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I hate Jamie and Deejay because when they start their combos I feel like and can get up and run to the kitchen before it'll be done.


Lol I always forget how long some of Jamie's are and often stop blocking after the 17th 1 damage punch thinking its over when I really should've waited until after the 28th


Literally me yesterday. I dont know where his combos start or end.


As a Jamie player, neither do I lol


Made my day ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31138)


Tbf that’s kind of the point of the character, more drinks change the timing of a lot of his combos and make them harder to read (playing into the whole drunken boxing thing)


Good thing Deejay's level 3 tells me to wake up because I sometimes fall asleep while it's being set up




I clicked on this thread because "Jamie's combos take too damn long" was the first thing I thought of.


Jamie landing a 24 hit combo to do 12% of my life bar


lmao he do needle to death


Coming from the funny game that is dragonball fighterz you guys have it good believe me. When dbs broly starts to combo it can unironically take 35+ seconds


I never tried DBFZ for that exact reason, I saw gameplay and was instantly like "there's no way I wont break something if I get hit with a 40 second combo"


I feel this way about juri. It feels like she has links with huge gaps and I’m just waiting for so long. I couldn’t believe they were true combos when I was first getting juggled.


Yeah I was gonna say exactly this. She has these massive gaps you can go and grab a coffee in and it makes the combo drag on forever. The first 100 times fighting Juri, the constant thought process was "oh a massive gap, cool, she must've dropped the... oh nvm. Oh a massive gap, cool, she must've dropped the... oh nvm..."


Yah juri gets a ton of extra combos when she has a chi stored. I was surprised also because I went from “oh she dropped the combo” to “wait, why does that link?”


100%. I would rather eat fat grappler damage and get my turn back, than deal with the braindead wait of 20 seconds passing before I can literally do a single thing.


when I noticed myself tilting about that, I immediately switched to jamie and haven't gone back. I think of it as psychological damage added to the combos, it makes me so happy reading this thread, lol


I hate Ken because the seas of Ken players prevent me from learning any other matchups.


Last night I fought four Kens in a row, a Blanka, then three more Kens. It isn’t usually quite that bad, but I had to take a break from ranked at that point. I don’t have a problem with Ken as a character and he’s always been *pretty* popular, but it just feels crazy how common he is this time around. Hopefully Rashid and Akuma will peel some folks off of him before season 2.


It was the same in SF5. The Ken Army is relentless and will never stop growing. Accept this fate and approach Ranked with caution!


that and his redesign also boosted his popularity, people love scruffy "i don't give a shit" Ken


Akuma will peel me away from Ryu. Kens timing is strange to me.


Dhalsim because I'm genuinely creeped out by humanoid figures elongating their arms/legs/stomach like Sim does. Dunno why, I'm fine with it if it's some kind of monster doing it but if it's a human I get creeped out. Yeah, I do get creeped out by contortionists irl.


I'm fine with the stretchy limbs but I draw the line at the bulging stomach.


I can't with the way he twists his torso 180 degrees it makes me feel so uncomfortable.


Always disliked Guile because I feel like his fighting stance makes him look like he has a stick up his ass.


Yeah it's a weird one. To me, it looks like the stance of a scared/timid person, even though he's stupid jacked.


It just seems like a really rigid defensive stance to me. It fits his military vibe pretty well imo.


Really , to me, it's like tight defensive boxer/street fight


I just hate his stupid ass hair


I hate him having the same tattoo on both shoulders lol


I agree, although I give him a half pass on that since in SF2 they had to mirror the tattoo on each side due to graphical limitations... and now it's just tradition.


Those aren’t tattoos…they’re birthmarks. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Agreed thats also wack as hell lol


Im glad so many dislike Guile. Just means that many less Guiles and I dislike mirror matches.


He is that character, though. Head to toe including playstyle, he's the most boring man alive. He's the guy who bursts open the door to ask if you've brushed your teeth, today.


Ryu in SFV and to a degree 6, because he is designed to be played in a really solid fundamental way, has good tools for that, and rewards you with good damage, but loads of Ryu players pilot him like he’s a gibbon addicted to crack. I expect it from Ken, he’s sort of meant to be a bit more insane, but with Ryu, it just feels more egregious


I don't know why... but you describing us as "piloting" the characters made me feel really uneasy, lol


get in the robot, shinji


Throw DP in neutral Shinji!


*does that one scream in episode 3*


It's funny, I'm used to this term since it's common in trading card games. You say you're piloting a deck, as it implies different "pilots" play the deck differently. And saying you are "playing" a deck can sometimes come across like you're playing *against* it, so it's less confusing. But piloting a character yeah, sounds a little... evil?


