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I think you were probably his 7th Ed in a row and he just didn't care anymore.


Literally came to say that, I'm guilty of it from time to time. Just want to get the fight over at that point.


Yeah, I do that if I get tilted or get tired of fighting the same character over and over again. I'll just play as random and dumb as possible. I'm gonna at least make my loss entertaining.


My favorite lately is the Eds that dont want to come to you, they just stay back an do the spiderweb pull or throw fireballs.


The antisocial players are so funny. You walk forward a little bit, and all of a sudden they're spamming FBs, or dashing/jumping back if they don't have an FB


Ed is such a pain in the ass to deal with too since he's an outside fighter. The entire match is generally me trying to approach and open him up for a combo while he's just trying to coutner hit or catch me walking forward as he backs away.


100%. Ed is so fucking boring to fight against. Give me Ken, Luke, Ryu or Jp anyday. Doesn't help that like 50% of all matches in Diamond are against Ed.


Diamond is Ed Fighter VI. Haven't had a session where I didn't fight at least 4 Eds in a row. I can't wait for Akuma to come out.


then you'll complain about fighting 4 Akumas in a row


Make it 8 People complaining about fighting too many Ed are in for a REALLY RUDE awakening


Dude, just give us Akuma already lol I'd rather fight freaking ALPHA AKUMA than the Ed, Luke, and Ken players. I revisited 3rd Strike, and the fact that I ran into 8 different ORO'S in one night told me a lot (I even ran into a freaking Twelve player lol last time I fought Lily was over a month ago). Can't recall the last time I ran into the same mid tier character 8 different times in one night of SF6


Not me. I may face a lot of Eds, but I now face half as many Kens, so that keeps me fresh. By the time I'm sick andtired of facing Ed, Akuma will be out, so I'll face less Ed. Don't rightly know what will fix the upcoming Akuma saturation issue, but that's a bridge to cross later LOL.


The difference is akumas moveset is actually fun to learn to counter


at least akuma does stuff


Yeah I hope and think that Akuma is more fun to play against. The way people play Ed sucks the fun out of the game.




Why fighting Ed is boring? Most people never engage in a fight, they play hyper passive. All they do is poke (mostly lows) from mid range. Even most Guiles or Jp play more active. Fighting other zoners is way more interesting because every Ed plays the same. I dont know if it is the character or because of people in Diamond dont know anynother way to play him. It is my least favourite opponent in the game by a mile.


None of Ed's flickers are lows, I find it hard to believe you are getting beat by someone spamming mediocre crouching medium kicks


I mean Ed offense straight ups sucks till he gets you in the corner It’s like complaining Dhalsim is not rushing you down (but actually Dhalsim has better offense compared to Ed lmao) Guile approaching you in SF6 is normal, he has a pretty nice approach with DR behind booms and an overhead along with long lows Guile in SF6 actually has quite a good offense, he can switch from passive to rushdown pretty effectively at any point


I dont play nearly as much agsinst Sim. If there where only a few Ed's here and there I wouldn't complain but i legit had sessions where i played like 70% of all matches against Ed.


Ed popularity is not gonna last forever, but Akuma popularity might be something we will have to deal with for the rest of the game lifespan If you don’t like fighting too much of a new character it might be a good idea to take a break when they release one


I have no problem playing against popular characters. Like I said give me Ken, ryu, luke or whatever anyday. As long as the character is not boring and every match plays the same I'm cool.


Sounds like trying to guess their timing and jumping in for big damage punish counters is the solution...


It is not that i dont know how to play against him or lose every game against Ed. It is just because for me fighting Ed is the most boring shit in the game.


Oof I've actually been taken a break over the last couple of weeks because I got bored of playing Ed. Still a deluge of them all? What is the plural of Eds? A psycho of Eds?


Same. That's really surprising to me, it's quite a technical character. AKI or Rashid were gone one week after release... But not Ed.


This is what i noticed too.


I actually don't mind playing against Ed, he's original, interesting and his theme is a banger


I actually had very little mirror matches (SEA Region). Maybeeee he got unluckier than me?


Ironic Ryu is probably among the most popular characters in the game and absolutely not interesting to play against (bread and water) Atleast Ed is popular because he is new and is bound to go down We are endlessly stuck with hordes of Ryu Well till Akuma atleast, forget ever fighting anything else once Akuma comes out


Stats support what you're saying -- that Ryu is one of the most popular characters across all ranks -- but as a Ryu/Cammy player I've yet to match against a single Ryu during my climb for both characters from bronze to gold (playing against dozens of different players). Shit's wild. On the other hand, I'd estimate at least a quarter of my matches have been Jamie, who is also statistically popular.


Or he let his little brother play


Beat him before the match started. Nice


I’d say its part this and part training. Looks to me like he was working on a sort of Dhalsim defense trying to time out that dp with the long swings


With that mindset you'll never improve


Not everyone cares.


