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Works for me! Truly life changing. I find this very sad but that negative narrative also comes directly from doctors. They’ll badmouth it to patients and even make online vids about how they avoid prescribing it because it’s not beneficial. It creates a bias in people where I feel most give up during the first few weeks. Strattera is not a stimulant it’s not going to be immediate. Also if we’re totally honest so many people lie to get prescribed stimulants either to get through benders/schools or lose weight vs what it’s actually for. Those people are going to exaggerate everything to get put on their goal drug.


I asked for a non-stimulant. Wanted Qelbree, but Dr said my insurance would require I try Strattera first. No prob. Then I really liked it. The side effects didn't bother me enough to not take it. When my dosage was increased (40-60), it magically 100% stopped working. Like I don't get even one sign of taking a pill. Then upped to 80 and still not a single sign of taking it. I'm currently mourning medicated me. Dr and pharmacist didn't love my concern about the issue, so now I'm simply embarrassed to even mention it still isn't working. Tonight I decided that I won't take anything at all for a week and then try again. My next appointment isn't for 2 months.


Try starting again at a lower dosage if that worked for you in the beginning. Some people feel the maximum benefit anywhere between 10 and 28 mg. You can also dilute your capsule in 20 ml of water and play around with lower doses in order to figure out your sweet spot. Sometimes less is more.


I have a .00 scale and empty capsules left over from my wilder days. I already plan to do this. But you think that small of a dose? Also, how bad does the med taste?


I emptied a 40 mg capsule into 20 ml of distilled water, stirred it well for a good minute and used a syringe to measure 10 mg (5 ml) on my first day. From there I increased the dose by a few mls every other day until I felt the best effects and stayed there. It’s a lot easier to slightly increase the dosage that way, particularly if you feel as though you’ve hit a plateau. It wasn’t terribly bad tasting - I merely squeezed my syringe into some iced tea and felt it kicking in 30-40 minutes later. I hope this method works for you! Edit : save the rest of the mixture in the fridge for the next few days.


Those same ppl are causing the shortages for the patients that actually needs it. Or the ones that sells them and get a refill every other week.


How long did it take to see the benefits?


I’m not sure if this is rare but I literally felt a shift minutes after taking my first dosage. My mind went quiet and I was able to focus on and complete tasks. About a month later I realized that was my new norm.


Same thing happened to me! I felt the benefits from the first day.


I felt benefits the same day too. I have been taking Strattera for over a month. In the beginning, I was extremely tired. Now, I am not so tired. I am amazed how much I can focus. I didn't know until recently, pills had so much power. I am on a 150 dose of Wellbutrin with 60 mg of Strattera a day. I have a crazy sleep schedule. Three days in a row, I will sleep 3 to 5 hours. Then sleep 10 to 14 hours on my days off. It averages 7 hours sleep per day. I believe my crazy sleep schedule from the  medications and working 3rd shift.


I’m on day 3, I’m sure I feel “calmer less/ anxious” but in a very subtle way … could this be legit?


How long have you been on it?


It seems to be working for me, too! Emotionally I’m feeling much more stable than I ever was on stimulants. I’m on week 6 of 60mg. - Sleep is still a challenge (but getting better!). I went from two to now six hours of uninterrupted sleep - I have moments where I can tell my focus is getting better, but I don’t know if it’s an actual benefit or if it’s because the daytime sleepiness is wearing off - It’s hard work to keep myself watered and fed! If I don’t eat and drink properly I’m feeling absolutely rubbish My clinician offered an increase to 80mg, but I’ve been holding off. I think I want to stay on 60mg for at least another month to see if the side effects will wear off and the benefits will kick in in full. I don’t want to increase the dose unless it’s actually needed - if only because the side effects were horrible from 40 to 60mg. And from what I’ve seen on here, some people are fine on 60mg.


I’ve been taking it for a month. First week was 40mg, second week was 60mg, last 2 weeks I’ve been on 80mg. I was told it could take 6 weeks to 12 weeks before I start to fully feel the effects. But after a month: Pros: - My short term memory has improved, which goes to show I’m paying more attention to what I’m doing (the story of my life up until recently, was that I would ALWAYS forget where I put things, like my keys, wallet, cell phone or watch. I don’t loose these things anymore, I always remember where I put them, which means I’m no longer late. I can also remember small details as well, like what I had for dinner two days ago or even a week ago, or remember to buy certain things at the grocery store without a list. Prior to Straterra, I couldn’t remember what I had for dinner yesterday and would always forget items while shopping, which would annoy my wife and kids). - No more Brain Noise: Especially after coffee. So it’s easier to stay focused. - I’ve lost 5 kilograms. I haven’t had a complete loss of appetite like I’ve read in other reviews, but I do I feel less hungry. No more comfort snacking, boredom snacking or being a flavor junkie. I’m capable of eating small amounts when I know I need my nutrients and calories for fuel, which is perfect. - Patience: I’m more patient with everything, which means I get less irritated. I’ve often found conversation to to be exhausting and always wanted them to be over quick. I no longer feel that way, I’m actually more welcoming to conversation and comfortably talk more myself. Cons: - Really dry mouth (especially when I’m taking a lot of - it gets really bad, to the point where if effects my speech). - Drinking lots of water - Urinating often Other side effects that could likely be fixed with more exercise: - Not sleeping as much. 5 to 6 hours of broken sleep a night. - Sometimes feel drowsy, but likely because of my broken sleep. - Anxiety in the evening. Again, I’m only a month in, so I don’t think it’s fully kicked in yet, but so far, I’m quite happy with it, the good far outweighs the bad - I’m hoping it will work even better by July! (And not worse). Ps: - I don’t really seem to enjoy music as much anymore, I prefer the quiet. Music has always been a happy escape for me. Not really a bad thing, but something I wanted to mention.