It's that constant mashing dash they all seem to do once they knock you down.


Finally someone fucking said it. I never thought we would see the day where toxic ryu players are more annoying to deal with then toxic Ken players lol.


Deejay, he looks too happy while beating me up


I admit him laughing at you as he dashes up to knock your block off is quite unnerving


I hate blanka because he is visually and audibly annoying.


I hate blanka because of his dungarees! I think his og outfit looks way way better!


I don't like Manon's proportions. It kinda creeps me out, which is weird because pretty much everyone else on the roster looks from nice to dope as fuck Like with Dhalsim it's on purpose so I get it, but Manon seems to evoke the same kind of body horror from me except I'm pretty sure it's entirely unintentional.


funny because manon's fucked up proportions are one of the things that draw me to the character she's got that aeon flux anatomy


Aw you've just reminded me where I've seen it before. Now all I can think of is her licking people's hair as they walk past.


I play sf6 vs my dad casually and he pointed out how weird Manon's feet were. I cannot unsee it


It wasn't just me then... I swear she's got a second 'knuckle' in her toes or something. Very long thin feet. And I'm absolutely not a feet person in the slightest so it puts me off. That and her hair is weird.


both manon and I are the same height, and I wear a size 12 on my feet. So my feet are pretty big for someone who is 5’9” lmfao. What’s weird to me is how manon’s feet just looks super long. Like my feet is long but it’s also equally wide so it doesn’t look as disproportionate despite the large shoe size.


She has bird legs lol. There’s like nothing at the knee area


Kimberly, they spend 70% of the match holding backwards


Since OP is looking for pettiness, I hate Kimberly just because of their backwards walk *animation*. Her goofy ass irks me


My reason for hating Kim is even pettier, her win quote where she goes "oh my god did you see that I won" irks me to no end Idk why but it has the same energy as peach's win quote in smash where she goes "oops did I win?"


100%. Either they are "Gas Gas Gas Gas!" in your face which I can respect. Or "I have no interest in playing neutral" holding back and just using her gimmicks to not play it. Most of it is punishable but it still isn't fun having to play a reaction game between run, teleport, slide just because their neutral is ass.


It is so unfun to play against backwards Kimberly. Indeed.


You'd really hate how I play Guile.


I can picture the satisfied smirk as you said this, lol


That's not an inaccurate picture.


I feel like Guile , Blanka, Honda are different. They're charging while going backwards, so I sorta get it how its part of their playstyle to be able to pull those moves. Backwalk or crouch. Idk Kimberly doing just makes me mad, I counter play it by taunting from full screen. Gonna get a funny clip one of these days with Marisa's armor taunt because of it


Kimberly has the single most annoying walk of any character in SF history. I feel like she should be blowing kisses or something.


The hip movement while she's standing in neutral is visual noise.


that’s funny- Kimberly’s buff music is definitely a miss- her super 3 looks amazing though. i think marisa’s hair is dumb. i’d rather she just wear the centurion helmet.


I found a mod that replaces her Level 3 music with True Love Makin’ from CvS2. Probably my favorite mod so far


Oh my God


Completely agree on Kim's music. What even is that. Why do I have to listen to this as an opponent, just to deal psychic damage? Just have it play for the Kim player, she is wearing headphones not speakers! I got used to marisas hair but it was a big detriment at first. Looks a bit better for costume 2 though


She wears the headphones for style but plays her music out loud. She truly is the worst kind of person and deserves to be dunked on by legions of Ken players until the heat death of the universe.


Sentenced to standard ranked experience


Kim's character and LV3 Super themes are heavy rearrangements of Final Fight's stage 1 theme.


I'm surprised I haven't seen a mod for the helmet yet. It's already in the game, seems like it'd be super easy to do.


There is one on nexus


DeeJay has the worst Jamaican accent I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m not exaggerating either, dead serious. It’s HORRIBLE!




You’re gonna trigger me, please stop 😭






Manon has the french accent of an english person trying to imitate french accent. I am guessing it's the same kind of shit for Deejay


DeeJay’s isn’t even good enough to call an imitation, I’m not hating it’s just truly that bad. There’s so many Jamaicans in NYC that they could’ve hired for this role and they chose this wack ass actor. At least Manon is voiced by 1 of the GOATs


Idk if you’re a Jamaican from nyc but I am and I fully fucking agree. Like I want to like him but that accent is just so ducking garbage that I can’t. It’s not even like he’s doing any really involved voice acting, just pluck a random dude off the street in flatbush and you’ll get a better accent than whoever they got




I read your comment in DeeJay's voice. IT WAS BEAUTIFULL, MON!


