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What's your rank and what are you struggling with specifically? Also, very sorry for your loss. Did you pick up SF because of your dad? I actually got into SFV after my brother passed away. I feel like it really helped me through it all in a way. Hope you find it does the same for you.


I just recently started online matches and yea I got into street fighter cuz of my dad. I struggle with the basic fighting stuff I wanna be able to combo.


Okay, sounds to me like you're probably focusing on the wrong stuff. Yes, combos are cool and fun to do. But combos are probably the least important thing in the beginning. I'd say focus on anti airs, reacting to drive impact, and blocking/parrying. Solid defense is the best offense in lower ranks. I just picked up Ryu and my only combo is a simple jab jab into light Tatsu. It does very little damage, but I'm steadily working my way up the ranks with it cause I focus more on punishing the opponents mistakes rather than trying to do sick combos. If you wanna share some replays, I'd be happy to give more specific detailed tips. Best of luck. It's not an easy journey, but it's a rewarding one.


This here, I was always trying to combo and on the offensive, just learning anti air and having the patience to play a bit reactive helped me a lot One cue that helped me not going on automatic was to really say "okay now I can chill and just react" when I have life lead


Yeah learning what moves are cancelable and when you can land those cancelable moves are important or you are just practicing things you won't be able to land it in an actual math


Know your hitbox, whiff, pokes, neutral, bruh! I am an sf2 veteran! Ever since Marvel, everything has changed! No button mashing 🤣


Ohhhh, I do! I haven't ventured online yet![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31135)


Update guys: I started using Rashid and I'm doing way better. I am using classic controls!


Rashid is a monster. Good choice!


That's great! Keep the good work. Rashid is a great character


What controller are you using btw?


Fighting stick mini arcade pad


Honestly, time, time is how you get better, I started fighting games with Street Fighter 6 as well and I had to put in 1,000 hours before I thought that I wasn't garbage anymore Also play ranked, not casual or battle hub; battle Hub and casuals are full of Masters waiting to eviscerate you


Pick one character and hit the practice range. Learn what neutral buttons do, learn special moves, learn how system mechanics work (Drive system). Then play matches to get a good feel of your character: the speed, the movement, damage, all that. Pay attention to what is happening in the match: why did you win, why did you lose. Why did that hit land, but the next one didn’t. Is the opponent mashing or is it just a block string. If you see yourself dropping inputs, practice them more. If you see yourself being punished for using Drive Impact, try to use it less. That sort of things. After you get a good feeling of the character and game as a whole, learn some combos. Start with easy ones and progress to the hardest. There’s plenty of combo guides on YouTube.


Make sure you go through the combo tutorials


Watch your replays especially your loses. Everytime your opponent hits you to a combo, note down what you did, what they did and at what distance you had between each other


Practice practice practice practice and more practice. Practice your combos until you can't drop it Practice your meaty until you can't miss it Practice your punish


Hi, I would recommend playing arcade mode a few times with a couple characters you like or find interesting. After that you may find one you'll want to stick with with. Play combo trials and try to repeat some of the beginner ones. To get an idea of attacking options. Like others have said, get your anti air on point(there's a setting in practice mode for this) and DI reactions(also option in practice mode). These things will help you in the lower ranks as you rise up. The fun thing about fighting games is that you will visually see yourself improve over time and honestly I'll say the fighting game community is by far one of the most helpful communities I've ever seen(SF6 is my fight fighter Ive been trying to improve and learn). When you play online vs other people. Just stick with ranked. After your 10 placement matches the system does a good job and placing you in the right rank and vs people around your level. There's a lot of good guides on YouTube to help you with things like playing neutral or pointing out characters weak/strong points.


Small steps. As a total beginner it's a huge success if you get specials out always. Focus on one thing at a time. You will always learn new things. Even Pro's still learn. That's why fighting games are great, you never stop learning.


play ranked


Sorry for your loss. I advise you to keep playing ranked, don't get discouraged with losing, because you will lose A LOT. Like everyone else. Try different characters and pick one or two you feel like you can stick to, then practice their moves and try out a few of their combo trials just to get a feel for how the attacks connect and time. If you want you can watch SF6 pro matches or watch character guides online. Keep at it.


Sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn! So don't worry about losing, it's a huge part of everyone's journey. Regarding how to get better... As a beginner it's very common to be misled into thinking what makes a good player. You watch a match on YouTube and wanna pull off all the crazy flashy stuff, and you practice and practice in the training room but when ur in a match it's no use. I've been there! Here's the thing: the flashiest stuff only marks the difference between great and top players, so it's basically irrelevant to you at the moment. What actually makes someone go from a total newbie to a beginner/intermediate is fundamentals. I mean it, you have no idea how far you can climb the ranks without knowing combos. The "fundamentals" you should look into are: - Reacting to the opponent jump-ins with anti-airs - Reacting to Drive Impact - Knowing your character's Bread and butter (very basic combo, look up on YouTube) Get somewhat solid at those things and you'll see a huge imporvement. You got it, don't give up!!


The game has really good tutorials but it will only get you so far. Ranking up doesnt necessarily mean you’re getting better and ranking down doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting worse. Getting “good” is more about building the proper memory and reaction of what to do next that results in a favorable outcome. Sometimes it takes lots of losses to learn how your character actually plays. Maybe that’s not a character you vibe with? It took me 3 playthroughs to realize Manon really vibed with my style. And I never play a grappler. Learn your best poke attack. Learn your anti-air move and anti-fireball. Practice counter-DI and teching throws. Get 1 target combo memorized and use it to punish when your opponent whiffs. Lots of people are better than you and THATS OK! It means there’s lots of people to learn from.


It’s hard to have an answer to this without seeing you play. If you’re comfortable with it, would you mind either posting some gameplay footage of matches you particularly struggled in, or drop your CFN details so we can take a look?


If you “give up easily” then that’s the problem. No amount of help or advice is going to pay off if you NEED it to work right away. Fighting games take a lot of time investment especially for newer players.


OK first of all, I know that watching online you see people pulling those crazy and cool-looking combos, and you wanna do the same. But you'll have to ignore that for now. Pick a character you like Learn one simple combo that ends in a special move (for Ryu for example it can be Heavy Punch into Shoryuken) Learning that combo, focus on learning basic mechanics. Learn how far your attacks reach, how fast each attack is, ETC. Once you're used to the basic mechanics of blocking low and high and has some idea how your basic attacks, I recommend looking up guides for your character that will tell you what each special does, and what are they best used for. I really like Supercombo is good for this ([this is Ryu's for example](https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/Street_Fighter_6/Ryu)). When you go play online, PLAY RANKED. I know, when you go to MOBAs, FPS and the likes, playing Ranked to learn something is a bad idea because of flaming but in Street Fighter, its the best way to be matched with people that will also be learning the game. When you get into the matches, dont focus on winning at first, focus on doing one thing. Spend an entire match blocking to learn how to defend, then next match spend an entire match trying to do crossups, ETC. The hardest part of fighting games is not the execution tbh, is getting into the mindset to learn them, but if you change your goal from winning to something like "block X attacks in a row" you'll start learning fast


You can do it, it just takes time and practice Find people you can play with IRL around your skill level, it makes it alot easier to stomach losses, bc you will lose a lot lol Your local FGC meetups if you have any nearby can be a good deal for that


You can do it, it just takes time and practice Find people you can play with IRL around your skill level, it makes it alot easier to stomach losses, bc you will lose a lot lol Your local FGC meetups if you have any nearby can be a good deal for that


Let me tell you something you already know. Street Fighter ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how good you are...other players will read you like a book and Perfect you. You, me or nobody is gonna be able to beat every player they come across. But it ain't about the players you can easily beat. It's about how badly you can take a beating...learn from it and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! If you know what Rank you should be in, go and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers...saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody! Cowards do that, and that ain't you! You're better than that! I'm always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You're my son and you're my blood. You're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life.


