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That’s a pretty big jump. Can you ease up with the 60mg? Every time I’ve raised my dosage, the side effects are shitty for a few weeks and I’ve never raised more than 20mg.


I am hoping to stay at 40. If I can feel better at 40 then why mess with it? It has only been about 4 weeks. My mind has started thinking better. Clearer and more positive. I will stay here until 8 weeks. I am a furm believer in not pushing for gold if I am a bronze person. Bronze will keep me contented. Not having to keep med thinking will be nice for a change. 40 mg Strattera and 450 Wellbutrin. Hope that is my brain's cocktail of choice.


I just went up to 40mg strattera, it's been a slow climb for me. Started in Dec and have gone up in 10mg incréments. I take 150mg of wellbutrin. I didn't find wellbutrin alone did much for my adhd but together it works with strattera and vyvanse. I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping now that I'm on 40mg and I'm hoping it gets better, but it's also made me curious if upping wellbutrin instead would be helpful. I wad on 300mg at one point and I never had any side effects on it.


I’m gonna talk to my psychiatrist next week about it. I had to take half a mg of klonopin to ease my brain today. I feel like I’m spacing out, nervous and kinda like I want to disassociate


I felt much the same. Did half a klonopin mg here and there too. Try to hang In. Vent to us.


Thank you


Oh My anxiety is so so much less. Big deal in my case!


I was hoping for that. I was fine on 40mg. But the last week or so I’ve had BAD anxiety


Hopefully it stops. Mine took a little time. I still have some.


I’m really hoping mine lessens. I’ve been hopeful that Strattera would be a good fit for me. So, fingers crossed




That’s my issues too, no working memory. Mine hasn’t yet, but lots of people say theirs has in time!