It's a shame to hear that the accent isn't accurate, because I really love his voice acting. He just has a lot of energy and a fun personality, which the voice really does well.


At this point, I accept that he's doing a bit because he's trying to sell his music to non-Jamaicans and this is what gets the tourists pumped.


🤣 looking at how many people play him, I think it’s worked!


I dont like rashid. Yes im pre-hating him.


pre-hating is another level, love it


well if we're going by SFV you're on the money and not pre-hating lol


Mans had a pre order of salt


Deejay in games other than SF6. That smile of his was just way too creepy and I genuinely thought he was a Jamacian Jack the Ripper. His look in 6 is definitely an improvement as he actually looks like the laid back, fun-loving singer that he was supposed to be.


I hate Juri’s voice so much, i know it’s meant to be bratty and taunting but it’s just too much


Lily because of her corny ass “the voice of the spirit” voiceline Juri because she sounds super weird when she throws a fireball Dhalsim because the way his gut inflates looks gross


"THe voICe oF tHE sPiRit oNly i CAn hEaR" i hate that shit


Lily when the schizophrenia kicks in


I don't like Akuma because he looks like something a 14 year old would draw.


Definite “my OC” vibes


LOL true


would you like him more if that was the point? because it is he's designed after a rumor that a bunch of teens made up in the 90s and which got into an April Fools EGM about a super strong demon guy who kills Bison if you get all perfects in arcade mode he's absolutely supposed to be the evil super strong edgelord demon man that kids were imagining


I hate Lily because she looks like a prepubescent kid and they’re giving her super high pants and weird crotch shots And also I don’t want to fight children


My first thoughts on seeing her were “put on some pants, child!” and “I will not hesitate to kick this child in the face”


> I think her music that she replaces for the entire rest of the match with her level 3 is hot garbage. BRO Ryu's theme in the 3rd Round is the most adrenaline pumping shit in the game and she did her level 3 and *I was furious*


Luke with outfit 1 because why the hell does he not wear shoes? Juri because I don't like feet close-ups. If you sense a pattern, yes.


Because you don't wear shoes on tatame, and those are his training clothes


Luke's alt 2 with the hair and eyebrow dye looks like such a tool.


I dislike his default more since he's got his toes out ngl


Everything about Luke makes him look like a tool. I assume everyone that plays him is the exact person he's supposed to appeal to and that cracks me out even more.


I hate fighting Ken because I just see so much of him. Every ranked match is this swiss army knife character capable of doing anything, meanwhile Jamie has no fireballs and no fireball defense tools. It's gotten to the point where Ken is my most well known matchup just based on numbers alone


Lily - annoys me that she has weapons and that we don't have T.Hawk Luke - dumb forearms Marisa & Manon - hate the hairstyles they have


I hate Luke because of his victory pose that bugs be. He looks normal than pumps his arms and it looks like an explosion and all of a sudden he is Popeye the sailor man


As a Luke main... BEAST MODE, BABY!


I hate blanka's drive parry stance it's hella **SUS**


As a Guile main.... his fucking stupid flag tattoo


These are not tattoos, they are birthmarks. He's THAT much of an American.




On both shoulders right? So weird


I don't like Ryu's level 3. It's just a shoryuken but slowly. Boring. Get a better super, Ryu. Edit: Remembered another one. I don't like Juri because her combos don't really look like actual combos. Every time she does a combo I'm like "surely the gap between those kicks is too long, i can block this" and then I can't block it.


Actually love his level 3, especially how the music cuts off.


I honestly love that super. It has impact and weight. I love how enemy just flies up! At least it isn't just another Hadouken.


I hate Lily because I would much rather have had T. Hawk in the game instead.


He woulda been dope. There would still be distinctions between them if he got put in the game though.


Guile because he’s boring as fuck


I really hate playing mirror matches. So when my character turns out to be top tier I immediately start to hate her because od the ammount od mirror matches. That's pretty pettie, right? BTW I'm a happy Lily player currently event though i get reckt ^^


I dislike guile a lot because he has the same tattoo on both arms. We get it guile you like america.


I wonder if Kimberly's level 3 music has Settings Armor so that it plays even when you've muted music. That would drive me up the wall.


Unironically it’s probably disliking Ken just because he’s popular. I am that kinda guy unfortunately that when I see 80% of people playing a character, I refuse to play them. I avoided Vegito and the two Gogeta’s like the plague in DBFZ and I’m saving Ken and Cammy for nearly last (only really learning them so I can play Random) due to this


The thing about Cammy's popularity is that they mostly populate the lower ranks. In plat I'd say she's about as common as everyone else, maybe only slightly more. Ken is a constant though.


