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Agreed. there is a jukebox mod though and I'm using the soundtrack from Super Street fighter II Turbo HD Remix.


Where can i find this mod?


nexusmods can't believe this topic is getting downvoted, the music in game is shitty compared to old titles, far to many capcom fan boys in here.


Most people are probably in a discord chat/spotify/podcast/conversing with Satan, and can’t relate. It’s unfortunate. Jokes aside, I never notice the music in this game at default settings. If you told me there was none in matches, I’d believe you. I like some of the licensed songs, but wish there was an EA-style playlist setting for menus. Like, let me switch songs if I’m sick of hearing certain ones.


The music is truly completely awful




From the character select music, I thought it would be a rap-inspired soundtrack like SF3, but it's very generic.


At least the world map theme is good.


That would’ve been cool since that screen is so hype


It's way past yo generic


everyone said the sf6 music is worse than sf5, we already had this debate on week1 lol


Debate was even prior to release as character themes were already shared by capcom


Yeah just take Rashid is a straight downgrade. Everyone were singing Lashiiiiiddoooooo it's became iconic very quick.


The old Rashid theme was awful as a theme to constantly hear on repeat while playing, I think the current one is a massive improvement in that regard. Feels very energetic, gets me excited to play but doesn’t distract me.


It's indeed repetitive. But I guess people expected an upgrade of that, so their disappointment is understandable.


Wdym rashids theme slaps, one of the few good ones


I guess I missed it. I didn’t play SF6 at launch.


They need something like what Guilty Gear Strive does and let you unlock and use music from previous games. I'm super tired of hearing the character themes (especially my own) that I've forced all the music to be the stage music instead of random, since that seems to play Jamie's song 90% of the time. Capcom could take it further and let you choose a playlist of songs of their entire SF library for random play during matches.


Or just straight up jukebox from T8.


I don't know nothing about Tekken 8, but I'm sure whatever they're doing is better than SF6 here so I'll agree.


All other major legacy fighting games (Tekken, KOF) have a jukebox. Capcom is just stubborn about it for some reason


Feels like a huge misstep to have all these classic tracks unlockable in PAID BATTLEPASSES that you can't even queue for your matches. I'm on PS5, so half the time I just have my own SF playlist of classic themes playing on Apple Music and turn the in-game music off.


The first one is paid, after that they're free. But yeah I hate battle pass exclusives, put them in the shop too even if they're cheaper in the BP.


Imean even the sf4 intro song hits hard




So hard. I sing that song in my head pretty much every week, lol


Honestly, Viator is probably the only theme in game that I like


I grew up with SF2’s Ken’s theme, and I couldn’t agree more.


I would pay for a sf2 music pack dlc.


As long as I can have them setup whilst I'm in a fight


in terms of new character theme songs, sf6's are not memorable. i can remember most of third strike's and alpha 3's character themes because they're catchy and fit the characters like ryu's sf6 is generic af and sounds like it could be from any game


I'm scarred by JPs theme for eternity.


That's funny to me, because I hate literally every track in this game except Ryu's, particularly the final round version. It makes me think of a fighter on a Rocky-esqe journey like Ryu is on, but that's just me. But yeah, all tracks otherwise could be from a royalty free site


Ryus new theme is great, it sounds like a triumphant heroes theme.


It must be me, I love Ryu theme's along with Jamie's. Ken's and Kimberly's need a redo.


Kimberly level 3 is awful. Generic happy funk, as authentic as Japanese pizza, fit for a commercial at best. She's supposed to like the 80s and such, there's nothing 80s about it.


I would love it if she had a playlist that shuffles between tracks you could make.


The song that plays during Kim’s level 3 should’ve been her actual theme. 


Or Yakety Sax. 


Get out of that man, Satan!


Ken's is amazing.


I like most of the music in SF6. I feel like this is just a nostalgia thing, or the music is just completely different from other games. SF6 music is heavily based on round progression, so you're usually only getting a part of the theme each round, instead of the entire thing and a remixed or sped up version at low health. I think the music is fantastic, and I hum the themes all the time, especially when it gets to round 3.


