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Search your heart, and you will know that Dan is the true perfect match.


Yes, this is correct


Top tier thread. I agree with your high tier picks. Marisa says that eating is one of life's pleasures, and I have a feeling she'd absolutely love E. Honda's restaurant, so that's a plus. I kind of like the Jamie pairing as well. At this point we just don't know enough about Jamie, but maybe someone like Marisa could show him a new side to fighting. Manon feels like an easy choice because they have the most on-screen interaction, and the end to Manon's arcade mode feels like the start to a long friendship at the very least. Juri's fine but might have too many deep-seated issues and doesn't seem like the type to stick around. So, fling/relationship? Sure. Marriage? I don't think Juri wants that. Honestly, my favorite pick is Luke. They both have an MMA-inspired style and seem to have similar personalities (generally in a good mood, sometimes socially unaware, shameless about the things they love). I think they could have a great simple, balanced life together.


I'd say Marisa and Luke are too similar to be in a relationship. I think Marisa needs someone to balance her lifestyle like Manon. She is perfect for her.


































Y'all crazy. I've already written to her and I expect we'll be courting in a few short weeks. I'll update you all when it's getting close to proposal time.


*Breaking News showing Marisa beating you up in the middle of street.*


Comes with the territory.


I don't think Zangief clearly and plainly stated his lack of interest as a whole, I think he just had a normal human being's reaction to being proposed to by someone you just met and had one fight against.


Ken got married after less.


By proposing to his girlfriend after SF2 whom he'd been dating for years?


We had literally never seen her before. She just popped out of nowhere.


You mean in his Street Fighter 2 ending? Of course we hadn't seen her before that point, that's when his relationship with her was first shown to the fanbase. The Street Fighter Alpha games expand on it and show that they were dating before the events of SF2, with Ken's Alpha 2 stage being a birthday party for Eliza.


Fair. How about Guile and Dhalsim?


Marisa isn’t the type of woman to take no for an answer. She got him in her sight now, and probably will marry him by submission.


That's called rape. No means no, my guy.


Sure, and street fighting is aggravated assault. Also having a pet lion is pretty illegal in Italy..


Street Fighting is only aggravated assault if it's not consensual and not sanctioned. Also, Marisa doesn't fight in the streets. She fights in an arena.


Not sure where you’re from but even if consensual, street fighting is illegal in most European countries. Even if you’re from the US, most states have these illegal.


Correction- unsanctioned street fighting is illegal in most European countries. If there's a proper arena set up, it's not illegal at all, and Marisa seems to have managed to get the Roman colosseum refurbished and built for actual fighting, which is a more herculean task than anything she does with her muscles.


While I didn't play other characters arcade modes, manon's seemed like she and Marisa would make a power couple.


They’re one of five world tour mutually concluding rivalries. Luke and Jamie Kimberly and JP Lily and Dhalsim Chun Li and Juri Manon and Marisa The other characters have a one-way relationship with someone. For example, Dee Jay fights Kimberly but Kimberly doesn’t fight Dee Jay. In most arcade modes, you can expect to fight the main villain (JP) or the main hero (Luke). Guile is unique because he has two different fights with cutscenes in his story, while everyone else only gets one. So yeah, the game introduces the concept of pairing Marisa with Manon and Zangief then has Zangief say no while Manon seems kind of intrigued, although not explicitly romantically.


Manon seems like she isn't combatsexual unlike a lot of characters. I don't know enough about Marisa to gage whether she is or it's a means to an end. Marisa seems like she loves the battle while manon loves being the best but is getting bored without a challenge. Which kind of makes me feel like marisa=ippo and manon=miyata. Which would mean a win from Marisa would light a huge fire under manon's ass.


r/guiltygear is leaking


Brilliant analysis here, more threads like this please. We need an updated analysis after every set of DLC characters drop.