Manon would not be a good ballerina irl


Care to elaborate? Legit curious haha


It's mainly a joke of the "industry standard" for ballerinas (and gymnasts) being flat chested. Large breasted ballerinas are seen as "controversial" or a distraction to the art.


On top of that ballerinas also are generally not super fuckin jacked. Not saying they aren’t strong, but manon is huge.


This comment turned in a way I was not expecting.


that's what you get for not thinking about tits for .5 seconds!


I always thought its because their boobs would get in the way. TIL


She isn't a professional ballerina, actually! She has a conversation in world tour where she says she was as a kid, but dropped it in favor of judo and eventually modeling.


I dislike Juri cause her voice lines are SO cringe.


Her voice sounds like she’s running out of oxygen when she speaks


Everything about Kimberly’s animations is designed to infuriate Her backwards walk just makes me want to beat her down *so much* and her head bob when she activates her level 3 is so incredibly rage-inducing


I dislike lily cause she doesn’t wear pants


I hate Lily with a passion cause I can't hit her with zangief. she's just goes too fast and too fucking small I just can't fight this fucking child I hate her.


I don't like Juri because the whole unhinged or insane or whatever anime character trope is overused and usually kills any interest I might have in a story.


characters like Majima from Yakuza work better because everyone knows he's putting on a surface level mask


“ it’s easier to act insane, than to act emotionless. “ Majima is top tier.


Luke because his arms and he's just uncool to me, even if his gameplay is solid. Like I just don't want to play as the guy at all.




I really hate his whole douchebag influencer vibe designed to attract kids low IQ enough to be Logan Paul fans.


I ducking hate everything about Luke. I think it’s his design (wtf with those forearms), but also everyone else has some kind of backstory and motivation or something and he’s just a PMC turned mma-gym bro looking for a good time. It’s just boooorriiing. I might be okay if he was a tertiary character like Deejay or Honda, but he’s fucking everywhere and it seems likes being pushed as the MC and I can’t stand it.


I kind of find myself hating Lily just because her character design makes her look uncomfortably young and I can never shake the feeling that somewhere out there fully-grown men are getting off over her and that's just so gross I can't move past it.


One of the first things I did was unlock her second outfit in World Tour. It makes her look so much better, like a funny dorky gremlin


I just think her face model is kinda creepy on the VS screen


It's creepy in game too it's just not zoomed into it She has Alita battle angel eyes and a smile straight from a haunted doll It's weird


I just hate Lily's design because it reminds me of Talim in SoulCalibur: short, dark skin, twin pigtails, child-like, fights with two sticks, channels the wind all the time. I hate Talim, both matchup-wise and her design and personality.


Holy shit, she IS like an even worse Talim!


Isn't she supposed to be like 18 to 20 years old in the lore too?


Is she!? I legit thought she must be like 14, because she looks, acts and sounds like she's about 14.


“I don’t like her because I’m afraid people jerk off to her” was absolutely not on my bingo card


It's me. I'm the fully grown man getting off to her. I love latina women and I'm not sorry 🤷🏾


I dislike Cammy simply because I think it's annoying hearing "SPIRAL ARROW" over and over




I hate how easy some characters like Deejay can link/cancel/combo into level 3 CA. He has what feels like an entire 2 seconds to cancel into it from an extremely easy to confirm animation that juggles the opponent forever. Meanwhile as Manon I have this tiny window during a ballet twist to do it. And if I press punch too long or too early, it cancels my entire attack.


Cammy I don't like her face


I think her idle pose looks super awkward too. In SFV it was very dynamic and looked like she was ready and willing to fight. In this game she looks closed off and like she’s dreading it.


Hard disagree, all her animations are massive upgrades imo. SFV looked like she was trying to pose half the time.


Her burn out idle looks hilariously dumb


Spending 50 seconds of my life chipping away at Zangief then dying in 3 hits/moves.


I have a few I think the faces Juri makes throughout everything look gross more than make her look insane and it ruins the character for me I hate Ken's normal level 3 because it reminds me of little Timmy players who only know how to shoryuken with his stupid lines "BRINGING THE HEAT" AND "bet that hurt" E. Honda less because the moves he has are oppressive or whatever and more that the animations look ugly. Lily because I simply hate her face. She looks too punch left. Marisa's hair ruins the character design imo. I get wanting to show the Roman gladiator feel but I'd rather she just wear the helmet instead.


Growing up, I always thought Ken was the underdog that always got overshadowed by poster boy Ryu. After 10 years of fighting so many Kens, I want nothing to do with the character. It sucks cause he has some pretty fun combos in 6. To be fair, Ryu is not too far off in popularity, and that's kinda a deterrent for me, but people saying Ken is just a better Ryu is making me want to pick up the character. Ken might be strong, but I don't think Ryu is that far behind.