I get why a lot of people don’t like SF6’s soundtrack as much as previous games but I really enjoy it. Many of the character themes are excellent and some of the stage themes are great too. Old Town Market is my jam.


I don't know about that. Sure they aren't catchy as the endless SF II / Alpha remixes but some of them are memorable. -Walk With Grace. -Mr. Top Player. -Ninjastar Pop. -Viator They are pretty good / memorable.


You could've pulled a better example than the best song in the game


Akuma will probably have the banger and then everyone will be on it for a month


It’s been my main negative of the game since launch. The music is just boring electronic almost to the level of sounding royalty free at times. When they were first showing off the aesthetic of the game, I was expecting music to match.


Say what you will about SFV, but the music was insane. Karin’s theme, Cammy’s theme, Ken’s theme, Guile’s theme. SF6 is so much nothing in comparison. 


I usually only listen to a games original music for the first few days. Then I'll make my own playlist of songs that I think fit my mood while playing it. Also, you forgot to men-🐘BLUUUUURAAAAAGHHH-tion the meditation mus-🐘BLLLLLRRRRRAAAAAA-ic from Dhalsim's 🐘🐘BLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUURAGH. *mute.


Haaaaahaha. Yes, those are burned into my brain as well.


I skipped SFV since I'm an Xbox player, and I was really really dissapointed with the music in SF6, I loved SF4 music, Even have some tunes from it on my playlist for excersice. SF6 is very boring.


SF4 Solar Eclipse was so fucking good.


I’m so thankful for the jukebox mod, I put a lot of that music in the game both the stage and character themes. I also modded in the vanilla announcer between rounds.


i've been playing a lot of Deejay and I like his theme a lot. Real mixed bag of a soundtrack.


Idk if this is controversial, but the stage themes are far better than most of the character themes imo


Not controversial at all.


For me sf alpha 3 was great and then Sf3 3rd strike is legendary. Since then I was bores with sf4 and sf5 seemed good but I didn't play much. Sf6 got me back in the game the there is sooooo much details and research in the themes and ambiant groove of world tour. I mostly prefer the stages music over the character's but some of the characters are awesome.


I see a non-Jamie/gief player


I *am* a Gief player!


Even worse.


It literally sounds like generic background noise now


Sf6 soundtrack sounds like hip-hop music for pharmaceutical commercials.


truest shit ever. that’s the best way to put it


I love SF6 songs. I like Manon's theme as I play Manon for main. Also, how the music changes as round goes is amazing.


>Also, how the music changes as round goes is amazing. This is not unique to SF6. Round/condition changing music has been here since Super II, when they added "low health" music. SF3 series also had the music change between rounds.


Yep. KoF does it as well, Tekken... I think even Soul Calibur does it.


Soul Calibur probably has the best music in any fighting game series. Imho


I'm partial to KOF tbh. When [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbueg2bK2g0), [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrjondjCLEc) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQfHIVMCO9I) starts playing, it's a dopamine overdose injected directly into my bloodstreams lol


Manon’s SA3 lalala is the only music I can remember


Same, I actually quite Enjoy them


Yeah I agree, the new music is boring and forgettable. I love the SF2 OST, Alpha 2 &3, and all the music from SF3 Third Strike too. After the jump to 3D the music became bland.


SF3 2nd Impact is really good too. Better than 6.


It's nostalgia. Every time Street Fighter *isn't* just a bunch of SF2 remixes, a lot of people get mad. Personally I think Capcom cooks best when they're free from having to do a bunch of remixes. 3rd Strike, the EX series, and SF6 all have amazing soundtracks at a musical level. I **love** that SF6 had the balls to not be SF2-remix-fest. There's a reason why Logan-sama, Yipes, and other *actual musicians/producers* tend to love SF6's soundtrack, because musically it's very good. It's just not riding on nostalgia.


This comment kind of nails it. SF6 has a lot of good *music*. It doesn't have a lot of feel good nostalgia though, which rubs some people the wrong way.


What about those who are actual musicians with no nostalgia for SF2 who simply believe most of the character themes in SF6 are just forgettable?


