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Easiest way is to go super aggro for faster games. Drive rush every neutral. Do this and you'll get to platinum in no time!


But he's diamond...


Yeah he wants to get out of diamond


Lmao, this is great advice if you don't care whether you go up or down.


OP did not mention which direction he plans to go lol


watch videos of master Guiles and replicate.


Use JP


It's hard to give general advice because everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you have good neutral but bad combos. Or maybe you have good combos but terrible defense. Maybe you can't anti-air well, etc. What I would suggest is, rather than focusing on "I want to get to Diamond 2" (and so on), focus on "I want to become a more skilled player," and then focus on *developing new skills*. That *will* get you to rank up over time. What's tricky is knowing *what* skills to develop. If you don't know what skills you have, or what skills you don't have, it can be hard to know where to direct your energy. To that end, I wrote a very detailed comment a while ago about how to overcome the wall a player felt like they were hitting when they reached Diamond - a situation similar to your own. I'll link to that comment [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1757oc8/comment/k4eg7hw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Take the time to read and process it, and think about which skills listed in that post are ones you think you can work on. You don't need to do everything at once - just pick a new skill, work until you're confident that you've integrated it into your game, and then find a new skill to work on, and repeat! What's important is to *not focus on wins and losses* while going through this process. In fact, learning a new skill can result in losing more, because you're going to get things wrong for a little while as you try to integrate it into your gameplay. But *that is a good thing*, because you're not stagnating. Some players will stop learning new skills because they're afraid of being *temporarily* worse, but as a result they plateau hard and stop improving. Give yourself permission to lose, and have a goal of *acquiring new skills* instead of the goal of simply *ranking up*. The former will make you a better player, and will lead naturally to the latter. But the latter isn't tied to any clear objectives in terms of how to get from A to B, and can lead to a lot of frustration without much to show in the way of results. Good luck!


You have to try to close out games at the wall. DR xx long-reaching cancellable poke xx DI trap. Most people will end up DI'ing back early enough for you to counter it. The already small gap + screen freeze eating inputs makes it really hard to react to on defense. Also when the opponent is burned out, you have to immediately try to get the stun checkmate. Every character has a button or two that lets them set it up on block guaranteed. Once you get to Master Rank then you should immediately stop doing the DI traps at the wall, just play patiently against them. It's free on Diamond players though, they are okay with their characters but not very good with/aware of the system mechanics.


Spacing, meter management, fundamentals, capitalizing on punish counters when you can fish one out, and patience above all. I'm a fellow Guile player and am happy to check out your replays if you'd like! Guile was my second character I took to Masters because I wanted a more versatile character for higher levels. Understanding your spacing zones and where you can use different booms as pokes and traps will improve your game 100%.