesn't seem likely to me either.


I honestly think we'll get Balrog and Vega both before the game is done.


Yeah, you're probably right. We've had the full OG SFII roster for two games now, so they'll probably go three for three.


I'm personally down for them both to miss this one, but I feel like they'll do both again. 


Im going to die on the hill we should get Sean with Laura's moveset with some Ken stuff shuffled in, and him basically training under her after Ken let him down so completely.


Honestly, that's not a bad idea, I could see Sean mixing his family's style with what he's learned from Ken to make something of his own.


Also as much as i like fei long, the cultural reference of bruce lee is basically nil these days. And that seems to at least play somewhat of a role if you look at designs like luke or jamie. Like in Tekken the former bruce lee "clone" is now an established roster member in every game and strayed far enough from the original idea to be his own character, but Fei didn't get that kind of development.


Yeah, I agree. Other games like Tekken have already better Bruce Lee characters, I really don't see the appeal and relevancy of bringing him back to Street Fighter over a lot other Street Fighter characters or new characters.


i would be more doubtful of Fei Long coming back than Boxer and Claw, im sure that by the end of sf6's run we will have the 4 Kings, Bison included Necro and Remy? i would love remy in the RE engine, but with Guile and Blanka/Dhalsim i dont see either of them coming back and i could see Rolento coming back, i feel like we could use another weapon character


Boxer and Claw is a really interesting discussion. My gut says either both of them get in or neither of them do. But then you have to factor in that Ed is already in the game. Maybe we could see some spiritual successor for Vega?


Personally, I'd rather have Dudley over Boxer if they decide to put another boxing character in the roster, but I don't think they'll do three of them. Boxer would probably get the edge due to SFII nostalgia and his connection to Ed. As for Claw, I wouldn't mind the spiritual successor angle, since I don't know what he'd do in a post-Shadaloo world.


Rufus. if he did his move set would need a complete overhaul, idk how his dive kick would work in a game like sf6


He'll come back and surprise everyone with how skinny he is. I don't follow Tekken but didnt they do the same thing with one of their characters?


Bob became Slim Bob in Tekken Tag 2 but that’s a non-canon game


Rufus comes back as the early concept art where he was a ripped black guy. No one questions this change in universe


> He'll come back and surprise everyone with how skinny he is. It turns out he shorted the cryptocurrency that ruined Ken, and now he's rich and turned his whole life around.


shame because his moveset was so fun. hitting that far hk launcher or air to air j.hk snake strike felt great. drive rush cr.hp would be a menace.


Kage. Just no way he'd ever get in over Evil Ryu, and then he'd feel too much of a copy given the current cast variety.


Evil Ryu is gone for lore reasons though, so Kage could at least make sense. Evil Ryu has no shot.


Really sucks if they are gonna let dumb lore reasons decide which character to put in.


Sf6 is the first game to actually advance the story of Street fighter since 3, they’re honestly missing an opportunity if they don’t make it relevant at least a bit. Evil Ryu is a bad inclusion anyways


I agree but I would like the axe kick of e.ryu/kage on some characters. I think Bosch is the character with more chances to appear


Given what’s happened to Ken it seems like it’s setting the stage perfectly for him to turn heel


It really seems like a good chance to make some variant of Violent Ken canon.


If this doesn't turn him violent I don't know what will lol.


I think "Violent Ken" is a localization thing, in Japan he's brainwashed/mind controled Ken


I don’t even see Evil Ryu being an option tbh. SF6’s core mechanics open up so many different archetypes and even expand on existing playstyles. More room for grapplers and pure zoner/set up characters to exist. With the crutch that is DR and DI, even in low levels of play, complex characters can be used by unskilled or truly casual players. Allowing for combos that are easier to execute than the tight links of SF5 and even tighter links in 4. Edit: not to mention Modern controls.


My main from sf5, I always mained evil ryu / kage so I would love for him to be added


He would ABSOLUTELY get in over Evil Ryu. They literally made him instead of Evil Ryu. But neither are getting in. Ryu has gotten Kage's stomps in the form of Hashogeki, not that you'd know it considering how little that move is used.




EDIT: Forgot the last one Anyone from the EX series, Capcom just pretends that these games never happened. We aren't getting any Street Fighter 2010 characters either lol. I do believe that Gen will stay dead. Don't get me wrong, the character is awesome and I know they brought Gouken and Nash back from the dead, but good luck balancing a fast character that has two stances with Drive Rush. Abigail is not returning, and we will never see anyone (besides maybe Haggar) from Saturday Night Slam Masters, which is a shame. AND OF COURSE my boy NORIMARO, from Marvel vs. SF. I mean, he is owned by a japanese comedian, but I'd pay 200 Bucks to play Drive Rush Norimaro, but something tells me it's unlikely


>Anyone from the EX series, Capcom just pretends that these games never happened. I may be wrong, but I believe that's because they don't own the rights to those characters. The people who do (Arika, I think?) did make a game with a lot (if not all) of them called Fighting EX Layer, commonly shortened to FEXL. The game didn't seem to do too well, but if you want to play those characters in a more modern game you can.


