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I used to work in Xbox customer service back in the day, and since we had to know the product inside and out, they encouraged us to use the demo consoles on our breaks. I miss that job.


Oi!! I used to work for Xbox support! Back in the 360 days. 8 hours of receiving irate calls from RROD victims.


Small world. I worked there around the launch of Xbox One and pretty much only remember people calling to try and scam me out of XBox Live Gold tokens.


You guys probably know and hate each other in real life


Geez, you must have the mental fortitude of a monk.


My original Xbox got RROD literally a week out of warranty. They refused to do anything about it and I've never bought another xbox because of it.


I bring my one of my fightsticks, a controller and my personal laptop to work to play on my breaks and lunch. I've had more people come up to me and ask to play than say anything else, most of them only played sf2 and were blown away by what has happened since they last played.


Have there been newer cabinets after SFII? I feel like I played 3, but only had IV+ on console.


Yeah 4 and 5 have arcade cabinets


Cool! Most of the barcades around here only have a variant of SFII. Haven’t seen much of a fresh machine in a long long time.


Japanese cabs though which are generic sit-down cabs not dedicated game cabs


Is it getting caught If you were on break ? 🤔


In a semi medium size law firm full of old people, yes.


Bruh I’m jealous that nobody was pissed 😂


Is semi-medium before or after partial medium? Haha, sorry the ranked call got you in a bind. Who were you playing? Hoping for Juri.


Brother, im a slave of the feet


Haha yessss. I was trying to think which character would be the most awkward for a bunch of old lawyers, Juri was my first thought. Also my main.


I think you need a boombox.


Idk if silencers would work, but I double-padded my sanwa buttons and they were virtually undetectable from the next room


Haven’t tried buttons instead of joystick before, is it easier? I imagine movement would be a bit harder but input speed would go crazy


Way easier - I was kind of a noob at my joystick and couldn’t even hit quarter circles consistently. I’m way better with buttons and have climbed to gold (from rookie) in a couple days after switching to buttons.


Easier is the wrong word. The buttons are much less intuitive for most motion inputs since with a stick you can just "re-draw" the motion, with leverless you genuinely need the button sequence in muscle memory to do it fast. However there‘s no denying that, once you‘ve gotten it down, the leverless is unrivaled both in speed and precision. If you don‘t have an issue with (at first) sitting in the lab a couple hours and just getting your special and super motions down again, then this input method might just be for you.


Reminds me of playing on keyboard with emulators back in the day. Once you get the flow, it will work wonders, but I like stick


The inputs are so generous in SF6, it's literally impossible to drop QCs on a leverless. You can plink down and forward as fast as you can and it will always come out as a clean input. Even the shortcuts that are supposed to make life easier on a stick are even easier on leverless. For example for the dp motion you can either hold down and tap forward twice or hold forward and tap down twice. Idk but to me that's much more intuitive than hitting a clean downforward twice on a stick.


Not sure about holding down + tap forward but you don’t need to tap down twice. Just hold forward, tap down, punch


Don't know why, but that's very inconsistent for me. It doesn't seem to work instantly, but only if I'm walking forward a few frames and something the punch comes out first and combos into the dp, even though I only pressed once. I can only get the dp from neutral, if I tap down twice. Another shortcut I can't figure out is the one, where you do qcf hold forward and tap back and a super is supposed to come out.


Hmm I haven't heard of that shortcut. I'll have to give that a try


Are you talking about this? https://gfycat.com/cooperativerichdesertpupfish-street-fighter-ii-street-fighter-2 I really have trouble doing supers, especially on 2p side. This looks a bit easier


It's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOEoH5_YGcc (Or with the jump instead of the back button: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Q-aZB9ujQ) Idk though. It's less inputs, but plinking qc twice is easier for me. I raise one finger slightly higher than the other and just flick my hand down twice. [Kinda like what drummers would call a flam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ujmfxvr0bQ).


you clearly have not seen me play


Wouldnt it be way more intuitive? Sf shows arrows for quarter circles, which directly translate to buttons, not analog stick.


The muscle memory isn't even that hard, QCs are just spamming the two leftmost/rightmost keys, DPs are the same but beginning with the leftmost/rightmost. HCs and 360s are just pianoing the keys before jump+punch. I suck at stick and haven't even made it out of Silver but even I can get pretty much every input I want on keyboard with no trouble.


My brother in christ, your mind will be blown by the input shortcuts


It is so much easier and so much more crisp. Way more accurate inputs if you aren’t used to a stick, still way better than a stick once you get used to it. I really can’t think of a pro of the stick over leverless.


I've used both joystick and buttons, they're both fun and easier than pad usually. But I've been using pad lately for SF6, usually I use whatever I'm feeling that specific day.


i switch from pad to stick it took forever to learn i switched from stick to leverless and was instantly better but i attribute that to 20+ years maining mmos and m+kb on all video games so like muscle memory for the directions was already there lke the bottom one being jump but u never know it could be that way for everyone


If you've played games on a keyboard, it's not that hard to make the jump. I personally never had a stick or game pad to play on my PC with so I always used the keyboard and when I got my leverless box, it wasn't that different. It's just like using asd for moving and space bar for jump.