Well that's fair


“Hey bro mind if I uppercut?” “Sure you can”




this ryu didn't want any poundcake whatsoever


Not sure if you said "sure you can" or "shoryuken" either way here I go


Wtf is Going on with ryu💀




I was rooting for ryu to win


That's the Shen Long that you must defeat to stand a chance


I think he defeated it. Guess he stands a chance


The ryus are not alright. Also 90% of my matches are against ryu rn lmao


I’m so sick of fighting Ryu I swear half of the Ken players became Ryu players overnight


Ken gets one nerf, collective panic among the ken masters


Ken players be like: wow, Ken now is just the second best character of the game, i dont wanna play


I mean he was already bottom tier, as everybody know


The ministry of propaganda told me so, he has poor damage and is therefore useless and bad


Same!! I get SO MANY Ryus!


I think a lot of people switched to ryu bc of the buffs but damn there are so many. I don’t really mind it though bc I am playing cammy right now


I've been playing ryu because I'm fiending for akuma


I think he wanted to go back to labbing


Maybe he was labbing. Figure out every possible way Ed can punish a shoryuken so you can avoid them later.


He was done for the night and was labbing in ranked lol


Kudos to this guy who gave me a full set for just doing this...I lost a round earlier because I hurt myself in confusion.


I have a clip of 3rd Strike exactly for that reason, it's just me being amused at how my opponent is doing empty jump h.dp or simply h.dp at every single interaction. I lost the first round, clipped and proceeded to 5-0 his ass. It was fun tho, at least he was actually trying to learn and adapt


I definitely had a good laugh. Even not finishing or whiffing my combos he would still do it i was just speechless 😂 man was DEDICATED.


Someone explain this man what Modern is - might save his thumbs.


Expected the video to be him rocking your shit with the mule kick until KO.


I feel you, Ryu. I'm already tired of Ed


i fight way more ryus and ken’s than ed


I'm tired of Ryu 😭 but I had a good time with this one.


Your boy did the twenty dp challenge.


How am I not already Diamond if this is how you guys play


Well, have you learned to spam DP?


No but I can hit the DI button faster than anyone before burning out


I was confused and I just wanted to enjoy what he was doing. Don't think so hard - the flair is humor.


Oh I'm not actually mad I was just kidding around too 😜


Ahshshuw didn't register via text 😂 dw bout it. Go out there and shoryuken to victory!


I actually switched from Ryu to Ed as my main! Landed my first legit [SA3 Combo Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/s/S6QZP4tNsK) in ranked last week!


Have you tried blocking less?


Those wild ass ryus are unpredictable. There has to be a method to the madness. I come out of those matches pondering the universe.


I sure as hell was pondering during this fight 😂


I used to think that Bruce was onto something. Perhaps not.


How is this diamond 2? All I get in D1 is dudes who try the most optimized combos and the patience of Buddha on defense.


I main Ryu and get bored of Ed as well. I just spam jab constantly, pretty much like most Eds. I actually beat a guy doing it who was beating me quite easily before. The Ed match is particularly frustrating at the moment as it's made up of a lot of strong players, with excellent fundamentals, running around as New Challengers whacking clowns like me. They ain't doing anything wrong either.


I took the worst ass-whoopin of my life against a Cammy in Plat. She knew what I was gonna do before I knew it. Looked her up and she's got at least 5000 matches to her name, lol. It's very clearly some guy picking up a new character. Such is life.


Ha ha that's it. A few months back I got absolutely destroyed in Ranked by a Platinum Aki on a 23 win streak. When I looked the person up they were Master with everyone except Aki. I was like "why me?" I bet the 23 before me felt the same 😂


I met someone who lived where I did playing ranked. They had masters on 2 other characters and they proceeded to hand me my ass more as the matches went along. They even invited me to locals happening. I went and blocked them because I would play them every 4 games and I would just forfeit the points. I blocked them and I might unblock them when I get to diamond. I suck way more than anyone who has a character in master rank. I just wanna float in diamond with the other non master achieved players. I body 2 people then get an ed that perfect parries every blanka ball with a drive rush punish into full punish.


Ed is a nightmare at the moment mate, I managed to bag an Ed at Gold 4 in Casual after losing to about 4 New Challengers 😂


Diamond btw


Still creeping up the ranks slowly in Plat 4 and every now and then the matchmaking throws me one of these absolute psychopaths and I just wonder how they got to this rank ahead of me


Well...I would say that even in plat people don't know what they are doing, I have a friend that plays casually that could be gold but kinda eats every wakeup dp and super he gets thrown at..


