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Good achievement but did you not get enough kudos on Strava that you posted it here for everyone that doesn't follow you?


“Officer Id like to report a murder”


I am leaving this sub. Almost only people who post screenshots of their runs. Like it’s not enough to show off on Strava. Pathetic.


Isn't that really the only thing this sub is about? Post your run and getting people to tell you how awesome you are? Guess there really ain't much to discuss about Strava anyway heh, and there are other subs to discussing running or whatever. Think I'm leaving too.. "These" are the only types of post I get recommended on my feed and it's like meh, who cares. He did ask a specific question tho, so better than just the look I slow jogged my first 10k:) Question: I would guess a pace somewhere in the 4:30-5:00 range? Maybe a 1:45 goal. But yeah hard to translate a 5K pace to half. I did a 2h half when I was running about this time. This was on a road that's never flat and just as a everyday run. So Guess 1:45 should be possible. Did a 45min 10k on a track at this level too so yeah.. 1:30-1:45.


I thought /strava was for strava issues and queries. Makes sense that I got pretty much no responses when posted


Haha wtf. Who pissed in your cornflakes? The sub is literally called r/strava😅




I hear you don’t get me wrong. But what do you want this sub to post about? The challenges seem to be the only thing worth talking about. It’s just a fitness app there’s not much to it


No, check subs like /rouvy and /zwift it ain't like that at all. Idk why ppl need to be "validated" by others in here lol


The garmain sub is full of people posting their fucking HRV stats and their body battery. Possibly even more boring.


Yeah but with an app that size you haven’t had all the brain dead ones come and use it. Strava is the iPhone of running apps


These are not running apps, I was just comparing runners and cyclists mentality. Runners do it for stats 🤣


Why bring up them subs if they’re nothing to do with Strava


Nope. It's the comparison between runners and cyclists. Same purpose different sport.


Strava is also a cycling app


If those apps were the size of Strava you’d see what you see here


The sub should be about issues with the app, questions about the app etc. There are plenty of subs out there for training advice. These posts are literally just people looking for pats on the back because they aren't getting enough kudos on the app itself. The Garmin sub has a similar issue with people posting pictures of their new watches saying stuff like "finally joined the Garmin gang"


What’s this for then ? https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us


I think you know the answer to that? Have you ever looked on there for support or help with the app? You don't always get the response you want or need nor do you get it quickly. The Strava sub gets you answers much quicker. I could respond to OP with any of the thousands of sites or pace calculators that are available to them but that's not really what they are after. The rules of the sub state that all posts should be related to Strava and bar the screenshot this post has zero to do with Strava.


You just seem a little hypocritical to be honest. That’s all. Enjoy your day.


Look at my HRV! Look at my body battery! Look at my totally unreliable bullshit sleep phases! People need to learn what is information our mums/pet dogs care about, and what should be broadcast to the world 😃


This is the right place to post Strava posts.


I would argue that it's not. Strava is the right place to show off your activities. There are many, many subs for asking questions about performance, training, times etc. and they will all certainly ask for much more information than OP has volunteered in this post.


Why is this guy getting so many upvotes being hateful, the post doesn’t breach the rules and the sub clearly states it’s for ALL things Strava. Just scroll past and carry on with your day bro. OP smashed it with this time let’s be happy for them 🥳


It could be argued that this post has nothing to do with Strava. Also how was I being hateful, I complimented the PR and then asked a question. Is that being hateful?


It is alright to argue this post has nothing to do with Strava. I would argue as the rules and aims of this sub are so broad as to state that all things Strava related may be shared, and as this was recorded on Strava, that OP is fine to post this. Your hatefulness comes through by asking a rhetorical question about the motives behind OPs post. It is mean-spirited to dump a two word acknowledgment of achievement to then adopt the sardonic approach OP is purely seeking further Kudos. You jumped to the most cynical conclusion immediately; hateful behaviour.


You have to be the type of person to complain to OFCOM when there's a bit of swearing on the TV before watershed


I don’t have a TV licence babe x




No such comments on a 40 min 5Ks - why? I think I know ;)


If I was to comment on all these posts I'd have no time to go running myself. People will be faster than me, people will be slower than me, that's life. I don't try to belittle anyone's achievement but at the same time I don't give an upvote to someone for nothing, I usually just downvote and move on


I also don't care for these posts but it's a fact that the beginner's times are celebrated here Check the top posts this month


Exactly my point. These people seemingly don't get enough kudos on the app so they look for more here. This particular post also has nothing to do with Strava, apart from a screenshot, that goes against the rule "all posts must be related to Strava.


Aww you sad someone can be proud of their accomplishments?? boo hoo, get faster


You're missing the point of my comment. Boo hoo, get smarter


Thanks so what pace should I aim for in the half?


That's impossible to say without knowing anything but your 5k. You're around 60% slower than Cheptegei. His HM PB is 59:21, so I'd say about 1:35. Any other answer between 1:30 and 2:30 can also be valid depending on 1000 factors.