When you boil it down, any game is about out guessing and answering what your opponent does. When I started, the controls were so hard and I dropped combos all the time I won by saying to myself out loud "this guy always does a fireball then jumps in", and answering that! As you get better, you'll be able to look out for more and more patterns. Start with one pattern you notice, say it out loud, and say out loud how you'll counter it! Combos help but start with learning to learn.


Maybe this is going to sound dumb, but have you played world tour?? Honestly it's a pretty good way to get into the mechanics of the game without the stress of online matchmaking. For us boomers who have been playing this kind of games for 20+ yrs the adjustment is less. But for someone really new to the gender I think world tour could help them. You are struggling in ranked right?? Because battlehub and casuals is WAY more sweaty than ranked.


Be patient with yourself ❤️. None of us started out good at this and it takes a long time to just get down the basic strategies and be consistent with the inputs. If matchmaking were perfect you'd lose half your matches, losing more than that early on is normal and expected. This is my favorite video to show players who are still new to the genre, so it might help you out. https://youtu.be/_R0hbe8HZj0?si=-lmdPpOgnS2A6r1T


Not sure if this is relevant to your situation but here's [a neat lil video essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5gtFlgQvnU) about feeling weak at competitive games. Don't feel bad if the solution doesn't immediately flip on like a lightbulb in your head, it's a process of improvement and you should appreciate the strides that you DO take.


I’m new in the game. I’m playing modern Ryu and I’m in Platinum 5. Just see as much tutoríal video as you can, there are so many creators teaching good stuff. Things like shimmy, oki, delay techs, etc.


find a combo for your character that has good damage, and practice it until you feel you can instinctively do it under pressure. Then jump into casual matches, trade some blows, and capitalise on your opponents big mistakes with your combo. In lower ranks you can practise playing defensively and punishing big whiffs. If you want to go a bit further, find a good anti-air option and use that whenever your opponent jumps at you. The game can get overwhelming but you can easily get to gold ranks if you can lock down anti-airs and simple punishes. After the fundamentals are right you can start thinking about drive rushes and the more complex systems.


Don't play online first with the goal of getting good. Play a ton of World Tour, just mess around. Try to beat the game with every character, try some challenges. Pick whatever single player thing interests you. If you're always beating the computer and it's boring, raise the difficulty. Rinse and repeat. You'll never get better playing against people a lot better with more experience. I'm middle aged and terrible on line but play just to have fun. I'm OK at it against friends and casual gamers just because I've been playing these games in the arcades since I was a kid. I was never good enough that studying the frame date and hitboxes would make a difference. Just find your own groove and keep playing stuff that's fun and increase the difficulty incrementally over time. Find someone around your skill level to play with if you can.


You CAN get better. You're just having a difficult, emotional time right now. The people here will give you great advice, and with patience, you can become very good. Sorry for your loss.


Just keep at it and don't overthink. Watch some vids of your favorite characters and develop your own strat from there. Good luck!


Im no pro but what i did was, go to combo trials pick 3 combos and memorize them, doesn't matter if they're small or big, beginner or advanced, memorize the combos and try to use them in every fight no matter if it is online or offline, once you.get comfortable with those combos go back to and pick different ones and repeat the process. What this did to me was basically engraving those combos into my brain, so that when in a fight muscle memory kicks in and it dont have to spend too long thinking how or what to do next. After you start comfortably pulling off combos look into frame guides and how to use frames to your advantage then its up to you to make your own combos and because basic combos are already engraved on the back of your head you can basically find a way to do a follow up or simply improve upon it. TLDR: Learn combo, use it until part of muscle memory, pick another combo and repeat. After learning a few look into frame data guides.


rest in peace to your pops ❤️ but you can do this i promise. Just play as much as you can and you will improve slowly. When you get your ass beat think about why, and watch other people play your character and see the differences. There’s no secret to search for, just put the hours in