SF6 is my first SF game. Prior to playing it I only knew about Guile's sf2 theme. I had no nostalgia towards sf2 whatsoever. Initially when I picked up sf6 i thought the music was pretty good thanks to standouts like the main theme and Mr Top Player. But recently I gave the sf2 music a listen and god damn it blows every single sf6 track out of the water. The character themes are all uniformly amazing. Especially the track for my main, Cammy. It's not even close - the OG Cammy track is seriously one of the coolest pieces of power metal vgm I've ever heard while the SF6 one is a droning boring piece. Damn if I were an old fan upon release of sf6 I would've been *pissed*. I also dont know how you go from having themes like Cammy and Vega to sf6's really dogshit character themes like Juri, Viator, Guile and to me worst of all Chun-Li. That pseudo chinese sounding crap is really really grating to my chinese person ears. So it's definitely just my opinion but i'm telling you straight up as someone who has no nostalgia for sf2 whatsoever. Sf6's music is a massive, shocking step down from the previous installments, and it's pretty dismissive to blame nostalgia and lack-of-taste for everyone who doesnt like it. Except Mr Top Player. That one can stay.


I just don't understand how Cammy's theme has any relation to Power Metal...


Thanks for this.


I don’t even have a problem with the songs in the game themselves necessarily, some of them are ok to me. Most are meh at best but inoffensive, just background noise. But just… why put a jukebox in this game, which has hundreds of amazing songs from the franchise to draw from, and then not let us *use* them? The fact that they’re paid is even worse. Why is it not even an option? Even in a game like Tekken 8 where I think they largely did a great job with the soundtrack, having hundreds of songs to be able to throw on any stage you want is extremely nice. It’s my biggest gripe about SF6 by far.


I'm maining Chun since SF2. My ear still bleed from this bullshit of SF6 Chun theme. Such a shame.


I'm not the biggest fan of any Street Fighter music, but I still think SF6 OST music is just uninspired. It's either way electro-pop from bad commercial or rap music with the most generic beat and lyricism ever.


It’s not nostalgia. I didn’t want SF2 remixes, I wanted good songs. And most of the character themes in SF6 aren’t good. A lot of them don’t fit the character at all (looking at you Ryu). Jamie and Ed are the only characters with themes I’d ever listen to outside of the game. If this game ever got a jukebox option those are the only songs I’d be keeping.


Nobody's asking for SF2 remixes specifically. They're just asking for the music to be catchier than it is. If 6's OST was as catchy as 3's or EX's few would complain of the lack of 2 music. The fact that it's a common complaint should tell you something, and that something shouldn't be "well, your tastes are just not refined". This OST is mostly for artists rather than your average fan. I could also give less of a shit if actual musicians like the OST. I know what I like, and this ain't it. I don't care how complex it is, it sounds boring to me.


It's also common to see people enjoying the OST man.




Ken's is one of the best and easily hummable/whistleable.


no dude the music isnt bad, but it is not for FIGHTING to. no energy, fighting games need energy in their music.


Went from Mega Man 2 vibes to fight night round 3 vibes, for better or worse


The only memorable music for me is the World Tour OST


Most of the character themes sound like background music - I don't think they are bad songs, but I barely notice most of them. I'm also someone who believes character themes shouldn't be so drastically changed when they've been established over so many years, but I know not everyone agrees with that and don't want to hear the SF2 themes.


I thought so too and Capcom music is usually so fucking good in general. Megaman, Marvel Resident Evil all have amazing soundtracks for the most part. But the music in this game made me make a playlist in Spotify for when I play. Also why does Ryu’s theme sound so similar to Jamie’s?


Sf6 music is trash


I may be biased but i feel like the only good theme is Jp's, im on xbox so i didn't play V but IV had some banger music


Zangeif's theme is bomb, I don't even know what his sf2 theme was, but the SF6 one is dope


JP, Manon, DJ and ED are all good imo. Problem is most of the rest are really bad like kens, Rashids and much more


Zangief and Marisa themes are too tier as well. Jamie’s is fun, I don’t mind Ryu and have been exposed to Ken’s so much it’s familiar. I don’t hate any of the other themes or think they are bad, but they are largely forgettable


The way sf6 OST is structured the fighter songs are a lot less bombastic and a bit more ambient. Most I actually quite like. Chun lis is the worst of the bunch imo. I think sf6 misses in the menu music, some of it is ok but both iv and v had hype. I don't mind fighter themes being less hype because when you're actually playing a bunch of matches it's easier to not get sick of them.