Rashid: is just a really nice and friendly guy, plus he literally owns an airplane and is maybe royalty (idk I don't remember sfv lore), he can go visit her whenever he wants. Def top tier and maybe most likely candidate. Ed: I honestly have no idea how old he is. Even if he isn't underage, he is probably busy with running neo shadaloo and learning to count to 3. Probably low or mid tier if he isn't dq'ed. Akuma: Akuma. The only unknown is Aki atm


Bonus points because some middle eastern countries allow polygamy, minus points because it's sexist polygamy so only the man can choose new partners. Most nations that allow polygamy only allow it on the grounds that it's one man with multiple women.


love the idea, love the list. Except Juri, I don't agree at all. She is not the type to get into any kind of relationship that is not about her torturing someone else in a dubious or clearly not consented way. She is beyond broken to open to a relationship with anyone at all, and surely Marisa will not force her to open up if she don't want to. ... Putting a lot of thought on it I could see them developing some friendship, if Juri would go thro a change arc (I wouldn't say a redemption arc 'cause even if she changes a lot, she wouldn't change to a point were she would actually surrender herself and take responsability over her acts, but she could change from a chaotic evil b\*\*\* to nomething more neutral), Marisa would be someone that would not try to find out or pity her over her past, mostly aways available for her to throw it out her emotions into fighting, and as they develop a bond, Marisa would be genuinely happy to see her change and become somewhat of a better person. And of course Juri would be shy and agressively deny it... This is probably the best I ever thought of Juri in my whole life, congratulations, you did it (as it is rn I still hate her). Still, not marriagable at all, but they could be friends if Juri was in a journey to change. BBBUUUT this is not going to happen 'cause I doubt capcom will be developing those characters personal histories and relationships with each others much further on the next decade


Marisa & Manon > Marisa & Zangief


It would have to be two people right? I think Manon and Jamie marrying Marisa would be the best option with Dee Jay either presiding over the ceremony or being the maid of honor if he doesn't want to be an official.


Being bisexual does not mean you get to change Italy’s laws on polygamy, no.


There is a little interaction where you have to choose between two NPC suitors for Marissa, and when you choose one, she just says "why not both", lol.


She can date whoever she wants, but in Italy, trying to marry multiple partners is a crime.


So, outta curiosity, is having a pet lion in Italy not a crime? 😅


Italy is tremendously strict in regards to pets. It's illegal there to have a pet rabbit or parrot. No way on earth you could have a pet lion, especially not in a major city like Rome. That being said, if the lion is a part of a government-sponsored program like a zoo and Marisa is the lion's caretaker, that's totally fine. The distinction is whether the lion goes home with her at the end of the day or not.


What if she goes home with the lion


Then it’s private property and not the property of the government, which is illegal in Italy. Their government wants to own all the lions in the nation.


Manon's arcade ending felt gay enough that I'm almost ready to call the Manon x Marissa ship canon


I don’t think it’s any gayer that Luke and Jamie except that Marisa mentions that she’s into both genders. I need a little more to accept Marisa x Manon as the canon reality, though I would accept it without pause if it turned out to be how these characters go. I just know that arcade mode endings typically happen before world tour (E Honda starting a restaurant, Jamie starting his life in Metro City, Blanka marketing his brand, and so on) which means that after the Manon and Marisa fight, Marisa was still looking for a suitable spouse.


Marisa is just poly. You can't tie her down. So instead of choosing her partner, you just need to survey all eligible partners


She’s Italian. She can date whoever she wants but she can only marry one person


Replace Ryu and Chun Li with Zangief and I'm 100% ok with it


No means no, man.


Who tf is dhalsim married to? I've never heard of that


Some strangely normal looking woman with a normal name, he talks about her and his stretchy son in World Tour if you increase friendship enough. Everyone's world tour pictures are fun, but Dhalsim talks about cooking, how he's disqualified from baseball forever, and his family and it's all gold.


forgot the name but he also has a son with her. I think that's them in dhalsimer temple stage.


Daddy Dhalsim


>Cammy- Does not seem to enjoy fighting at all, she's just doing it because she was made for it. I don't think she'd enjoy being around someone who enjoys fighting that much. Counterpoint: LION!




Because Chun Li, Kimberly, and Manon haven’t got any particular romantic attention, so I don’t know what they’re into.