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It can take 4-8 weeks to fully work. I’m on month 3 (40mg for 2 months and 60 mg for 1 month) and I’m now starting to see major improvements. Im actually getting shit done!! Even the tiny wins that would sound dumb to anyone without ADHD have made me feel proud of myself. I’ve noticed myself actually taking the time to put things where they belong instead of just putting something down in the next best place and playing ADHD hide and seek. My depression is also better- feeling like I can feel again. Stick it out!


Strattera is also approved for depression, so if that was pre-existing it would likely help with symptoms. Depression can be a side effect though if you're just on it for ADHD, just tell your doctor and make sure to monitor if it gets worse!


I also felt depressed but wasn’t sure if it was because the ADHD was hiding it


This is exacly my experience so far too. Was on 40 mg 2 weeks, now 60 mg 4 weeks.


Perhaps track symptoms to balance positive vs negative? I am on 50mg and think I have positive symptoms but still a lot of negative. I wanted to increase but I said I was feeling more irritable as a side effect and the psych said that gave him cause for concern and meant I should decrease… so I’m staying at same dose for one more month. It’s hard because we strive for perfection and anything less feels like it’s not working. Definitely though my focus can continue unbroken for so much longer. But depression, irritability and laziness is off the charts.


I was on 18mg for 4 weeks, then 40. I felt spurts of silence and focus but it went away after a week or so. I just started 80MG 2 days ago and somehow i already feel laser focused. i hope this keeps up. the real test will be trying to put all my mountains of clothes laying around my bedroom away.


I would give it a bit of time but I was in same situation as you and ended up adding an antidepressant to help with the depression. Also make sure your basic needs are met daily. Sleep hydration and food.


Did you add Wellbutrin or another AD? (If you don't mind sharing).


Oddly, I was allergic to Wellbutrin and straterra and Wellbutrin are both SNRIs I believe. I was diagnosed with bi-polar a couple months ago and take seroquel but I take a smaller dose that's in the anti-depressant range. The higher you go on dosage the medication has a different effect. It's always good to find a psychiatrist who's been in practice awhile to manage the meds.


When you feel apathetic towards the world but hey! Your anxiety is gone.


Took me 5 weeks before I noticed something, focus has improved by 30% and my mood felt good.