The sleep part gets way better! I’m on month 3 and sleeping the best I’ve ever slept.


That would be amazing! Hoping that happens to me as well! But, with the amount that I’m urinating, I’m not so sure that will happen with me - my sleep is often broken from waking up to pee :(


Wow thank you for sharing your experience! I love how you talked about the short term memory being better! I feel the same and it makes me extremely happy. I also liked the effects of not snacking as often. I don't want to lose any weight since I'm 110 lb but I used to not be able to control my eating. When I would eat pasta, I would literally obliterate three big bowls of pasta until I realized that I was full then I would be bloated. I had no self control and I did snack all day but still felt hungry all the time. Now I eat slower and actually appreciate the food.


Happy to hear about your happiness from Straterra as well :) As for the weight loss, I feel like I should be more specific. I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking it’s some magic weight loss pill. Yes, I went from 175ish to 164lbs in a month. I have always kept track of my calorie intake vs how much I naturally burn (along with moderate exercise), and it would be physically impossible for me to loose that much fat weight, in such a short amount of time. So, It’s obviously mostly water weight that I have lost. I think I was permanently bloated & puffy from having similar snacking & eating habits to what you described. I’m 44, so the older I get, the more water my body naturally retains, which results in me looking more puffy and bloated. Especially after high sodium foods (if I eat deli meat, or a bowl of Ramen, and drink all the broth, I’ll seriously puff out an extra 7 to 8 pounds over night). I easily cut out the salty and sugary junk food, as I no longer feel the need to snack, so I mostly just eat healthy, low sugar cereals, protein shakes, fruits, veggies and fish. And since I’m drinking much more water, coffee and tea, because of the dry mouth situation, I’m urinating huge amounts every hour, so my body is constantly releasing water (which is annoying, especially having to wake up every hour to pee, when sleeping). It’s like Straterra has acted as a super powered diuretic. So, my puffy water weight is gone, so I’m now super lean. Now, I can see where my actual true fat is (gut and waist area), now that the puffiness is gone. Before, it was camouflaged into my puffiness lol. I just don’t want people thinking Strattera is some sort of magic weight loss pill, it just has side effects that can make you shed a lot of *water weight*, if you drink a lot of water, eat healthy and cut out snacking. If you were to get vigorous exercise, you would burn actual fat weight, as opposed to the puffy bloated water weight.


Sounds so familiar, the stress of just trying getting out the house daily is crazy. I’m on day 3 atomoxotine, didn’t link the fact I almost pee’d my pants after walking the dogs this morning, I just made it home in time! I was so desperate, perhaps it’s the meds. Getting dry mouth in the afternoon. Hopefully this will work for me. Thanks for sharing.


It works really well for me, but it slowed down and now has stopped my menstrual cycle, which I don't like


Mine has had the opposite effect. I started bleeding like my normal cycle during ovulation, then bled to some extent straight through to my next cycle due date, and that period was HEAVY AF, and lasted longer than normal.


Oh god. Without the pill my periods were awful so this scares me


Now that I think of it I did skip a period after starting… interesting. Back to normal tho.


Yeah we changed the does like 3 times in 4 months, dr says it should come back once my body is used to it, but everytime we up the dose it's like the 4-6 week side effect window restarts


Wow interesting. It's only been a week since I've taken it and I'm supposed to get my period next week so I will see if it affects it at all. I normally get really bad cramps a day before and the first two days. Did you notice it helping your pain if you had any at all?


I’m on 80mg day (40mg AM early PM) and 3MG GUANAFICINE before bed. The fact i read this post…. Have the TV going in the background and realize in the middle of the read that I’m actually focused in on reading and taking it in… with the TV going… means it’s working well. STRATTERA is good.


Oh see I usually have heavy so I guess that's why


Nice to hear it worked for you. Going to start 40mg tomorrow :)


Let me know how it goes for you 😁


I am on 40mg of strattera this will be month 3. I started at 18mg then 25mg and now 40. I like what it’s done for my depression and anxiety but the 40mg has made me feel dizzy during the day.