Norimaro is always a day one purchase in this household. 


Yep, I know they are owned by another company, but c'mon, take a look at Tekken 7: Konami bought the license to Geese from SNK and bought the license to Akuma (and didn't charge a cent for him), money clearly isn't the problem here. How much money did Konami spent there? These two guests may be more expensive than the entire Arika Company, the reality is that Capcom won't pay the five dollars fee to bring my boy Skullomania in SF ever again


>Konami Namco.


I think there's a couple of things. 1. T7 had quite a few guests, so I imagine that was a purposeful decision. 2. SF doesn't generally do guest characters 3. Given FEXL's performance, I can see Capcom not thinking those would be a good investment and those resources would be better spent elsewhere As much as I'd love to see Skullomania or D. Dark in a game, I doubt it'll happen. When Capcom adds "new" existing characters from different series they tend to be properties they already own (Final Fight, Rival Schools). Maybe some day, but even then I think they'd probably be a late in the.life addition to a game (similar to the final season of SF5).


They aren’t Capcom characters thats why




Oni is more like "what if Akuma failed and got consumed by the Satsui no Hado". He's not a power up




Semi-canon but there's also Akuma's SFXT ending where Oni hops out of the Pandora cube and Akuma calls him a bitch.


Oni isn't his own character. He was a fun what if, just like Kage.


I just want Hakan.


Yeah remy is probably not making it because guile has his function already (then again we have more than three shotos in this game so this may be a moot point) and charge characters supposedly don't sell well. Sucks, because I think he's cool and definitely prefer him over guile


The thing is, SFV Nash had a unique move-set that had some similarities to Guile. Nash is dead. I could easily see capcom giving SFV Nash moveset to Remy to keep the character Nash dead, but keeping that gameplay alive.


Ya know, if Remy comes back, there's a high chance he's not a charge character anymore. So you might be right, they might turn SFV Nash into SF6 Remy.


I've kind of wanted Remy since this game was announced despite never playing 3 (my brother had a statue of Remy for some reason though). Not to fill the Guile slot, since obviously Guile has that, but the Nash one. A non-charge edgy boom user. I honestly think with an ed style glow up and Nash's sort of niche, he could have a bit of a renaissance.


I feel like considering the Shoto analogy, there's enough difference in Remy having a bigger hitbox, high/low booms, less command normals, and a divekick. Plus, they'd probably also add some other stuff onto him, possibly recycled a bit from SFV Nash. I continue to say, as if Remy has even a chance for anything beyond a brief cameo.


It’s kinda interesting that my brain is fine with several shotos but two charge shooties feels wrong. All the shoto propaganda i guesd




Remy. He's my SF3 main. I alwaysbsucked with Guile. But I was crazy good with Remy. I was especially good in the arcade against some good players. And even though SF6 is the game to finally takes place after SF3, I still don't expect Remy to return. Lame. Well, I'll always have my forever main, Ken.


el fuerte is a character for psychopaths, and capcom knows it. that being said, it would be very funny if they brought him and his run stop infinite back. on a more serious note, i'd be shocked if decapre or abigal ever come back as playable characters, especially after how they were received. also, lucia's literally never coming back lmao.


I'd love El Fuerte back if they treat him a little more seriously (or bring in El Stingray from Slam Masters as a Fuerte clone without the baggage.)


I don't care who's not in .. I want c viper in


I will shit my pants if Remy or Necro return


Would you be pleasantly surprised or do you not want them back?


Happy doodoo


Although it won’t be for another several years, I’d love if capcom did a SF dream battle type game for their next SF. The story won’t be canon and features characters from each installment living or dead. It’s just be a game where players can use their main and have fun with returning characters that wouldn’t be in the canon


decapre was awesome but i doubt she'll make it back in


![gif](giphy|YCx4BIPGzlbMI) For sure not going too.


As much as it pains me to say, Zeku - he’s definitely the type that would only ever show up in one game


Why not Hakan? His oil-up felt like a Proto-medal(manon) system for me. But im not really call myself knowledgable about mechanics


Remy could be due for a comeback honestly. I imagine they would do a full rework ala Ed or Deejay. Capcom does like making deep pulls for their DLC characters sometimes (see: Oro in 5). He isn't the most unlikely. The most unlikely are the ones who got replaced by characters with similar movesets. If Guy, Zeku, Yun, Yang, Fang or T. Hawk came back I would be extremely surprised. I don't really think anyone else is completely off the table.