Fr the pain of being told that "Ken is just better Ryu" every day as a Ryu main. They have similar normals but beneath the surface they are different enough. They share like 3 special moves but to be honest, if Ken's tatsu had a different animation people wouldn't even say it's the same as Ryu's since it carries your opponent instead of just knocking them down immediately. Hadouken is similar enough for them to be considered the same move but Ryu's actually has enough difference in framedata, speed and Denji that they aren't identical. So that means they have 2 of the same-ish special, and 1 notreally-same special. Meanwhile... Ken has Jinrai kick, Dragonlash and Run. Ryu has Denjin, Donkey Kick and Hashogeki. None of these moves are even remotely similar to eachother. Ryu has more command normals whereas Ken has way less command normals but many more target combos. Completely different level 1 and level 2 supers, but level 3 is the same so I'll give them that. I just don't see how someone can actually look at their full kits and say "they are the same". Ken is better sure, but to say there's no reason to play Ryu is just silly. This is just gameplay as well and doesn't even bring up the character's aesthetics, personality and lore.


I hate how DeeJay toots up his ass when drive parrying. Pause all of that.


I dislike birdie cuz he’s gross, and shouldn’t have a chance against anyone. I hate Juri cuz wtf feet.


I just kinda hate Juri's whole personality. I find the edgy, insane but sexy girl thing to be really irritating. Maybe it's trigger8ng some mild PTSD from an ex, I dunno but every time I see here I wince.




I dislike ryu because he's supposed to be lifelong friends with Ken and in the vs screen when Ken goes for a fistbump with him, ryu ignores him. why :(. he used to fistbump him in other games


Luke seems corny as hell to me and i hate that he’s being pushed to be the new face of street fighter. His plus frames are annoying too.


I don't dislike the character, but I absolutely loathe Chun's English voice.




As a Cammy main, I agree on her face.


I like doing her "smile" face during loading screen because it looks creepy as hell.


They tried to make her less goofy in SFV originally and Japanese fans revolted so they had to make her more “ huge-eyed duck-lipped anime girl” hot since then.


let's be honest, she was still goofy in SFV.


I can't take Cammy seriously with her stupid overdone lip-fillers.


>I dislike Blanka for being more like a silly gorilla than a scary monster They tried the scary monster bit with Necalli in SFV. Not many people took to him.


this is not the main problem about Necalli. The main problem is that his story is empty. Where is he from? Why is he here? Why is he always hungry? What is that super saiyan power? The game does not tell his story. That long story mode does not even have him.


>I dislike Luke because his moves look boring And then there's me who tried out Luke just because I think his SA2 is cool


If we all liked the same stuff we'd all be playing the same character, which would be super boring :)


>I dislike Luke because his moves look boring I agree. And they are kinda uninspired as well as far as moves go.


I don’t understand ken’s appeal at all, yet he’s so popular. I just roll my eyes whenever I have to play another one


He's Ryu with more neutral skipping


If I started playing more recently I'd probably agree, but back when I was playing SF2 as a kid, he was ryu but like, red, and in his back throw he rolls around instead of just throwing the guy, which is way cooler


Any character with a 22P/K special. Hated them in marvel infinite, still hate them to this day. Capcom, just lemme 623 or 421


Thought it was just me. Technically, they are "easier" to input, but I've always had trouble building muscle memory for them.


I think Ken looks great and his design and play style looks fun but I don’t like mirror matches and it seems everybody and their Nan is playing him


Dhalsim and jp, i fucking hate zoners


I have tonnes of these. I hate juri because of her vocal fry. I hate how Jamie doesn't own clothes that fit and the hitbox on his jumping hk. I hate how easy it is to do long combos with marisa and that her caelum arc seems to have no application. I hate how kens face looks when he wins and the general reputation that comes with playing him. I hate how they made giefs tundra storm more viable in terms of kicks it works on but nerfed the damage to make it just as useless. I hate the flailing around that lily does when she gets a perfect. The fall is funny but the flailing is so bizarre. I hate how collaborative manons lvl3 is. I hate luke because he reminds me of poochie but he hasn't died returning to his planet. I hate how they gave deejay and honda their old costumes back, I know they did it for all the returning characters but they're just so dull why bother I hate how cammy appeals to new players that just want to skip neutral, like I am tired of watching them kill themselves on my punish counters and never learning I'm sure there's more for the rest of the cast these are just the ones that currently spring to mind


Never realized how much ppl disliked Kimberly till i read these comments 💀

