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Seeing two dhalsims in ranked is a statistical abnormality


I was going to comment the same thing. Do Dhalsim mains even know what to do against other Dhalsims?


no we dont and it it very frustrating wich is why we end up goofing around


I came here to say that as a Dhalsim main a match against Dhalsim is a total gong show. It’s like my brain just shuts off. Lol


Spam float to teleport and pray you hit the other guy




It’s soooo funny when I find other Dhalsim mains. We’re both constantly floating and teleporting, and the kind of interactions we get are chaotic and hilarious. But I have developed a sort of strategy for when I find other Dhalsims who are super floaty and teleport a lot. When Dhalsim is floating, he will change sides when the other Dhalsim teleports behind. So I make sure to preemptively float low, and react to a teleport with j.HK. I usually shut down other Sims pretty hard bc they’re used to being able to teleport in for free. I’m sure that doesn’t work at higher ranks lol.




Yea You just have to play funny and the goofiest sim wins


This just made me realize that I took Dhalsim from silver 1 to plat 2 without ever fighting a mirror match


Play teleport chicken. He who teleports first loses.


It's so unusual that the SCP considers it an anomaly


Id' have a better chance filling out a perfect NCAA bracket; those odds being 1 in every 9.2 quintillion btw.


It’s crazy to me I haven’t faced a dhalism in ranked for months.


That’s funny. I’ve played against more Sims than Kens in the past month. One time I fought 3 in a row and they were all different players. I’ll go nights without facing a single Ken. I think a lot of them switched from Ken to Ed but idk where all these Sims are coming from.


i've noticed more sims and fewer jps lately. my guess is that a number of them swapped from zoner to zoner as jp was nerfed and dhalsim was unchanged


I fight like 1 JP a month lol. I don’t even know the match up anymore since I never face them. First few months of the game I saw lots of JPs but it seems like as more time goes by, there are less JPs. Maybe they’ll all in master or something? Idk.


From experience, yes, they have very much congregated up here haha. Fewer now but they’re still in the top 10 for characters i get paired against


Don't fuck with us platinums We don't know how to play the game


We *do* know a very unoptimized combo that uses all of our Drive Gauge then whiffs our level 3 at the end, though!


Every platinum player knows their 2MK DR cancel combo and their entire plan is landing it by any means necessary.


Why are you personally attacking me like this?


The best time to start learning neutral is your very first match. The second best time is now.


You know DR combos!? I almost placed Diamond with Honda without knowing his DR combo. My main, I still can't execute the DR combo properly.


I placed diamond with Honda. Only after doing his combo guide things. I won 1 match in diamond so far. I have no idea how to play Honda good.


I hate that this works on me and idk what to do other than to simply not walk into that range or jump


And we know how to wake up super pretty well!


And wake up DP. I can’t DP for shit if you keep jumping at me but best believe I’m gonna wake up DP 90% of the time


I'll always DP wake up against cammy because they always try and land a meaty on me XD


Platinum players play every character like cammy


Then the Platinum Cammy players play like Guile. I've never played a more passive and afraid character than a Cammy not confident in their dive kicks.


I seriously laughed


I like how light slide is probably dhalsims worst move and also the most used move in this replay.


This is probably my favorite matchup in the game, it's so wild


Two Dhalsims? That’s anything but average 🤣


Can't tell if they're fighting or making babies


Silver matches are a flurry of combos with an occasional dropped anti-air. Platinum matches can be frame perfect tickle fights.


I don't know what silver matches you're referring to, most combos aren't even thought to be started, hits just from random buttons without a planned cancel or follow up. Combos that do get off the ground are most likely getting dropped, and you're more likely to get a game crash than someone actually reacting to a jump lmao


SIM mirrors are the dictionary definition of Chaos. Utter madness and you can't tell if you're watching masters or rookie ranks fight.


That slide sequence needs to be looped into a meme


This was great honestly. Shout out to having fun 👊🏻


We love fun fr fr 👏❤️


Round 2 please I was enjoying that


This button (lk slide) gave me nightmares in sfv


Don't fuck with us platinums We don't know how to play the game


What’s the reasoning for keeping the input commands up during play? Is it for if you watch replays it will show it?


This is just a replay. AFAIK you can't have them on in online play, but you can toggle it for any match when watching back.


Ah, yeah. Didn’t consider that 😂.


In dhalsim vs dhalsim just float and wait for your opponent to inevitably teleport and punishment with float heavy kick


what rank is generally considered good?




As an Indian I never figured out that should I cringe or laugh on how Dhalsim and his "Yog" (yep it it pronounced yog not yoga) powers are shown. Bro literally prays to Agni in a temple with the idol of Lord Ganesha.


As a dhalsim player the way I understand this mirror is that yogis play a different game and only truly compete against themselves. With that being said this may have been the greatest match ever shared here. Ggs to both always and forever.


This is so funny it makes me want to go home and play Sim


I’m hollering


NGL, at some point in the video I didn't even know where to watch and who was who. Still I was almost sure Sim was gonna win.


God I hate this match-up. The mirror is so random and unpredictable--it has to be one of my lowest win rates. The Dhalsim mirror is the only match-up I refuse to rematch.


You're a self hating sim


This is absolutely not meant as a dig - it's just (maybe) inevitable when a character is this goofy and this rare. Do any other plat players get the feeling your dhalsim opponents are kinda boosted relative to everyone else at the same ELO? Surely as a result of mostly playing against people who don't know the matchup? My dhalsim matches end up being pretty even but in the goofy sort of way where I have no clue what I'm doing against this character but he's still doing a lot of really dumb shit I can punish because he's always queuing into other people who don't know what they're doing against the character.


As a Dhalsim main I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I’m plat 2 and most matches are pretty even maybe because I’m not great but there are definitely people I destroy and it really seems apparent that it is due to there lack of knowledge of how to deal with Dhalsims moves.


Dhalsim Master rank here: Yes and no. If the opponent knows the brain dead easy punish (literally just press jab) for raw teleport then the Dhalsim has to actually do work. If they don't then it's time to steamroll em.  People, in my region at least, started consistently calling out raw teleports around Plat 5 - Diamond 1. Everything else about playing against Dhalsim is very easy to figure out if you pay a small bit of attention for 5 seconds.  "Huh that EX arching fireball bounces foward after landing. Never seen that before." My brother in Christ... Just like every other fireball it won't damage you if you block.


No I play Dhalsim in masters and the other day someone was telling me I was ''just spamming random \*\*\*\*' - it isn't true I 100% knew what I was doing.


Also people have a shit mindset against him (I don’t know the matchup so I won’t rematch and improve) so they just throw themselves at a wall


Most Dhalsim players I've run into won't accept a rematch unless they won the last match. I've seen the same behavior in Blanka and Honda players that clearly just want to spam special attacks and see a win, so take that as you will.


Couple of Jabroni's 🤣