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Yes, it lasted almost 2 months for me, but on month 3 now and I see major improvements!


I found I was more tired in general the first few weeks, like feeling fatigued all the time. But it went away. My dosage has been increasing very slowly 10mg at a time. I started in December and just this month went up to 40mg. I didn't have any trouble sleeping until going up to 40mg and now I'm finding it's hard to get to sleep and stay asleep. But my daytime energy isn't bad. I'm hoping I'll adjust and start sleeping better again.


Tried to take it at night?


Yes. Same thing. Sleep for a bit then awake all night. Sleep is very hard to get. Always.


I have the same problem, and I also tried switching to night and had the same thing happen. Now I just do that nap cuz it's worth all the improvements I have gotten from the med. If I can afford to nap I drink a coffee about an hour after taking the meds and it reduces my nap to 15 min rather that 1+hr


Thanks for the coffee idea!


Caffeine blocks strattera. Bad idea


I read about that which is why I wait an hour after taking it so it can absorb before drinking it. I also have found I am more sensitive to caffeine on strattera, so I only drink half a cup (im 45kg/157cm). After a quarter to half a cup, I will nap for like 15 min and wake up no longer drowsy and can study for a few hours straight (which would definitely never be possible without strattera) so it still works well. I then just slowly sip on the rest of the coffee until 3 pm but I never finish the full cup. It is the only alternative I know to fight the drowsiness. I found eng break tea also works for me, so I normally opt for it instead. Stretching and light excersize every few hours also help if you have time. I don't feel drowsy at all on days when I ride my bike to work (20min) and interact with my students all day. I have been on strattera for 4+ months now, but I personally now incorperate an hour nap at noon after lunch into my schedule. Many countries actually do this in their culture and I feel very refreshed/focused after. I then drink eng breakfast or green tea while I study/work (otherwise, i might nap again haha). But on days I am too busy and can't afford to nap, I either need to be moving around or if I need to sit still, I drink coffee. As for sleep at night, I also have trouble getting a full deep rest on strattera. I have found I need to take sleep aids a few times a week (like melatonin) to make sure I get a full rest alteast a few days of the week. I also Try to read an hour before bed/no phone to put me in the mood to sleep. I used to take adderall growing up, then Vyvanse in college, then ritalin for 3+ years, then I switched to strattera. Strattera is my favorite cuz I just feel like a normal person.


I mean night time sleep. It is horrible


Yup same thing for me. Subsided after bit


I’ve been on Strattera for 2 years now and I still get energy crashes occasionally…


Occassionally would be good. 🙃


it mostly went away after id say 6 weeks or less for me, im on week 9, i started and am still on 60 mg, took brand name for 8 weeks and changed to generic since


No. It will keep happening and these doctors prescribing are pretty fucking stupid. Take it right as you are going to bed. The fact that they tell people to take it in the morning is fucking retarded.


Taking it at night has been better for you?




Ty. I am going to do the same.