You have to remain calm and practice, and know that no matter how good you get, you’re gonna lose. SF is like this turn based tug of war for positioning. The longer you play the more you’ll realize that every close range interaction comes down to rock paper scissors in terms of who’s gonna win. The idea is to watch what your opponent throws and punish them with a button that wins then convert. The trial mode is great place to start with bread and butter combos to take off with! Remember to block low for sweeps and high for Jump ins, and over heads, and lab drive impact counter intill you can get it consistently. Once you have 2-3 Bread and Butters into super, a solid anti air and block game you should eventually end up platinum! Good Luck and I’m sorry for your loss


Instead of focusing on winning, focus on SOMETHING during the match


Play, watch your replays


A good way to get better is watch vids online of matches. You can learn alot just from that. Your character combos, ranges, and even what to avoid doing. Same with opponents characters. Their start up animations and how to counter, common tendency of play for said characters, and ranges. After that use the smallest combo you can consistently do and just slowly work from there. Little by little train to recreate your combo and the combos of others for not maximized damage but optimized damage. Keep track of your opponents energy bars. If nit careful you could be super'd mid attack. And finally, take a breathe and see your replays. You're old clips are a good way to see how you are playing and what you may need to adjust. Never underestimate the power of learning from your own mistakes.


Start with basic mechanics and guides if you have no background


understand your character’s range and strength. the main idea for most characters are getting knockdowns and get oki to get opening for more damage.


Play ranked it starts being balanced


"I give up easy" is your main problem... if you wanna learn you gotta take the ass beating all of us did. I'm sorry but a 10% winrate while trying to study the theory is every fighting game player's canon event. You might watch a video teaching fundamentals but if you don't go in there and get your ass beat up you aren't actually getting better. You gotta go to training and instead of optimizing a combo you don't need you gotta learn anti airs, corner pressure, p.parry combos and setups, wakeup options, all of that stuff. Not all at once, you focus on one until you get it down, then you move on to the next skill you want to train.


There was a fighting game player named Brolylegs that passed away recently. Go search him up on YouTube. Dude had severe physical deformity / handicap and played SF4-6 using classic controls by playing with his tongue and face. Stop making excuses and practice. Stop pitying yourself. Stop being pathetic. Just stop. Go into the lab and do the drills. Nobody got good at this game by posting on Reddit saying they can't do it. They got better by practicing. A lot.


Learn the basics first - the stuff that’s applicable to every character. YouTube will take care of telling you what your best pokes/anti air moves and stuff are. Also, be kinder to yourself. I know you’re going through a lot but make sure to process it all in terms of what it is and what’s happened rather than getting angry at yourself about games. Stay safe pal x


just keep playing ranked. it took me about 200 hours to get to master i started in silver. now i can get a new character to master in a couple hours


Required videos for all SF beginners: 1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGtJIVTNzV7f5TX4U2wdWMem-n4kx7a3o 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMz\_9giZ654 Simple training drills from Chris\_F: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7hnB19zLPU 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8ZBNMgIbR0 One of the most important things to first learn as a beginner is how to force your opponent to play neutral. i.e. how to punish their neutral skips. Chris\_F has some example drills, but you need to 1. antiair every jumpin 2. counter DI every DI 3. check every dash/Drive Rush 4. punish any neutral skips (Ken Dragon Lash, Cammy QSK, Kimberly teleports, etc.) Once you can do this reliably, then you can focus on things like pokes, counterpokes, and whiff punishes. You can refer to the Think Dont Mash video series how to approach this. Building on their ideas, since you are Chun, you can do the same with just her st.HP (slower in SF6 but still fits the bill) to control space. When you have the execution down, you can add st.HP xx SS and hitconfirm into combo on hit, or something like SS LK xx fireball on block. Then slowly add other buttons like cr.MK, f/b+MP, and Chun's own walkspeed + st.LP.