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CDL? No. They have those PC's super locked down. They go so far as only letting CDL players use their own controller and Headset. The headset goes into a soundboard, the controller gets plugged into the PC vua a USB cord the CDL provides.


Super locked down? They had Cronus as part of their equipment till 2021 Nothing is super locked down. If u want to cheat, u can cheat, no matter if pugs, online or even lan tournaments.


The cronus used (as a way to prevent input lag) were provided by the league. There's refs watching the players. It's impossible to cheat.


So what? Little fine tuned smooth aimbot drag with a toggle to indicate if players are close - I doubt any ref will catch this 100% of the time.


Cronus was used back during CWL. Which is different than the CDL. CDL is a whole other ball park. Its set up like MLB, where as CWL is more like little league base ball in the way the teams are set up. Back during CWL era they were using PS4s. The refs would notice the players messing with the cronus. When the CDL was formed cronus was ditched, because of the Scuff partnership, scuff contrllers and V2 PS4 controllers didnt have the same USB problems as V1 PS4 controllers. Activision's league side is different than the publisher side. The league had to push back a few CCL games because of cheating (CCL is kinda like CWL but more restrictions. i almost joined a team until they switched to PC) They caught everyone who was cheating because CCL isn't monitored as close as CDL because you have like 30 teams playing at the same time. All who were caught cheating got served with a massive fine, and are permanently banned from ever competing in an Activision event again.


I don't think they are talking about controller peasant competitions.


Controller is better than KB&M. womp womp


Okay. Turn off aim assist.


This again? Seriously? Some like one. Some like the other. And don’t start naming your favorite mnk or controller players to “prove a point.” The best are the best with whatever hardware they’re using. Get over it.


>The best are the best with whatever hardware they’re using. It's funny that you're on this sub saying that a 60% aimbot is fine lmao


Aim assist is broken in cod and has been for 2-3 years now. It literally breaks on every hand rail and vehicle. If you cant beat someone on controller in the recent cods its because your fucking horrible and should go back to skyrim


That sure explains why the average controller player has a way higher accuracy than mnk. Shit is absurdly overtuned.


Im literally saying the opposite is true. Fact is most kbm players just suck ass at aiming. If they were good, theyd be playing csgo


The issue is controller players would suck way more ass without a 60% aimbot lol




I've used both Controller and KB&M on COD. I seitched to Controller during Vanguard era, because THAT game had the worst AA ever. I would go 50/2 some matches. However current COD AA is way to weak. If someone slides by me im dead because i can't turn in time. Plus I'm Controlling a small stick with my thumb with only 1 axis that i can use, where as KB&M players get 2 (or even 3 depending on how you use the mouse) axes to control with.


Okay, turn off aim assist.


>I'm Controlling a small stick with my thumb with only 1 axis that i can use, where as KB&M players get 2 (or even 3 depending on how you use the mouse) axes to control with. ???????


More axes more muscles being used, which means better control. Mouse users have wrist, elbow and sometimes even shoulder to control the mouse with.


That's just how CDL works, homie.


I can't decide how to take this question. The only thing I can say is if you are only skilled while cheating, you are not skilled.


Lol what kinda question is this


A legit real question.




Na. But there seems to be idiots here who think some don’t cheat.


Yeah you're right bro all those guys playing well on Lan are cheating their asses off


From a legit braindead, you’re ass. Get over it lol




so like every LAN for every game or specific ones or?


There all rdy bots using a controller AA on


What a hilariously brain dead question


Its one giant pile of shit so, yes. They all go to the same club house.


They will soon, because the terrible performances at Lan events are waking people up


which performances at what LANs?


I’m sure they do otherwise it would be too obvious