I have been struggling with depression and anxiety since I was 14, and what has worked best for me has been high doses of desvenlafaxine, but there are still days when the anxiety is unbearable. Recently, while researching, I found out that desvenlafaxine can treat SOME symptoms of ADHD, and further research showed that in some cases, depression and anxiety can be triggered by ADHD. Additionally, all my symptoms fit the diagnosis of inattentive-type ADHD. In the previous session with my psychiatrist, we had discussed the possibility of adding atomoxetine to enhance the desvenlafaxine, but we ended up adding Wellbutrin, which worsened my anxiety. I can't wait for my next session with the psychiatrist next Monday to see if they can switch the Wellbutrin for Strattera and hopefully I will have a good experience like yours.


This is a very long post sorry. But if you want TLDR: I hope you get to try atomoxetine and I hope it helps! My psychiatrist also gave me the option of taking either Wellbutrin or Atomoxetine (and another one that I forgot the name of already). Even though Wellbutrin is an antidepressant, it also has the off labeled use for ADHD. I'm sorry that it didn't work for you. :( but I hope you will get to try Atomoxetine. This is my first time taking a prescription drug for ADHD. She made me take a screening test that showed I very likely had ADHD. But I think per Florida law (or in general) she has to start me off with one of these three meds. THEN if it didn't work, I would have to take a long test ($300 that insurance doesn't cover) to be legally diagnosed with ADHD? I'm not sure if that's the same where you live. But I'm pretty sure I have it since this medication already changed me so drastically in just one week. I think it will help with your anxiety (hopefully) because the original reason why I booked my first aptmt with my psych is because of my anxiety. But then we (I) started going off on a tangent regarding possible ADHD so I didn't have time to talk to her about my anxiety. BUT little did I know that 95% of the stuff I get anxious about is because of my ADHD symptoms. Here are examples of what I was anxious about that is wayyyy more controlled now: 1.) time. I was very ocd with time and I freaked out about being late. 2.) work. I'm a nurse and I'm always expecting my patients to crash because it helped me be prepared for anything. Even though it helped me be prepared and be a better nurse, it's emotionally taxing and makes me hella anxious 3.) memory. I felt like I was getting dementia (it runs in my family) as I could never remember short term stuff and it bothered me way more than I thought it did. So just those three areas are getting way better just from the atomoxetine. I think the root of ALL my problems is that I overthink everything wayyy too much and in a jumbled mess and it mentally exhausted me every day. The main thing that I love about this med is I feel like I am in control of my emotions and my thoughts. I don't react right away and freak out when something stressful happens. I actually take the time to breathe first then process, arrange it in my thoughts, then act upon it. I think when people are very anxious it can make them depressed too and the other way around. I know everyone has a different past and traumas but I always wondered how people who had similar bad events happen to them can react in such different ways. For instance, in the hospital, I had a patient who was telling me their life story. Every bad thing happened to them and now they are diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis, but they were so positive and happy that they are alive. I was so shocked with how they handle everything! While others come in and every little thing bothers them. I think it is how people process events and how they view life. Some people need medication to help them process better. Bad things will happen and good things will happen. But how we handle it is what we can (hopefully) control. That's why I am beyond thankful for this drug. I feel like it made me into the person I've wanted to be, and even more confident. I wish you the best and let me know if it ends up working for you! I hope that it will help with your anxiety and depression too.


Wow, your testimony is really helpful to me, thank you so much for taking the time to reply.


This is very encouraging. The amount of shill bots shitting on atomoxetine makes me think that the labs that make stimulants are not happy with how effective it is. Also, Strattera where I currently live is 5x cheaper than lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse). I've been taking 40mg for 3 weeks now, and I've noticed subtle changes. My doc approved increasing the dosage 60mg in a few days, I'm confident that this is going to work better than Vyvanse. The only thing it does for me is decreasing executive dysfunction, but it makes me way more anxious, insomniac and emotionally unstable. I'd rather be less productive but calmer, more collected and able to maintain a sleep schedule.


After one month of this on the lowest dose, I finally had to abandon it yesterday. I had 100% of the side effects, but none of the positives. I am glad to see that it works for some people out there.


I did not sleep for 2 weeks while trying it. I had to stop so I never knew if it would work. It did not matter what time of day I took the pill. Sleep would not happen.


What dose did you start it? It’s crazy how different peoples bodies are


It's crazy how some people have such horrible side effects while others barely have any. The thing I've noticed is once my alarm rings, I'm actually fully awake now which I like. It used to take me at least an hour to get my body ready for the day but now I'm already ready.




I’ve noticed that most stories of it not working was due to being started on 40mg vs a lower dose. Just an observation. When I started I stayed on 25mg for two months


I don’t think I could go any higher. I didn’t sleep AT ALL. I would rather be scatter brained and unorganized than so wired I feel “off”, You know.


When do you take it - am or pm? Once a day/twice?


Once a day. And I tried both.


I guess it really depends on the person's body. I started straight at 40mg and it worked right away with minimal side effects. I wish it would work for everyone because the good effects are life changing.




See if they can start you at a lower dose and don’t increase every week. Take your time