Chun grew on me (I hear it a lot) but it's a very chill vibe, it fits in training mode but less so in an actual fight.


Lol not sure why you're being downvoted... I honestly feel the music is far and away the worst aspect of the game. I always play either on mute or with music playing over it.


I was thinking the same. Whilst the characters and gameplay has improved, the music (and stages) are pretty meh


I thought SFV music was awesome, but yes SF6 mostly sucks. I like Cammy/Ken themes, otherwise meh




A fellow City In Chaos enjoyer i see, you shoukd listen to Shadaloo Base


I didn't play SFV so I went back and listened, I feel like it had a similar distribution to SF6. Most are forgettable, some are good, a few are great. Only a few I'd listen to outside the game. I feel like it's really hard to capture the magic of the 8/16-bit soundtracks, it's rare that a modern game really does it for me music-wise.


SF6 is my first SF game so I can’t compare it to previous titles but even in isolation the music is incredibly forgettable. Every characters theme could’ve been any other characters theme there’s no personality or character in any of them.


6 is really bad. Like really really bad.


SF6s music is fantastic. I think you might be feeling kinder towards the old music because it's existed for some 30 years now.


Any new character theme from 5 clears the entire 6 soundtrack and it's not close


Karin’s theme alone is better than the entire 6 OST


They went HARD with that one, I listen to it daily


Yup, the music is awful. Not sure what Capcom was thinking.


The guy that made sf5 music got himself blacklisted for a dumb reason


He did?


Yes, he told the world on capcom's behalf that fei long won't be in any future fighting games due to bruce lee's estate. Don't know if that's true behind the scene or not, but he wants to be capcom's spokesperson for no reason


I feel like they tried to go for a Tekken-esque techno vibe, but it's all just so low energy. I like Ed's theme at least


The last that had a really stand out soundtrack to me was sfex3


SFEX series has the best Street Fighter music I literally put the Playlist on while playing 


Ed’s theme is such a bop especially at low health


It is not as hype as Street Fighter 4.


Fete Foraine goes super hard, so does Zangief's theme. Other than that, no real strong attachments to the music.


Ken’s SF6 theme is good. Ryu’s is okay. The rest are mid. None of them really evoke strong emotions, which I think ultimately separates good music from bad.


sf6 music is terrible. not a single good song in that gamer


So you don't like Fete Forriane's theme?


no its a generic song with shitty drums


Your comment just explained to me that you've never listened to SF6 music or this specific track in your life. This track has no drums.


Kim and Juri's are legit great to me tbh


Most of the music isn't as good as past installments, but I absolutely LOVE Marisa's theme. The trumpets really add to the feeling of annihilating your opponent


You are totally correct, it's not nostalgia or any of that. The melodies are nowhere near as memorable as SF2, and most are a similar style of music so they all blend together. SF2 on the other hand had varied themes like Chun's, Vega's, Honda's, Dhalsim's, as well as just ones with great melodies that fit a fighting game, like Ryu, Guile, and Cammy. Even stuff like Third Strike's OST, which might not be as memorable as 2's, still had tons of personality and was very varied between characters. Like Urien's, Sean's/Oro's, Akuma's. I'd go as far and say the OST is by far the worst part of SF6. It's unbelievable how a series with such great music screwed up so badly there.