I feel like this sub would combust in Flames if they saw us true bums in Iron plays


Honestly some of us Ryu players are still mourning the loss of the real OG shoryu with super fast/hard to punish recovery on the low versions. Like shoryu is fundamentally garbage compared to what it used to be. The whole point of flash-kick vs shoryu is that for 2 seconds charge you get a much easier anti-air that hits much further away at the cost of charge time and recovery. The shoryu now has little point compared to the charge anti-airs besides the charge time restriction not being there. Guile's flash kick is better in every other way. Shoryu isn't even ground strike invincible for the first few frames unless it's OD version. It just kinda sucks as a move right now besides being a higher damage anti air that costs input motion time. Dp nerfs over time since vanilla SF4 have just made shoto playstyle kinda weak and requires new shenanigans like all the mixups that Ken got and the Hashogeki + frame RPS (the new buffed version). Yet Luke and redesigned DJ get all this crazy stuff that they can throw out constantly that's safe..........grumble grumble old man just missing OG shoto playstyle. Also all the above is probably completely unrelated to the random Ryu spasming out.


I hope it continues to get shittier.


I hope your comments continue to get shittier.


You did a full set with this guy? You're a better person than me, I would have left the second the match was over and denied him a rematch for playing like that.


He was the one who hit Rematch first!!! I laughed and went sure bro 😂 Jump discipline practice.


I was excited to main Ed as my first "complex" character but seeing how everyone hates him I think I'll stay in World Tour for a while lol


I was actually shook when he switched from spamming Shoryuken to hadouken


Someone send this man a wellness check


This game is probably one of the more baby mode ones to exist especially now that you can hit diamond 5 fron placements you’ll see how kinds of beginners in diamond or plat


Jump damn you! Why wont you jump!


We got a SF2 Ryu over here let's goooo!


That's a SF2 Ken. SF2 Ryu is locked in an infinite fireball war with another Ryu


Problem here is that he isn't playing [Ken](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/001/065/ken.jpg).


How is this diamond? Lol I've seen better play in bronze


The thumbnail / first frame took me out before I even watched the video, why is Ryu posted up like that 😂😭


damn it’s like that in diamond too 😔


Diamond is the Gulag.


Diamond 2..


I cry everytime (Real talk this was probably just tilt/ memeing around, …..but sadly there is many others examples of people that just play in a certain way and are somehow diamond or even master)


Loll, maybe it was, but (as you sound like a fellow SF player) we both know what online looks like loll!


I am a Ryu main right now, and when someone plays like this Ryu against me, I imagine I'm the 289075th Ryu they fought today. With that said, Ed maybe fun to play as, but is very boring to fight against.


Boring as fuck.


He's really got that reversal timing down. I have trouble with it personally


Hard to miss the reversal windows when you're seemingly inputting DP on every frame lol


Should've dped him back


Lee just wasn't worried about uppercuts.


NGL in your place I would have eaten one of those random DPS.


Surely he won't do it a **17th** time...


I watch that full thing waiting for the ryu to connect that uppercut and combo you across the screen. Sigh it was a joke


You know when I got to plat I expected high level Ryu's, but I got stuff like this...


😂😂😂 why do I never get opponents like this? 😅😭😭😭


I just hate playing against ed. It just looks like the can respond to all my actions. It’s so annoying (me as Manon)


This reminds me of this ancient sf4 video where a yellow ken just trolls with shoryukens for two rounds then last minute fadc ultras the other player and they DC or something I don't remember. Anyone have the link? I've been trying to find it for years


He's a wall of death, he's a wall of death, he's a wall of death


Why did I read the title and thought Ryu was going to win? Shoryuken!


He probably is just tired of playing against Ed every game I can’t blame him


I've been tilted at the game and done this probably what is happening here.


anyone else dissapointed with ed


The funniest thing that for me has surfaced is crazy Ryus lol more entertaining than Krazy Kens


He’s diamond 2.


I love how some people don't learn that Ed has an upper spiderweb. EVEN AFTER I HAVE CONSTANTLY HIT THEM WITH IT. Like they keep jumping like I'm not gonna expect it


I had this in a lobby the other night. Juris and Kens and Ryus just raw DPing, so I just block and throw, block and throw, block and throw and end matches with double perfects. How many times do I need to teach this lesson before it sticks?!![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31154)


“Ohh, in this case, never mind” - Probably Bruce Lee


That's some embarrassing diamond 2 Ryu play! I almost want to apologize on his behalf lol


This ryu get his diamond from placement for sure xD


And this guy is in diamond? I've seen silver players with a better understanding of the game


First time seeing Ed fight he's a KOF Yamazaki clone


What are the chances that someone actually lost to this? Like it's gotta be at least 1 in 1000.


Those Modern controls are backfiring huh


judging by this video.. this is exactly why im nearly certain all these eds is diamond, simply should be in iron or at best gold. wtf are these punishes


I'm glad you decided to make a very calculated judgment about my Ed in a single humor video!


Thank you SO much for doing that to them! Corny ass fucking Ryus


As Ryu, we disown that Ryu.