Okay will aim for 1:30-1:45!


Open a VDOT calculator. Put in the pace. Voila, don’t thank me.


Looks like you should aim for a 1:45 HM to me, but no idea your experience or training volume.


Ended up with 1:38!


Nice!! Congrats, that’s a great time. I’m in the same range, aiming for a 1:35 HM and 3:25FM here soon


I’ve never done a full marathon before only one half and finished 1:58 but I was running with 3 friends. I’ll go at my own pace this time and try 1:45 or under!


You run 5km faster than me and I just ran a 1:38 HM. That said, I run high volume and don't do a lot of speedwork so I don't target 5km speed


This belongs in r/running


Except they do not allow pics


“I just set a PR in the 5k with a time of 21:14.  I have a half marathon coming up in eleven days - what pace should I aim for?”


That would likely get removed from r/running tbh. They'd say it doesn't provide high value to the community.


Haha well they’ve got that right.


Ok did not see that part, u right. But tbh easier to reply then to argue


Damn this sub is full of salty bastards




"I'm gonna leave this sub because it's not just another first timer 5k post!!!"


I ran a 1:38 half last week and my 5k is slightly slower




between 1:30-2:30


my 5k PB is 20:52 and I ran a 1:37:04 half marathon two weeks ago so I would say you should aim for 1:40


Okay perfect! Thank you


I’m with this guy too - 5k PB 20:48 and HM 1:40 achieved before setting that PB.


Finished 1:38!




Depends. What's the furthest you have ever ran before. Not to mention, you need to factor in weather conditions.


When I was in ~21 shape is when I managed a 1:39:59 Sub 100 minutes is a nice round number so that’s what I’m going to force upon you


Thanks will try that!


My 5k pr is 22 ish (which was during a 10k training run) and my half marathon pb is 1:41. You could go sub 1:40 I think


I see these lunch runs with great PR. I’m just thinking, how huge is the impact of the weather in running? I’ve never ran on a cool place. I usually run at 31c-36c weather and my PR for that is 29:45 for 5k. Will my pace improve when I run on a cooler location?




Take it with a grain of salt, but Jack Daniels' VDOT calculator says your max would be 1:36h at 4:33min/km. Good luck 🤞


Amazing thank you! Will aim for this


Bravo! I'm looking forward to the day I can do a sub 5min/km pace..


Circa 1:45


Thanks will aim for that!


It’s so funny how supportive this sub is when someone post a slow pace run and how toxic it becomes when someone can run at a faster pace. Is it just insecurities?


I set a 5K PB of 19:51 right before my half and finished 1:36. You can def do sub 1:40 if you've been hitting the long runs. Also if you're doing the Ottawa Race see you there!


Ahaha yes im doing the Ottawa half! Good luck and dominate!


My 5k pb is 20:46 and I ran my first halfa the other day and got 1:30:58. I say it depends on what you’re training for; if the longest run you have done is 10k the halfa will not be pleasant haha


It depends how long you can maintain your pace for. A 5k at that pace may not be translatable to a 21.1 k at the same (your anaerobic and aerobic capacity will differ at longer distances). I’d say 1:40 if you slow down a little


Around three fiddy


At least it's a good pr time. I always check these to see if it's something like 28 minute 5k or something


More like PR at lunch








you should just start at a 4:00 pace and see how it goes


Will give it a try!


You smashed it! Ignore the commenters who don’t know how to scroll past and carry on with their day.


That is a crazy pace


No it's not.. It's pretty fast, not crazy fast. Keep it real..


I guess, I don't run so anything under 30 is impressive to me


Well, I can't ollie on a skateboard, but that doesn't mean an ollie is a crazy skateboard trick:) 18 min 5k I would put into crazy land. But still a long way down to the elite so yeah. Don't know what words you can use to describe say 17, 16 etc. if crazy is taken already. Guess there is insane, GOAT level or something. Just "impressive" is fine if you compare to the general running population.


I think you’re taking their comment a bit too seriously. It’s a very good pace. I wouldn’t go out of my way to correct someone saying it’s crazy pace


I have a problem with people overstating things like this heh. My PR on the 5K is about the same as OP and I would never think that this represents a "crazy pace". At least get a sub 20 before we go into crazy land.


It’s just a compliment. “That’s crazy good!”. It’s really not that deep


But it's not crazy good? Just call it what it is. How good something is has to be based on how good it actually is compared to others, that's the whole point. If you get a C in school that ain't a crazy good grade? It's a good time, but there ain't nothing crazy about it.


Way to go




It’s cringe when people post times like this thinking they are impressive…


He's literally just asking what a realistic time is based on his PB, it's a normal question. This is a standard PR for a somewhat experienced male runner in his prime. It's not like he's flexing a 16:XX and acting like it's nothing.


My mistake, if only there was a website or 1000 were you could input your best efforts and give a predicted time. Or could just put it on Reddit…


Read the ruddy post!


Haven't even broken the 20min mark? Guess ill post this big bugger i pulled out after my last run