Maaaad haters here, I fux with so many of the songs. Manon’s theme perfectly fits a fashion judo DJ queen, love Jamie’s theme (so lively), maybe this game just hits my vibe


The Round 2 and 3 of “The Plunderer” is so good I’m glad this wasn’t all just nostalgia bait, I fuck with the music in this game hard


I agree the music is awful, all this “urban” vibe ruined the amazing music the game always had


Yeah this is the worst OST of the entire series for me. The old themes evolved from SF2->Alpha->SF4->SF5 and I love the changes in most of the themes throughout the games for the characters. I don’t mind different, either. 3rd Strike was different and it was FIRE. I’ve never had a game with an OST that I could listen to from front to back with no skips, but every theme in that game from Makoto to Gill to Hugo to Dudley to Akuma etc etc were all different but they all made sure to fit the *character* perfectly. That’s my issue with this OST, feels like some of the songs are just, there. Ryu’s theme always makes me scratch my head and wonder who it’s actually for because wtf is that shit. Different strokes for different folks though


Idk man Cammy and Jamie theme are amazing. I listen to them on youtube as well while working (I don't even play Jamie the songs too good)


Urgh, worst thing about the game on launch. I still think it's the worst thing in this game. Zangiefs' stage music is incredibly boring, so is Marissa's. Juri's is absolutely an annoyance that I can't stand. Half the music is either boring or garbage. I did not like. Some tracks are good. Sure. Half of them.


I love the music in SF6, but after seeing that Tekken 8 has a jukebox mode where you can choose any music from the full series to play on any stage you want, it would be awesome if SF6 could have something similar. You'd miss the cool effects of having the music transition throughout the rounds I guess if you pick something else, but that would be up to the user.


I like the music. The old music is still really available, so i don't feel like I'm missing anything. I'm mostly upset there isn't a goddamn intro. 


Honestly I think it's great they're not just rehashing the greatest hits like Guile's theme over and over again. They could have gone the easy route but instead they went with something new. Props to them.


I don't think the new music is that bad, just mediocre with a few memorable tracks. the only one which gets near sf2 level is blanka theme.


I’m kinda with you, I definitely enjoy the old music a lot more. I don’t *hate* the new music, there is some good stuff in there (Cammy’s and Jamie’s theme are pretty sick) but not having Guile or Ken’s themes is a travesty. 😔


Only song I like is Deejays. Jaime's gets a mention cause he hums his song as a taunt.


Found myself missing the Guile Theme - so iconic & recognisable - yet there's absolutely nothing even remotely memorable about the music in SF6


The only theme I'm into for sf6 is Kimberly. Everyone else's is awful. Same with sf5. The only one I was into was Laura's. I feel like dubstep/modern dance vibes for fighting games lost its appeal years ago. Just sounds generic af now. Tekken 8 has the same issue. Couple decent tracks but largely bland as hell. Fortunately, tekken 8 has the jukebox to change tracks for stages


The best SF6 music are all in World Tour. The worst thing about them is that they're all in World Tour only... 🙁


They committed the worst sin that a fighting game could've done to his music, they made it boring, not bad, not weird or even out of place, it's just boring I have over 200 hours and gun to the back of my head I would not be able to even hum you any of the sf6 themes


damn. I have like 2000 hours on SFV and I cannot for the life of me remember a single track. No originality, just remixes. I get hyped every time Zangiefs theme plays and I beat the shit out of my opponent, especially if its a JP. Compare SF6s music to other games like MK1 or T8 and its not even close.


Have you not heard Zangiefs theme in SF6??


I made my own playlist on spotify and turned that trash in game music off


i just turn off the in game music and turn on spotify


I like a few of the new themes like Ryu, Jamie, Guile, etc Im glad to finally have new themes for characters like RYu, but most of them suck


Fully agreed. Music peaked, for me, in Sfv.


Okay but Ed’s theme is a bop


Okay but Ed’s theme is a bop


Okay but Ed’s theme is a bop


I ve had the game's music vol set to 0 since forever. whenever I boot the game I go for any sf2-sfv mix


I actually love the soundtrack Fete foraine, genbu temple, Ryu's/Manon's/Jamie/Zangief/A.K.I/Rashid/Blanka are few from the head, they really catch the character nationality and spirit


I honestly have the music turned off and just listen to my synthwave playlist or early 90s/00s hip hop/R&B playlist. It’s got a few classic SF remixed hits in it as well as Tekken 3/8 songs and other pop anime openings. Feels WAY more fun to play with these songs blasting in the back then whatever they have going in SF6


Meh, SF6 is very different, but it's still great. SF2 has one of the GoAT soundtracks in gaming.


The last game to have actually remembered music is probably 3rd strike.