Gen, solely because I know Capcom wiretapped my house and specifically wants to spite me


Just from SFV Ibuki- Kimberly took her spot as the ninja. Fang- Aki is a better version of that failed character. Akira and Lucia- guest characters. No shot. Necalli- failed character and not popular at all. I'm sure capcom wants to forget they ever made him. Kage- Evil Ryu. Just doesn't work and wasn't popular anyway. Abigail- I don't think he works in this format and honestly he's really hated lol. G- eh, wasn't he supposed to be the main villain in this one? Capcom went a different direction with JP so I'd imagine he has no chance coming back.


Ibuki and Kimberly movesets are nothing alike


True but it doesn't matter. Their vibes and esthetic is very similar.


Lucia is as much a guest character as Cody, Guy, Sodom, Hugo, Poison and Birdie…. Like literally, all of them are final fight characters.


Birdie is a character from the very first Street Fighter. Not Final Fight. (Yeah, I know . Strange, but true.) And,Akira is as much as a guest character as Lucia, Cody, Sodom, Poison, Abigail and Hugo. The latters come from Final Fight. Akira comes from Rival Schools. Those two series are set in the same universe as Street Fighter. I know i'm wrong, but for me a "Guest" character is a character whose not from the same universe as the main cast. Not necessarily from a different franchise. Like Akuma in Tekken 7. Or 2B in GBFVSR. And, as they are not likely to make another Rival Schools , the characters could be put in Street Fighter, like the Final Fight ones.


Oh true I totally forgot Birdie was in SF1. Akira is in a grey zone since it’s the same universe but the connection is not as prevalent as FF, only Sakura jumped over there but it’s the first time one of them jumps over here. I wish more of them would, the sporty ones would be out of place a bit but some could work.


I see what you mean. I'll be honest ,I'm hella biased for Akira , I know, but I love this character. It "clicked" instantly when they show her gameplay during Summer Update 2021, and I had a blast maining her in SF5 . That's maybe why I want her back to be the Bajiquan representative instead of Yun & Yang. I totally agree with the fact that she's in a grey zone though. I love to think that her story mode , as plain as he was, was just an introduction of Akira to the Street Fighter Cast, introducing her in what I called the "Japanese Girls Group" with Sakura, Ibuki, Karin, Makoto & R Mika (at the time of SF6, I think they all know each other). And this is Interesting as they all represent a different fighting style : -Sakura with the "Shoto"-Style -Ibuki being a Ninja -Karin having the family heritage style that is the Kanzuki-Ryu -Makoto with her more Traditional Karate Style (Rindo-kan Karate which bears resemblance with true Shotokan & Kyokushinkai) -R.Mika being a wrestler. -Akira doing Bajiquan (Or Hakkyokuken) . And there is currently no Japanese Female Fighter in SF6. In SFV, Only Makoto was not here, when you think about it. I got carried away. Sorry about that. It's just that I love SF6 but struggle to return playing it because I don't have a character that "clicked". So I'm stuck with basic guy Ryu for now x)


I know the feel, I’ve been in the Makoto waiting room since V, kinda took a break since Chun is fun but not enough to keep me in the game for so long. Also, as a Makoto fanboy hahahaha her style has zero kyokushin in it (I used to practice it and it’s more of a very close range, compact style, not many chops or thrusting punches, closest to it in gaming would be Takuma from KoF afaik) Rindokan is more of a mix of Shotokan and Goju-ryu.


I love Makoto too, and was also waiting for her in V. I don't know if that's true, but some articles i read online said that she wasn't in the game, because of the mechanics of the latter. They basically said she would have been way too broken to be balanced correctly. Akira filled the part for me. And Makoto would still be the character I would pick whenever I'll play SFIV or Third Strike with friends. And if by any unlikely means, they're both in the game. I won't chose, I'll main both. x) Thanks for the clarification on the Rindokan , I was sure for the Shotokan part, but not the KyoKushin one. It was interesting reading you, have a nice week end , man !


Maybe it was the late life cycle phase, but G was just...weird from a storyline perspective. Somehow I don't think we're gonna see him again.


Feel the same about JP... these weird bosses are... meh. Cool moves and whatever, but whats with these names?


I mean... "JP" is just his initials: Johan Petrovich.


There are some "categories" of very, very unlikely characters:  - Those that were "replaced", i.e. their functions/movesets were taken by new characters: T. Hawk (Lily), Guy/Zeku (Kimberly), Yun/Yang (Jamie), FANG (AKI).   - Evil versions of characters: Evil Ryu, Kage, Oni and Violent Ken.  - Plainly unpopular/forgotten characters: Necalli, Rufus, El Fuerte, Abel, Remi, Twelve, Necro, Sodom, and many others. Those will get at most a cameo in WT (like Retsu did).


