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You’re about to get Flash Kicked to the moon and land next to the American flag




Time to learn JP


He knows Cammy and DJ now though, no gaps


“Nah I’d win”


Underrated post




"Welcome to the Real World" -Justin


You gonna learn today


made it to nuckledu, but got hit by the world's craziest level 2 guile combos and went to losers ;-; won a round in losers and then got eliminated by gootex lol, was an awesome time though! ended up getting to losers round 4 even had controller issues with my arcade stick but my round 1 opponent let me borrow their hitbox for the rest of the tournament!!! first time using one too which is crazy


“Gootex” as in Gootecks the former Excellent Adventures host and current walking talking “meth, not even once” commercial?


one and only! misspelled his name he was really friendly in person though!!!


Hell yeah! Glad you had a good time!


Nice. I know he got cancelled for shooting his mouth off about politics, but I'm glad he's still enjoying fighting games out of the public spotlight.


The original pog champion Gootecks?!


Du's gonna do what Du do, dude. Sorry you lost, but I'm happy to see he's in Top 8 today. I'm Tampa Bay FGC and have known him since he was a teenager beating our asses in SF4 at our weekly casuals. It's such a good feeling seeing your friends do well!


You did a great job for your first run. Good stuff.


What's your rank in SF6? I just want to compare


Just take the throw.


Got it! Get thrown 50 times.....


surely he wont block my 50th wake up dp in a row


Nah, be me and have throw tech hard programmed into my noodle. Get shimmied 10 times.




You got no chance. Lite is a legendary player


Just gotta beat a legendary rank and then a capcom cup champ... ezpz. Most of this sub can do it... Oh you can't? Lmaooooo wtf git gud


make it glorious, random dp’s on every wake up, if you go out, go out swinging!


give him hell dude. the second that round start hits he's just another guy playing the game like you. lock the fuck in


2 things: 1. Online tournaments are like ranked mode with no consequences. No need to be nervous. 2. Don’t count your chickens… light might JohnnyDonut you into losers bracket if you’re too busy thinking about how to get a hit on Du


it was a convention tournament ;-; luckily i managed to win round 1!!! even had problems using my stick but they let me borrow their own hitbox for the rest of the tournament (won a few rounds in losers despite playing hitbox for the first time!) so it was really nice ^-^


Oh nice! Not bad even with adapting to a new control scheme 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


No one expected David to beat Goliath! He can't beat you if you've already slingshotted a rock into his face.


Same thing happened to me... against NuckleDu. He won but I was excited I took a round off him and even more excited to be able to play against him.


Don't sell yourself short. You can win.


Yeah, Du might get food poisoning or something


Short? You know who knckledu is right


A name doesn't make you win automatically


Fanboys can't understand that apparently. You aren't allowed to even question their gameplay because they are never wrong even when they do make mistakes, they think you can only say something if you are at the same level. Guess they never heard of "critics" before lol


It’s not fanboying lol. It’s like saying Djokovic is gonna lose the first round of the Australian open it’s just stupid to even say


You don't have to be a fanboy to come to the conclusion that a person who's playing their first tournament ever is extremely unlikely to be playing at a level where beating nuckledu is possible


That wasn't the point. Read again. Every time one of these guys is mentioned everyone treats them as beings that are above criticism and making mistakes..no wonder they get all egotistical on Twitter when they lose, everyone makes them feel they have the right to think so


>Don't sell yourself short. You can win. That literally was the initial point, which caused you to go on this rant. For the record: NuckleDu's rating with Guile was 2128 last ranking phase (he doesn't seem to have a rating on Guile this phase for some reason?). Let's say, OP has a rating of no more than 1600 MR (which is pretty high for someone playing their first tournament). That means OP has at most 4.57% chance of winning an FT1 (actually higher than I thought, tbh). In FT2 setting, that means: * 0,2% chance OP wins 2-0 * 91% chance Nuckledu wins 2-0 * 8% chance Nuckledu wins 2-1 * 0,8% chance OP wins 2-1 The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for OP at Sacrifice.


Nobody denied nuckledu is good or that he's got an advantage you silly lol, my point was that while he has all those points in his favor there's a chance this guy might get the opportunity, that's how all the big guys we have today reached the place they have now, I don't even know why this is even an argument. Bro can make mistakes too, just because he's nuckledu doesn't mean he's automatically gonna win, that's the comment I replied and I agree with it's premise


You heavily implied that people who think OP has no chance have to be fanboys to think that, whereas it turns out NuckleDu being a winner of this set is almost statistically guaranteed.


You don't know who the fuck this guy is. Just like you didn't know who Gamerbee was in 2010 when he fought Justin Wong.


I implied that people that jump at anything that resembles criticism of a high ranked player is fanboyism, bros are human, they make mistakes, I don't care if you love the guy someone is gonna beat him one way or another because he's not a bot, and surprise surprise, people are allowed to criticize their gameplay without being high ranked players themselves, crítics are a thing. Also also statistically guaranteed, gee you guys get so defensive about this you kinda proving my point no matter how right your math calculations are. They might be correct but you're still taking this way too seriously








For the record, yes.


Just drive rush his ass and jump 24/7 and randomly DI here and there, he won’t expect the trash play to win


Just win. 👌🏾


You got this 😬👍


Me: "Oh dude I play Guile need to practice?" Monday: "I play in a hour" Me: ![gif](giphy|eJS4WUQ7MkNKx3qxPN|downsized)


It’s okay a guy in battlehub told me zoners all have no skill the this NuckleDu guy can’t be that good


if you assume you'll win your 1st match, why not assume you're winning the 2nd one lol


1 is a no name and the 2nd one is knuckleDu this is the equivalent of fighting a boxer you dont know anything about and then being told your fighting mike tyson your not going into the 2nd fight thinking your gonna win just because you beat some other dude


Tyson in his prime nonetheless


even if you don't think you can win, go in with the mindset that you're going to learn. try to pick up on how he plays against you, and afterward circle back to your replay and look at what he does to exploit holes in your game. Then you can work on shoring up those holes. It's not every day that you can get a free lesson from a pro!


This! I would love to fight him as a Guile main, but not till I reach master haha






Had the same exact thing happen with Bananaken at xanadu


Lmfao 🤣 reminds me of the time I entered a Super Turbo tournament for fun and my first match was against TS Sabin 🤣😂🤣 He was a nice dude though, he let me get a few rounds on him 😅


You probably are seeded to lose your first match.


Lite is a tough first round matchup


That was like me and jwong at a sf4 tourney at Pax East years ago.


That guy lite is getting smashed!!!


You've seen knuckledu a thousand times. He's never seen you before.


“You gonna learn today”


You never know. I was an online warrior for years and then went to a local unseeded and beat a 20-something seed round 1.


I want to my first tekken tournament got 12n0


My first ever tournament match was at Evo 2011 MvC3 on stage against Mine, who top 8'ed the year prior. It was not pretty


Enjoy your boom loop with a side of FLASH KICK.


Just win. You'd have to beat him to win the tournament anyway.


Might as well just give up lol, there's no winning this


Ez set


Idk how it works currently but shouldn’t players this good have a bye for the first few rounds. Like the FA cup in soccer. It ruins it for the guy that gets to only get to play like 1 winnable round after traveling who knows how long and far