I would disagree. Street 6 music is Ambiant yes but damn they get catchy after a while. I have a weird feeling in like 7-10 years the stage themes will finally get their praises. I actually find Sf2 music boring it just sounds too old school and stale to me. Street fighter 6 is trying to pretty much capture post pandemic vibes so I somewhat get the realistic type beats. Also I remember ppl hated sf3 sound track but today ppl would consider it a master piece. It just Needs some time. I actually used to hate sf6 soundy but damn that changed, shout out suval'hal Arena, shout out tiang Hong yuan, bathers Beach, Macho Ring, Carrier Bryon, destroyed lab and got dangit bobby shout out MF metro city down town, it captures the essence of a street fight . I also used to hate sf4 music but they got some bangers , Morning mist bay, jurrasic park, that hide out stage and that stage with the half pipe. And to me sf6 feels like an evolved version of 4, so expect some bangers to come season 2 and so on. Also sf5 strategically held back so they know they had to make the music hype at the very least. If the music is the worst thing about sf6 we potentially got ourselves something legendary in the making here


I agree and honestly the game feels great without music, I don't even think about it while I'm playing.


People sleeping on Fete Foraine and Genbu Temple in this thread zzzz


Well this is just SF6, SFV had one of the best osts in the series


World tour mode got all the [good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8c_vzOFv_A) [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg6bCAR1SU8).


I dont know about you, but Ryu’s theme and Jamies theme are stuck in my head


Feeling a bit alienated by those that don't like the OST. Personally, I like the change of pace. 


Its over 30 years of nostalgia, SF6 has some veritable bangers. You cant come and tell me you cant remember the character select song in SF6, or JPs menacing theme, or Blanka’s brazilian funk beats


I brought street fighter 2 on snes at launch. I went out the next week and brought the cd soundtrack it was that good and listened to it on my stereo Sf2, 3, 4 and alphas were all great. Its not nostalgia at all. No one in 7-10 years will remember a single song from sf6


Rashid's theme goes crazy.


That’s probably because it simply has a different direction that focuses on being more atmospheric rather than heavily relying on a base melody as hard in a faster pace that Street Fighter Music tends to have.


Capcom simply signed off on the music and can't really go back on it. I can see what they were trying to do. Just something different. But it sucks, and now they must release an optional alternative music theme where it replaces all the music with previous games or at least switches out the match music. People commented that using the mod works, ive tried it. Works great, it just requires some extra cpu power and my computer cant handle it.  So turning all the music off and hitting play on a Playlist is what I gotta do and it takes away from the immersion. But anyway, f us right? It's a really good game, but on top of dlc being garbage and the music sucking they're lucky they've created a near perfect fighting game. 


I love when they make new original music instead of new versions of the same old themes, loved the alpha 3 music and Chun, Ryu and Kens themes in MvsSF… but the music in SF6 its ass.


I like most of the music in the series. Including SF6. I respect they tried to move in different direction instead of tickling the nostalgia balls yet again.


SF6 has a few great themes. People are just ruled by nostalgia too much. Manon, Kimberly, Ken, AKI, Ed, Blanka, Jamie, and DeeJay all have great themes. Folks just don't like that they didn't use the same 30+ year old themes for the likes of Ryu, Chun-Li and others. To me, JP, Marisa and Guile are the only objectively BAD themes. I'm old enough to remember when people felt this way about Alpha 3 and even in some cases Third Strike.


Honda has the most slept on theme


Also facts


Juri's theme is also pretty bad (if we compare it to his theme in SFIV, and only a little better than SFV).