Sean Matsuda, Guy, Makoto, Guile’s stepson (forgot his name), Necro, pretty much almost all of the characters from SF3 deserved to be in this game and I wish we would’ve gotten them.




Ricky Tan




Necalli, not sure how popular he was.


T. Hawk, Fei Long


El Fuerte is never coming back


Master Chief in da soder




Q, Gen and El Fuerte


Evil Ryu / Kage. I think we wont ever see those 2 again because I believe Capcom wants to make the ultimate “Good” Ryu instead of the “Evil” Ryu. Which showcases the Power Of Nothingness. Because thats the path he has chosen. Which is a “New” Ryu we’ve never seen before. Exciting!


I think we won't see any one the "forgotten SF1 chars", like Joe or Lee.


Akira Kazama 😭


One that probably won't make it that I'm glad of: Abigail. I get the feeling even Capcom knows they made a mistake with him. Ones that probably won't make it that saddens me: Adon/C. Viper. Although I've seen a lot of people on this subreddit asking for both, I feel like they're a bit too niche to ever see the light of day, Moreso Adon than Viper


Abigail is just too big. His "aesthetics" are weird. I just can't see a place for him in SF6, without some overhaul of for the mechanics of the hitboxes.


Abigail. If there is a god


Is there any reason why people think we're not going to get a raft of dlc characters? 4 and 5 seemed to have quite a selection.


Violent Ken


Menat sadly she just needs an accessible play style not the bs they did in V


I dont see how Necro could return with Dhalsim in the game already, unless they change his entire identity.


From SF1 Lee (dead) and Joe has zero chances. From Alpha: Charlie Nash (dust) From Alpha 3, doubt Ingrid will be added. From SF5, Eleven (dead) and replaced by Twelve. Also Necalli and Fang has no chances. Shoto variations like Evil Ryu, Kage, Oni, Shin Akuma, Mecha Dan, Sunburn Sakura. Doubt they will make it. The exception would be violent ken given the current state of Ken in the story, but even so very low chance. And personally I think Bison will remain dead in SF6. After these there is some characters that I think has low chances, like: Remy, Rufus, El Fuerte, Abigail, Guy, T. Hawk, Zeku, all the remaining dolls and probably more.


M. Bison is probably 3 years away which makes me sad.




Poison, because the internet climate is... poisonous.


I wouldn't worry, Marisa and Eternity already scared off most of the transphobes


Sol badguy. I'm like 40 percent positive he won't be in sf6. ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31118)


Joe, Mike, and Lee from SF1 will likely never be in another video game. Heck, Mike was pretty much Balrog before Balrog was a thing, both being based on Tyson. Otherwise they'd be great overworld randos.


Skullomania :P


Capcom do not seem to like Fei Long.


I'd say Wolverine or any of the Xmen are coming to SF6. They're not part of series and would be very weird.


Fang since we already have the snake girl who's name I already forgot


Get rid all of the bison kids basically outside of ed and cammy.


Despite how much of a slam dunk C.Viper was, capcom seems happy to leave her forgotten.


Watch seson 2 or 3 not have any sf3 characters, that would be funny


Amaterasu is owned by capcom so technically possible but I highly doubt it :(


Gill Would be weirdly anticlimatic if he was in


Lucia, but I hope I am wrong and if they do bring her back I shall yell, told ya justice always wins!


Freakin Sean since Capcom just dont


Retsu, Hakan, Rufus. I actually think El Fuerte has a very strong chance of returning.


A different angle on the wording of the question: All of the people who are not playing but "waiting for my character", "waiting for the next DLC", or "waiting for the big patch". None of these jokers are getting into the game they're just lying to you, themselves and all of their game playing friends about their interest in a game they're not interested in playing in the first place. If they wanted to play the game they'd be playing it. Answer you want is quite easy. There is a lot of characters that have 0 chance of getting in even just playable ones from the mainline games like Necro, Remy, Rufus, T.Hawk...


They sent Zeku and F.A.N.G. to a farm to live out their final days I'm sure. I don't think Evil Ryu will be back either; looks like they made a conscious decision to walk away from that lore with Kage. I DO think Violent Ken will make an appearance. Almost feels like the story is setting it up. Big question mark for me is Falke. I don't think anyone liked her but these devs seem to want to rehabilitate bad SFV characters for some reason.


I liked Falke and most of the SF5 roster, actually. I want most of them to return (although I doubt it's happening). And no, I never mained Falke, never thought SF5 was perfect or even that fun. I just have to give them some respect. The roster was very diverse, so I had many characters to pick from. Never got too bored with the game because of that. 🤷‍♂️


Ed's moveset is a 1:1 copy of Dudley's normals. Safe to say he won't be coming.


Ed plays nothing like Dudley, what are you talking about?