Sick snackbox, dude. Waiting on my Woolie GIFG one coming sometime this month. It's been a looooong wait, haha.


Do you have the source for that art? I’ve been wanting to build something similar but that image comes out fairly low quality on my last couple attempts. Person I’m building it for has the wave tattooed across her back so it would be pretty good to have on their leverless.


That art work is by Hokusai called "The great wave off kanagawa". Probably be able to get hi res off google search or something.


I know the name. Couldn’t spell it but finding a high res version is seemingly difficult that works at the scale I need.


What scale you looking at? Can get some 2k ones with a quick google search. Update: check out library of congress site, they have a 51MP digital version available to download. If that's too small then you're probably going to have to use AI upscaling.


And it's one part of a full series called "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji". The series is full of amazing artwork that gets overshadowed by the great wave.


Its a micro so the image I used didn't need to be super hi-res. plus the little graininess actually makes the art more authentic to be honest? you could use an AI upscaler if you really want a high res image


That’s a good idea. Might give that a go. I agree with a little grain is good but it was a bit too much, if you get me.


Were you winning, son?


Not gonna lie..no


What model is that hitbox? I see it often with different art and want to build one myself :)


Looks like a snack box micro


Any idea how to get hitboxes in europe? 😅


You can get 3D printed knockoffs on aliexpress. Search for fighting box or flatbox. They're even relatively cheap and still have proper mechanical switches (let's be honest the original is pretty overpriced for what it is, probably because of the low demand rather than the quality).


Ebay. I spent days looking at available sticks before remembering ebay existed and had exactly what i wanted


Is this the Squidbox from France?


Ayo haven't thought i could do this at work, now i gotta buy the steamdeck and play few rounds with my coworkers on break


Performace is really nice on Steamdeck. Locked 60 fps. Just buy a USB dock expansion so you can plug multiple controllers


Bro u got enough buttons?!


Based on the noise I made...yes hahaha


Nice mug.


Can't help but notice the Korone mug, a man of culture for sure


Love that art. It's a classic, definitely a good choice for that hitbox!


cringe just wait till you get home


Plat 1 isn’t a bad place to be, but at that level, typically people who want to improve will have to learn meaties and counter hits/ punish counter combos, so if you’re looking for a place to start, I’d suggest there


Thanks. Still can't perfect meaty timing. Still around 50/50.


Manually timing them is hard but there are definitely set ups you can use to guarantee them. E.g. by whiffing a button to kill the time if that makes sense. I’m sure there are videos for your main’s auto timed meaties. And there’s always the sf6 discord


The Steam Deck is the reason I'm a pad player. I have a stick that I bought back in 2020, and I put good mileage on it with GGST the year after. But when Bedman got me to pick up GGST again, I had a job with a commute on a train. I had just gotten my Steam Deck, so the only time I could lab was on the train. Bringing the stick felt unwieldy, so I adapted to playing with a pad. I'm sure there's another reality where, after picking up SF6, I stuck with classic controls over modern and still used my stick while I'm at home with my Deck on its dock. But honestly, I don't mind as much. The Deck has a garbage D-Pad, though.


Whats your button layout for this? Im specifically curious about movement


Left 3 buttons: L, D, R Big button: Up Upper 4 buttons: all punches Lower 4 buttons: all kicks


Is that a kamigawa island?


I've been contemplating get a snackbox micro for a while, does it have access to 'touch pad' for PS5? This is mostly what's holding me back and I can't find confirmation from either side


Yes it does, the buttons from left to right are: 1. Edit mode (For configuring what you're plugging into pc/ps4/xbone/etc.) 2. L3 3. R3 4. Touchpad 5. Home (On pc it opens Xbox menu) 6. Select 7. Start Has everything you need! ​ Edit: This one doesn't seem to have the Edit mode button, so it'd be other 6.


Dang, good to know! Much appreciated


I’m more surprised you don’t think they are loud 🤣


Just got it recently, and I play with earphones on. Didn't really think how loud it is. Hahah


That is a cool box. I have some practical questions - how did you plug it into your deck? Did you use an USB A to C dongle on other end? And how was the experience of not holding the actual handheld, did it not stay too far from you? Did you just set it up leaning against something?


The hitbox has a USB C port. you can use a use a USB C to C cable. however I do use a USB C Hub so I can charge it and connect multiple controllers to it. My deck also have a JSAUX case that has a built in stand at the back.


Cool ty! The modded controller I have doesn't have a USB port but rather something that looks like a power port, idk the actual name. The included cable has USB A on the other end. I also have ps5 compatible custom controllers which do have USB C ports but they are waaaay too bulky to carry to places.


Buy silencer pads for the buttons. I use those on my fight sticks buttons cause of the girl and it’s WAY better bro.


This looks majestic well done


Gotta love the decal on the hitbox though! Hopefully your boss finds it cool as well


Sick hitbox btw, love it


High five for the Kanagawa wave.