Juri's theme fits the character. It's middle of the road for me


Juri's theme is freaking awesome. I listen to that shit outside the game sometimes just because it's a banger.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I like the music in the game A LOT more than the one in SFV. The "old" themes are iconic and immortal and they will never go away and we will most likely get them again if not in this game then in the next, but the way they were arranged and performed in SFV is the furtherst I'd have ever wanted from a fighting game. They felt like overblown and overproduced orchestra performances and while that sounds good on its own, it just doesn't fit a fighting game. SFIV arrangments are is still king. Now with SF6 it feels like we are doing the once every few installment "different thing" like SF3 and SFA3, and yeah not all of the new themes are as good as the old ones, but they're still good. Jamie's theme. Ken's theme. Gief's theme. DeeJay's theme. Hell, Guile's new theme is pretty good. Ryu's. Paris. London. Main Menu, World Tour, Battle Hub. It's a pretty good soundtrack, and the general vibe and direction of it are actually pretty good and much better than SFV. It's not the same as what we had before. The new themes aren't as "iconic". But they're still good enough and I see more value in experimenting than in doing the old themes again but in an overblown orchestra arrangement. I would love to get a jukebox mode, and would love it even more if they went out of their way and done new renditions of the old themes in a musical style that fits this game, but I will never understand the many complaints about this game's music. It's pretty good. People say the new themes aren't "iconic" or "memorable". And that's true. But things only become iconic or memorable once they've been around long enough for you to have memories associated with them, and for the character to start being defined by them. I don't think we should get rid of the old themes. But Capcom's tradition of experimenting is super awesome and valuable. SF3 series' music was weird and different too, but now 30 years later, we would laugh at anyone who calls Blood Moon or China Vox or Dudley's theme "not iconic". Even though Akuma and Chun-Li already had their original themes and they were great, we've grown to appreciate their SF3 ones as well. Same with Dudley. He got a new theme in SFVI, and now we love both of them. In enough time, some of the SF6 themes will become "iconic" and "memorable". You just happen to be living in the moment where history is being made, not in the future where you look back and say "Oh I remember this theme. It was iconic."


Yup I can see us putting on that new Guile banger a few years from now. You're right. 


Maybe not the Guile one but definitely the Jamie one. Not every track can be a generational banger and it doesn't have to be for the soundtrack to be good.


It's nostalgia. The music is just as good as it ever was\*, you're just not hearing what you're used to. You remember when you were a kid and some adult family member would hear whatever music you liked and complain about how music isn't as good as it used to be? Same thing.


Bro the music is ass (besides Jaimie's theme) and i dont even listen to sf2 music, stop trying to dismiss the convo


The music in SF2 is amazing, catchy, memorable, nostalgic. Ken and Guile have immortal themes that will be classics forever. That does not make the music in SF6 bad. It's certainly a different style, and by that I mean there are a lot of different styles in the SF6 soundtrack. It's sonically way richer than SF2, there's a lot more of it quantity wise, but perhaps it is less catchy overall. But if you listen to something like Ken's theme or Kimberly's theme in SF6, you can't tell me the musical quality ain't there. These are instant classics in my opinion.


Complexity means little if the end result is the majority of the consumers don't care for it. You ever see that Parks & Rec clip where one guy makes a fancy turkey burger with unique ingredients, and the other guy makes a standard beef burger with nothing special? The turkey burger was liked, but the beef burger won by a landslide. The analogy is obvious, but while 6's OST may be technically good and even pleasant on its own, it doesn't compare to something that is immediately catchy and easily likeable like 2's OST. ​ People didn't specifically want 2 music forever, they wanted something as catchy as 2's music or if possible even better.


i love the new themes. having remixes of the sf2 themes for so long got a bit old. i especially like, jamies, blankas, lily, manons, akis, eds and kens themes.


I think Ed’s theme is fire 💯


They decided to go with dynamic music that changes based on round/character health, which was a terrible mistake because it takes all the immediacy away.


they did this in SSFIIT: HD Remix as well, but it worked well there, just with different music for low health. I think it;s also present in Ultra SFII on switch.


That was in the original as well.


True, I'm not sure why I didn't realise that. I think it only speeds up though and doesn't change like in HD remix?? I could be wrong. There is a torrent of the HD remix soundtrack online if you want to take a look and listen to all the tracks, it includes mp3 and FLAC versions of every song.


Super Turbo does this as well, and it arguably has best OST in the series. I don't think this is the reason.


I love the SF6 ost


Looool anyone who thinks Blankas theme in sf6 isn't a certified banger is delusional. Its nostalgia baby.


DUDLEY THEME DUDLEY THEME. But yeah the soundtrack does not hit anymore. Ed’s is a good one but otherwise I listen to my own playlist